University of Pittsburgh Cancer Instituteポスドク募集
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute/Department of PathologyのDr. Shi-Yuan Chengのラボでポスドクを1名募集しています。
リサーチのテーマはSignaling Mechanisms of Tumor Cell Invasion and Metastasesで,腫瘍細胞の浸潤転移およびそれに伴う血管新生の分子機構に注目しています。具体的にはin vitroおよびin vivoモデル,ヒト腫瘍組織を用いて,Angiopoietin2,VEGF,VEGF-Rなどの血管新生関連因子,成長因子などとその受容体,転写因子,腫瘍抑制因子などが腫瘍細胞の浸潤・転移や血管新生を制御する分子メカニズムについて研究を進めています。現在のプロジェクトは,グリオーマ細胞の運動性亢進を介した腫瘍浸潤,乳癌細胞におけるVEGF刺激に誘導されるエストロゲン非依存性の腫瘍増殖,およびAngiopoietin-2刺激に誘導されるEMTおよびcell survivalの促進を介した転移などの分子メカニズムを対象としたGenome-wide analysisとして進行中です。ラボのリサーチ内容および最近の業績の詳細についてはを御参照下さい。ラボのメンバーはアメリカ人および諸外国人の混成です。
当ラボはUniversity of Pittsburghの所属機関として2002年に開設されたHillman Cancer Centerにあり,世界トップ水準の施設を備え,NIHその他多数のグラントでサポートされています。またこのポジションにはUniversity of Pittsburgh School of Medicineよりcomprehensive benefit packageが提供されています。Pittsburghは米国内都市圏の中でも生活費と犯罪発生率が際立って低いのと同時に文化レベルが高く緑も豊かな街で,家族連れの日本人にとってたいへん住みやすい環境です。
Shi-Yuan Cheng Ph.D.
Associate Professor
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute & Department of Pathology,
Hillman Cancer Center Research Pavilion, 2.26f,
5117 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-1863, USA.
Phone: (412)623-3261
Fax: (412)623-4840
Postdoctoral Research Associate Positions on
Signaling Mechanisms of Tumor Invasion and Metastases
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
A NIH-sponsored postdoctoral research associate position is available immediately to study signaling mechanisms and models of tumor cell invasion and metastases. Research projects are focused on the molecular mechanisms underlying the process of migratory/invasive behaviors of human tumor cells and development of blood vessels. Using tumor cells, xenograft tumors and primary human tumor specimens as our model systems, we are investigating the molecular mechanisms by which angiopoietin-2 and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), VEGF receptors and other regulators modulate human tumor cell invasion, metastasis, and angiogenesis. We are focusing the regulation of signaling molecules critical for invasion and metastasis by growth factors, transcription factors and tumor suppressors. Current projects address the signaling pathways that mediate glioma cell invasion in the brain stimulating cell motility, and breast cancer cell metastasis promoting epithelial-mesenchymal transition and cell survival. Genome-wide analysis of molecular signatures/signaling pathways underlying glioma invasion and breast cancer metastasis and mechanisms of VEGF-stimulated estrogen-independent breast cancer growth are currently ongoing. Our recent publications are: Cancer Res. 66, 775-783, 2006; Am. J. Pathol., 166:879, 2005; Genomics, 84:82, 2004; Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA. 100:8904, 2003; Cancer Res. 63:4684, 2003; Am. J. Pathol. 162:1083, 2003; Am. J. Pathol. 162:1083, 2003; Cancer Res. 62:756, 2002; Cancer Res. 61:8569, 2001. See website: for details of the laboratory's research interests and recent publications. Our laboratory is highly productive and innovative. Our current research team consists of US and international researchers. Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree, demonstrated expertise in molecular biology/signaling, cell biology and/or biochemistry, and an established publication record. Our laboratory is location in a newly opened, state-of-art and world-class research facility, the Hillman Cancer Center at the University of Pittsburgh. The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine offers a comprehensive benefit package for postdoctoral research associates.
Please send a cover letter with curriculum vitae and the names of three references to: Shi-Yuan Cheng, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute & Department of Pathology, Hillman Cancer Center Research Pavilion, 2.26f, 5117 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-1863, USA. Phone: (412)623-3261; Fax: (412)623-4840; E-mail: