
ニューヨーク州ロチェスター大学 ポスドク募集

University of Rochester Medical CenterのHsu研究室で助教をしている丸山と申します。現在、Dr. Wei Hsuが、1-2名のポスドクを募集しています。当研究室は、Wntシグナルを中心としたシグナルによる器官発生や疾患の発症機構を研究しています。ニューヨーク州ロチェスターは公立学校のレベルが高く、治安も比較的良く、生活しやすい場所です。詳細は下記をご覧いただき、興味のある方は直接Wei Hsuに連絡してください。質問がありましたら日本語で丸山 (Takamistu_Maruyama@urmc.rochester.edu) に連絡して頂いても結構です。

Two postdoctoral fellowship positions are available to study Morphogenetic Signaling Pathways in Development and Disease. Areas of interests include craniofacial morphogenesis, skeletal development, mesenchymal stem cell, neural crest and neural development, congenital deformities, cancer and metastasis. Projects focus on molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying development of lineage-specific stem/progenitor cells, tissue repair and regeneration, stem cell niches/microenvironment, and stem cell-based therapies. Priority will be given to candidates with recent PhD and experience in developmental genetics, stem cell biology, skeletal development and disease, cancer research, and genomics/proteomics.
Visit website: http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/people/23567887-wei-hsu/articles
Submit your application including a cover letter, CV and names of at least three references to
Dr. Wei Hsu (Email: wei_hsu@urmc.rochester.edu).



University of California Riverside ポスドク募集

Postdoctoral Position in RNA Biology/Developmental Neurobiology Lab
A postdoctoral position is available in the Zheng lab at the University of California Riverside. The Zheng lab studies the activity and function of post-transcriptional gene regulation in the nervous system. Current research projects investigate the emerging roles of alternative splicing as an on/off switch of gene expression, the developmental reprogramming of splicing regulation, and long non-coding RNA. For details please visit http://zhenglab.ucr.edu. The position offers an amazing opportunity to continue training in neuroscience and RNA biology with an emphasis on cell and molecular biology, imaging, stem cells, mouse genetics, biochemistry, genomics, next generation sequencing and informatics approaches. Strong background in RNA biology, developmental neurobiology, and mouse genetics is highly preferred. Salary is commensurate upon experience and qualifications.
University of California Riverside has a vibrant research environment and is the fastest growing campus of UC. Particular strengths on the campus include neurodevelopmental disorders, glial-neuronal interactions, genetics, epigenetics, genomics, bioinformatics, integrative immunology, cancer biology, microRNAs, vector biology, bioengineering and nanotechnology, and synthetic and analytical chemistry.
The scientific community is highly interactive, providing many opportunities for collaborations. Our lab is fully equipped with modern instruments for neurogenetics research and is housed in a research building with state-of-the-art facility that was opened in 2011.
Riverside is a wonderful place to live, providing ample cultural and entertainment opportunities in a safe and comfortable community with very affordable housing and living expenses. Riverside is about an hour away from ski slopes, surfing, or hiking in mountain or desert environments, and housing in the area is very affordable. The city offers all the cultural advantages of any U.S. city, together with the amazing all-year-round weather of sunny Southern California. The campus is also located in a prime position to take advantage of the other universities, research institutes, and biotech industries present in Southern California.
Please send CV, a description of research experience and interests, representative publications, and two or three references with contact information to sika.zheng@ucr.edu as a single PDF file. We are especially interested in those who are energetic and highly motivated for career advancement. Please arrange recommendation letters sent separately to sika.zheng@ucr.edu.

Posted by Sika Zheng(sika.zheng@ucr.edu)



個体レベルでのメカノバイオロジーという新しい研究分野に参画してくださる 研究者を求めています。研究のキーワードは、「メカニカルストレス(物理的刺激)による生体恒常性維持」― 平たく言うと、「適度な運動による健康維持・増進」です。メカニカルストレスが細胞に感知され、その受容体である「メカノセンサー」を介して生体恒常性を維持する機序を明らかにします。これにより、老化や炎症を食い止める「適度な運動」を分子生物学的に定義することを目指します。肩もみやマッサージで楽になるのもメカニカルストレスの効果かもしれないと真剣に考えて研究を進めています。(http://www.rehab.go.jp/ri/undou/2014Oct-J/141204SY.pdf)




〒359-8555 埼玉県所沢市並木4-1
澤田 泰宏(さわだ・やすひろ)
Phone: 04-2995-3100 (ext 2501), Email: sawada-yasuhiro@rehab.go.jp

