
群馬大学生体調節研究所 ゲノム科学リソース分野 ポスドク募集

・当研究室では、ゲノム編集技術(CRISPR/Cas法、実験医学2014年7月号参照)を用いて、エピゲノムを操作する技術(エピゲノム編集)の開発や、それを用いてマウス初期胚のエピゲノムの改変、エピゲノム疾患モデルマウスを作製することをめざしています。そのほかリプログラミングに関与するエピジェネティク因子の探索やエピジェネティク因子と生活習慣病との関わりを研究しています。現在、革新的バイオ医薬品創出基盤技術開発事業(JST)や新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)などから研究助成を受けています。明るく情熱をもって研究を進められるポスドクの方を募集します。当該分野に経験のある方歓迎ですが、経験のない方でも熱意のある方、歓迎です。まずは研究内容をはじめ、お気軽に (hatada@gunma-u.ac.jp) お問い合わせいただければ幸いです。
Homepage: http://epigenome.dept.showa.gunma-u.ac.jp/~hatada/
・着任時期: 応相談
・応募資格: 博士号取得者(あるいは取得見込みの方)、あるいはそれと同等以上の研究実績を有する方(海外留学中の方も歓迎です)。
(1)履歴書 (写真付)

【連絡先】〒371-8512 前橋市昭和町3丁目39-15
       群馬大学生体調節研究所 ゲノム科学リソース分野 畑田出穂
       電話: 027-220-8057 FAX: 027-220-8110
       E-mail: hatada@gunma-u.ac.jp



University of Rochester Medical Centerポスドク募集

University of Rochester Medical Centerでポスドクをしてます丸山と申します。ラボメンバーの一人が中国で独立することになり、現在、自分のボスであるDr. Wei Hsuが、1-2名のポスドクを募集しています。当研究室は、Wntシグナルを中心としたシグナルによる器官発生や疾患の発症機構を研究しています。ニューヨーク州ロチェスターは公立学校のレベルが高く、治安も比較的良い生活しやすい場所です。詳細は下記をご覧いただき、興味のある方は直接Wei Hsuにメールで応募してください。もし応募する前にラボに関して、ニューヨーク州ロチェスターに関してなど聞きたいことがありましたら、私に連絡してくれれば喜んで答えます(Takamistu_Maruyama@urmc.rochester.edu)。

Two postdoctoral fellowship positions are available to study Morphogenetic Signaling Pathways in Development and Disease. Areas of interests include craniofacial morphogenesis, skeletal development, mesenchymal stem cell, neural crest and neural development, congenital deformities, cancer and metastasis. Projects focus on molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying development of lineage-specific stem/progenitor cells, tissue repair and regeneration, stem cell niches/microenvironment, and stem cell-based therapies. Priority will be given to candidates with recent PhD and experience in developmental genetics, stem cell biology, skeletal development and disease, cancer research, and genomics/proteomics.
Visit website: http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/people/23567887-wei-hsu/articles
Submit your application including a cover letter, CV and names of at least three references to
Dr. Wei Hsu (Email: wei_hsu@urmc.rochester.edu).

投稿者:Takamitsu Maruyama(Takamitsu_Maruyama@urmc.rochester.edu)


University of Warwick, UK ポスドク募集

Warwick大学 浅利研究室ではポスドク研究員を募集しています。浅利研は、今年の9月に発足したばかりの新しい研究室で、枯草菌のバイオフィルム形成の動態を研究室の中心テーマとしています。



A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Munehiro Asally at the University of Warwick. The successful applicant will study the spatio-temporal dynamics of biofilm formation in vitro and in vivo by taking systems and synthetic biology approaches. The primary aim of the main project will be to visualize and quantitatively analyse the dynamic process of B. subtilis biofilm formation within a simple animal host model system such as C. elegans.
Preferred candidates are highly motivated individuals who are willing to conduct interdisciplinary research and work in an interactive research team. A strong background in experimental molecular biology, microbiology, microfluidics, fluorescent time-lapse imaging or quantitative image analysis is desirable. Research experience B. subtilis is not necessary but it will be highly regarded.
For further information, please contact by email at M.Asally@warwick.ac.uk.

