
Cedars Sinai Medical Center ポスドク 募集

本求人は候補者が決定したため募集を打ち切りました。This advertisement was withdrawn because the position has been filled.


ロサンゼルスのビバリーヒルズにあるCedars Sinai Medical Centerの脳外科、脳神経研究部門に所属する私の友人、Dwain Irvin, Ph.D.がポスドクを募集しております。DwainはUCLA薬理学教室にてPh.D.を取得後、スウェーデンのLund大学Marlin Parmer教授の下でポスドクをした後、現職に2005年より就いております。専門分野は、神経幹細胞、脳腫瘍、免疫療法で、現在非常に注目を集める分野で活躍する若手研究者です。彼が研究室を立ち上げるべく、3名(うち1名はすでに内定)の研究者を募集しております。

Cedars Sinai Medical Centerは、西海岸で大変名声の高い病院で、最近ではスティーブンスピルバーグ記念施設の設立、ジュリアロバーツの双子出産など、様々な話題を提供している施設です。特に脳神経外科は、UCLAの前副部長Keith Black先生を筆頭に、北米でも有数の臨床、研究施設として精力的に活動しており、2007年度のUS TODAYの北米医療施設ランキングでも脳神経系部門15位(西海岸3位)と、大変高い評価を受けています。その中でも、脳腫瘍研究部門は現在施設を広げつつあり、北米をリードする脳外科医・脳科学者を擁し、精力的な臨床研究活動を行なっています。



資格:MD and/or PhD (研究経験を有する脳神経外科医を特に募集しております)

Ichiro Nakano, M.D.,
Clinical Instructor,
Division of Neurosurgery,
Departments of Surgery and Pediatrics,
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
phone: 310-825-2310 (office), 310-794-6600 (lab)
fax: 310-794-2147
pager ID: 95704


The Neurosurgery Department Research laboratory looking to hire Post-doctoral research scientist to participate in brain tumor project. Project examines the communication between the central nervous and immune systems, in the context of brain tumors. Project involves human brain tumor tissue analysis and the use of an experimentally induced rodent model for glioma. Candidate should have experience in quantitative quantitative PCR, ELISA, FACS analysis, rodent surgery (stereotactic) and cell culturing. Individual should be skilled in cellular and molecular based assays. Salary is based on NIH standards and position is available for at least 2 years. Candidate should be motivated, creative and independent. Seeking motivated post-doctoral scientist with at least 2 years research experience. Individual should be skilled in cellular and molecular based assays.

Our lab focuses on identifying the mechanism underlying brain tumors and neurodegeneration for the purpose of identifying novel therapeutics. We are interested in the potential use of gene therapy, stem cells and vaccination therapy. The Neurosurgery Department consists of 9 Neurosurgeons and 6 Research Investigators. The Cedars-Sinai Research Institute has multiple interdisciplinary programs and a fully staffed animal facility under the direction of a licensed Veterinarian.

Cedar-Sinai Medical Center is located at Beverly Hills in Los Angeles – City of Angeles, and is one of the most prestigious hospitals in the States, highlighted by the fact that the US Today ranked our neurosurgery/neurology department as #15 within North America. You can enjoy the sunny and dry weather all year round.

If interested, please send an e-mail to Dr. Morris-Irvin at morrisdk@cshs.org and link to Cedars-Sinai at http://www.csmc.edu/.

Publications-most recent
Irvin DK, Yuan X, Tunici P, Yu JS. Neural Stem Cells – A Promising Potential Therapy for Brain Tumors. 2006 Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy.

Tunici P, Irvin DK, Liu G, Yuan X, Zhaohui Z, Ng H, Yu J. Brain Tumor Stem Cells: New Targets for Clinical Treatments. Neurosurgical Focus 20(4) E27, 2006

Andersson E, Irvin DK, Ahlsiö J Parmar M. Ngn2 and Nurr1 act in synergy to induce midbrain dopaminergic neurons from expanded neural stem and progenitor cells. Experimental Cell Research. December, 2006

Liu G, Yuan X, Zeng Z, Tunici P, Ng H, Abdulkadir IR, Lu L, Irvin DK, Black KL, Yu JS. Analysis of gene expression and chemoresistance of CD133+ cancer stem cells in glioblastoma. Mol Cancer. 2006 Dec 2; 5:67.

Hu J, Yuan X, Ko MK, Yin D, Sacapano MR, Wang X, Konda BM, Espinoza A, Prosolovich K, Ong JM, Irvin DK, Black KL. Calcium-activated potassium channels mediated blood-brain tumor barrier opening in a rat metastatic brain tumor model. Molecular Cancer. 6(1): 22, 2007

*Ghods-Jourabchi A, *Irvin DK, Gentao Liu G, Abdulkadir I, Yuan X, Tunici P, Wachsmann-Hogi S, Konda B, Black K, Yu J, Spheres Isolated from 9L Gliosarcoma Rat Cell Line Possess Chemoresistant and Aggressive Cancer Stem-Like Cells. Stem Cells. July, 2007



University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center ポスドク募集




University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Associate Professor
Koji Tamada, M.D., Ph.D.

