
Washington University in St. Louisポスドク募集

Washington University in St. LouisのJames Hsieh Labは今年の1月のラボ移動に伴い欠員が出たため、現在若干名のポスドクを募集しています。
我々のラボでは腎臓がんの発症転移のメカニズムの解明およびその治療法の確立を主要テーマとしており、様々な疾患モデルマウス、ヒト患者由来の組織及びprimary culture cellなどを用いて、分子生物学的、細胞生物学的、RNA-seq, ATAC-seq等の網羅的手法により研究を行っています。また、もう一つのテーマとして、基本転写因子TFIIAやヒストンメチル化酵素であるMLLを特異的に切断するユニークな酵素であるTaspase1の転写調節機構およびエピジェネティックな調節機構に注目し、がんにおけるメカニズムの解析、この分子をターゲットとしたキャンサーセラピーの確立に注力しています。これらの研究を進めるにあたり、分子生物学、生化学、マウスを用いた研究、がん研究などの経験がある人材を募集しております。ご興味のある方は下記の情報をご覧の上、履歴書、2) 研究業績目録、3) 推薦者3名の連絡先を英文にて小山敏尚(oyamat@mskcc.org)まで送付してください。また、ご質問などがございましたら申請とは別にお気軽にご質問ください。

Nat Commun. 2016 Oct 7;7:13131.;
J Clin Invest. 2016 Sep 1;126(9):3526-40.
Cancer Cell. 2016 Jan 11;29(1):104-16.
J Clin Invest. 2015 Mar 2;125(3):1203-14
Cell Res. 2014 Nov;24(11):1354-66.
Cancer Cell. 2014 Apr 14;25(4):530-42.
Dev Cell. 2013 Oct 28;27(2):188-200.


Washington University Medical School
Division of Oncology
554 McDonnell Medical Sciences Building

1, 2名






留学場所:米国シカゴのイリノイ大学薬理学教室 Ashrafラボ
  参考URL(研究室): http://mcph.uic.edu
  参考URL(Prof. Ashraf): http://mcph.uic.edu/ashraf/
研究分野:心疾患、神経筋疾患、 iPS細胞、幹前駆細胞
採用条件:MD/PhD, MD or PhD
時 期:いつでも可(できれば、4月中旬くらいまでに)応相談
給 与:$50,000/year

私自身も再生医療関係の研究をしておりまして、ある学会でこのDr. Ashrafと知り合いになり、彼が日本人留学生を探していることを知りました。これまでにもProf. Ashrafの代わりにこのサイトで3回募集を行い、これまでに9人の日本人留学生の方々を紹介させていただきましたが、新たにiPS細胞関連のNIHグラントが獲得されたため新規募集に至りました。(Prof. Ashrafは、以前University of CIncinnatiにいました)
興味のある方は、お気軽に私の方まで連絡をお願いいたします。Prof. Ashrafと連絡を取りながら、詳細な情報などを追ってお知らせいたします。(このラボに留学経験のある日本人の方々も紹介させていただきますので、生の声もお聞きになれます。)
以下の英文がProf. Ashrafからのメッセージ原文になります。

I am  looking for 2 serious post docs who like to have experience in cardiac research related to ips cells for attenuating fibrosis following ischemia and for muscle dystrophy.
My current funded research deals with multiple topics:
The first project is designed to generate cardiac progenitors from ips cells prior to their transplantation into the diseased heart to attenuate fibrosis and infarct size thru repopulation of the infarcted area with new cardiac cells.
The second project deals with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy which is a genetic disease that causes progressive muscle weakness and death in young men. This proposal will establish novel methods for producing myogenic progenitors derived from integration-free induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), their mobilization, an engraftment into the dystrophic muscle for restoring normal muscle population.
The third project deals with smart stem cells in order to enhance vessel protection and repair in a mouse model of myocardial infarction. We have discovered that stem cells lose an important pathway of communication, called Notch, which may limit their therapeutic potential. We will investigate how Notch helps stem cells work properly and determine whether we can use this information to improve stem cell mediated repair.

I always value our friendship and collaboration and hope you will identify some suitable candidates to be hopefully available by 4/15/2017.
Thank you and with best regards
Mo Ashraf
Prof, Dept of Pharmacology
University of Illinois, Chicago

伊井正明(イイ マサアキ/Masaaki Ii, MD, PhD)@大阪医科大学 研究支援センター実験動物部門 再生医療研究開発拠点 講師
Email: masa0331@mac.com