投稿者:澤田 泰宏(sawada-yasuhiro@rehab.go.jp)



A postdoctoral fellowship position(s) supported by NIDDK, CCHMC Academic Research Council and Burroughs Wellcome Fund are available in the laboratory of Dr. Senad Divanovic at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center in the Division of Immunobiology.
Our research program focuses on the role of immune response in inflammation and metabolism. Our expertise in pathways that regulate innate immunity― developed through the pursuit of studies ranging from reductive analysis of TLR ligand signaling to the role of IL-17 axis in experimental models of obesity and infection― have spearheaded the projects aimed at defining the role of the immune mediators in the development and progression of obesity and obesity-associated sequelae (e.g., diabetes, NAFLD). Current projects in the lab include:
• The role of IL-17 axis in obesity and pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
• The role of Immune axes in regulation of energy metabolism and obesity development
• The role of inflammation in induction of parturition
• The role of environmental factors, and temperature specifically, as a critical modulator of animal physiology and immunology in disease development and progression
• Discover novel immune-metabolic pathways and genomic regulatory networks underlying obesity and related metabolic comorbidities in adolescents.
Recently we have illustrated the first evidence for a critical role for IL-17RA signaling in driving NAFLD progression, as well as the first report of a role for microbe-driven IL-17 production in exacerbating hepatocellular damage in NAFLD (Harley IT et. al., Hepatology 59:1830). Current studies are focused on defining the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of NAFLD pathogenesis by the IL-17 axis.
Further, we have recently shown that housing animals at thermoneutrality significantly alters animal physiology and immune response―something that allows us to develop new animal-models of human disease (Stemmer K et. al., Int J Obes 39:791). Current studies are focused on defining the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the ability to thermoneutral housing to modulate, immune responses, intestinal microbiome, obesity and NAFLD pathogenesis through regulation of transcriptional networks.
Of note, current projects are directly associated with translational research endeavors with a focus on an in depth analysis of the interplay between immune responses, obesity-associated sequelae and the outcomes of bariatric surgery in adolescents.
The position will provide a unique exposure to the use of animal models of obesity and obesity-associated sequelae and validation of the relevance of such findings in obese humans. Further, the fellowship will encompass a multidisciplinary training in immunology, metabolism, molecular and cellular biology, and transcriptional networks.
Additional details are available at the following link: http://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/research/divisions/i/immunobiology/labs/divanovic/default/
Candidates should hold a doctoral degree with a background in molecular biology, metabolism or immunology. Candidates must have proficiency in verbal and written English. Candidates with an interest in the position should send their CV and contact information for 3 references to: senad.divanovic@cchmc.org.

追加情報です。Dr. Divanovicは、Immuno-metabolism研究で頭角を現し、論文での成果はもちろん、NIH RO1を含む様々なグラントを獲得をし、勢いにのっている研究者です。また、素晴らしいMentorでもあり、研究室はとても活気に溢れ、充実した研究環境が整っています。興味のある方は、Dr. Divanovicに直接ご連絡ください。また、質問などありましたら、Dr. Divanovicとシンシナティ小児病院にて共同研究を行っている私(中村能久: Takahisa.Nakamura@cchmc.org(日本語可))にお問い合わせください。



Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine ポスドク募集

Two postdoctoral researcher positions for multiple years, supported by NIH and other non-federal grants, are immediately available in the Hiroyuki Nakai laboratory in the Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics, Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU). The Nakai lab studies adeno-associated virus (AAV) and its application for gene therapy using in vitro tissue culture models and in vivo models including mice, cats and non-human primates. In particular, the Nakai lab takes non-traditional multi-disciplinary approaches to study AAV viral proteins and virus-host interactions using the high-throughput next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, barcoding, computer simulation and modeling, bioinformatics and biostatistics in addition to the traditional low-throughput structural and functional biology-based approaches, in collaboration with experts in each relevant field. In addition, the Nakai lab studies novel functions of assembly activating protein (AAP), a newly disco!
vered, non-structural AAV protein whose role appeared to be more than promoting capsid assembly. Ultimately, the lab will develop the next generation gene delivery vector systems that are more ideal for human gene therapy based on much deeper understanding of AAV than ever. By applying the new technologies that have been and will be developed in his lab, the Nakai lab tries to establish new approaches to treat diseases in the central nervous system (CNS), diabetes and genetic diseases and control reproduction in collaboration with investigators across and outside the university. In addition, the Nakai lab has had strong passion for addressing any unanswered questions in fundamental biological processes not directly relevant to AAV or gene therapy.