1. Tamada, K., Shimozaki, K., Chapoval, A.I., Zhu, G., Sica, G., Flies, D., Boone, T., Hsu, H., Fu, X.Y., Nagata, S., Ni, J. and Chen, L. Modulation of T-cell-mediated immunity in tumor and graft-versus-host disease models through the LIGHT costimulatory pathway. Nature Med. 6. 283-289, 2000.
2. Tamada, K., Tamura, H., Flies, D., Fu, X.Y., Celis, E., Pease, L.R., Blazar, B.R. and Chen, L. Blockade of LIGHT/LTbeta and CD40 signaling induces allospecific T cell anergy, preventing graft-versus-host disease. J. Clin. Invest. 109. 549-557, 2002.
3. Dong, H., Strome, S.E., Salomao, D.R., Tamura, H., Hirano, F., Flies, D.B., Roche, P., Lu, J., Tamada, K., Lennon, V.A., Celis, E. and Chen, L. Tumor-associated B7-H1 promotes T-cell apoptosis: A potential mechanism of immune evasion. Nature Med. 8. 793-800, 2002.
4. Wilcox, R.A., Tamada, K., Flies, D.B., Zhu, G., Chapoval, A.I., Blazar, B.R., Kast, W.M. and Chen, L. Ligation of CD137 receptor prevents and reverses established anergy of CD8+ cytolytic T lymphocytes in vivo. Blood 103. 177-184, 2004.
5. Anand, S., Wang, P., Yoshimura, K., Choi, I-H., Hilliard, A., Chen, Y.H., Wang, C-R., Schulick, R., Flies, A.S., Flies, D.B., Zhu, G., Xu, Y., Pardoll. D.M., Chen, L. and Tamada, K. Essential role of TNF family molecule LIGHT as a cytokine in the pathogenesis of hepatitis. J. Clin. Invest. 116. 1045-1051, 2006.
6. Xu, Y., Flies, A.S., Flies, D.B., Zhu, G., Anand, S., Flies, S.J., Xu, H., Anders, R., Hancock, W.W., Chen, L. and Tamada, K. Selective targeting of the LIGHT-HVEM co-stimulatory system for the treatment of graft-versus-host disease. Blood 109. 4097-4104, 2007.



University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute ポスドク募集

University of Pittsburgh Cancer Instituteポスドク募集

University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute/Department of Cell Biology (Molecular Cellular Oncology Program) のDr. Yong WanのLabでNIHサポートの日本人ポスドクを募集しております。ここではubiquitin/proteasome pathwayを介した細胞周期制御・genotoxic stressに対するシグナル伝達経路およびこれらを介した腫瘍形成制御に関するresearchを細胞levelから動物・臨床検体を用いた研究まで包括的に行っています。

応募者には基本的には博士号を取得され(または取得予定)、分子細胞生物学、生化学、あるいは腫瘍学分野(特にマウス実験)などの技術・背景を有しており熱意のある方が強く望まれます。当LabはUniversity of Pittsburghの所属機関として2002年に開設されたHillman Cancer Centerにあり,全米のcancer centerの中でも有数の施設です。現在Labは米国・アジア出身の5人のポスドクおよび2人の学生からなる多国籍チームで構成されており、皆さん親切です。またこの分野にてTop levelの他の幾つかのLabとも交流が盛んであります。

Pittsburghは米国内都市圏の中でも最も住みやすい町として常に上位にRankされる文化教育levelが高く緑も豊かな街で,家族連れの日本人にとっても大変暮しやすい環境です。興味のある方は,Cover letter,CVおよび3名の推薦者の名前と連絡先を下記宛てにお送り下さい。

Yong Wan Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute & Department of Cell Biology,
Hillman Cancer Center Research Pavilion, 2.6c,
5117 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-1863, USA.
Phone: (412)623-3275
Fax: (412)623-7761
E-mail: yow4@pitt.edu



Emory University Postdoc募集


Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine,
Emory University, Atlanta GA
R. Wayne Alexander Lab

[Researh projects]
1. Determine the role of reactive oxygen species in angiotensin II signaling in vascular smooth muscle cells.
2. Determine the role of oxidative stress in atherosclerosis, diabetes and hypertension using transgenic and knockout mice.
3. Real-time imaging of G-protein couples receptors and its associated proteins in living cells.

