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ベイラー医科大学Children's Nutrition Research Center (CNRC)の福田ラボでは、ポスドクを募集しております。当研究室は、過食や肥満において、視床下部ニューロンネットワークがレプチンやインスリンなどの代謝シグナルに応答しなくなるメカニズムを研究しています。この視床下部ニューロンの機能不全が肥満や糖尿病の病態基盤となっている可能性があり、その分子的実態をマウス遺伝学、薬理学、脳器官培養法、ならびに各種レポーターマウスを用いたアプローチを通して明らかにしようとしています。

1. Williams et al., (2014) Xbp1s in Pomc neurons connects ER stress with energy balance and glucose homeostasis. Cell Metabolism, 1–12. PMID: 25017942
2. Jia et al., (2014) Hepatocyte Hepatocyte Toll-like Receptor 4 Regulates Obesity-Induced Inflammation and Insulin Resistance. Nature Communications 12, 3878-3889. PMID: 24815961
3. Asterholm et al., (2014) Elevated resistin levels induce central leptin resistance and increased atherosclerotic progression in mice. Diabetologia. 57,1209-1218. PMID: 24623101
4. Shi et al., (2013) Central GLP-2 Enhances Hepatic Insulin Sensitivity via Activating PI3K Signaling in POMC Neurons. Cell Metabolism. 18, 86-98. PMID: 23823479
5. Fukuda et al., (2011) Induction of Central Leptin Resistance by cAMP-Related Signaling. Cell Metabolism. 13, 331-339. PMID: 2135652


Postdoctoral positions are available (starting from early 2015) at the Children’s Nutrition Research Center (CNRC) at Baylor College of Medicine (Houston).
Candidates should have a PhD or MD degree in a relevant discipline. Graduates within the last 12 months are preferred. All candidates need to identify a potential mentor in the CNRC (http://www.bcm.edu/cnrc/faculty) and contact the mentor directly. Candidates and their mentors are expected to assemble an application package (see below) and submit it to CNRC by September 30 of 2014.
Application package:
1. Candidate’s curriculum vitae.
2. Transcripts of candidate’s undergraduate and graduate degree (directly from the registrar if possible).
3. Recommendation letters from candidate’s Ph.D. or M.D. mentor and two other people who know the candidate well.
4. Candidate statement, explaining why he or she would like to work with the proposed mentor, what is expected to be learnt from our program, and how it would help accomplish stated goals.
5. A short research proposal (2-5 pages) to be developed jointly by the candidate and the potential mentor. The proposal should include background materials describing the rationale for and relevance of the research, hypotheses to be tested, experimental approaches, and methods for evaluating the results.

Makoto Fukuda Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Children's Nutrition Research Center
Department of Pediatrics
Baylor College of Medicine
Email: fukuda@bcm.edu

投稿者:福田 真(fukuda@bcm.edu)

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