Salary: Starting at $42,840

Job Requirements:
PhD in a relevant field, MD, DVM or MD/PhD
Substantial knowledge and skills in molecular biology
Ability to perform multiple tasks at one time and prioritize them
Ability to organize and handle a large quantity of data
Strong enthusiasm for AAV and gene therapy research
(1) 履歴書(日本語または英語)
(2) 研究業績サマリーと当研究室で研究をするにあたっての抱負(A4 1ないし2枚程度、 日本語または英語 )
(3) 指導教官など、推薦状を英語または日本語で書いて頂ける推薦者2-3人の氏名と連絡方法

質問がごさいましたら、 下記応募先までお問い合わせください(日本語可)。

Hiroyuki Nakai, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Molecular & Medical Genetics
Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine
Associate Scientist
Division of Neuroscience
Oregon National Primate Research Center
Email: nakaih@ohsu.edu

投稿者:Hiroyuki Nakai(nakaih@ohsu.edu)


Division of Developmental Biology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center ポスドク募集

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, 吉田研究室はポスドク研究員を募集しています。当研究室では、分子生物学、マウス遺伝学、電気生理学、optogenetics、行動解析などを用いて、運動系の神経回路の研究を進めています。

1) Fukuhara et al., Cell Reports (2013), 5, 748-, 2) Katayama et al., Development (2013), 140, 3139-, 3) Katayama et al., Journal of Neuroscience (2012), 32, 10396-, 4) Leslie et al., Development (2011), 138, 4085-, 5) Katayama et al., PNAS (2011), 108, 7607-, 6) Pecho-Vrieseling et al., Nature (2009), 459, 842-, 7) Yoshida et al., Neuron (2006), 52, 775-, 8) Gu et al., Science (2005), 307, 265-


Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, 3333 Burnet Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039



Yutaka Yoshida, PhD
Assistant Professor
Division of Developmental Biology
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
3333 Burnet Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039
e-mail: yutaka.yoshida@cchmc.org

投稿者:吉田 富(yutaka.yoshida@cchmc.org)


Cleveland Clinic Postdoctoral Position

Molecular Mechanisms and Translational Investigations of Advanced Prostate Cancer

A postdoctoral fellowship position supported by Prostate Cancer Foundation and the National Cancer Institute are available in the laboratory of Dr. Nima Sharifi at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute in the Department of Cancer Biology.

Our laboratory is focused on molecular mechanisms of androgen synthesis and androgen receptor (AR) gain-of-function that lead to resistance to androgen deprivation therapy and the translational relevance thereof. Areas of interest in this laboratory include:

1) Metabolic and genetic changes required for androgen synthesis

2) Clinical validation in patients and clinical trials utilizing innovative approaches

3) Animal models of advanced prostate cancer for translational and therapeutic studies

4) Identifying targets for the development of new pharmacologic therapies

We recently discovered that abiraterone, an FDA-approved drug, works by conversion to a more active steroidal metabolite (Li, et al. Nature. 2015 In press). We are currently working toward defining the relationship between metabolite generation and treatment response in patients with prostate cancer and identifying new chemical entities that are determinants of treatment response.

We also discovered the first example of a gain-of-function in a steroid-synthesizing enzyme that enables prostate cancer resistance to hormonal therapy (Chang, et al. Cell. 2013 154(5):1074-1084). We are pursuing similar mechanisms and developing new treatment modalities based on these discoveries. Our work was featured in an “Editor’s Choice” in Science Translational Medicine and a “Research Watch” in Cancer Discovery.

We previously discovered that prostate cancer becomes resistant to hormonal therapy by the synthesis of dihydrotestosterone through a pathway that circumvents testosterone, instead requiring 5α-androstanedione, a previously underappreciated intermediate metabolite. This metabolic pathway occurs commonly in all models and patient tumors tested (Chang, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2011 Aug 16;108(33):13728-33). Our unprecedented approach to the identification of metabolic pathways in tumors from patients redefines the fundamental mechanism that drives the progression of resistant tumors. This work was featured as a Research Highlight in Nature Reviews Urology (Nat Rev Urol. 2011 Sep 8;8(9):470) and given a “must read” review by the Faculty of 1000 (http://f1000.com/13200029).