As soon as possible and for 2-3 years

Available depending on the experience of research
[Application document]
CV with Publication lists and 3 references information

Experience with animal study with immunohistochemistry or immunofluorescence imaging analysis

Masuko Ushio-Fukai, Ph.D., FAHA
E-mail: mfukai@uic.edu

Posted by Masuko Ushio-Fukai, Ph.D., FAHA (mfukai@uic.edu)


聖マリアンナ医科大学難病治療研究センター 大学院生募集

大学院生 募集


【研究内容】 私たちはこれまで、免疫寛容の分子メカニズム、NK細胞やT細胞分化、NKT細胞の生体内機能に関する研究などを展開してきました。それらの成果をもとに、現在基礎免疫学ならびにその臨床応用に関する研究を行っています。これらにご興味のある方のご応募をお待ちしております。


【問合せ先】〒216-8512 川崎市宮前区菅生2−16−1
      生体機能制御研究部門 部門長 清野 研一郎
      E-mail :seino@marianna-u.ac.jp

投稿者:清野 研一郎(seino@marianna-u.ac.jp)


Boston Biomedical Research Institute Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Technician募集

Job Title: Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Technician
Employer: Boston Biomedical Research Institute
Location: Watertown, Massachusetts, USA

Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Technician positions in Degenerative Disease and Regenerative Biology

A postdoctoral and a research technician positions are available in September, 2007, to study physiological and pharmacological function of hormonal signaling in neurons. The study will focus on determining the mechanism underlying neuroprotection conferred by cytokines in neurodegenerative disease models, such as Huntington’s and Parkinson’s disease models, using cellular systems and mouse models.

The ideal candidate should be highly motivated. Postdoctoral position requires M.D. or Ph.D. in the fields of cell/molecular biology or neurobiology. For the technician position, candidates should have a B.S., and experience with mice is a plus.

Salary will be set according to the Boston Biomedical Research Institute Guideline and a comprehensive benefits package will be provided.

The Boston Biomedical Research Institute is an independent, non-profit research institute in Watertown, Massachusetts, USA. The Institute is dedicated to basic biomedical research to promote the understanding, treatment and prevention of human diseases, and provides state-of-the-art research facilities and a collegial working environment (website at www.bbri.org).

To apply, send a cover letter stating your scientific interests and experience, curriculum vitae, and list of three references to: Moonkyoung Um, Ph.D. (um@bbri.org).

Posted by Moonkyoung Um (Um@bbri.org)


University of Kansas Medical Center Postdoc募集

Multiple Postdoctoral Positions Available

Multiple NIH grant-funded postdoctoral fellowship positions are available in the laboratory of Professor Bao Ting Zhu at the School of Medicine, University of Kansas. Successful candidates will join a dynamic, energetic, and well-funded large laboratory (research group) with a broad interest in elucidating the biochemical and molecular mechanisms of receptor-mediated hormone actions and in deciphering the pathogenic mechanisms underlying a number of important human diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, cardiovascular diseases, and hormone-dependent breast cancer.

Candidates with diverse prior research training and background (such as in biology, medicine, synthetic/analytical chemistry, or others) are welcome to apply, and preference will be given to hard-working, self-motivated individuals who are interested in pursuing an independent academic career in the U.S. or back in Japan in the future. For those interested, please send your application to: BTZhu@kumc.edu.

Posted by Bao Ting Zhu, PH.D. (BTZhu@KUMC.edu)


Wisconsin-Madison大学 ポスドク募集

現在、Wisconsin-Madison大学 Wei Xu labでは、日本人ポスドクを募集しています。
Wisconsin-Madison大学は、アメリカWisconsin州の州都にあります。シカゴから車で西に3時間くらいのところです。信じられないくらい治安がよく、かつては全米一住みやすい町に選ばれています。夜遅くの女の一人歩きも全く平気な町です。大学の保険に入れば、出産の費用も全額保険でまかなえます。大学の運営するアパートは、大きな公園の中にある感じで、子供を遊ばせる事もできます。治安が非常にいいので、家族でいかれる方には、いい場所です。食べ物は、日本系の小さなお店もあり、自炊すれば日本食も食べることができます。中西部のアメリカ人はとても親切で、英語がうまく喋れなくても、困った顔をすれば、親切に理解するまでつきあってくれます。欠点があるとすれば、冬はー30℃になることです。しかし、現地の防寒具があれば大丈夫です。又、湿度が低いので、その寒さでもズボンはジーパンでいけます。Wei Xu labのあるMcArdle(department名)には、現在2人の日本人がおり、生活のセットアップを助けてくれます。この大学は、基本的に日本人が少ないですが、大学全体で生物系の人が約30人いて、とても仲良くしていまぁ�后
このラボのボスは、Wei Xuという中国人女性です。彼女は、ソーク研究所のロン ヱヴァンスラボから独立しました。専門は、cell biology, 生化学です。現在は、今はやりのepigeneticsをしており、その中のCARM1という分子に注目して研究を進めています。CARM1は、histone H3R17 メチルトランスフェラーゼです。このCARM1は、nuclear hormone receptorのsecondary co-activatorとして働く事が分かっています。現在、CARM1のconditional knock out mouseの作成、CARM1によってメチル化される蛋白のメチル化部位の同定など様々なprojectが進行中です。私も、アメリカの仕事を日本で継続しています。ラボメンバーは、2人のアメリカ人大学院生と学部生2人からなっています。みんなとても親切です。
もし、このラボをご希望の方は、私かWei Xuに直接連絡を取って下さい。実際に話した方が安心すると思います。

