
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University of Toronto ポスドク募集

Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University of Toronto の平野 直人 研究室では、ポスドク研究員を若干名募集します。研究内容は cancer immunotherapy in humans です。すべて研究はヒトレベルで行い、ヒト以外、例えばマウスでの実験は必要最小限にとどめます。Academia のみならず、industry との共同研究もさかんで、first-in-human の clinical trial を目指した basic, translational, and clinical research を行って頂きます。TIL や、engineered T cells を用いた adoptive T cell therapy clinical trials も行っています。

1. CAR 及び TCR gene therapy を含めた、安全かつ有効な immunotherapy の開発。
2. 新規 peptide/HLA class I / II multimer 技術を用いた抗原特異的 T 細胞の同定と解析。

1. Kagoya et al. A novel chimeric antigen receptor containing a JAK-STAT signaling domain mediates superior antitumor effects. Nat Med. 2018
2. Ghazarian et al. Type I interferon responses drive intrahepatic T cells to promote metabolic syndrome. Sci Immunol. 2017
3. Yamashita et al. HLA-DP84Gly constitutively presents endogenous peptides generated by the class I antigen processing pathway. Nat Commun. 2016
4. Kagoya et al. BET bromodomain inhibition enhances T cell persistence and function in adoptive immunotherapy models. J Clin Invest. 2016
5. Butler and Hirano. Human cell-based artificial antigen-presenting cells for cancer immunotherapy. Immunol Rev. 2014

応募資格:ヒトがん免疫療法に興味をお持ちの方、免疫学、分子生物学,生化学的手法を習得されている方、そして何よりも cure cancer を目指している方を求めます。

待遇:Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network の規定に従います。4-5 年。

応募書類:1. 履歴書と業績リスト(英語)、2. 推薦者 2-3名の連絡先、3. これまでの研究内容と、志望動機 (日本語可) を e-mail で naoto.hirano@uhnresearch.ca までお送りください。

平野 直人

Naoto Hirano, PhD, MD
Associate Director for Research
Tumor Immunotherapy Program
Senior Scientist
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

Department of Immunology
University of Toronto

投稿者:平野 直人(naoto.hirano@uhnresearch.ca)


CPP2019 Boston 開催のお知らせ キャリアプランニングプログラム2019ボストン

 CPP2019 Boston 開催のお知らせ (http://cppweb.jp)

【場所】Community Work Services 内会場(174 Portland St., Boston,MA 02114)
【主催】CPP, LLC. (合同会社シーピーピー)





【 U R L 】http://cppweb.jp



投稿者:CPP, LLC.(info@cppweb.jp)


Columbia Universityポスドク募集

NYにあるColumbia Universityの藤崎研究室では、ポスドク及び大学院生を募集しています。

当研究室では、幹細胞と免疫のinterplayに着目した研究をしています。特に、stem cellが局在するstem cell nicheが、極度に免疫の抑制された免疫特権部位ではないかという仮説を追求しています。このnicheの免疫特権は、1)幹細胞をストレスから保護し、2)移植した幹細胞を免疫による拒絶から防ぎ、3)癌幹細胞を免疫から保護する、革新的な原理と考えます。私達は近年、骨髄内のhematopoietic stem cell nicheに免疫特権が存在することを示し(Fujisaki, et al. Nature. 2011 )、さらにこのniche内に局在し、免疫特権とstem cell quiescenceの両方を制御する特殊な制御性T細胞を同定しました(Hirata, et al. Cell Stem Cell. 2018)。我々は、この免疫特権の理解を更に深める基礎、トランスレーショナルな研究を展開し、革新的な治療開発を追求します。


応募資格:ポスドクは、上記の研究に興味のある PhD, MD, MD-PhD 取得者、あるいは取得見込みの方。Stem cell biology、immunology、RNA sequencing、TCR sequencing
応募方法:CVを jf2819@cumc.columbia.edu まで送付してください。(日本語可)ご質問などお気軽にご連絡ください。

Joji Fujisaki, MD PhD
Assistant Professor
Director of In Vivo Imaging
Columbia Center for Translational Immunology
Columbia Stem Cell Initiative
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons



オレゴン健康科学大学(OHSU)医学部ポスドクの募集(サル膵ベータ細胞のin vivo再生)

オレゴン健康科学大学(OHSU)医学部ポスドクの募集(サル膵ベータ細胞のin vivo再生)

Job Title: Postdoctoral Researcher - Gene Therapy for Type I Diabetes Using Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV) Vectors

