Duke University School of Medicine, Department of Immunologyポスドク募集
Duke University School of Medicine, Department of Immunology
ポスドク募集 Zhuang Lab
私の同僚のProfessor Yuan Zhuangに代わって広告を出しています。
Dr. Zhuangのラボでは良い環境で思い切り研究が出来ることと思います。 アプリケーションは下記、Dr. Zhuangまで直接お申し込みください。
(Duke University School of Medicine, Department of Immunology 篠原眞理)
Starting time: 9-1-2014
Duration: 3 years
Research topics: Candidates may choose to work on one or several of the following topics: T lymphocyte development in the thymus, long term maintenance in the secondary lymphoid organs, transcription network analysis, autoimmune disease models.
Pay level: postdoctoral pay defined by NIH.
Qualification: recent Ph.D. graduates who have demonstrated track records of bench experience and productivity and are self-motivated to pursue discovery science.
Application materials: Send inquiry via E-mail to Professor Zhuang. Provide c.v., a short statement describing personal background and training purpose, and two names of your current or former advisors who can best judge your qualifications.
Information about the lab:
Yuan Zhuang, Ph.D.
Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Immunology
Duke University Medical Center