Powell, E., Kuhn, P., and Xu, W. Nuclear Receptor Cofactors in PPARg-mediated Adipogenesis and Adipocyte Energy Metabolism. Invited Review, PPAR Res., Vol. 2007, Article 53843, 11 pages, 2007.
Yao, T., Song, L., Xu, W., DeMartino, G. N., Florens, L., Swanson, S. K., Washburn, M. P., Conaway, R. C., Conaway, J. W., and Cohen, R. E. Proteasome Recruitment and Activation of the Uch37 Deubiquitinating Enzyme by Adrm1. Nat. Cell Biol., 8: 994-1002, 2006.
Xu, W. Nuclear Receptor Coactivators: the Key to Unlock Chromatin. Biochem. Cell Biol., 83: 418-428, 2005.
Xu, W., Cho, H., Kadam, S., Banayo, E. M., Anderson, S., Yates III, J. R., Emerson, B. M., and Evans, R. M. A Methylation-Mediator Complex in Hormone Signaling. Genes Dev., 18: 144-156, 2004.
Louie, M. C., Yang, H. Q., Ma, A.-H., Xu, W., Zou, J. X., Kung, H.-J., and Chen, H.-W. Androgen-induced Recruitment of RNA Polymerase II to a Nuclear Receptor-p160 Coactivator Complex. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., U.S.A., 100(5): 2226-2230, 2003.
Xu, W., Cho, H., and Evans, R. M. Acetylation and Methylation in Nuclear Receptor Gene Activation. Methods Enzymol., 364: 205-223, 2003.
Demarest, S. J., Martinez-Yamout, M., Chung, J., Chen, H., Xu, W., Dyson, H. J., Evans, R. M., and Wright, P. E. Mutual Synergistic Folding in Recruitment of CBP/p300 by p160 Nuclear Receptor Coactivators. Nature, 415: 549-553, 2002.
Xu, W., Chen, H., Du, K., Asahara, H., Tini, M., Emerson, B. M., Montminy, M., and Evans, R. M. A Transcriptional Switch Mediated by Co-Factor Methylation. Science, 294: 2507-2511, 2001.


東元 健 higashim@cc.saga-u.ac.jp
Wei Xu wxu@oncology.wisc.edu
University of Wisconsin-Madison
McArdle laboratory, Wei Xu lab

投稿者:東元 健(higashim@cc.saga-u.ac.jp)


University of Pittsburgh Cancer Instituteポスドク募集

University of Pittsburgh Cancer Instituteポスドク募集

University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute/Department of PathologyのDr. Shi-Yuan ChengのラボでNIHサポートのポスドクポジションを用意しています。リサーチのテーマは細胞運動性亢進におけるsmall GTPases (Rac1 and Cdc42) の制御機構で,プロジェクトとしてはヒト腫瘍細胞の運動/浸潤およびそれに伴う血管新生の分子機構に注目しています。具体的にはin vitroおよびin vivoモデル,ヒト腫瘍組織を用いて,細胞運動/浸潤に関わるRac1 と Cdc42,およびその調節因子guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEF)の機能を制御しているEGFRやVEGFRなどの成長因子受容体のシグナル伝達経路を調べています。最近我々はgene array analysisに基づいた一連の実験により,Rac1の bipartite GEFである ELMO1-Dock180が実際にグリオーマ細胞のin vitro および in vivoにおける浸潤能を亢進させていることを示しました(Cancer Res. 2007, in press) 。現在のプロジェクトはグリオーマ細胞の運動/浸潤,或いは転移を誘導する乳癌細胞の細胞運動/浸潤/サバイバルの亢進における,ELMO1-Dock180を含めたGEFs,small GTPases,およびそれらの調節因子を制御しているシグナル伝達経路の解明に取り組んでいます。
最近の業績は以下の通りです: Cancer Res. 67:4254-42, 2007; Oncogene, Mar 19; [Epub ahead of print], 2007; Cancer Res. 66:775-783, 2006; Am. J. Pathol., 166:879, 2005; Genomics, 84:82, 2004; Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA. 100:8904, 2003; Cancer Res. 63:4684, 2003; Am. J. Pathol. 162:1083, 2003; Am. J. Pathol. 162:1083, 2003; Cancer Res. 62:756, 2002; Cancer Res. 61:8569, 2001. ラボのリサーチ内容および最近の業績の詳細についてはhttp://path.upmc.edu/personnel/Faculty/ChengSY.htmを御参照下さい。
応募者には学位を取得され,分子生物学,細胞生物学,或いは生化学分野の専門的技術,および論文業績を有していることが望まれます。当ラボはUniversity of Pittsburghの所属機関として2002年に開設されたHillman Cancer Centerにあり,世界トップ水準の施設を備えています。またこのポジションにはUniversity of Pittsburgh School of Medicineよりcomprehensive benefit packageが提供されています。Pittsburghは米国内都市圏の中でも生活費と犯罪発生率が際立って低いのと同時に文化教育レベルが高く緑も豊かな街で,家族連れの日本人にとってたいへん暮しやすい環境です。
Shi-Yuan Cheng Ph.D.
Associate Professor
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute & Department of Pathology,
Hillman Cancer Center Research Pavilion, 2.26f,
5117 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-1863, USA.
Phone: (412)623-3261
Fax: (412)623-4840
E-mail: chengshiyuan2005@yahoo.com or chengs@upmc.edu