Oregon Health & Science University(OHSU、オレゴン州ポートランド)中井浩之研究室では、新たなNIH U01グラント(2019年10月から4年間)獲得に伴い、ポスドク研究員を一人募集しています。このU01グラントプロジェクトでは、Human Islet Research Network (HIRN)というグローバルな研究組織(https://hirnetwork.org)の一員として、サル膵ベータ細胞のin vivo再生方法の開発を推し進めます。HIRNは、膵島細胞、とくに膵ベータ細胞を、分子・細胞・構造・機能・免疫学など様々な生物学的観点からより深く理解することにより、より優れた1型糖尿病in vitro・in vivoモデルの開発、より選択的な1型糖尿病のバイオマーカーの発見、より効果のある1型糖尿病の予防や治療法の開発・確立することを目的として2014年にNIHにより設立された組織です。当研究室は、HIRN設立当初より、Consortium on Targeting and Regeneration (CTAR)というHIRNの研究サブグループに所属しています。今回ポスドクを募集しているプロジェクトでは、「adeno-associated viru!
s (AAV、アデノ随伴ウィルス) ベクターを用いて膵ベータ細胞をサルの体内で再生させる新たな技術の開発」と「その技術背景にある生物学の理解」を目指します。このプロジェクトで得られる研究成果は、糖尿病治療における遺伝子治療技術の臨床応用に多大な貢献をするであろうと考えています。

当研究室はOregon National Primate Research Centerにも所属しており、学内、学外にわたり幅広い共同研究を行っています。当研究室の主たる研究テーマはAAVを用いた遺伝子治療の研究、新しいベクターの開発ですが、マウスおよび大型動物 (サルなど)を使った前臨床研究だけでなく、治療に用いるウィルスそのものの分子生物学的研究や、特定の疾患を対象としたAAVベクター遺伝子治療の臨床応用に向けた研究も行っています。研究室は10数名で、准教授、研究員、ポスドク、大学院生、医学部生、研究補助員、大学生・高校生インターンが様々な研究に取り組んでいます。本募集では、臨床応用に向けた新規AAVベクターの開発(細胞特異的転写翻訳依存的定向進化法をアカゲザルに応用します)、virus DNA/RNA barcoding網羅的解析法によるAAVベクターのアカゲザルにおける評価、AAVベクターウィルスキャプシドたんぱくの構造機能解析を、PI・シニア研究員の指導のもと意欲的にリードして頂けるポスドクを募集しています。プロジェクトが軌道に乗れば、他のプロジュクトに参加、あるいはそのプロジュクトをリード��して頂くことも可能です。ポートランドは、アメリカ北西海岸にある全米で最も住んでみたい都市にも選ばれている美しい都市でもあり、複数年の留学を考えておられる方、あるいはそれ以上アメリカに残って自分の可能性を追求しようと考えておられる方、応募をお待ちしています。

Job Description:
The lab led by Professor Hiroyuki Nakai, M.D., Ph.D., the PI of the project, is seeking a highly motivated and enthusiastic post-doctoral fellow who is willing to lead the project aimed at developing novel AAV vector-mediated methods for in vivo pancreatic beta cell regeneration in rhesus macaques. The team led by the PI is a part of the Human Islet Research Network (HIRN) supported by the NIH NIDDK. The Nakai lab is in the Departments of Molecular & Medical Genetics and Molecular Microbiology & Immunology, Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) School of Medicine in Portland (Oregon, USA). The lab is also affiliated with the Oregon National Primate Research Center (ONPRC). The successful candidate will join the project where we seek to develop clinically relevant novel AAV vectors using our unpublished technology termed TRAnscription/TRAnslation-dependent Directed Evolution (TRADE), comprehensively study novel AAV vectors using virus DNA and RNA barcoding technology com!
bined with next-generation sequencing and bioinformatics, attain vector-mediated in vivo transdifferentiation of non-beta cells into insulin-secreting beta cells in rhesus macaques, and profoundly understand the mechanisms behind the technologies.

Required Qualifications:
• Doctoral degree in a relevant field
• Substantial knowledge and expertise in molecular biology and cellular biology
• Substantial knowledge and expertise in pancreatic endocrine cell and diabetes research
• Ability to perform multiple tasks and prioritize them
• Ability to organize and handle a large quantity of data
• Excellent creative thinking skills
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills
• Willingness to work with non-human primates
• Strong enthusiasm for AAV and gene therapy research

Salary Range:
$50,004+ Commensurate with experience

How to apply:
Please send a cover letter and C.V. to
Hiroyuki Nakai, M.D., Ph.D.
Departments of Molecular & Medical Genetics and Molecular Microbiology & Immunology
Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine
Email: nakaih@ohsu.edu

Oregon Health & Science University values a diverse and culturally competent workforce. We are proud of our commitment to being an equal opportunity, affirmative action organization that does not discriminate against applicants on the basis of any protected class status, including disability status and protected veteran status. Individuals with diverse backgrounds and those who promote diversity and a culture of inclusion are encouraged to apply. To request reasonable accommodation, contact the Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Department at 503-494-5148 or aaeo@ohsu.edu.

