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The University of Michigan Medical School Postdoctral position

We are seeking a postdoctoral fellow to join our group to work on genetically dissecting the epigenetic basis of X-chromosome inactivation. X-inactivation is an evolutionarily conserved paradigm of epigenetic regulation that equalizes X-linked gene expression between male and female mammals by silencing genes on one of the two X-chromosomes in females. X-inactivation lies at the nexus of functional long non coding (lnc) RNAs and chromatin-modifying factors. Our lab has discovered new lncRNAs and identified chromatin modifying proteins with a previously unknown function in X-inactivation. Projects involve functionally interrogating these lncRNAs and chromatin modifiers and their relationship in causing X-inactivation via both high- and low-throughput assays in cultured stem cells and in mice. There will be opportunities to take these or other projects with you. If your skills and career goals match these, please send a CV and a brief statement of your scientific backgro!
und and career goals. See our lab website (http://www-personal.umich.edu/~kalantry/Kalantry_Lab/Welcome.html) for more information.

Sundeep Kalantry, Ph.D. (kalantry@umich.edu)

Associate Professor
University of Michigan Medical School
Department of Human Genetics

The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

投稿者:Shigeki Iwase(siwase@umich.edu)

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