Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Postdoctral position
Cincinnati Children’s is a premier pediatric research institution where researchers work collaboratively across specialties to address some of the biggest challenges in improving child health.
The Perl lab focuses on lung mesenchymal cells and their role in alveolar development and homeostasis and fibrotic lung disease, using transgenic mouse models and human lung tissue, in combination with cutting edge RNA Seq technology, 2/3 dimensional immunofluorescence imaging using confocal microscopy, and organoid models ( We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow/ research associate to investigate molecular and cellular changes in fibroblast subpopulations in lung development, injury, fibrosis and regeneration. The postdoc will work in an interdisciplinary team to study lung injury and regeneration, use various RNAseq datasets and follow up predicted new interactions in vitro and in vivo, and learn about lung disease and model disease in organoid cultures. The ideal candidate will be a highly motivated recent (< 4 years ago) PhD or MD/PhD researcher, experienced in basic molecular biology te!
chniques, tissue culture, animal models, transcriptomic data analysis or desire to learn big data analysis, and proficient in English. Knowledge of lung biology is not required.
Please submit a cover letter, CV and contact details for 3 referees to Anne-Karina Perl, PhD at
Please go to and search for job (requisition) number 102875 (Research Fellow) or 102874 (Research Associate).
Cincinnati Children’s is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution