
University of Canterbury, School of Biological Sciences ポスドク募集

University of Canterbury, School of Biological SciencesのDr Renwick Dobsonグループ (http://www.biol.canterbury.ac.nz/people/dobson.shtml) では、蛋白質X線結晶構造解析の経験があり、下記のフェローシップを共同で応募して頂けるポスドクを探しています。
二国間交流事業 特定国派遣研究者: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-bilat/index.htm
海外特別研究員: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-ab/index.html



Dr Renwick Dobson (renwick.dobson@canterbury.ac.nz)
鈴木博紀 (hironori.suzuki@canterbury.ac.nz、日本語可)

The Dobson laboratory (http://www.biol.canterbury.ac.nz/people/dobson.shtml) is looking for a an experienced structural biologist to join the group through a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship New Zealand-Japan exchange program, (http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-bilat/index.html) or a JSPS Postdoctoral fellowship for research abroad (http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-ab/index.html).

Research in our lab focuses on the structure, function and inhibition of key enzymes involved in infection and disease. We are also interested in the evolution of enzyme function, and conversely its design and manipulation.

If you apply for either of the JSPS Fellowships to join our lab, it is fine (and encouraged) to prepare the proposal which you want to do.

The candidate will have a proven track record in protein molecular biology and structural biology, including a good publication record. It is expected that the fellow have some spoken and written English skills.

If you are interested in our laboratory, please enquire with Dr Renwick Dobson (renwick.dobson@canterbury.ac.nz) or Dr Hironori Suzuki (hironori.suzuki@canterbury.ac.nz -- in Japanese is ok).


University of Canterbury, School of Biological Sciences ポスドク募集

University of Canterbury, School of Biological SciencesのDr Renwick Dobsonグループ (http://www.biol.canterbury.ac.nz/people/dobson.shtml) では、蛋白質X線結晶構造解析の経験があり、下記のフェローシップを共同で応募して頂けるポスドクを探しています。
二国間交流事業 特定国派遣研究者: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-bilat/index.htm
海外特別研究員: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-ab/index.html



Dr Renwick Dobson (renwick.dobson@canterbury.ac.nz)
鈴木博紀 (hironori.suzuki@canterbury.ac.nz、日本語可)

The Dobson laboratory (http://www.biol.canterbury.ac.nz/people/dobson.shtml) is looking for a an experienced structural biologist to join the group through a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship New Zealand-Japan exchange program, (http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-bilat/index.html) or a JSPS Postdoctoral fellowship for research abroad (http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-ab/index.html).

Research in our lab focuses on the structure, function and inhibition of key enzymes involved in infection and disease. We are also interested in the evolution of enzyme function, and conversely its design and manipulation.

If you apply for either of the JSPS Fellowships to join our lab, it is fine (and encouraged) to prepare the proposal which you want to do.

The candidate will have a proven track record in protein molecular biology and structural biology, including a good publication record. It is expected that the fellow have some spoken and written English skills.

If you are interested in our laboratory, please enquire with Dr Renwick Dobson (renwick.dobson@canterbury.ac.nz) or Dr Hironori Suzuki (hironori.suzuki@canterbury.ac.nz -- in Japanese is ok).



ミシガン大学歯学部 テニュアトラックファカルティ募集

ミシガン大学歯学部では下記の要領でテニュアトラックファカルティを募集しています。矯正歯科医として臨床活動に携わるとともに外部資金を獲得して独自の研究を発展させる意欲のある方を求めています。日本、あるいは米国以外で矯正歯科医の資格を得られている方も考慮の対象となります。応募書類は選考委員会宛に下記のアドレスまで送っていただく事になりますが、ミシガン大学の研究環境、生活環境などでご質問のある方はわたしまで遠慮なくお問い合わせください。三 品 裕 司 in Michigan

The University of Michigan
School of Dentistry
Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

Full-Time Tenure Track Faculty Position in Orthodontics

The University of Michigan School of Dentistry invites applications and nominations for a full-time tenure track faculty position in Orthodontics at the assistant or associate professor level commensurate with credentials. The division of Orthodontics is internationally recognized for clinical and academic excellence, has state-of-the-art clinical facilities, and offers an exceptional research environment. Departmental research strengths include clinical, translational, and basic research in craniofacial developmental and skeletal biology, genetics, tissue engineering, and treatment outcomes. In addition, numerous opportunities are available for collaboration within the Dental School and the greater University community.

Candidates should have a DDS or equivalent degree, advanced training in orthodontics, and a PhD in biomedical sciences or other areas of relevance to orthodontics. The candidate should have a record of research accomplishments and have current or strong promise of extramural grant funding such as that from the NIH. A State of Michigan limited academic dental license may be available for qualified candidates. Responsibilities will include establishing a strong and independently funded research program, didactic and clinical instruction of graduate orthodontic residents, craniofacial anomalies fellows and/or dental students, and service. Intramural faculty practice opportunities are available. Salary and rank will be commensurate with experience and training.

