
Rutgers University Postdoctoral Position

Rutgers University (New Jersey, USA)
New Jersey Medical School
Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics

Postdoctoral Position: mechanisms of DNA damage response and telomere maintenance

One postdoctoral position is open to study the link between DNA damage checkpoint response, telomere control and cell senescence at the International Center of Public Health (ICPH), Rutgers University.

Candidates must have strong backgrounds in molecular biology and biochemistry and have a desire to explore fundamental problems of biology. Our group is mainly using yeast cells but at the stage of expansion to the related research field using mammalian cells as well as yeast cells.

References: Science 294:867, 2001; Genes & Dev 17: 1957, 2003; Nature 424:1078, 2003; Current Biology16:586, 2006; Mol. Biol. Cell 18:2026, 2007; Molecular Cell 33:312, 2009, Mol. Cell Biol 31: 1959, 2011; Mol. Biol. Cell 23:347, 2012. Plos Genetics e1004136, 2014.

The ICPH building is located in close proximity to New York City. Many scientific and educational opportunities are available in the NY metropolitan area, as well as cultural, entertainment, outdoor and sports activities.

Interested candidates should send a cover letter and curriculum vitae with contact information for three references (name, address, phone and e-mail) by email to: Dr. Katsunori Sugimoto (nori.sugimoto@rutgers.edu).

投稿者:Katsunori Sugimoto(nori.sugimoto@rutgers.edu)


奈良県立医科大学 循環器システム医科学研究室 助教募集



募集人員 助教1名 常勤(任期3年・再任審査あり)
着任日 応相談
募集期間 2014年2月24日より、適任者があり次第終了します


連絡先 〒634-8521 奈良県橿原市四条町840
奈良県立医科大学 先端医学研究機構 循環器システム医科学研究室
教授 中川修
Email: amrc-csr@naramed-u.ac.jp
Homepage: http://www.naramed-u.ac.jp/csr/index.html
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nmu.csr



University of Cincinnati Medical Center Postdoctoral Position

A postdoctoral position in the fields of cancer biology, molecular biology and molecular toxicology is available immediately in the laboratory of Dr. Kyounghyun Kim in University of Cincinnati, OH, USA.

Our laboratory focuses on understanding the fundamental mechanisms in human carcinogenesis using integrative approaches including bioinformatics, proteomics and murine models of human cancers for development of improved therapeutic application and chemoprevention. Current ongoing projects include studying a role of an orphan nuclear receptor, NR2E3, in breast cancer (EMBO Mol Med 2012 4(1):52-67), identifying and defining a role of long non-coding RNAs using RNA immunoprecipitation assay (RIP) combined with NGS in cancer epigenetics (Oncogene. 2013 32(13):1616-25), characterizing a novel pro-oncogenic microRNA/ZBTB4 network in cancer (Oncogene 2012 31(8):1034-44; Mol Cancer Ther 2012 11(9):1852-62).
Qualifications: Successful candidates must hold a doctoral-level degree or should anticipate PhD degree with solid background of cancer biology, molecular biology and possibly experience about animal models of cancer. The candidate who is motivated to explore a new field of non-coding RNAs and a novel role of orphan nuclear receptor, NR2E3, in breast cancer is highly desirable. Salary will be between $ 38,000 - 42,000 and commensurate with qualifications and experience.

To apply: Applicants should send a CV including a brief description of your research experience and career goal, and the names and contact information of three references via email below:

Kyounghyun Kim Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental Health
College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati
Kettering Lab Complex
3223 Eden Ave, Rm 242
Cincinnati, OH 45267
E mail: kim2ku@uc.edu

Posted by KyungHyun Kim(kim2ku@ucmail.uc.edu)


La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology Postdoctoral Position


3-4 Postdoctoral Positions(優秀で野心的な日本人研究者歓迎)immediately available for studies in:
• Mechanisms of IgE/FcεRI-mediated activation and signal transduction
• Role of histamine-releasing factor in allergies and inflammation
• Animal models of allergic diseases

Refer to our publications: Immunity 14:791, 2001; Nat Rev Immunol 2:773, 2002; PNAS 100:12911, 2003; Cancer Cell 16:161, 2009; J Exp Med 206:1219, 2009; Immunity 34:893, 2011; J Clin Invest 122:218, 2012; Cell Reports 6:366, 2014.

Molecular and cell biological techniques, transgenic and mast cell knock-in techniques, and mouse allergic disease models are being used. Highly motivated individuals with an M.D. or Ph.D. degree are welcome to apply. One position will be filled by a US citizen or permanent resident.

Interested individuals should send their CV to:
Toshiaki Kawakami(川上敏明), MD, PhD
Division of Cell Biology
La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology
9420 Athena Circle
La Jolla, CA 92037

email: toshi@lji.org

Posted by Toshiaki Kawakami(toshi@lji.org)


Columbia University Medical Center Postdoctoral Position

Post-Doctoral Position in Human Heart Transplantation Immunology

Job Summary

A post-doctoral position is open in the laboratory of Dr. Emmanuel Zorn at the Columbia Center for Translational Immunology (http://www.cumc.columbia.edu/ccti/) to study the contribution of B cell and humoral immunity to human cardiac allograft rejection. One avenue of research will be to examine B cells infiltrating heart transplants at time of rejection. Studies will be conducted in collaboration with members of the New York Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center Cardiac Transplant Program. Studies will use a wide range of complementary methods including primary human cell culture, B cell cloning, protein assays, molecular biology techniques as well as functional cell based assays. We are seeking a junior, creative, self-motivated and hard-working individual with documented research experience related to this position. Candidates should have a Ph.D. and/or M.D with training in immunology (human immunology preferred).


