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Burke Neurological Institute / Cornell Medical School (in New York) ポスドク募集

Burke Neurological Institute / Cornell Medical School、吉田研究室はポスドク研究員を募集しています。当研究室では、分子生物学、マウス遺伝学、電気生理学、optogenetics、行動解析などを用いて、運動系の神経回路の研究を進めています。

1) Ueno et al., Cell Reports (2018), 23, 1286-1300.
2) Yoshida and Isa, Current Opinion in Neurobiology (2018), 52, 25-32.
3) Gu et al., Science (2017), 357, 400-404.
4) Gu et al., Neuron (2017), 94, 626-641.
5) Ueno et al., Nature Neuroscience (2016), 19, 784-787.
6) Imai et al., Journal of Neuroscience (2016), 36, 5724-5735.
7) Imai et al., Cell Reports (2016), 17, 2163-2172.
8) Fukuhara et al., Cell Reports (2013), 5, 748-758.
9) Katayama et al., Development (2013), 140, 3139-3145.
10) Katayama et al., Journal of Neuroscience (2012), 32, 10396-10407.
11) Leslie et al., Development (2011), 138, 4085-4095.
12) Katayama et al., PNAS (2011), 108, 7607-7612.
13) Pecho-Vrieseling et al., Nature (2009), 459, 842-846.
14) Yoshida et al., Neuron (2006), 52, 775-788.
15) Gu et al., Science (2005), 307, 265-268.

Burke Neurological Institute / Cornell Medical School
785 Mamaroneck Ave, White Plains, NY 10605
(White Plainsは、マンハッタンのGrand Central駅から電車で30〜40分のところにあります。)


Yutaka Yoshida, PhD
Neural Connectivity Development in Physiology and Disease Laboratory
Burke Neurological Institute / Cornell Medical School
e-mail: yoy4001@med.cornell.edu

投稿者:Yutaka Yoshida(yoy4001@med.cornell.edu)

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