University of Kansas Medical Center ポスドク募集

本求人は候補者が決定したため募集を打ち切りました。This advertisement was withdrawn because the position has been filled.

Univ. of Kansas Medical Center において私のボスがポスドクを募集しております。彼はChineseですが、強く日本人ポスドクを採用したいと望んでおります。下記に彼のAdvertisementを記載します。興味のある方は直接Dr.ZhuにCVを送るか、もしくは生活環境、研究環境について質問等があるようでしたら私にメールを送ってくださっても結構です(日本語可:mfukui@kumc.edu)。

Multiple Postdoctoral Positions Available

Multiple NIH grant-funded postdoctoral fellowship positions are available in the laboratory of Professor Bao Ting Zhu at the School of Medicine, University of Kansas. Successful candidates will join a dynamic, energetic, and well-funded large laboratory (research group) with a broad interest in elucidating the biochemical and molecular mechanisms of receptor-mediated hormone actions and in deciphering the pathogenic mechanisms underlying a number of important human diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, cardiovascular diseases, and hormone-dependent breast cancer.

Candidates with diverse prior research training and background (such as in biology, medicine, synthetic/analytical chemistry, or others) are welcome to apply, and preference will be given to hard-working, self-motivated individuals who are interested in pursuing an independent academic career in the U.S. or back in Japan in the future. For those interested, please send your application to: BTZhu@kumc.edu.



テンプル大学医学部生理学教室 大学院生募集

PhD course4年制大学院生募集 (授業料免除、生活費支給)

テンプル大学医学部生理学教室 (Philadelphia, PA)






Satoru Eguchi, MD. PhD. FAHA
Associate Professor of Physiology and Cardiovascular Research Center
Temple University School of Medicine
e-mail: seguchi@temple.edu(日本語可)
Tel/FAX 215-707-8378

投稿者:江口 暁(seguchi@temple.edu)


University of Alabama ポスドク募集

Univ. of Alabama ポスドク募集のお知らせ

アラバマ大学のDr. Hengbin Wang がポスドクを募集しております。
興味がおありの方は Dr. Hengbin Wang に直接ご連絡してください。

Research interests:
The organization and function of chromatin, the physiological template for all nuclear processes involving genetic information, are largely dictated by posttranslational histone modifications. Our laboratory has been focused on studying one of these modifications, histone ubiquitination. By following the enzymatic activities, we have recently identified several enzymes that are responsible for ubiquitination and deubiquitination of histone H3, H4, H2A, H2B, and H1. Further characterization indicates that these enzymes play critical roles in gene expression, cell cycle control, and DNA damage repair (see publication list). We are currently investigating the roles of these enzymes in stem cell function, embryogenesis, and cancer development. We employ a combination of biochemical and genetic approach to decipher the functions of these histone modifying enzymes in chromatin and cellular regulation. People with strong Interests in chromatin and epigenetics are encouraged to apply.

