
Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texasポスドク募集

Post-doctoral opportunities in Islet Cell Transplantation Research in Texas

Baylor Research Institute at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas is seeking highly motivated scientists at post-doctoral fellow level. Baylor is a recognized world leader in islet transplantation research. The team has numerous external grant awards including from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the National Institutes of Health. We average some 10 publications per year. We are actively performing,

1.Human allogeneic transplantation to treat type 1 diabetic patients under FDA-supervised research protocols
2.Human autologous islet transplantation to treat Chronic Pancreatitis
3.Human pancreatic islet isolations for research
4.Basic islet research using mouse models and cell lines
5.Extensive applied immunology research for allo and autologous transplantation

Baylor has a state-of-the art cGMP clean room facility to perform human islet isolations and a well equipped research facility. Our center is also actively collaborating with Institute of Biomedical studies at Baylor University for academic appointments / activities.

Ideal candidates will have a MD/PhD with a strong background in cell biology, immunology and a good publication record. Strong problem solving skills, creative thinking and the ability to write grants will be a plus. Financial support for this position is included. Baylor Research Institute will assist the successful applicant in obtaining necessary visa.

The exciting work will be guided by multidisciplinary collaborations with top scientists in transplantation, immunology, autoimmunity, diabetes at Baylor Research Institute.

To apply please send your CV, a brief statement of research interests and contact information for three references.

Bashoo Naziruddin, PhD.
E-mail : bashoon@BSWHealth.org or



University of Cincinnatiポスドク募集


Sasaki研究室はGTPエネルギー代謝について研究しています。一つの細胞が二つに増えるためには膨大なエネルギーが必要です。私たちはGTPギークとして研究を続けるなか 、GTPエネルギーのセンサーを発見し、Molecular Cell誌へ報告しました。同時に、GTPエネルギー代謝は癌の増殖維持に特に重要であることを見いだし、発見したセンサーの先に広がるGTPエネルギー代謝機構の存在と細胞増殖との関係を、世界に先駆けて明らかにしました。http://www.cell.com/molecular-cell/abstract/S1097-2765(15)00945-4


当研究室では、ポスドクで参加した6人中5名が奨学金を獲得し、インパクトの大きい論文を出すことで、次のキャリアアップへ成功しています。 ラボのある建物内は全て英語での会話です。高い頻度での英語によるディスカッションとプレゼンテーションで、めきめき英語力が上達することを保証致します。世界のトップラボへ“お邪魔する”留学よりも、世界のトップラボを“築く”プロセスを共に駆け上がることに興味のある、気骨ある方の参加を期待しています。


[応募資格] イノシトール脂質研究、マウスを用いた解析の経験のいずれかがある方を優先し選考します。ポスドク・大学院留学・博士課程留学、いずれも可能です。

[募集期間] 適任者(1名)が決まり次第締め切ります。

[勤務期間] 2年以上

[赴任時期] 2017年を想定しています。留学の成功には準備期間も大切です。応相談。

[待遇] シンシナティ大学の規定に準拠(健康保険等完備)

[応募書類] 1. 履歴書と業績リスト(英語)、2. 推薦者 2-3名の連絡先、3. これまでの研究内容と今後の抱負、を e-mail で atsuo.sasaki@uc.edu までお送りください。

佐々木 敦朗
Atsuo T. Sasaki, Ph.D. 
Assistant Professor
Div. Hematology & Oncology, Dep. Internal Medicine
Dept. Neurosurgery; Dept. Cancer Biology
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Brain Tumor Center at UC Neuroscience Institute
UC Cancer Inst. & Cincinnati Cancer Center
Tel: 513-558-2160
Fax:  513-558-6703
email: atsuo.sasaki@uc.edu



Science Mission インタビュー




Boston Children's Hospital/Harvard Medical Schoolポスドク募集

ボストン小児病院麻酔科の結城研究室で、ポスドクを2名募集しています。私どもは、周術期の免疫能について、とくに麻酔薬の関与という観点から研究しております。In vitroの実験のほか、動物実験、患者のサンプルを用いて研究をしています。ボストン小児病院はLongwood Medical Areaにあり、他のハーバード関連病院、医学部と隣接しており、非常に研究の幅があり、又治安もよいです。現在リサーチフェローとテクニシャンが1名ずつ勤務しております。

応募の内容:免疫学の研究、とくに感染症または腫瘍免疫の研究に従事したことのあり、PhDまたはMD/PhD取得者。マウスの実験、flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopyの経験のある方。2016年3月以降、できるだけ早くの開始を希望します。興味のある方は結城まで、履歴書と業績リスト、これまでの研究について、推薦者2-3名の連絡先をemailでkoichi.yuki@childrens.harvard.eduまでお送りください。不明な点は、遠慮なくお問い合わせください。

Posted by Koichi Yuki(koichi.yuki@childrens.harvard.edu)


University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine Postdoctoral Position

