
京都大学学術研究支援室 リサーチ・アドミニストレーター、URA募集

海外ではOffice of Sponsored Programs等の名称でおなじみの研究支援アドミニストレーター職の募集です。あなたの専門性を活かし、新たな一歩を踏み出してみませんか?


※URAとは University Research Administratorの略です。

【職種】 特定専門業務職員(URA)
【募集人員】 6名程度
【勤務場所】京都大学学術研究支援室(京都市左京区吉田本町、京都大学 吉田キャンパス)但し、担当業務によって、宇治または桂キャンパス勤務となる場合があります。
【職務内容】 本学の研究力強化のため、下記のいずれかの URA 業務に従事いただく予定です。
(URA の業務・活動等の詳細については、京都大学学術研究支援室 WEB サイトも参照してください<http://www.kura.kyoto-u.ac.jp/recruit/>。これらの活動に共感・共鳴する方を募集しています)
① 国内外競争的研究資金等にかかる情報収集と申請資料作成の支援
② 研究プロジェクトの形成及び運営支援、産官学連携の推進にかかる支援
③ 学術研究推進の企画立案等に必要な情報の収集と分析
④ 海外大学・研究機関との人材交流、共同研究の推進支援
⑤ 研究活動・研究成果の広報・アウトリーチ活動の支援
⑥ その他、本学の研究力向上のため、URA として必要な業務

① 本学の研究を広く周知するための広報戦略策定とその実施
② 各種メディア(WEB、SNS、紙媒体等)を有効に活用した研究活動の広報
③ その他、本学の研究力向上のため URA として必要な業務
※URA の職務に関しては、学内外での研修等を通じてスキルアップを図っていく
こととし、URA 業務に専念・専従していただく必要があります(例えば、科学研究

【資格等】 以下のいずれかに対応する者
① 博士号取得者又は同等と認められる者。(特に【1】理工系分野、生命・医薬系
② 大学・研究機関等(企業を含む)で研究又は研究支援に係る業務経験を有す
概ね 3 年以上、修士は概ね 1 年以上。)
※ 業務によっては、海外大学等と交渉が可能な英語力を有する必要があります。
【採用時期】 平成 28 年 10 月 1 日(10 月 1 日以前の採用も可能。応相談)
【任 期】 平成 32 年 3 月 31 日 ただし更新する場合がある。
【勤務形態】 月~金曜日 8 時 30 分~17 時 15 分(休憩時間 12 時~13 時)
【給与・手当等】 本学給与支給基準による(年俸制)
【社会保険】 文部科学省共済組合・厚生年金、雇用保険、労災保険に加入
【応募締切】 平成 28 年 6 月 16 日(木)必着


【問合せ先】 京都大学 学術研究支援室

Posted by 京都大学学術研究支援室


University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Postdoctoral Positions

New postdoctoral positions are open in a cancer research laboratory located within The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. The lab currently studies energy sensing and metabolism in cancer (see our publications, Nature Cell Biology 2016; Nature Cell Biology 2015; Cancer Research. 2014; Oncogene. 2014; Nature. 2011; Cancer Cell. 2010; PNAS. 2008). The lab is well funded to support various projects related to the research topics described above. The new postdoc will be supported by a recently funded NCI R01 grant (for the list of funded grants, see the lab website at http://faculty.mdanderson.org/Boyi_Gan/Default.asp).

The putative postdoc researcher will be working on the role of long intergenic non-coding RNAs (for example, see “Liu X, et al, Gan B. lncRNA NBR2 engages a metabolic checkpoint by regulating AMPK under energy stress. Nature Cell Biology. 2016, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26999735) and other novel tumor suppressors in cancer metabolism with a particular emphasis of using emerging metabolic technologies to study cancer metabolism. Qualified candidates should have strong background in one or more of the following areas: molecular/cell biology, biochemistry, metabolism, cancer genetics. Experience in using Mass Spectrometry-related technologies to study metabolism is highly desirable. We prefer candidates who are about to graduate with PhD or MD/PhD degree, or have graduated within the last 12 months. A track record of excellent first author publication during PhD training is essential. The pay scale follows NIH guidelines ($43,692 for fresh PhD with adjustment fo!
r more senior candidates).