To apply, send curriculum vitae, cover letter including a description of past research accomplishments as well as contact information for three references to:

Emmanuel Zorn, Ph.D.
Columbia Center for Translational Immunology
Columbia University Medical Center
650 West 168th Street, mailbox 127
New York, NY 10032

Posted by Emmanuel Zorn, PhD(ez2184@cumc.columbia.edu)


Wistar 研究所 ポスドク 募集

背景: ADARは部位特異的にアデノシンをイノシンに塩基修飾する RNA 編集酵素であり (A-to-I RNA editing)、哺乳類では三つの遺伝子(ADAR1-3) が同定されている。重要な遺伝子 (例えば GluR や 5-HT2CR) の翻訳領域で起きる RNA 編集により、生理機能の多様化に寄与する他、 pre-mRNA 非翻訳領域でも高頻度でRNA 編集が起きている (1)。また microRNA の前駆体でも RNA 編集が起き、 microRNA 発現の調節やターゲット遺伝子選択に重要な機能を果たしている (2)。ADAR1 遺伝子改変マウスは、全身に広がった細胞死により胎生致死表現型となる。また最近、我々は ADAR1 がDicer と Complex を形成し、pre-miRNA processing、 RISC assembly、そしてRNAi 効率を増強する事を明らかにした (3, 4)。ADAR1 がRNA 編集機能 と RNAi制御機能を使い分けるメカニズムの解析、ADAR1 遺伝子改変マウスでのRNA 編集 と RNAi 機構の相互作用の生理的意義の解明等が研究目標です。

Ph.D. 取得後間もない方で (1-2 年以内希望)、少なくとも3-4年は滞在できる方。分子生物学的、生化学的手法を習得し、 protein complex の精製、protein-RNA interaction 解析, また遺伝子改変マウスの表現型解析経験のある方で、RNA編集や RNAi 研究に興味のある方を望みます。履歴書、研究業績リスト、推薦状3通を郵送。連絡先:Dr. Kazuko Nishikura (西倉和子)。 The Wistar Institute, 3601 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-4268 USA. Email: kazuko@wistar.org (日本語可)。

1) Nishikura 2010. Functions and regulation of RNA editing by ADAR deaminases. Annu Rev Biochem 79: 321.
2) Kawahara et al. 2007. Redirection of silencing targets by adenosine-to-inosine editing of miRNAs. Science 315: 1137.
3) Ota et al. 2013. ADAR1 forms a complex with Dicer to promote microRNA processing and RNA-induced gene silencing. Cell 153: 575.
4) Nishikura et al. 2013. Antagonistic and stimulative roles of ADAR1 in RNA silencing: an editor's point-of-view. RNA Biol 19: 1240.

投稿者:Dr. Kazuko Nishikura(kazuko@wistar.org)


Université de Genève Postdoctoral Position

The laboratory directed by Dr. Roberto Coppari has recently been awarded an European Research Council Consolidator Grant. As a consequence of this 2-Million Euro grant, Dr. Coppari is searching for post-doctoral fellows interested in working on diabetes research.

In case your are interested on this job offer, please, contact Dr. Roberto Coppari at the following email address:

In the subject of the email please write:

Please, also provide a copy of your curriculum vitae and 3 letters of reference.

Thank you.
Best regards,
Roberto Coppari, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Université de Genève
Room Number 5054
Rue Michel Servet 1
1211 Genève 4

Posted by Roberto Coppari(roberto.coppari@unige.ch)


Nishimune Lab at University of Kansas School of Medicine ポスドク募集

シナプス形成の分子機構や、アクティブゾーンの形成/維持メカニズムを研究しています。 ノックアウト/トランスジェニックマウスを用い、中枢と末梢神経系シナプスの形成と成熟を解析します。運動神経疾患モデルマウスや老化マウス/ラットのシナプス変性の解析と治療方法の探索を行なっています。
• Nishimune et al., 2004 Nature; 432, 580
• Chen et al., 2011 J. Neurosci.; 31, 512
• Nishimune et al., 2012 PLoS One; 7, e38029


[募集職種、人数] ポスドク 1名

(2)下記実験手法の経験者または習得意欲のある方: 遺伝子蛋白質発現プロファイル、免疫組織化学(蛍光、共焦点顕微鏡)、マウス/ラットの使用。

[就任時期、任期] 2014年より採用。1年毎の契約で2-3年。

[就業地] Kansas City, Kansas, USA

[応募方法] 以下を電子メールで送付してください。


西宗裕史 Hiroshi Nishimune, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
University of Kansas Medical School
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology
Email: hnishimune@kumc.edu (日本語可)

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