A letter of interest and curriculum vitae should be submitted at http://facultyrecruiting.dent.umich.edu/

Applications will be reviewed immediately and no later than October 1, 2013.

Questions for the search committee should be directed to Dr. Renny Franceschi, Search Committee Chair, c/o Krisden Romine; at kromine@umich.edu.

The University of Michigan is an Affirmative Action/Non-Discriminatory Employer

投稿者:三品 裕司(mishina@umich.edu)



当講座では皮膚の基礎的~臨床的検討を幅広く行っています。特に遺伝性皮膚疾患の原因遺伝子解明(道化師様魚鱗癬J Clin Invest 2005、アトピー性皮膚炎J Allergy Clin Immunol 2007)、自己免疫性皮膚疾患の病態解明(水疱性類天疱瘡モデルマウスNat Med 2007)、先天性皮膚疾患の治療開発(PNAS 2010)などを行っています。
阿部研究室では致死的な重症薬疹(Stevens-Johnson症候群、toxic epidermal necrolysis)をテーマにしています。これまで(1)早期診断マーカーの同定、および迅速診断キット作製(J Allergy Clin Immunol 2008、Ann Intern Med 2009、J Am Acad Dermatol 2011)、(2)重症薬疹発症機序解明およびモデルマウス作製(Am J Pathol 2003、J Allergy Clin Immunol 2013)を報告しています。
最近当研究室で、重症薬疹は皮膚上皮細胞(表皮細胞)の特異な細胞死(programmed necrosis: necroptosis)で惹起されることを見出し、さらにnecroptosisを誘導する受容体を同定しました。Necroptosisを阻害することで重症薬疹発症が抑制されることもモデルマウスを用いて示しました(論文リバイス中)。新たな細胞死のタイプであるnecroptosisは注目を浴びており、RIP3などのkey moleculeなどが同定されていますが、未だにヒト疾患に対する直接的関与は明らかになっていません。我々の研究は基礎的研究成果とヒト疾患病態を結びつけるものです。現在、この受容体からnecroptosisが惹起されるシグナル伝達経路の解明、および受容体のアンタゴニスト(治療薬候補化合物)の探索を進めています。
待遇:北海道大学の規定によります 。
応募資格:PhD。基本的なMolecular biology、Cell cultureまたはMouse handlingの技術を習得している。細胞死研究の経験、または薬学のバックグラウンドを持っている方を優先します。
応募手続: 電子メールにて応募書類をお送り下さい。提出していただいた書類は、採用審査の用途に限り使用されます。これらの個人情報を第三者に開示、譲渡及び貸与することはありません。書類審査の後、必要に応じて電話、スカイプ等にて面接を行います。
Email: aberi@med.hokudai.ac.jp



Postdoctoral position at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

ミシガン大学のRaymond Chan研究室で2つのポスドクのポジションで募集があります。私はChan先生とは学部での同僚ですが、信頼の置ける面倒見の良い非常にすばらしいサイエンティストです。興味のある方はChan先生に直接連絡してみてください。

Postdoctoral position in germline genomic stability - Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Postdoctoral position available to examine DNA repair in meiosis and genomic structural variations in germ cells. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in cell and molecular biology, and proficiency/familiarity in microscopy, genetic and genomic techniques. Prior experience with C. elegans or other genetic model organisms is preferred. Excellent oral and written English language skills are essential. The selected candidate should be highly motivated and creative, with a strong work ethic and the ability to work independently, as well as in collaborative research efforts.

Interested candidates should submit their CV, a brief statement of research interests and goals, and the names and contact information of three references to: rchan at umich.edu.


Postdoctoral position at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Postdoctoral position available to examine a novel cellular response in embryonic blastomeres to obstructed cytokinesis. Please see the reference below for background details on this project:


Applicants should have a Ph.D. in cell and developmental biology, and proficiency/familiarity in microscopy, genetic and molecular techniques. Prior experience with C. elegans or other genetic model organisms is preferred. Excellent oral and written English language skills are essential. The selected candidate should be highly motivated and creative, with a strong work ethic and the ability to work independently, as well as in collaborative research efforts.
Interested candidates should submit their CV, a brief statement of research interests and goals, and the names and contact information of three references to: rchan at umich.edu.

Early stage postdoctoral researcher (within 2 years or receiving Ph.D.) is preferred.

The position will be filled for one year, with possible second year renewal. Applicants will be encouraged to apply for their own funding.