ワシントン大学 (University of Washington in Seattle) 皮膚がん研究のポスドク募集

米国シアトルにあるワシントン大学皮膚科の川澄研究室では、ポスドクを募集しています(期間2-3年)。当研究室では、紫外線照射により生じるDNA損傷応答、紫外線により誘発される皮膚がんの発生機構、紫外線で活性化されるATRキナーゼに対する低分子化合物の研究を行っています。マウスや細胞を用い、最先端の研究手法を駆使して、紫外線により遺伝子変異が生じる分子機序の解明を目指しています。MDあるいはPhDを保持し、分子生物学的手法の経験のある研究者を募集します。英語でのコミュニケーション能力を重視します。シアトルのワシントン大学では共同研究が盛んで、オープンな研究環境が利点です。当研究室では、個々のケースに合わせたキャリアディベロップメントを大切にしています。研究概略は、こちらのウェブサイトをご覧下さい(http://depts.washington.edu/dermatol/directory/bios/kawasumi.html)。詳しい研究内容については、直接お問い合わせ下さい(日本語可)。まずは、応募の意思とCVを川澄正興宛てにメールでお送り下さい(Masaoki Kawasumi )。アメリカで研究��に没頭したい、将来にわたってアカデミアで活躍していきたいという熱意ある人材の応募をお待ちしております。

川澄 正興
Masaoki Kawasumi, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine/Dermatology
University of Washington
Email: kawasumi@u.washington.edu



Lieber Institute for Brain Development at Johns Hopkins Bioscience Park Research positions

Multiple research positions are available within the recently established Erwin lab at the Lieber Institute for Brain Development to study how genes and the environment interact to bias neurodevelopment towards disease or resilience. We are seeking highly motivated individuals including postdoctoral fellows, staff scientist and students. The applicant would be working with a team of researchers on projects using human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) models, brain tissue and single cell genomics to understand the origin of neurological disorders. Individuals with hIPS, (epi)genomics, genetics, developmental neuroscience or computational experience would be particularly well suited. For further information see: erwinlab.org

The Lieber Institute for Brain Development (LIBD) is located in the new Johns Hopkins Bioscience Park in Baltimore, MD. LIBD was conceived from the realization that a new approach is needed to fully exploit the unprecedented opportunities to accomplish the critical goal of helping affected individuals and their families. The LIBD aims to transform the research landscape in two ways: by providing new tools for scientific discovery and by developing new collaborative approaches to achieve our ambitious mission. The mission of the Lieber Institute for Brain Development is to translate the understanding of basic genetic and molecular mechanisms of schizophrenia and related developmental brain disorders into clinical advances that change the lives of affected individuals.

To Apply: Submit your CV and Cover letter to jennifer.erwin@libd.org

Posted by Jennifer Erwin(jennifer.erwin@libd.org)


山口大学大学院医学系研究科 器官病態外科学講座 助教の公募







1: 博士の学位を有し、かつ学位所得後10年以内の方。
2: 筆頭著者論文を2報以上有する方が望ましい。
3: 動物実験の経験のある方が望ましい。
4: 協調性のある方。


1: 履歴書(形式自由。ただし顔写真添付、連絡先とEmailアドレスの明記は必須)
2: 研究業績リスト(論文、著書、学会発表、招待講演、特許等)
3: 主要論文の別刷り(3編以内各一部、コピー可)
4: これまでの研究内容の概要(A4一枚以内)
5: 志望動機と研究者としての将来の展望(A4一枚以内)
6: 照会可能な方3名の氏名と連絡先(所属、Emailアドレス、電話番号等)




山口大学 大学院医学系研究科
上野 耕司
Email: kjueno@yamaguchi-u.ac.jp



University of Alberta Postdoctoral/Graduate Student Positions

The laboratory of Dr. Toshifumi Yokota invites applications for postdoctoral and graduate student positions in the Department of Medical Genetics at the University of Alberta. By utilizing integrative experimental and computational approaches, such as antisense oligonucleotides and CRISPR/Cas9, the focuses of our group are to develop novel molecular therapy for neuromuscular diseases and rare genetic diseases. Our group is actively collaborating with the world-class researchers and industry partners. The highly interdisciplinary and collaborative environment of our research group provides unique career development opportunities for the postdoctoral trainees and graduate students. The program is run by Dr. Toshifumi Yokota, Assistant Professor and the Muscular Dystrophy Canada Research Chair. His laboratory is renowned internationally for its work on the development of exon skipping/antisense technology as well as the study on animal models. The CIHR Program will focus on adv!
ancing novel therapies for genetic diseases.

The representative publications of the PI for independent and collaborative research includes;
1. Nakamura A et al (2017) J. Hum. Genet., In Press
2. Kamaludin AA et al (2016) Hum. Mol. Genet., 25(17):3798-3809.
3. Nakamura A et al (2016) J. Hum. Genet., 61(7):663-7.
4. Rodrigues M et al (2016) Sci. Rep., 6, 38371
5. Echigoya Y et al (2015) Mol. Ther. Nucleic Acids., 4 (2), e225
6. Pandey SN et al (2014) Mol. Ther., 22(2):390-6.
7. Aoki Y et al (2013) Hum. Mol. Genet., 22(24):4914-28.
8. Aoki Y et al (2012) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A., 109:13763-8.
9. Taniguchi M et al (2011) Nature, 478:127–131.