Lab website:

Department: School of Life Sciences

Post Title and Post Reference Number: Research Fellow

Salary: £28,695 - £37,394

Hours: Full time

Term Contract: 3 years



シンシナティ小児病院/シンシナティ大学医学部 ポスドク募集

シンシナティ小児病院/シンシナティ大学医学部 生殖科学部門行川研究室(PI:行川 賢: Satoshi Namekawa) では新規予算獲得に伴いポスドクを一名募集しています。行川研究室では、マウスを用いて生殖細胞分化と初期胚発生におけるエピジェネティック制御の解明を目指しています。これまで、特に性染色体の制御について着目してきました。この公募では生殖幹細胞のエピゲノム解析やエピジェネティック制御機構解明についてのプロジェクトを担当できる人を募集しています。イノベーティブなプロジェクトに挑戦したい意欲的な研究員を募集しています。

NIHおよびシンシナティ小児病院の規定によります 。ビザもサポートします。
応募資格:上記の研究に興味のある PhD, MD, MD-PhD 取得者、あるいは着任までに取得見込みの方。特に2014年春に博士号取得見込みで、早めにポスドクポジションを探したい方の応募を歓迎します。その場合、これまでの研究分野を問いませんが、新たな分野に挑戦したい熱意のある人を募集しています。
応募書類: CV と 推薦者2名以上の連絡先をe-mailで送付して下さい。
宛先:satoshi.namekawa@cchmc.org (日本語可)

Recent Publications (corresponding author: Satoshi H. Namekawa):
1, Broering TB, Alavattam, KG,,, and Namekawa SH. J Cell Biol. 2014 Jun 9;205(5):663-75.
2. Sin HS, Namekawa SH. Epigenetics. 2013 Jul 17;8(9).
3. Sin HS, Barski A,,, and Namekawa SH. Genes Dev. 2012 Dec 15;26(24):2737-48.
4. Ichijima Y, Sin HS, Namekawa SH. 2012 Cell. Mol. Life. Sci. 2012 Aug;69(15):2559-72.
5. Sin HS, Ichijima Y,,, and Namekawa SH. 2012. Genome Res. 2012 May;22(5):827-36.
6. Payer B, Lee JT, Namekawa SH. Hum Genet. 2011, Aug;130(2):265-80.
7. Ichijima Y, Ichijima M,,, and Namekawa SH. Genes Dev. 2011 May 1;25(9):959-71.
8. Namekawa SH, Lee JT. Nat Protoc. 2011 Mar;6(3):270-84.

Satoshi Namekawa
Assistant Professor
Division of Reproductive Sciences
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Department of Pediatrics
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Cincinnati OH
Tel: 513-803-1377
Fax: 513-803-1160

Posted by Satoshi Namekawa(satoshi.namekawa@cchmc.org)


Baylor University Medical Centerポスドク募集

以前の私の留学先であるBaylor University Medical Center, Center for Epigenetics, Cancer Prevention and Cancer Genomicsでポスドクを募集しています。ヒト消化器癌検体を使ったゲノム、エピゲノム解析を中心としたプロジェクトです。以下にPI (Dr. Ajay Goel) からの募集内容を添付致しますので、興味のある方は直接Dr. Goelにコンタクトをとって下さい。又は私の方のメール頂いても結構です。

Postdoctoral Fellow: Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics
Two postdoctoral positions are available for immediate recruitment for a highly motivated candidate to join a team of researchers at the Baylor Research Institute and Charles A Sammons Cancer Center, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA. The laboratory headed by Dr. Ajay Goel, PhD and C. Richard Boland, MD, focuses on understanding the interplay between genetic, epigenetic and alterations in noncoding RNAs in gastrointestinal cancers.

This position involves studies surrounding work in the field of epigenetics and noncoding RNA research. More specifically, the projects will involve;

a) Exploration of the role of DNA methylation, histone modifications and non-coding RNAs (miRNA, lncRNAs, snoRNAs etc.) in gastrointestinal cancers.
b) Establishment of innovative methodologies for the development of epigenetic and non-coding RNAs-based biomarkers for the earlier diagnosis, prognosis and predictive responses to chemotherapy in gastrointestinal neoplasia.
c) A better understanding of the translational and clinical role of genetic and epigenetic signatures in gastrointestinal cancers.

An ideal candidate should have a strong background in molecular biology, and relevant experience in cancer genetics and epigenetics. The candidates with prior hands-on experience in NGS-based platforms (Ion Torrent PGM sequencer, MiSeq, HiSeq, RRBS, ChIP-Seq, MeDip and RNASeq etc.), and array-based platforms will be given preference. Knowledge and experience with various bioinformatics and biostatistical analysis tools will be highly preferred. Postdocs are expected to develop projects along their preferred interests and to collaborate with others internally and externally. Postdocs will be highly encouraged to obtain extramural funding as a cornerstone of professional growth.
Minimum Requirements: The candidate should possess the following criteria: 1) PhD, MD/PhD 2) Evidence of first author peer-reviewed publications, 3) Prior molecular and/or cancer biology experience and evidence of project development, 4) Excellent communication and writing skills. Prospective candidates should be highly motivated, enthusiastic about science, with an ability to think creatively and independently.
To Apply: The position is available for 2-3 years with potential for extension. Salary is commensurate with experience. Interested candidates should submit a CV and cover letter summarizing your Qualifications, Research Interests and Career Goals, and describe your specific interest in our lab. Include the names and contact information of 3 references and send via email to:
Ajay Goel, Ph.D
Director, Center for Gastrointestinal Research
Director, Center for Epigenetics, Cancer Prevention and Cancer Genomics
Baylor Research Institute
Baylor University Medical Center
3500 Gaston Avenue, Suite H-250
Dallas, TX 75246
E-mail: ajay.goel@baylorhealth.edu