A postdoctoral position is immediately available in a newly established laboratory of Huxing Cui, PhD., in the Department of Pharmacology at University of Iowa. A highly motivated postdoctoral scholar will work on NIH-funded research projects to study the neurobiology of energy homeostasis, motivated behavior, autonomic and blood pressure regulation relating to obesity, hypertension and eating disorders. To accomplish this, a combination of cutting-edge tools will be employed, including in vivo Cre-loxP technology, optogenetics and chemogenetics, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, biochemistry and molecular biology. Energetic and self-motivated individuals with strong background in system neuroscience and/or cardiovascular research are encouraged to apply. Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree and a track record of productivity and good writing and communication skills. Prior working experience with animal models is highly desirable. Preference will be given to those who have ex!
pertise in neuroanatomy, small animal surgery, metabolism and cardiovascular research.
To Apply: Interested candidates should submit their current curriculum vitae, letter of interest, and contact information for 3 references to Dr. Huxing Cui by e-mail at: huxing-cui@uiowa.edu. Japanese communication is possible as PI speaks fluent Japanese language close to native level.
The University of Iowa is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply and will receive consideration for employment free from discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, age, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, religion, associational preference, status as a qualified individual with a disability, or status as a protected veteran.

投稿者:Huxing Cui(huxing-cui@uiowa.edu)


メイヨークリニック神経科学部門 博士研究員 募集

本求人は候補者が決定したため募集を打ち切りました。This advertisement was withdrawn because the position has been filled.

メイヨークリニック・フロリダキャンパスのDepartment of Neuroscience のレベルは非常に高く、横のつながりも強いため研究の幅も広がり、非常にやりやすい環境です。また、常に全米トップ3にランクインしているクリニック・臨床部門との連携が強みといえます。ブレインバンクをはじめとした病理研究コア、多くのコホート研究によって支えられているバイオバンクが充実しており、基礎研究で得られた知見のフィードバックの際にも、細胞、マウスレベルからヒトレベルへのシームレスな探索が可能です。


[研究内容] アルツハイマー病関連遺伝子ノックアウト、トランスジェニックマウスをもちい、アルツハイマー病発症機序に関する基礎的研究に従事していただきます
[応募資格] 上記の研究に興味のあるMD-PhD 取得者、PhD取得者、または着任までに取得見込みで、英語による基本的コミュニケーション能力のある方。マウスをもちいた実験が可能な方
[待遇] メイヨークリニックの規定に準拠(健康保険等完備)
[募集期間] 適任者(1名)が決まり次第締め切ります
[赴任時期] 2016年2月以降、できるだけ早い時期を希望します(応相談)
[勤務期間] 2年(1年更新)
兼清 貴久(kanekiyo.takahisa@mayo.edu)、山崎 雄(リサーチフェロー)(yamazaki.yu@mayo.edu)


投稿者:山崎 雄(yamazaki.yu@mayo.edu)


University of Pennsylvania Postdoctoral Position

We are seeking a highly motivated early career Postdoctoral Researcher. Our laboratory uses structural biology, biophysics, biochemistry and cell biology. We study the actin cytoskeleton, and the linkage between the cytoskeleton, cellular membranes and signaling pathways. The laboratory and shared facilities at UPenn offer state of the art instrumentation. UPenn is the leading institution in the world in cytoskeleton research, offering a fantastic training environment and great opportunities for career development. Philadelphia is an affordable and cosmopolitan city, located in the Boston-New York-Washington DC corridor along the east coast of the US. We offer competitive salary and benefits, according to experience. For further information, please refer to our lab web page:http://www.med.upenn.edu/dominguez/. Please send your CV, a cover letter explaining your interest in our laboratory, and provide the names and contact information of three referees to: Dr. Roberto Domingu!
ez (droberto@mail.med.upenn.edu)

Posted by Roberto Dominguez(droberto@mail.med.upenn.edu)


Temple University Postdoctoral Position

Postdoctoral Position Available In The Habas Laboratory At Temple University

Postdoctoral position to study Wnt signaling during early vertebrate embryogenesis.

A postdoctoral position is currently available in the laboratory of Raymond Habas in the Biology Department at Temple University (http://astro.temple.edu/~habas/index.html). We study the role of Wnt signaling during early development using Xenopus and zebrafish models. Current projects include the functional characterization of a number of newly identified proteins that regulate either canonical Wnt signaling for organizer/shield formation and non-canonical Wnt signaling for gastrulation and neural tube closure. The laboratory utilizes biochemical, cell biological and embryological approaches in both cell culture and Xenopus/zebrafish.
Preference will be given to applicants who are highly motivated, have a good publication record and hold a recent PhD in a related area of study. Ideal candidates will have demonstrated experience in molecular biology approaches, as well as experience with Xenopus and/or zebrafish models.

Applicants should email a copy of their CV, reprints of relevant publications and the contact information of three references to Dr. Raymond Habas (habas@temple.edu).

