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University of Virginia, School of Medicineポスドク募集

Postdoctoral positions are available in the laboratory of Prof. Kodi Ravichandran at University of Virginia (UVA)

私の所属する、University of Virginia, School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Cancer Department の教授Kodi Ravichandran研究室においてPostdoctoral Fellowを募集しています。

Kodi Ravichandran研究室では細胞死クリアランス機構の研究を主におこなっています。体中では、1 日に数億の古くなった細胞や傷付いた細胞がアポトーシスを起こしていますが、これらの細胞はマクロファージなどの貪食細胞や近接した上皮細胞・線維芽細胞などによって効率よく除かれています。反対に、貪食機能が低下すると死んだ細胞の蓄積による過度な炎症の誘導から、炎症性疾患の原因となることもわかってきています。候補者は、死んだ細胞の新規クリアランス機構の探索、またはクリアランス機構の破綻が他にどのような疾病と関わっているのか解明することを目指します。

バイオインフォマッティックス等、遺伝子発現のプロファイリング、クラスタリング、アノテーション、大量のデータを視覚的に表現する技能をお持ちの方を優先的に探しておりますが、下記の公募条件に当てはまる方で、応募あるいは興味、質問のある方はCV (PDF)を添付して下記連絡先メールアドレスまで気軽に連絡してください。

研究室業績: Han CZ, Juncadella IJ, Kinchen JM, Buckley MW, Klibanov AL, Dryden K, Onengut-Gumuscu S, Erdbrügger U, Turner SD, Shim YM, Tung KS, Ravichandran KS, Macrophages redirect phagocytosis by non-professional phagocytes and influence inflammation. 2016 Nature

Lee CS, Penberthy KK, Wheeler KM, Juncadella IJ, Vandenabeele P, Lysiak JJ, Ravichandran KS, Boosting Apoptotic Cell Clearance by Colonic Epithelial Cells Attenuates Inflammation In Vivo. 2016; Immunity

Poon IK, Chiu YH, Armstrong AJ, Kinchen JM, Juncadella IJ, Bayliss DA, Ravichandran KS, Unexpected link between an antibiotic, pannexin channels and apoptosis. 2014; Nature.

Hochreiter-Hufford AE, Lee CS, Kinchen JM, Sokolowski JD, Arandjelovic S, Call JA, Klibanov AL, Yan Z, Mandell JW, Ravichandran KS, Phosphatidylserine receptor BAI1 and apoptotic cells as new promoters of myoblast fusion. 2013; Nature

Juncadella IJ, Kadl A, Sharma AK, Shim YM, Hochreiter-Hufford A, Borish L, Ravichandran KS, Apoptotic cell clearance by bronchial epithelial cells critically influences airway inflammation. 2012; Nature

Park D, Han CZ, Elliott MR, Kinchen JM, Trampont PC, Das S, Collins S, Lysiak JJ, Hoehn KL, Ravichandran KS, Continued clearance of apoptotic cells critically depends on the phagocyte Ucp2 protein. 2011; Nature

Chekeni FB, Elliott MR, Sandilos JK, Walk SF, Kinchen JM, Lazarowski ER, Armstrong AJ, Penuela S, Laird DW, Salvesen GS, Isakson BE, Bayliss DA, Ravichandran KS, Pannexin 1 channels mediate 'find-me' signal release and membrane permeability during apoptosis. 2010; Nature.

Kinchen JM, Ravichandran KS, Identification of two evolutionarily conserved genes regulating processing of engulfed apoptotic cells. 2010; Nature.

Elliott MR, Zheng S, Park D, Woodson RI, Reardon MA, Juncadella IJ, Kinchen JM, Zhang J, Lysiak JJ, Ravichandran KS, Unexpected requirement for ELMO1 in clearance of apoptotic germ cells in vivo. 2010; Nature.
公募情報:Prof. Ravichandran’s team in UVA will focus on the fundamental process of apoptotic cell clearance in healthy and disease states. This cell clearance process has several facets, including how a phagocyte senses a corpse in a tissue (find-me signals), how the corpse is recognized (eat-me signals) and internalized via specific phagocytic receptors, how the cargo contents are processed (via metabolomics), and how the apoptotic cell clearance process is anti-inflammatory (compared to other types of cell death). Prof. Ravichandran’s laboratory addresses cell clearance via cutting edge cellular and molecular biology approaches, coupled with in vivo mouse models, disease models, and complementary ex vivo studies

- The candidates should have a PhD degree in the field of biomedical sciences, with a strong publication record and scientific integrity
- Practical experience with Bioinformatics/RNAseq/Proteomics studies is a big plus
- The candidates should be able to work independently and at the same time be a team-player
- The candidates should have excellent communication skills and a strong passion for life sciences
- The candidates are expected to have strong hands-on experience in molecular and cell biology techniques, with working knowledge of cell death modalities

研究室website: http://med.virginia.edu/faculty/faculty-listing/kr4h/



Kodi Ravichandran lab, Research Scientist, 森岡 翔

投稿者:森岡 翔(sm9ss@virginia.edu)

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