ノースカロライナ大学チャペルヒル校ラインバーガー癌研究所のQing Zhang Labでは乳癌の研究に興味があるポスドク一名を募集しております。当研究室では乳癌と腎癌のメカニズム解析を行っております。日本語での質問は高田護(takada#email.unc.edu)(#はアットマーク)まで連絡ください。
待遇: NIHの規定によります 。
2.書類選考の上、Dr. Qing Zhangと電話インタビューないしはSkypeによる面接を行います。
One postdoctoral associate position is available in a cancer research lab located within the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Lineberger Cancer Center. The duration of position is 2-3 years with the possibility for a renewal. The lab currently studies hypoxia signaling, prolyl hydroxylases, chromosomal instability and cancer, specifically breast and renal cell carcinoma. One of the projects focuses on using novel proteomic and genomic approaches to screen for novel prolyl hydroxylase substrates that play important roles in various cancers. The other project involves integrating ChIP-seq strategy with gene expression profiling to identify EglN2 prolyl hydroxylase and Hypoxia inducible factor 1 (HIF1) targets in the malignant diseases. The third project is to understand how FBW7 loss leads to chromosomal instability in cancer. The ultimate goal is to understand mechanistically how oxygen-sensing pathways contribute to cancer progression, which will facilitate our de!
sign of efficient treatment strategies to target cancer specifically. Please refer to the page for research and publication details: https://www.med.unc.edu/olioli/faculty/dplm-faculty-profiles2014dr.-zhang
We are seeking candidates who are highly motivated and career-oriented. Qualified candidates must have a Ph.D or MD degree with strong background in molecular/cell biology, biochemistry and cancer biology.
The Lineberger Cancer Center is one of NCI-designated comprehensive cancer centers. It provides a strong postdoctoral training opportunity and The University of North Carolina is an equal opportunity employer.
The interested candidates should send a CV and contact information of three references to Dr. Qing Zhang at qingzhangwhu@gmail.com.