カリフォルニア大学デービス校 ポスドク、テクニシャン募集
私のボスのDr. Emanual Maverakis が以下の内容で日本人ポスドク及びテクニシャンを募集しているので紹介させていただきます。
Dr. Maverakisはハーバード大学医学部を首席で卒業した秀才で、現在30代です。研究室はカリフォルニア大学デービス校(UC Davis)の提携施設であるMather Veterans Administration Hospital (Sacramento, CA) 内にあります。自己免疫及び免疫治療の研究が中心です。
カリフォルニアは私が以前住んでいたNIH周辺に比べ、家賃が安く(1000ドル以下で2ベット2バス)、入居の人数制限が甘いため生活費を抑えやすいです。しかしガソリン代はガロンあたり50セント高く、街も広いため、燃費が悪い車は避けた方がいいでしょう。 自転車やバイクに乗っている人も多く見かけられます。
ご興味、ご質問のある方はメールでお問い合わせ下さい。応募をする方はメールにCVとbibliographyを添付して、 emaverakis@yahoo.comまでお送り下さい。今回は急募のため、お早めに応募ください。
The laboratory of Dr. Emanual Maverakis is recruiting one Postdoctoral Fellow to study autoimmune mediated skin diseases and mouse models of autoimmunity. Future lab directions will include the development of novel immunotherapies for the treatment of melanoma and cutaneous T cell lymphoma.
The laboratory is located in Sacramento, California in a beautiful space on the top floor of the Mather Veterans Administration hospital, an official affiliate of the University of California Davis, where Dr. Maverakis is faculty. Below the laboratory is a clinical trials core center with inpatient patient beds funded by the NIH. (Of note, Sacramento California is one of the most affordable cities to live in the United States. It is located very close to San Francisco and Lake Tahoe).
Dr. Maverakis’ research group is currently preparing several studies for publication. Recent manuscripts have appeared in the J Exp Med. J Clin Invest, PNAS, and Nat Rev Immunol.
Dr. Maverakis is a dermatologist with research awards from the Burroughs Welcome Fund, the National Institutes of Health and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. His laboratory is funded through 10/2012.
Salary support is offered at 35,000/year and includes a benefit package. The position also includes assistance from a laboratory technician. Applicants who wish to remain in the laboratory for at least two years will qualify to apply for internal individualized funding, including increased salary support. The postdoctoral scientist may have considerable freedom to develop related research projects according to his/her interests.
The successful applicant will hold a Ph.D., M.D. or equivalent. They will have significant bench research experience, preferably in one of the following areas: immunology, biochemistry, cellular biology, confocal microscopy, or pathology. Applicants with a physics background will also be considered if they are motivated to develop small animal imaging protocols and be trained in cellular immunology. Importantly, all applicants should be comfortable conducting experiments on small animals.
Please send a detailed CV, a statement of research or other accomplishments, and the names of three references electronically to: Dr. Emanual Maverakis via email: emaverakis@yahoo.com.