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Postdoctoral position at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

ミシガン大学のRaymond Chan研究室で2つのポスドクのポジションで募集があります。私はChan先生とは学部での同僚ですが、信頼の置ける面倒見の良い非常にすばらしいサイエンティストです。興味のある方はChan先生に直接連絡してみてください。

Postdoctoral position in germline genomic stability - Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Postdoctoral position available to examine DNA repair in meiosis and genomic structural variations in germ cells. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in cell and molecular biology, and proficiency/familiarity in microscopy, genetic and genomic techniques. Prior experience with C. elegans or other genetic model organisms is preferred. Excellent oral and written English language skills are essential. The selected candidate should be highly motivated and creative, with a strong work ethic and the ability to work independently, as well as in collaborative research efforts.

Interested candidates should submit their CV, a brief statement of research interests and goals, and the names and contact information of three references to: rchan at umich.edu.


Postdoctoral position at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Postdoctoral position available to examine a novel cellular response in embryonic blastomeres to obstructed cytokinesis. Please see the reference below for background details on this project:


Applicants should have a Ph.D. in cell and developmental biology, and proficiency/familiarity in microscopy, genetic and molecular techniques. Prior experience with C. elegans or other genetic model organisms is preferred. Excellent oral and written English language skills are essential. The selected candidate should be highly motivated and creative, with a strong work ethic and the ability to work independently, as well as in collaborative research efforts.
Interested candidates should submit their CV, a brief statement of research interests and goals, and the names and contact information of three references to: rchan at umich.edu.

Early stage postdoctoral researcher (within 2 years or receiving Ph.D.) is preferred.

The position will be filled for one year, with possible second year renewal. Applicants will be encouraged to apply for their own funding.

Posted by 岩瀬茂樹(siwase@umich.edu)

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