Publication list:
1. Hengbin Wang and Yi Zhang (2001). Mi2, an autoantigen for dermatomyositis, is an ATP-dependent nucleosome remodeling factor. Nuclei Acids Research, 29,2517-2521.
2. Hengbin Wang, Zhiqing Huang, Li Xia, Qin Feng, Hediye Erdjument-Bromage, Brain D. Strahl, Scott Briggs, David C. Allis, Jiemin Wong, Paul Tempst, and Yi Zhang (2001). Methylation of histone H4 at arginine 3 facilitating transcriptional activation by nuclear hormone receptor. Science, 293, 853-857.
3. Hengbin Wang, Ru Cao, Li Xia, Hediye Erdjument-Bromage, Christoph Borchers, Paul Tempst, and Yi Zhang (2001). Purification and functional characterization of a histone H3-lysine 4-specific methyltransferase. Molecular Cell, 8,1207-1217.
4. Yang L., Xia L., Wu, D.Y., Wang H., Chansky, H.A. Schubach W.H., Hickstein D. D., Zhang Y. (2002). Molecular cloning of ESET, a novel histone H3-specific methyltransferase that interacts with ERG transcription factor. Oncogene 21, 148-152.
5. Huck −H Ng, Qin Feng, Hengbin Wang, Hediye Erdjument-Bromage, Paul Tempst, Yi Zhang, and Kevin Strahl (2002). Methylation of histone lysine 79 by Dot1 is required for telomere silencing in C. cerevisae. Genes and Development, 16, 1518-1527.
6. Jia Fang, Qin Feng, Carrie S. Ketel, Hengbin Wang, Ru Cao, Li Xia, Hediye Erdjument-Bromage, Paul Tempst, Jeffrey A. Simon, and Yi Zhang (2002). Purification and Characterization of SET8, a nucleosomal histone H4 lysine 20 specific methyltransferase. Current Biology, 9, 12(13),1086-99.
7. Qin Feng, Hengbin Wang, Huck-H Ng, Hediye Erdjument-Bromage, Paul Tempst, Kevin Strahl, and Yi Zhang (2002). Methylation of lysine 79 by Dot1L protein in mammalian cells. Current Biology, 25,12(12), 1052-1058.
8. Ru Cao, Liangjun Wang, Hengbin Wang, Li Xia, Hediye Erdjument-Bromage, Paul Tempst, Richard S. Jones, and Yi Zhang (2002). Role of Histone H3 lysine 27 methylation in polycomb-group silencing. Science, 298, 1039-1043.
9. Kathrin Plath, Jia Fang, Susanna K. Mlynarczyk-Evans, Ru Cao, Kathleen A Worringer, Hengbin Wang, Cecile C. de la Cruz, Arie P. Otte, Barbar Panning, and Yi Zhang (2003). Role of histone H3 lysine 27 methylation in X inactivation. Science, 300, 131-135.
10. Hengbin Wang, An Woojin, Ru Cao, Li Xia, Hediye Erdjument-Bromage, Bruno Chatton, Paul Tempst, Robert G. Roeder, and Yi Zhang (2003). mAM facilitates conversion by ESET of dimethyl to trimethyl lysine 9 of histone H3 to cause transcriptional repression. Molecular Cell, 12 (2), 475-487.
11. Jia Fang, Hengbin Wang, and Yi Zhang (2004). Purification of histone methyltransferases from Hela cells. Methods in Enzymology, 377:213-226.
12. Hengbin Wang, Liangjun Wang, Migual Vadel, Hediye Erdjument-Bromage, Paul Tempst, Richard S. Hones, and Yi Zhang (2004). Role of H2A ubiquitination in Polycomb gene silencing. Nature 431:873-878.
13. Hengbin Wang*, Ling Zhai, Jun Xu, Heui-Yoo Joo, Sarah Jackson, Hediye Erdjument-Bromage, Paul Tempst, Yue Xiong, and Yi Zhang*. (2006). Histones H3 and H4 ubiquitylation by the Cul4-DDB-ROC1 ubiquitin ligase facilitates cellular response to DNA damage. Molecular Cell. 22(3):383-394. (*co-correspondence author).
14. Jianhua Wei, Ling Zhai, Jun Xu, and Hengbin Wang. (2006). Role of Bmi1 in H2A Ubiquitylation and Hox Gene Silencing, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Aug 11;281(32):22537-44.
15. Qian Dai and Hengbin Wang. (2006). Cullin 4 makes its mark on chromatin. Cell Div. Jul 10;1:14.
16. Heui-Yoo Joo, Ling Zhai, Chunying Yang, Shui Nie, Hediye Erdjument-Bromage, Paul Tempst, and Chenbei Chang, Hengbin Wang. Regulation of cell cycle progression and gene expression by H2A deubiquitination. (second Revision for Nature).
17. Ling Zhai, Jianhua Wei, and Hengbin Wang. Reconstitution and functional characterization of Cul4 E3 ligase complexes reveal a critical role of DDB2 in histone ubiquitylation. (in preparation).

Hengbin Wang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Kaul Human Genetics Building, 402A
720 South 20th Street
Birmingham, AL 35294-0024
Tel: 205-934-5286 (O); 205-934-5289 (L)
Fax: 205-934-0758
E-mail: hbwang@uab.edu

投稿者:束田 裕一(ytsukada@bioreg.kyushu-u.ac.jp)


第1回JBC/SCSN ジョイントフォーラムのお知らせ

SCSNより第1回JBC/SCSN ジョイントフォーラム のお知らせです。
(In case you cannot read this e-mail (and causing Moji-bake), please let us (socalscinetwork@gmail.com) know your Japanese-available address.)

来る8月11日(土)、ベイエリアを中心として活動されている日本人研究者コミュニティー、JBC (Japan Bio Community) http://www.j-bio.org が今年も南カリフォルニアにやってまいります!