MD Anderson is the number one cancer center in cancer care in the United States by the U.S.News and World Report’s “America’s Best Hospitals” survey. It ranks 1st in the number of awarded grants from National Cancer Institute. It offers active graduate and postdoctoral training programs and the unmatched scientific environment of the Texas Medical Center, the world’s largest biomedical center. MD Anderson is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Houston is the 4th largest city in the United States with relatively low living cost and no state or city income tax.

The interested candidates should send a CV to bgan@mdanderson.org.

Boyi Gan, Ph. D.
Assistant Professor
Program of Genes & Development
Program of Cancer Biology
The University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Science
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Unit 066
1515 Holcombe Blvd
Houston, TX 77030


Posted by Boyi Gan(bgan@mdanderson.org)


Roswell Park Cancer Instituteポスドク募集

ロズウェルパーク癌研究所、イムノセラピーセンター、免疫解析施設におきまして、博士研究員を1-2名募集します。当センターはDr. Kunle Odunsiのリーダーシップの元、アメリカでの卵巣がん患者に対する免疫療法の主なセンターとして最先端の免疫療法とその免疫療法に対する免疫機能の解析、解析結果に基づいた新しい免疫療法の開発を行っています。がん免疫療法は抗CTLA-4抗体、抗PD-1抗体、Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR)やT cell Receptor (TCR)を用いた細胞療法等で現在最も注目されている領域です。免疫解析施設ではがん患者に癌免疫ワクチン、T細胞療法、樹状細胞療法、免疫チェックポイント阻害剤等を投与した前後の血液を採集し、癌抗原に対するT細胞ならびにB細胞反応の解析を行っています。さらに新しい免疫療法の開発のため細胞培養とマウスを用いた基礎研究も行っています。トランスレーショナルリサーチに興味のある方、腫瘍浸潤組織での免疫抑制機能の解析に興味のある方、または新しいがん免疫のターゲット分子の開発に興味のある方は是非、ご連絡ください。

[参考文献] Odunsi K, Qian F, Matsuzaki J, et al. PNAS, 2007; Matsuzaki J, et al. Cancer Immunol Immunother, 2008; Matsuzaki J, et al. PNAS, 2007; Odunsi K, Matsuzaki J, et al. PNAS, 2012; Odunsi K, Matsuzaki J, Cancer Immunol Res, 2013; Matsuzaki J, et al. Cancer Immunol Res, 2014; Matsuzaki J, et al. Scientific Reports, 2015.

[待遇] 研究所の規定に準じます。また応募者の経験を考慮します。

[募集期間] 適任者が決まり次第締め切ります。

[応募資格] 分子生物学、免疫学分野の基礎があり、ヒトまたはマウスを用いた研究の経験があるPhDまたはMD, PhD取得者、取得見込みのある方。特にマルチカラーフローサイトメーター(LSRII, FortessaあるいはCytof)を用いた細胞解析の経験のある方、またはT細胞培養の経験のある方は歓迎します。さらに遺伝子クローニング、cDNAライブラリー、タンパク質合成と生成、MHC/peptide Tetramer合成の経験がある方も歓迎します。

[応募書類] (1)英文の履歴書と研究業績リスト(CV)、(2)習得技術と今までの研究内容ならびに今後の興味と豊富を日本語で、(3)推薦者2名以上の連絡先をEメールで松崎順子宛(junko.matsuzaki@roswellpark.org)に送ってください。

Junko Matsuzaki, PhD
Facility Director, Immune Analysis Facility
Center for Immunotherapy
Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Elm and Carlton Streets
Buffalo, NY 14263
Phone: (716)845-8459

Posted by 松崎順子(junko.matsuzaki@roswellpark.org)


