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Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Dept of Pathology, Postdoctral Positions

Department of Pathology and Lab Medicine
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Los Angeles, California

Engman Lab

Two Postdoctoral Fellowships are immediately available to study: 1) cellular immunology with a focus on adaptive immune responses to the heart during both parasitic infections and autoimmunity, and 2) molecular cell biology of Trypanosoma brucei and Trypanosoma cruzi flagella and post-translational modifications of parasite proteins involved in host pathogenesis.

Prospective candidates must be innovative and career driven scientists with an MD or a PhD degree in Immunology, Microbiology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry, or a related biological field. Previous experience in mouse infectious disease models and/or confocal microscopy is preferred.

Applicants should be in the final year of their PhD or completing their first postdoctoral fellowship, or MD with visiting fellowship research training grants. Please send a letter of interest including a statement of career goals and a curriculum vitae to Dr. David Engman c/o Dolores Ramirez at dolores.ramirez2@cshs.org

Posted by David Engman(david.engman@csmc.edu)

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