Postdoctoral Fellowship, Senior Research Associate and Research Assistant Professor, University of Rochester Medical Center
NIH funded Postdoctoral Fellowship, Research Associate and Research Faculty positions are available to study Morphogenetic Signaling Pathways in Development and Disease. Current areas of investigation include major projects on development and homeostatic maintenance of the craniofacial and body skeleton, congenital deformities, and minor projects on neural development and degeneration. These studies focus on the elucidation of molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the development of lineage-specific stem/progenitor cells, tissue repair and regeneration, and stem cell-based and gene editing therapies. Priority will be given to candidates with experience in miRNA, posttranslational modification, molecular and cell biology and developmental genetics. Short-term Visiting Scholar is also welcome.
Please submit your application including a cover letter, CV, and names of three references to Wei Hsu, Dean's Professor of Biomedical Genetics, Center for Oral Biology, and UR Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Institute
Email: Wei_Hsu@urmc.rochester.edu
Additional Information: https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/people/23567887-wei-hsu/publications
The University of Rochester is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
ロチェスター大学のDr. Wei Hsuラボでは上記の通り、一緒に研究を楽しんで遂行してくれる仲間を募集中です。ご興味のある方はDr. Hsuに直接コンタクトをされてください。Dr. Hsuは温厚でエスタブリッシュされたPIです。Dr. Hsuの研究内容や、アメリカでのポスドクのシステムなどご興味のある方は、私宛にお便りをくださっても構いません。小松義広(Yoshihiro.Komatsu@uth.tmc.edu)