Located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, the Faculty has been internationally recognized as among the world’s top 50 medical schools and as one of Canada’s premier health-education institutions. The University is currently home to 39,000 students and 15,000 faculty and staff.

Postdoctoral Fellows: Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in biomedical sciences. Strong background in one or more of the following areas i) RNA biochemistry, ii) neurology, iii) molecular biology, iv) muscle biology, and v) mammalian cell biology. Mouse model experience is not required, but highly desirable. In order to qualify as a postdoc, the individual must be within 5 years of receiving their PhD. All applicants should have good spoken and written communication skills in English.

Successful candidates will be offered competitive salary commensurate with experience and accomplishments.

How to Apply
Interested applicants should send i) a cover letter briefly describing your previous experience and your future research interest/plan, ii) a curriculum vitae, and iii) contact information of at least three references to Dr. Toshifumi Yokota (toshifumi@ualberta.ca). Review of applications will continue until the position is filled.

Posted by Toshifumi Yokota(toshifum@ualberta.ca)


理化学研究所 多細胞システム形成研究センター 臨床橋渡しプログラム 研究員募集


研究員 1~2名






年間1,000万円を上限 (研究内容に応じて決定。)



理化学研究所 神戸事業所 研究支援部 人事課 採用担当



慶応義塾大学医学部 消化器内科 免疫ユニット 研究員、ポスドク募集

慶応義塾大学医学部 消化器内科 免疫ユニット

慶応義塾大学医学部 消化器内科では免疫学的なアプローチを使用し、自己免疫性疾患の解明に勤めています。免疫(Sujino T. Science 2016, Ono Y. Gastroenterology 2013, Saeki K. Gastroenterology 2012. Sujino T. Gastroenterology 2011)、腸内細菌バランス(Hayashi A. Cell Host Micro. 2013, Kashiwagi. Immunity 2014.)について主に研究を行っています。



〒160-8582 東京都新宿区信濃町35

任期 3年(初めの半年間は試用期間とし、その後1年契約)、任期終了後も延長あり。



勤務形態 非常勤(任期あり)、条件としては健康保険、労災保険、年金等常勤と同じですが、有期のため非常勤となります。
応募資格 生物系博士号所有のPhD研究者
待遇 慶應義塾学内規定によります。
応募期限 2016年2月01日から2017年03月31日 



〒160-8582 東京都新宿区信濃町35 慶応義塾大学医学部 消化器内科 筋野智久 
TEL 03-5535-1211
email: tsujino1224@keio.jp



University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Postdoctoral Position

Experimental postdoctoral positions of gene regulation in cancer immunology and cancer biology, the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

The laboratory of Dr. Yiwen Chen invites applications for experimental postdoctoral positions in studying the gene regulation in cancer immunology and cancer biology. By utilizing integrative computational and genomic approaches such as CRISPR/Cas9, ChIP-seq, RNA-seq and Ribosome Profiling (Ribo-seq), the focuses of our group are to decipher the mechanism of the gene regulation at transcriptional and translational level in cancer immunology and cancer biology. Our group is actively collaborating with the world-class cancer immunologists and cancer biologists at MD Anderson. The highly interdisciplinary and collaborative environment of our group provides unique career development opportunities for the postdoc trainees. The postdoc can be under the joint supervision of Dr. Yiwen Chen and another advisor (with complementary expertise) within MD Anderson for his/her postdoctoral training.

Note: the representative publications of the PI for independent and collaborative research includes Molecular and Cellular Proteomics (2009), 8(2): 273-86; Genome Biology (2011), 12(2):R11; Cancer Cell (2011), 20(1):119-31; Genome Research (2012) 22(9):1813-31; Nature Methods (2012), 9(6):609-14; Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (2013), 20(7):908-13; Nature (2014), 507(7493):448-54; Nature (2014), 508(7494):103-7. Nature Communications. 2016 7:10982; Trends in Genetics 2016 32(4):211-24; Nature Genetics. 2017 49(1): 75-86

MD Anderson Cancer Center is ranked No. 1 cancer hospital in 2016 (US News & World Report). It is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

It offers active graduate and postdoctoral training programs and the unmatched scientific environment of the Texas Medical Center, the world’s largest biomedical center that includes many other top-notched institutions such as Baylor College of Medicine and Rice University. The city of Houston is the 4th largest city in US and ranks the 12th best US travel destination in 2014.


Experimental Postdoc: Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in biomedical sciences. Strong background in one or more of the following areas i) RNA biochemistry, ii) immunology, iii) molecular biology, iv) cancer biology, and v) mammalian cell biology. Mouse model experience and genomics/proteomics expertise is not required, but highly desirable.

All applicants should have good spoken and written communication skills. Interested applicants should send i) a cover letter briefly describing your previous experience and your future research interest/plan, ii) a curriculum vitae, and iii) contact information of at least three references to Dr. Yiwen Chen, jobchenlab@gmail.com

Posted by Yiwen Chen(jobchenlab@gmail.com)

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