投稿者:Hiroyuki Nakai(nakaih@ohsu.edu)


University of Dundee Postdoctral Position

Post-doctoral Position in the laboratory of Prof Miratul Muqit to decipher cell signalling pathways in Parkinson’s disease funded by a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship.

The aim of the projects will be to better understand the regulation and downstream biology of the PINK1 kinase and Parkin ubiquitin E3 ligase that are mutated in familial forms of Parkinson’s disease. These studies have the potential to transform our understanding of the molecular basis of Parkinson’s disease-linked neurodegeneration and the candidate’s research may ultimately be exploited to improve diagnostic and therapeutic options for patients.

The successful applicant will have access to state-of-the-art technologies in biochemistry, proteomics, genome editing, cell biology, and transgenic mouse models to uncover new fundamental knowledge on these key molecules.

The laboratory is part-funded by EMBO and successful applicants will have access to EMBO sponsored opportunities for training and self-development. The MRC unit also collaborates with three major pharmaceutical companies that support the Division of Signal Transduction Therapy that provides opportunities for interaction with industry and potential exploitation of new discoveries made in the lab.

The position is available for 3 years in the first instance.
Candidate Requirements:
- PhD with an outstanding track record and at least one first authored publication in an internationally recognised peer-reviewed journal.
- Strong background in any one of Cell Signalling, Neurobiology, Molecular Biology, and Biochemistry would be preferable.
- Capable of working in a team, but able to plan and work independently.
- Excellent communication skills and proficiency in English.

For informal enquiries please contact Miratul Muqit (m.muqit@dundee.ac.uk).

For details on the Muqit lab please visit our website: http://www.ppu.mrc.ac.uk/research/?pid=11.
Appointment as a Postdoctoral Research Assistant on the Grade 7 salary scale is dependent upon you having been awarded a PhD. An appointment may be considered if you are shortly expected to be awarded a PhD. The initial appointment will be made as a Research Assistant on the Training Grade 7 salary scale (Spinal Point 28, £31,866).
The Muqit lab is based in the MRC Protein Phosphorylation and Ubiquitylation Unit (MRC-PPU), one of the world’s most renowned centres for research on protein phosphorylation and ubiquitylation (http://www.ppu.mrc.ac.uk) and is an exciting and collaborative research environment, equipped to the highest international standards. The major aims of the MRC-PPU are to advance understanding of the role of protein phosphorylation and ubiquitylation in cell regulation and human disease; to facilitate the development of drugs to treat diseases caused by abnormalities in phosphorylation; and to generate reagents and improve technologies. Another key remit of the MRC-PPU is to train the next generation of scientists who will advance our understanding in this crucial area of medical research. The MRC-PPU is in a beautiful location overlooking the estuary of the River Tay and embedded within the School of Life Sciences at the University of Dundee. This is one of the premier Life Sc!
iences research centres in the world and was recently assessed as the top UK University for Life Sciences research in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF).
We are one of the UK’s leading universities – internationally recognised for our expertise across a range of disciplines and research breakthroughs in multiple areas, including science, medicine and engineering, amongst many others. Conveniently located on the banks of River Tay, our main city-centre campus is at the heart of Dundee - an up-and-coming, friendly, compact and affordable city with a rich heritage in design and technology. Just a short walk from the V&A Museum of Design Dundee, we’re close to both the train and bus stations. We also have campuses at Ninewells Hospital and in Kirkcaldy which are easily accessible via local transport links.

The diversity of our staff and students helps to make the University of Dundee a UK university of choice for undergraduate, postgraduate and distance learning. Family friendly policies, staff networks for BME, Disabled and LGBT staff, membership of Athena SWAN, the ECU Race Equality Charter and Stonewall as well a full range of disability services, create an enjoyable and inclusive place to work.

Posted by Miratul Muqit(m.muqit@dundee.ac.uk)


State University of New York Upstate Medical Universityポスドク募集

ニューヨーク州立大学Upstate Medical University、Department of Pharmacology、浦尾研究室では、虚血傷害組織の修復・再生、肥満・糖尿病による免疫細胞とその前駆細胞の変化、酸化ストレスによるエピジェネティックな遺伝子発現調節をノックアウトマウス解析や分子生物学的手法を用いて研究を行っています。ヒト患者サンプルを用いたシングルセル解析も開始する予定です。
Norifumi Urao, MD/PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacology
SUNY Upstate Medical University
766 Irving Avenue, Rm 5322
Syraculse, NY 13210
Ph: 315.464.7984
www.upstate.edu | State University of New York





投稿者:岩城 孝行(tiwaki@hama-med.ac.jp)

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