Duke University School of Medicine Postdoctoral Positions

Postdoctoral research fellow positions:
The Tata lab at the Department of Cell Biology, Duke University School of Medicine has two openings for postdoctoral researchers to study cellular plasticity mechanisms in injury repair and tumorigenesis. We seek to understand the genetic and epigenetic basis of organ regeneration and tumorigenesis. We study the properties of stem/progenitor cells in diverse epithelial tissues (with a primary focus on lung epithelium) and their relationships with neighboring tissues in physiopathological conditions. Some of the specific projects include:

1) To study the role of a novel epithelial stem/progenitor cell population in lung injury repair process.
2) To study the genetic and epigenetic basis of cellular plasticity in organ regeneration and lung tumorigenesis
3) Single cell RNA sequencing approaches to identify novel cell types in lung
4) Intra vital live imaging to visualize tissue regeneration

We utilize genetic, live imaging, cell biological and next generation sequencing technologies to study the behavior of tissues at single cell level. We offer an inspiring intellectual, collaborative and multidisciplinary research environment to support your career goals and will have access to state-of-the-art facilities.

- A PhD or MD/PhD (or equivalent) in biological sciences (biology, biochemistry, cell biology or a related field).
- Strong research background in cell biology, molecular biology, mouse models of cancer, and/or biochemistry. Prior experience in stem cells, chromatin biology is advantageous (but not necessary).
- Evidence of successful completion of a research project (publications)
- An ability to work independently, interpret, present and discuss experimental data
- Excellent communications skills

To apply, please submit a cover letter (less than a page) that includes a short summary of interests, a CV, and the contact information of 3 professional references to Dr. Purushothama Rao Tata purushothamarao.tata@mgh.harvard.edu (and/or) purushhcu@gmail.com

Applications will be reviewed until positions are filled. The positions are available from October 1, 2016.

Relevant literature:
1. P.R. Tata et al., Nature, 2013
2. Pardo. A*, P.R. Tata* et al., Nature, 2015
3. P.R. Tata et al., AJRCMB, 2013

Posted by Purushothama Rao Tata(purushothamarao.tata@mgh.harvard.edu)


Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard Medical School研究室員募集


Research positions available (pathologist, computational biologist, bioinformatician; other experts can be considered)

I am seeking candidates for research positions (pathologist, computational biologist, and/or bioinformatician) in my laboratory at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI), Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH), and Harvard Medical School, in Boston, MA, USA. Salary can be offered if a candidate has specific skills and expertise. A position may be a research scientist or postdoctoral fellow. A new lab member will be affiliated with Division of MPE Molecular Pathological Epidemiology at BWH. A new computational biologist/bioinformatician will also be affiliated with Center for Cancer Computational Biology (CCCB) at DFCI. Candidates in other areas can be considered; other areas include epidemiology, biostatistics, molecular biology, immunology, microbiology, and clinical medicine. Candidates with funding support will be highly considered, but candidates without funding will also be considered.

My laboratory is The "Molecular Pathological Epidemiology" (MPE) Laboratory, which is a very unique, interdisciplinary multi-institutional laboratory. I have been selected to receive 7-year funding of the Outstanding Investigator Award (OIA) from NIH/NCI (2015-2022; http://grantome.com/grant/NIH/R35-CA197735-01). I established an integrative science of MPE (Ogino et al. J Natl Cancer Inst 2010; Ogino et al. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2011; Field et al. JAMA 2013; etc), and founded the International MPE Meeting Series. I recently hosted The 3rd International Molecular Pathological Epidemiology (MPE) Meeting on May 12-13, 2016, and it concluded as a resounding success. Indeed, I have been making history of MPE. In terms of disease areas, my lab has been working on colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumors. We have been working on “immune-MPE”, “pharmaco-MPE”, MPE method development, and integration of MPE and oth!
er areas such as causal inference, health communication, and comparative effectiveness research. We have been utilizing resources of the Nurses' Health Study (following 121,700 women since 1976), the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (following 51,500 men since 1986), GECCO (Genetics and Epidemiology of Colorectal Cancer Consortium), Alliance trials, and other resources. For more information, please visit these links.