西田直生志 (naoshi@med.kindai.ac.jp)



The University Health Network and the University of Toronto Postdoc Position

Defining Molecular Mechanisms Of Cell Signaling, DNA Damage Repair, And Their Roles In Cancer

A POSTDOCTORAL position is available in the laboratory of Dr. R Hakem at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre/University of Toronto/University Health network, Canada. The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre is one of the top 5 cancer research centres in the world.

The position is available for a highly self-motivated, creative post-doctoral candidate interested in studying the mechanisms of cell signaling (including but not limited to DNA double strand break signaling) and their roles in cancer. Our research program is based on our initial findings that genes involved in DNA damage are critical for suppressing cancer development (Science 304: 1822, G&D 18: 1144, JEM 207: 983, PLoS Genet 7(11): e1002360 and PNAS 110: 20982).
Biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, mouse models and human tumors are used for our studies.

Highly motivated PhD or MD candidates with strong background in cell signaling and cancer are encouraged to apply.

The ability to work independently as well as a member of a team are required.

Interested applicants should submit their C.V., names of three referees and a statement of
research interest to Dr. R. Hakem (rhakem@uhnres.utoronto.ca).
Please note that only qualified candidates will be contacted.

Posted by Professor R. Hakem(rhakem@uhnres.utoronto.ca)


Thomas Jefferson医科大学ポスドク募集

米国フィラデルフィアにあるThomas Jefferson医科大学のYa-Ming Hou博士がミトコンドリアと神経変性疾患に関するプロジェクトのためにポスドクまたはResearch Assistantを募集しています。Hou博士はtRNAについて活発に研究しておられ、また気さくで親切な方です。興味のある方はぜひご覧ください。

Thomas Jefferson University
Sidney Kimmel Medical College

Postdoctoral or Research Assistant Positions for Mitochondria Research

Postdoctoral or Research Assistant positions are available in the lab of Dr. Ya-Ming Hou at Thomas Jefferson University, Sidney Kimmel Medical College. The laboratory studies molecular and cellular mechanisms that protect against neurodegeneration associated with mitochondrial diseases. Current topics include tRNA biosynthesis, maturation, and translational activity in mitochondria and in disease.

For more information, please see the following publications and websites.
Nature 510, 507-511, 2014
Chem & Biol (Cell Press) 21, 1351-1360, 2014
Nature Commun 2, 329, 2011
Nat Chem Biol 6, 795-796, 2010
Methods in Enzymology 469, 69-93, 2009
Nature Structural and Mol Biol 15, 507-514, 2008


Candidates with an expected or recently earned Ph.D. and a strong record of research productivity are encouraged to apply. Experience in molecular biology, biochemistry, protein enzymology, nucleic acid research, and mitochondrial research is preferred.

Please send a cover letter, a CV, and names/contact information of three references to:

Ya-Ming Hou, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Thomas Jefferson University
Sidney Kimmel Medical College
233 South 10th Street, BLSB 220
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Email: ya-ming.hou@jefferson.edu

投稿者:安藤 香奈絵(kanae.iijima@gmail.com)



カンザス大学医学部 西宗研究室では博士研究員(Postdoctoral fellow)を1名募集します。当研究室はALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 筋萎縮性側索硬化症)の治療を目標とした研究を行なっています。Stem cell移植や候補遺伝子の機能解析をマウスおよびラットモデルを用いて解析します。研究の発展に伴いラボメンバーを増員したいので意欲的な研究者を探しています。

• Nishimune et al., Nature; 432, 580 (2004)
• Chen et al., J. Neurosci.; 31, 512 (2011)
• Nishimune et al., PLoS One; 7, e38029 (2012)
• Nishimune, H., et al. Muscle Nerve 49, 315–324 (2014).

