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Warwick Medical School, Biomedical Cell Biology
A postdoc funded by by the Wellcome Trust

イギリスWarwick大学Medical SchoolのBowmanラボではThe Wellcome TrustのSir Henry Dale Fellowshipsの獲得に伴い、ポスドクを募集しております。
Sir Henry Dale Fellowshipsは独立したての若いPIのための非常に倍率の高いグラントであり、このグラントの獲得は多くの若手PIにとっての目標となっています。すなわち、Bowmanラボの研究は現在、非常に高い評価を受けていると言えます。
PIのDr. Andrew Bowmanはヒストンのプロセシングと核移行、クロマチンアッセンブリに興味を持っており、このプロジェクトに従事する意欲あるポスドクを募集しております。優秀な若手PIと共にキャリアを築いていきたい方はぜひ応募してみてください。Andrewはとても優秀でかつユーモアのある人柄ですので、充実したポスドク生活を送れると思います。

Fixed term contract for 3 years.
You will join the laboratory of Dr Andrew Bowman in the Division of Biomedical Sciences at Warwick Medical School. The lab is recruiting a postdoctorial research associate to investigate the chromatin assembly pathway using proteomic and live cell imaging approaches funded by the Wellcome Trust. We offer an outstanding environment for discovery science in one of the best universities in the UK.

You will have a good honours degree (or equivalent) and have or expect shortly to have a relevant PhD (or equivalent), and at least one first author publication in a peer reviewed journal (pre-prints that are under review are accepted).

Where you have not yet been awarded your PhD, any offer made to you will be an under-appointment to the post of Research Assistant at a salary of £28,936 per annum. Once your PhD has been awarded and evidenced, you will be appointed to the substantive post of Research Fellow at a salary within the range shown above.

Job Description

You will work on a Wellcome Trust-funded project investigating the role of histone chaperones in cytosolic processing, nuclear import and chromatin assembly. The aims are to delineate histone processing events from their sites of synthesis in the cytosol to the sites of incorporation in the nucleus.

You will employ both the proteomic and fluorescence’s microscopy to observe histone dynamics, and identify potential novel candidates in the assembly pathway.

You need not have experience in both techniques, but should show enthusiasm for learning them. Warwick has both state-of-the-art facilities for both proteomics and live cell imaging, and you will be working closely with staff scientists in both areas.

Duties and Responsibilities:

Research and Scholarship

1. Maintain a sound research base within the department in order to assist the development of research objectives and proposals for own or joint research.

2. Conduct individual and collaborative research projects.

3. Meticulous record keeping, accurate conduct and reporting of experimental setup and data. Adherence to lab standards for archiving, analysis and reporting.

4. Write up research work for publication.

5. Translate knowledge of advances in the subject area into research activity.

6. May contribute to preparing proposals and applications to external bodies, e.g. for funding and contractual purposes, to support a developing research agenda.

7. Contribute to the preparation of papers for publication.

8. Communicate complex information (orally and in writing) and material of a specialist or highly technical nature.

9. Continually update own knowledge and understanding in field or specialism.

Teaching and Learning Support

1. Opportunities to contribute to the teaching and learning programmes in the department.

2. Assist in the supervision of student projects and the development of student research skills.

3. May be involved in the assessment of student knowledge and supervision of projects.

Administration and Other Activities

1. May be required to attend departmental meetings and to participate (where necessary) in other committees and working groups within the department, the faculty and the University.

2. Ensure compliance with health and safety in all aspects of work.

3. Work within budget constraints.

The duties and responsibilities outlined are not intended to be an exhaustive list but provide guidance on the main aspects of the job. The post-holder will be required to be flexible in their duties.


Balasubramanian laboratory
Warwick Medical School
University of Warwick


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