Please email me (shuji_ogino@dfci.harvard.edu) your CV or any inquiry. Please pass this information to anyone who may be interested. Please note that I may not reply to all inquiries.

Selected original publications:

X Liao et al. NEJM 2012; R Nishihara et al. NEJM 2013; AT Chan et al. NEJM 2007; E Barry et al. Nature 2013; R Straussman et al. Nature 2012; M Giannakis et al. Nat Genet 2014; R Nishihara et al. JAMA 2013; T Morikawa et al. JAMA 2011; AT Chan et al. JAMA 2009; K Nosho et al. Gastroenterology 2009; K Nosho et al. J Pathol 2010; S Fink et al. Sci Transl Med 2014; ZR Qian et al. J Clin Oncol 2013; A Kostic et al. Genome Res 2012; M Song et al. JNCI 2015; K Inamura et al. JNCI 2014; P Lochhead et al. JNCI 2013; S Ogino et al. JNCI 2013; A Kuchiba et al. JNCI 2012; M Song et al. Gut 2016; M Yamauchi et al. Gut 2012; K Mima et al. Cancer Immunol Res 2015; K Mima et al. JAMA Oncol 2015; K Inamura et al. JNCI 2016; K Mima et al. Gut 2016; M Song et al. JAMA Oncol 2016; M Giannakis et al. Cell Reports 2016, etc.


ボストンにある私のThe Molecular Pathological Epidemiology (MPE) Laboratory分子病理疫学研究室で研究室員(pathologist, computational biologist, bioinformatician)を募集しています。私のMPE研究室は中心はDana-Farber Cancer Instituteに位置しながらハーバード大学関連のいくつかの施設(Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Brigham and Women's Hospital, and Harvard Medical School)にまたがって存在し、機能しています(従来のラボの概念を超越しています)。私は日本人で現在唯一のNCI R35 Outstanding Investigator Award (OIA) Grant 保持者のようです(http://grantome.com/grant/NIH/R35-CA197735-01)。ポジションとしては常任研究員、ポスドクのいずれかが可能で、Division of MPE Molecular Pathological Epidemiology (Brigham and Women’s Hospital)にも属することになります。自前のグラント(フェローシップ等)サポートがありますと、ポジションをオファーする可能性が高まります。経験、能力(特にComputational biol!
ogy/bioinformaticsの能力)に応じて、自前のグラントなしでも給与のサポートすることも可能です。Computational biologist/bioinformaticianの方はDana-Farber Cancer InstituteのCenter for Cancer Computational Biology (CCCB)にも所属して頂きます。その他、Epidemiology、Biostatistics、Molecular Biology、Immunology, Microbiology, 臨床医学のbackgroundを持つ方も考慮しており、得意な分野・経験を生かしていただきます。プロジェクトは大腸癌、膵臓癌、消化器内分泌腫瘍のMolecular Pathological Epidemiology (MPE、分子病理疫学)、Immuno-MPE(免疫分子病理疫学)、Pharmaco-MPE (薬理分子病理疫学)、 病気を限定しないMPE解析手法の開発、あるいはMPEと他の分野とのあらたな統合分野の設立と多岐にわたります。ラボメンバーのCareer Developmentのサポートも充実しています(このリンクをご覧ください http://uja-info.org/findingourway/post/1484/)。私の指導のもとで、人にもよりますが、2年間の研究留学で、筆頭著者でぁ
*$h$=#2!]4本の高質の論文を出していますし、Co-First Au!
thorship をとれることが多いです。これまでの2年間いたポスドクの最高記録は8本の筆頭著者論文です(Co-first author論文をいれると15本を超えるでしょうか)。

MPEは私が創造した学問分野で、その名が示すとおり、分子病理学と疫学の統合という新しい学問分野です(S Ogino et al. JNCI 2010; S Ogino et al. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2011; A Field et al. JAMA 2013; etc)。私は2016年5月に第3回国際分子病理疫学学会を主催し、成功させ、すでに第4回国際分子病理疫学学会を2018年5月に計画中です。このように分子病理疫学の歴史を作っています。