Temple大学はワシントンDCとニューヨークのちょうど間のフィラデルフィアにあり、研究の盛んな地域です。Habas博士はDaam1遺伝子を同定した業績(Cell 107; 843–854)で有名で、これまでも日本人ポスドクが在籍して優れた研究業績を上げました。Habas博士は日本人に対して理解があり、穏やかに、しかししっかりとした指導と研究指針を与えてくださいます。



University of Alabama at Birmingham Postdoctoral Position

Positions are available for Postdoctoral Fellows in the laboratory of Dr. Robert Welner, PhD at the University of Alabama at Birmingham for studies of leukemia stem cell maintenance, and alteration to the microenvironment during leukemogenesis.
Our lab uses mouse models to decipher the gene regulatory network of cells within the leukemic microenvironment that inhibit normal hematopoiesis. Additionally, we work with primary patient samples to translate these findings to human disease. The candidate will take advantage of mouse genetics, epigenetics, molecular and cellular biology, and single cell technologies to achieve these goals. Recent publication for reference: Cancer Cell 2015, 11;27(5):671-81.
The Division of Hematology-Oncology is part of the NCI-funded Comprehensive Cancer Center, one of the nation's leading cancer research and treatment centers.

This position is seeking an energetic, research-oriented individual with a strong background in molecular or cellular biology, or immunology as well as experience in studying hematopoiesis will be preferred. The candidate should be organized, self-motivated, and have good communication skills. An MD and/or Ph.D. degree is required and the candidate should have at least one first author publication in an internationally recognized journal. We aim to be a highly collaborative team, and the ability to work successfully with others is critical.

Please send cover letter, research interests, and curriculum vitae with the names of three references to:
Rob Welner, PhD, Assistant Professor
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology-Oncology
Email: rwelner@uab.edu

Posted by Rob Welner(rwelner@uab.edu)


Roswell Park Cancer Instituteポスドク募集

ニューヨーク州バッファロー市: Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Center for Immunotherapy (ロズウェルパーク癌センター 免疫療法部門) の Koya 研究室でポスドク研究員を若干名募集します。研究内容は Cancer Immunotherapy です。
当研究室では 、免疫細胞 (T細胞) を用いた新しい癌免疫治療法の開発を研究しています。T cell receptor (TCR) 遺伝子治療の開発、レトロウィルスを用いた実験、マウスモデル、ヒトレベル(患者さん)での免疫療法 (clinical trial) を施行されています。
[応募資格] :免疫学、分子生物学、細胞生物学、遺伝子操作、サブクローニングの経験があり、 腫瘍免疫研究に興味のある博士号取得者。そして何よりも意欲あふれる方を求めています。ラボは日本語が通じますが、 英語を話し、書ける人を希望します。
[勤務期間]: 2年以上
[応募書類]:1. 履歴書と業績リスト(英語)、2. 推薦者 2-3名の連絡先、3. これまでの研究内容と今後の抱負、を e-mail で richard.koya@roswellpark.org までお送りください。不明な点は、遠慮無くお問い合わせください。

Richard C. Koya, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Oncology and Immunology
Director of the Vector Development & Production Facility
Associate Director of the Center for Immunotherapy
Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Center for Immunotherapy
Elm and Carlton Streets, CCC-419
Buffalo, NY, 14263
Phone: (716) 845-1300, ext. 6582
Email: richard.koya@roswellpark.org

Posted by Richard Koya(richard.koya@roswellpark.org)


Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute Postdoctoral Position

Post-doctoral research in the epigenetic regulation of normal and leukemic stem cells:
A postdoctoral position is available with a flexible start date in the field of epigenetics in the Deshpande Lab at the Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute in La Jolla, California. Sanford Burnham Prebys (SBP) is known for its world-class capabilities in stem cell research and drug discovery technologies and is an NCI designated Cancer Center. SBP is located on the scenic Torrey Pines Mesa and has collaborative ties to several adjacent world-class research institutions such as a the Salk Institute, Scripps and the University of California San Diego as well as several leading pharmaceutical companies.

The Deshpande lab is interested in cancer epigenetics with a core focus on hematological malignancies using mouse models. The lab also has a strong interest in normal hematopoietic stem cell biology. The candidate will be involved in the study of normal and cancerous stem cells using genomic, epigenomic and biochemical methods, high-throughput small molecule inhibitor screens and CRISPR-Cas9 mediated genome editing.
Highly motivated candidates with a recent Ph.D. in Cell Biology, Molecular biology, Genetics or relevant fields are encouraged to apply. Experience and expertise in cell and molecular biology (multi-parameter flow cytometry, chromatin immunoprecipitation, cell culture) and/or mouse models of hematopoiesis is highly desired. Basic knowledge of computational data analysis is a big plus but not a must. We are seeking collaborative individuals who are detail oriented, with excellent communication and data organization skills. Candidates must have a demonstrated ability to successfully spearhead a research project as evidenced by first author publications in reputable and high impact journals (published or submitted).
Interested candidates should send an email with a summary of achievements and research interests, updated CV and contact information for 3 letters of reference to Dr. Ani Deshpande (adeshpande@SBPdiscovery.org).
Lab website: www.thedeshpandelab.com

Posted by Ani Deshpande(adeshbpande@sbpdiscovery.org)

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