今回のテーマは、『PhDのキャリアパスを考える』 です。
アカデミア以外のキャリアパスを考えているPhDの人達を対象にアメリカではどのようなキャリアパスが考えられるか?また、Job hunting の際の注意点についての解説をしていきます。

1. 求人側より     : 赤間 勉さん (Palo Alto, Anacor Pharmaceuticals, Senior Scientist)
2. リクルーター側より: 山本真由美さん (Newport Beach, Ken Clark International, Search Director)

そして現在Job hunt中か、もしくは最近企業等に就職をされた方でその体験談を話して頂ける方を探しております。我こそはと思われる方は是非御連絡ください。socalscinetwork@gmail.com

皆様の参加をお待ちしております。お知り合いの方もお誘い合わせの上ご参加下さい。参加登録 (下記参照) をお忘れなく!!

- Southern California Science Network (SCSN)は、南カリフォルニア(ロサンゼルス〜サンディエゴ)でサイエンス・リサーチまたはビジネスに携わる日本人同士で交流するための組織/ネットワークです。
- 以下の6人のオーガナイザーを中心に活動しています。 
佐藤 誠(UCLA・ロサンゼルス)
三木理雅(Charles R. Drew Univ. of Medicine・ロサンゼルス) 
大賀嘉信(Wako Chemical USA Inc.・アーバイン)
立川 潔(UCSD・サンディエゴ)
吉塚直人(The Scripps Research Institute・サンディエゴ)
- 大学や企業、さらには職業やポジションによる垣根を越えて気軽に交流することのできる、ボーダーレス・コミュニティを目指しています。

---- 記 ----

1:30 PM - 4:30 PM (1:15 PM 受付開始)
場所: UCI - Palo Verde Housing
(University of California Irvineキャンパス内)
行き方・地図: 参加登録された方へ別途にご案内いたします。
参加費: $10 (軽食と飲物代が含まれています)

socalscinetwork@gmail.com までお申し込み下さい。

お知らせ:講演会開始前に、参加者の皆様による簡単な自己紹介を予定しております。 また、受付時よりスナックと飲み物を、講演会終了後にピザを提供し交流会をいたします。SCSNでは講演会だけでなく参加者同士の交流も大切に考えております。是非ご参加ください。(名刺をお持ちの方は持参されることをお勧めいたします。)

※ 定員(40名)に達した時点で、登録を締切らせていただきます。

(第1回 JBC/SCSN ジョイントフォーラム  担当:三木理雅 (Charles Drew University)


タイトル:第1回 JBC/SCSN ジョイントフォーラム参加希望
3)講演会後の懇親会に参加する(Yes or No)



University of Miami Postdoc募集

A postdoctoral position is open in the laboratory of a new faculty member in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology and the Diabetes Research Institute (DRI) at University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. The lab studies immune tolerance and immunoregulation in islet transplantation, autoimmune disorders and infectious diseases using transgenic, knockout, and lentiviral RNAi knockdown mouse models (PNAS 2006. 103: 16400; JEM 2005.202: 1387; PNAS. 2005. 102: 14735). DRI is a world leader in type 1 diabetes research, particularly in islet transplantation. Miami is one of the most dynamic and fascinating metropolitans on this planet. Minimum qualifications include a recent PhD and/or MD with research experience in biological sciences. Solid research experience with mouse models, and training in immunology and/or molecular biology are highly desired. If interested, please send CV and contact information for three references to Dr. Zhibin Chen, zchen@med.miami.edu.

Posted by zhibin chen (zchen@med.miami.edu)


Moffitt Cancer center ポスドク募集

Moffitt Cancer center(フロリダ州タンパ)の古倉と申します。私が所属するラボでポスドクを募集しております。PIのDr. Fangは昨年12月にMoffitt cancer centerに赴任したばかりで、私自身もこの6月から留学を始めたばかりです。研究内容としましては、ヒストンメチル化に関わる酵素とヒストン修飾とガン化・細胞老化との関連を生化学的・分子生物学的に解析しています。バックグランドとしては、細胞培養やタンパク質の扱いにある程度慣れた方が望ましいかと思います。ラボは共通の機器もあり、アメリカのラボにしてはかなり充実しているのではないかと思います。詳しい内容は英文を参照してください。ご興味のある方は、Dr. Fangに直接メールしていただくか、日本語ご希望であれば私宛にメール(kokurakenn@gmail.com)していただいてもかまいません。


New Postdoctoral Fellow position is available to study epigenetic regulation in the laboratory of Dr. Jia Fang at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute. The research will focus on the molecular mechanisms of various post-translational modifications on histone tails by using a variety of approaches. The emphasis will be on characterization of novel histone modifying enzymes, histone
modification reorganization and binding proteins, and their roles in diverse biological processes. The projects are based on published data (Current Biology 2002, 12:1086; Science 2003, 300:131; Nature 2006, 439:811) and well-established protein purification techniques (Method in Enzymology 2004, 377:213).