The position will provide a unique and multidisciplinary exposure to tumor metabolism, molecular oncology, drug development and clinical trials. This research program is supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the American Cancer Society, the Prostate Cancer Foundation, the Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Research Program and the National Institutes of Health. Further details are available at the following link: https://www.lerner.ccf.org/cancerbio/sharifi/#lab

Candidates should hold a doctoral degree with a background in molecular biology, metabolism or cancer biology. Candidates must have proficiency in verbal and written English. Candidates with an interest in the position should send their CV and contact information for 3 references to:

Nima Sharifi, M.D.
Kendrick Family Chair for Prostate Cancer Research

Posted by Nima Sharifi(sharifn@ccf.org)


Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University of Toronto ポスドク募集

Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University of Toronto の平野 直人 研究室でポスドク研究員を若干名募集します。研究内容は cancer immunotherapy です。すべて研究はヒトレベルで行い、ヒト以外、例えばマウスでの実験は必要最小限にとどめます。Academia のみならず、industry との共同研究もさかんで、first-in-human の clinical trial を目指した basic, translational, and clinical research を行って頂きます。
1. 安全かつ有効な T cell receptor gene therapy の開発。
2. 新世代 chimeric antigen receptor の開発。
3. HLA クラス II 抗原プロセッシングと提示機構の解析。
4. エピジェネティックな手法を用いた養子免疫細胞療法の改良。
応募資格:cure cancer を目指している方、ヒトレベルでの免疫療法に興味をお持ちの方、免疫学、分子生物学,生化学的手法の少なくともどれか一つを十分に習得されている方、そして何よりも意欲あふれる方を求めています。
待遇:Princess Margaret Cancer Centre の規定に従います。3-5年程度。
応募書類:1. 履歴書と業績リスト(英語)、2. 推薦者 2-3名の連絡先、3. これまでの研究内容と、志望動機 (日本語可) を e-mail で naoto.hirano@utoronto.ca までお送りください。不明な点は、遠慮無くお問い合わせください。
平野 直人
Naoto Hirano, PhD, MD
Associate Director for Research
Immune Therapy Program
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

Department of Immunology
University of Toronto



University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute ポスドク募集

Postdoctoral Position

A postdoctoral position is available to study the regulation of host protein synthesis during carcinogenesis induced by oncogenic viruses including Merkel cell Polyomavirus (MCPyV). MCPyV small T antigen modulates host translation factors to exert its oncogenic activities [1,2]. By using viral oncoproteins as a probe, we will investigate host translational regulation pathways involved in tumorigenesis. A successful candidate will gain experience in performing gene expression analysis, cell culture-based transformation assays, and polysome fractionation assays. The work will require experience in cell culture, microscopy, transfections, and viral gene transductions.

1.Shuda M, Kwun HJ, Feng H, Chang Y, Moore PS (2011) Human Merkel cell polyomavirus small T antigen is an oncoprotein targeting the 4E-BP1 translation regulator. J Clin Invest 121: 3623-3634.
2. Shuda M, Velasquez C, Cheng E, Cordek DG, Kwun HJ, et al. (2015) CDK1 substitutes for mTOR kinase to activate mitotic cap-dependent protein translation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. published on line.

A successful candidate must have a PhD or an equivalent degree in molecular biology, biochemistry, or related field with experience in cell biology and virology. Other preferred qualifications include research experience in cellular translational regulation research, cancer virology, and cancer biology. The selected candidate is expected to commence the appointment in Summer 2015.

How To Apply:
If interested, please send letter of interest, CV, and names of three references by e-mail to:
Dr. Masahiro Shuda, Ph.D.
Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute
E-mail: masa.shuda@gmail.com




University of Pennsylvaniaポスドク、テクニシャン募集

当研究室では、ノックアウトマウス、コンディショナルノックアウトマウス、ノックインマウス、GFPレポーターマウス、トランスジェニックマウスを独自に作製し、解析を行うことによって、in vivoでの自然免疫特に補体系の役割を明らかにすることが主な研究課題です。


応募される方は、Wenchao Song (songwe@upenn.edu)までCVと推薦者2-3名の連絡先を送ってください。質問などありましたら、日本語、英語どちらでも構いませんので、私(三輪隆史 miwataka@mail.med.upenn.edu)までお願いします。



Postdoctoral researcher and research technician positions available
at the Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Research projects are concerned with the following topics: Knockout and transgenic mice, pathogenesis and experimental therapeutics of complement-mediated diseases. Candidates with the following training and experience are encouraged to apply: immunology, molecular biology, recombinant protein expression, antibody production and engineering, knockout and transgenic mice, mouse models of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Please contact Dr Wenchao Song, Professor of Department of Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Email: songwe@upenn.edu


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