[募集職種、人数] ポスドク 1名


[就任時期] 2015年より随時
[待遇] University Kansas Medical Centerの規定(NIH基準)に従います。
[就業地] Kansas City, Kansas, USA

[応募方法] 以下を電子メールで送付してください。
(3)最も重要な研究成果、習得技術 をごく簡単に説明してください(10文章以下、英語または日本語)。

西宗裕史 Hiroshi Nishimune, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
University of Kansas School of Medicine
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology
Email: hnishimune@kumc.edu (日本語可)


Weill Cornell Medical College Postdoc Position

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral fellow position in the laboratory of Dr. Annarita Di Lorenzo at the Weill Cornell Medical College, New York. The laboratory makes use of knockout mice to define the roles of Nogo-B, a member of the reticulon family of proteins ER-related in cardiac hypertrophy, hypertension and inflammation. The laboratory utilizes multiple approaches involving cell and molecular biology, biochemistry, histology in conjunction with surgical interventions in mice.

Applicants should hold a PhD or MD/PHD degree, with a strong expertise in cell and molecular biology and cell signaling, with less than two years of postdoctoral experience. Background in basic mouse work is desired but not required.
Ideal candidates must have a good written/oral communication skills, a strong ability to work effectively in a team environment, be highly organized, with a proven record of research accomplishments. The candidate is expected to participate in research grant preparations, manuscript writing and presentation of research results at professional conferences.
The laboratory is well-funded and is located in one of the most exciting research environments in New York city, offering many exciting opportunities for career development.

Candidates should submit electronically CV, list of publication, a description of their scientific interests, career goals and contact information of at least two references to Dr. Annarita Di Lorenzo (and2039@med.cornell.edu).

Posted by Annarita Di Lorenzo(and2039@med.cornell.edu)


Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Postdoc Position

PostDoctoral positions (3 years) are available in February, 2015 to study viral pathogenesis and immunology of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection.

The specific projects are: (1) To determine if the absence of a robust CTL response in corneas and trigeminal ganglia of infected mice is due to down-regulation of costimulatory signals by HSV-1 infection and inclusion of these molecules with a cocktail of HSV-1 glycoproteins improve vaccine efficacy against ocular HSV-1 infection. (2) To determine if macrophage stimulation will enhance TH1/TC1 responses in the eye and leads to more rapid clearance of virus during primary ocular HSV-1 infection as well as when they are used as a therapeutic vaccine.

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center is located in the very beautiful West Hollywood neighborhood that is located between Hollywood and Beverly Hills in Los Angeles area. The Cedars-Sinai Postdoctoral Scientist Program offers advanced research training for those who have completed their doctoral studies. Postdoctoral scientists have the expectation of and the opportunity for collaborative and independent research and publication of their findings.

To apply, please e-mail curriculum vitae, and the names/phone numbers of people who could provide letters of reference to:

Homayon Ghiasi, PhD
Director, Ophthalmology Viral Immunology & Vaccine Laboratory, Surgical Research Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Email: homayon.ghiasi@cshs.org


Posted by Homayon Ghiasi(homayon.ghiasi@cshs.org)






細胞培養、生化学的解析の基本を会得している方。マウス実験の経験者が好適。 詳細は下記へお尋ねください。


〒359-8555 埼玉県所沢市並木4-1
澤田 泰宏(さわだ・やすひろ)
Phone: 04-2995-3100 (ext 2501), Email: sawada-yasuhiro@rehab.go.jp



九州大学生体防御医学研究所 免疫遺伝学分野助教(常勤)公募

九州大学生体防御医学研究所 免疫遺伝学分野では助教(常勤)を公募致しております。興味をもたれた方は、下記連絡先までご連絡下さい。必要書類をお送り致します。


職  種:助教(常勤)
募集人員: 1名


当該分野構成:教 授      1 名
       准教授      1 名
       助 教      1 名(今回公募)

免疫細胞の動態や分化・活性化は、細胞骨格の再構築により巧妙に制御されています。当該分野では、受容体刺激から細胞骨格再構築に至るシグナル伝達機構や遺伝子発現制御機構を解明し、その機能を個体レベルで明らかにすると共に、その成果に立脚して免疫難病やアレルギー、がんの新しい治療法・予防法を開発することを目指しています。これまでの主な研究成果は、J. Exp. Med. (2014), Blood (2013), Blood (2012), Circulation Research (2010), Science (2009), Nature Immunology (2007), J. Cell Biol. (2006), J. Exp. Med. (2005), Immunity (2003), Nature (2001)等です。詳細は下記HPをご参照下さい。



候補者の業績:権威ある雑誌に記載された欧文原著論文であって本人が、First Author のものを1編以上有すること。


〒812-8582 福岡市東区馬出3-1-1
免疫遺伝学分野教授 福井宣規 (Yoshinori Fukui)
電話 (092)642-6827   Fax (092)642-6829
E-mail: fukui@bioreg.kyushu-u.ac.jp


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