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Washington University School of Medicine ポスドク募集

ウイルス感染及びガンに対する獲得免疫反応,血球発生、血球のガン化のメカニズムに興味があるポスドクを1- 2名募集します。我々はこれまでT細胞の系列決定、免疫反応におけるT細胞およびB細胞の増殖およびエフェクター機能に必須な転写因子の機能の研究を行ってきました。今後、これらの転写因子の標的遺伝子の機能解析を通して、ガンおよび慢性ウイルス感染に対するT cell exhaustionのメカニズムの解明、および新規に同定した骨髄微小環境因子による造血制御、リンパ球のがん化の制御を分子レベルから解明することを目標にします。博士過程を修了後3年以内、あるいは修了見込みで、分子生物学,生化学の実験手法を十分に習得されている方、とくにマウスを使ったin vivoの実験の研究の経験のある方は優先的に考慮します。

Postdoctoral Fellow Position, Washington University School of Medicine
1-2 postdoc fellow positions are available to study lymphocyte development, adaptive immune responses and leukemogenesis/lymphomagenesis. The goal is to understand cellular, genetic and epigenetic regulatory networks governing physiological and pathogenic hematopoiesis, adaptive immune responses to chronic viral infection and cancers.
Strong candidates are expected to have experience in molecular biology and mouse genetics. Additional expertise in flow cytometry, epigenetic analyses, and pathogen infection experiments is highly appreciated.
The position is in Department of Pathology and Immunology at Washington University School of Medicine, located in Saint Louis, USA. The lab is located in scientifically rich environment with close interaction with leading immunologists, including Ken Murphy, Marco Colonna, Wayne Yokoyama and Chyi-Song Hsieh. This is a great place to build a successful research career.

Please refer to our research summary at http://dbbs.wustl.edu/faculty/Pages/faculty_bio.aspx?SID=6230.

Chou, C. et al. Immunity. 2016 Sep 20;45(3):570-582. PMID: 27566940.
Ebihara, T. et al., Nat Immunol. 2015 Nov;16(11):1124-33. PMID: 26414766.
Chou, C. et al., Nat Immunol. 2014 Sep;15(9):884-93. PMID: 25029552.
Satpathy, AT. et al., Blood. 2014 May 8;123(19):2968-77. PMID: 24677539.

Please send CV, a brief statement of your past accomplishment and prospective goal (1-2 pages each), and email addresses of two or more references to:

Takeshi Egawa
Department of Pathology and Immunology
Washington Universtity School of Medicine
Email: tegawa@wustl.edu

Posted by Takeshi Egawa(tegawa@wustl.edu)

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