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University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry Postdoctral Position

Postdoctoral Fellow, Senior Research Associate, and Research Assistant Professor position, University of Rochester Medical Center

Two NIH funded positions are available immediately to study Skeletal Development, Disease, and Regeneration. Qualified candidates will also be considered for a short-term visit as Visiting Faculty/Scholar. Current areas of investigation include characterizations of skeletal stem cells, congenital birth defects, and aging disorders. These studies focus on the elucidation of molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying stem cell self-renewal, cell fate determination and differentiation, crosstalk of various cell types, tissue repair and regeneration, and stem cell-based and gene-editing therapies. Priority will be given to candidates with expertise in developmental genetics, molecular and cell biology, microRNA, posttranslational modification, ciliogenesis, and mitochondrial biology. Research experience in skeletal biology is recommended but not required for this position. Additional Information: https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/people/23567887-wei-hsu/publications

Please submit your application including a cover letter, CV, and names of three references to Dr. Wei Hsu, Dean's Professor of Biomedical Genetics, Center for Oral Biology, and UR Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Institute. Email: Wei_Hsu@urmc.rochester.edu

Candidates may contact Dr. Takamitsu Maruyama, Research Associate Professor. Email: Takamitsu_Maruyama@urmc.rochester.edu

Title: ニューヨーク州ロチェスター大学 研究者募集
研究者募集 (ニューヨーク州ロチェスター大学)
米国ニューヨーク州ロチェスター大学のWei Hsu研究室ではポスドク、研究員もしくはファカルティーの募集を行っています。短期、長期留学のどちらも歓迎いたします。本研究室ではシグナリング、タンパク質修飾、幹細胞の研究を通して、発生と病理メカニズムの解明をすすめています。主に骨形成・代謝、神経細胞の維持機構などを研究しています。詳細は以下の英文を御覧ください。興味のある方はカバーレター、CVおよび三人の推薦者の連絡先をWei Hsu (Wei_Hsu@urmc.rochester.edu)までお送りください。ロチェスターでの生活、より詳しい研究内容、アメリカでの研究環境、留学に関する心配事、アプライの際の質問などがありましたら、丸山( Takamitsu_Maruyama@urmc.rochester.edu : Research Associate Professor:彼のラボにポスドクで留学し、12年働いています)まで気軽にご連絡ください。

Posted by Wei HSU(Wei_Hsu@urmc.rochester.edu)

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