私のラボでは大規模な前向き疫学コホートを使って大腸癌と膵臓癌の様々な分子異常の疫学的病因を研究しています。ハーバード大学公衆衛生大学院とBrigham and Women’s Hospitalではこれまで当初は健康な12万人の女性を39年(Nurses' Health Study、http://www.channing.harvard.edu/nhs/)、5万人の男性を29年(Health Professionals Follow-up Study、http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hpfs/)追跡して、病気の発生を疫学的に研究してきました。他にも様々なコホート、コンソーシアム(GECCO)あるいはデータベースを駆使して研究を進めています。我々のMPE Researchの強みは最近のさまざまな論文で示されています(上に主要な論文を列挙しました)。分子病理疫学と私の研究室についてはこれらのサイトをご覧ください。

Shuji Ogino, MD, PhD, MS

NCI R35 (Outstanding Investigator Award)-funded Investigator

Chief, Division of MPE Molecular Pathological Epidemiology
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Professor of Pathology and Epidemiology
Harvard Medical School
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health



University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaignポスドク募集

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaignにおいて8月からのラボ立ち上げに伴い、ポスドクを1名募集いたします。



博士の学位を有し 、動物実験の経験があることと、基本的な分子生物学、細胞生物学、免疫学的実験方法に精通していること。神経学あるいは免疫学などの経験があり、やる気のある方をより歓迎いたします。


任期:原則として1 年単位で成果に応じて更新可能。大学規定に基づき、最大3年を任期とします。

Makoto Inoue,
Department of Immunology,
Duke University School of Medicine
Email: makoto.inoue2@duke.edu

投稿者:井上 誠(makoto.inoue2@duke.edu)


Cleveland Clinic Postdoctoral Position

Molecular Mechanisms and Translational Investigations of Advanced Prostate Cancer

A postdoctoral fellowship position supported by the National Institutes of Health and the Prostate Cancer Foundation are available in the laboratory of Dr. Nima Sharifi at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute in the Department of Cancer Biology.

Our laboratory is focused on molecular mechanisms of androgen synthesis and androgen receptor (AR) gain-of-function that lead to resistance to hormonal therapy. Specific areas include:

1) Metabolic and genetic changes required for androgen synthesis

2) Clinical validation in patients and clinical trials utilizing innovative approaches

3) Animal models of advanced prostate cancer for translational and therapeutic studies

4) Identifying targets for the development of new pharmacologic therapies

We recently discovered that abiraterone works by conversion to a more active steroidal metabolite (Li, et al. Nature. 2015 523(7560):347-51). We are currently working toward defining the relationship between metabolite generation and treatment response in patients and identifying new chemical entities that are determinants of treatment response.

We also discovered the first example of a gain-of-function in a steroid-synthesizing enzyme that enables prostate cancer resistance to hormonal therapy (Chang, et al. Cell. 2013 154(5):1074-1084). We are pursuing similar mechanisms and developing new treatment modalities based on these discoveries. Our work was featured in an “Editor’s Choice” in Science Translational Medicine and a “Research Watch” in Cancer Discovery.

Previously, we discovered that prostate cancer becomes resistant to hormonal therapy by the synthesis of dihydrotestosterone through a pathway that circumvents testosterone, instead requiring 5α-androstanedione, a previously underappreciated intermediate metabolite. This metabolic pathway occurs in patient tumors (Chang, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2011 Aug 16;108(33):13728-33).

The position will provide a unique and multidisciplinary exposure to tumor metabolism, molecular oncology, drug development and clinical trials. Further details are available at the following link: https://www.lerner.ccf.org/cancerbio/sharifi/#lab

Candidates should hold a doctoral degree with a background in molecular biology, metabolism or cancer biology. Candidates must have proficiency in verbal and written English. Candidates with an interest in the position should send their CV and contact information for 3 references to:

Nima Sharifi, M.D.
Kendrick Family Chair for Prostate Cancer Research

Posted by Nima Sharifi, M.D.(sharifn@ccf.org)

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