Qualified candidates should have a recent Ph.D. and be highly motivated and well trained in biochemistry,
molecular biology or other related fields. Experience with protein biochemistry, purification, and standard molecular biology techniques are required. Good knowledge in the area of epigenetics using
chromatin IP, RNAi knockdown and in vitro modification assays would be desirable. Applicants should be able to communicate well in both verbal and written English. To apply, please send the curriculum
vitae, a letter of interest, and the names and contact information of 3 references to Dr. Jia Fang via email at Jia.Fang@moffitt.org

H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center is a National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center on the beautiful University of South Florida Campus that conducts research on various aspects of Cancer
Biology. It is the third largest Cancer Center in the US based on patient volume. It also has been recognized as one of the best cancer centers for years by U.S. News & World Report.

H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and a drug free workplace

Jia Fang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
MRC-4072H, 12902 Magnolia Drive
Tampa, Florida 33612
Phone: (813)745-6716(O), -6635(L)
Fax: (813)745-7264

投稿者:古倉 健嗣(kokurakenn@gmail.com)


Ohio State University Postdoc募集

The project focuses on the mechanisms of intracellular signaling controlling neuronal survival and apoptosis, as well as de/regeneration after injury. Project 1: Regulation of small G proteins during myelination. Project 2: Signaling mechanisms that regulate mitochondrial homeostasis after injury. Project 3: Role of MAP kinases in axonal transport (use confocal live imaging). Techniques used: molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, proteomics, spinal cord injury. Candidates must have a Ph.D. and/or M.D. degree and experience in molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology or neuroscience. http://cmn.osu.edu/1500.cfm

Posted by Sung Ok Yoon (yoon.84@osu.edu)


京都大学大学院医学研究科 機能微細形態学 産学官連携研究員募集






 〒606-8501 京都市左京区吉田近衛町
 京都大学大学院医学研究科 機能微細形態学 出澤真理宛

 e-mail: dezawa@anat2.med.kyoto-u.ac.jp
 TEL: 075-753-4343、FAX: 075-751-7286



The Wistar Institute postdoc募集

Immunology Post-doctoral Position: Transcriptional regulation/Chromatin remodeling in lymphopoiesis and functional regulation

Post-doctoral position in the field of transcriptional regulation/chromatin remodeling in the immune system is available as of September. Our research areas include the molecular mechanisms of B lymphopoiesis (Nat. Immunol. 7: 819), memory B/plasma cell development, and functional regulation of effector and memory T cells (Nat. Immunol 2:705). The research will involve gene-targeting, in vivo and in vitro experimental models to explore functions of novel transcription factors, and use long-range chromatin structure analysis and BAC recombineering to carry out studies on transcriptional regulation and chromatin remodeling.

The successful candidate will have recently acquired a Ph.D. and/or M.D. preferably in immunology with technique expertise in flow cytometry, molecular biology and/or biochemistry. Candidates should be self-motivated and career oriented. Strong organizational and oral/written communication skills are desirable.

To apply, please submit your curriculum vitae and cover letter including names and contact information of three references to Dr. Hui Hu at hhu@wistar.org.

Hui Hu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Immunology Program
The Wistar Institute
3601 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

The Wistar Institute is an international leader in biomedical research, dedicated to discovering the causes and cures for major diseases and the development of vaccines. Affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania, the Wistar Institute has a highly collaborative research environment. Wistar also enjoys a close working relationship with the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and many other medical research organizations in the greater Philadelphia area. Founded in 1892 as the first nonprofit biomedical research institute in the country, The Wistar Institute maintains its status as an independent research center and has long held the prestigious Cancer Center designation from the National Cancer Institute.

For more information about The Wistar Institute visit our website at www.wistar.org.

Posted by Hui Hu (hhu@wistar.org)


オンタリオ州立癌研究所 ポスドク募集


応募書類:1. 履歴書と発表業績リスト(英語), 2. 推薦者2−3名の連絡先(英語), 3. これまでの研究内容、取得した実験手技と、志望動機(日本語可)をE-mailでお送りください。
参考文献:Sasaki T et al. Genes Dev 21: 848-61 (2007); Aronzo L et al. J. Cell Biol., 170 (4):559-570(2005); Okada H et al. Nat. Ca. Rev. 4(8):592-603. (2004). Okada H et al. J. Exp. Med. 199(3):399-410 (2004).
参考:トロントはカナダの東部に位置しオンタリオ湖に面した自然豊かな環境で、Sick Kids Childrens Hospital、Toronto Gneral Hospital、University of Toronto、Mount sinai Hospital等の研究施設が集まっており、研究交流も盛んです。

連絡先:Dr. Hitoshi Okada,

The Campbell Family Institute for Breast Cancer Research, Signaling Biology Division, Ontario Cancer Institute

Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto

E-mail: hokada@uhnres.utoronto.ca (日本語可)

投稿者:岡田 斉(hokada@uhnres.utoronto.ca)

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