Posted by 岩瀬茂樹(siwase@umich.edu)


Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School ポスドク、テクニカルスタッフ募集

ハーバード大学医学部マサチューセッツ総合病院シグナル伝達研究室(PI: 金木正夫、Masao Kaneki)では、ポスドク、テクニカルスタッフを若干名募集しています。肥満やストレス(敗血症、熱傷)によるインスリン抵抗性(細胞内シグナル伝達の変化)と細胞内代謝異常(癌細胞でのWarburg effectに相当するpseudo-hypoxia)の研究プロジェクトを新しい角度から一緒に進めていくメンバーを募集しています。システイン残基のファルネシル化の新規ターゲットの同定、誘導性ファルネシル化蛋白の代謝性ストレスや炎症反応における新しい役割に注目しています。実験の手法としては、マウス、培養細胞系等を用いて、分子生物学的、生化学的な解析を中心にしています。
[応募資格] ポスドク: Ph.D.あるいはM.D.取得者、または、取得見込みの方。テクニカルスタッフ: 大学卒業後研究経験のある方。
[待遇] Massachusetts General Hospital の規定に準拠
[赴任時期] 随時(できるだけ早い時期が望ましいが、相談して下さい)
[提出書類]  CV(履歴書)をemailでmkaneki@helix.mgh.harvard.eduまで送って下さい。
Masao Kaneki (金木正夫), M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Harvard Medical School
Director, Signal Transduction Laboratory
Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care
Massachusetts General Hospital
149 Thirteenth Street, Rm. 6604
Charlestown, MA 02129, USA
Tel: 617-726-8122
Fax: 617-726-8134



Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Faculty Position

Faculty Positions in Science, Technology, and Innovation
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
Moscow, Russia

The new Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) in Moscow seeks candidates in science and technology for tenured and tenure-track positions to begin early 2014 or thereafter.

Established in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Skoltech integrates strong foundational graduate educational programs and cutting-edge basic and applied research with an ecology of innovation and entrepreneurship to establish a new model for advancing knowledge, developing technology, and creating economic value to improve the Russian Federation and our world.

We encourage applications for positions in and across Skoltech’s five technical focus themes, as well as in cross-cutting areas and in innovation and entrepreneurship. Applications in Skoltech priority areas listed below are of particular interest, but strong candidates in all areas of science and technology related to major themes are encouraged to apply.

• Information Science and Technology (priority areas in software): machine learning and artificial intelligence, systems and networks, big data-related areas, electronic materials and devices, quantum technology, photonics
• Biomedical Science and Technology (priority areas): computational and systems biology, immunology and infectious disease, gene- and nano-medicine, regenerative medicine, neuroscience, translational medicine
• Energy Science and Technology (priority areas): hydrocarbon fuel production and transportation, hydrocarbon processing, electric power systems generation and distribution, electrical energy storage, energy efficient systems, energy and the environment
• Space Science and Technology (priority areas): supporting humans in long term space exploration, design and construction of small satellites, utilization of space data for communications, positioning, and earth system information collection, lunar and planetary engineering and science, safety engineering, propulsion
• Nuclear Science and Technology (priority areas): nuclear energy safety, materials for extreme environments, non-energy applications of nuclear and radiation technologies, human and biological radiation effects
• Cross-cutting Areas: advanced materials (in particular, composite materials), computational and data-intensive science and engineering, human factors engineering
• Entrepreneurship and Innovation (including commercialization, product design/development, manufacturing, large scale systems). For additional details, see the separate listing for “Faculty Positions in Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship” at www.skoltech.ru/faculty.

Faculty will lead the development of a new curriculum and innovative research structure, with the opportunity to spend their first year at MIT to develop classroom materials and launch new research collaborations. Teaching and research will be carried out in the English language. Internationally competitive salary and benefits, startup packages, and opportunities for substantial research funding will be provided.

Application Procedure
Please visit www.skoltech.ru/faculty for more information and application details.

Applications must be received by December 15, 2013 to be assured of receiving consideration.

Skoltech is committed to diversity and equality, and all are invited to apply without regard for gender, race or national origin.


ミネソタ大学医学部・Lillehei Heart 研究所 Dan Garry 研究室 ポスドク募集

ミネソタ大学Dan Garry 研究室ではポスドクを数名募集しております。研究内容は、心臓、血管系の発生と再生、ES, 疾患iPS細胞の分化、骨格筋の発生、再生等の分野です。共同研究、討論、発表を通して積極的に研究を進めて行く意欲のある方を募集しております。ご興味のある方はミネソタ大学の求人サイト[employment.umn.edu (Requisition number: 186081)] から応募して下さい。ご質問は小谷野菜峰子までお気軽にどうぞ(日本語可)。英語は流暢である必要はありませんが、英語で積極的に意思疎通しようとする姿勢は必要です。

Requisition number 186081: Post Doc Fellow (LHI)

Postdoctoral Associate

The Lillehei Heart Institute is a premier institute at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis with state of the art technologies and core facilities focused on the molecular regulation of myogenesis, stem cell and regenerative biology. We are accepting applications for highly motivated postdoctoral associates to work on research pertaining to the role of transcription factor mediated networks to direct the fate of stem and iPS cells to a mesodermal fate (i.e. cardiac, endothelial, skeletal muscle). PhD and expertise with molecular biological-biochemistry techniques, the use of transgenesis and knockout technologies will be required for this position. Interested applicants should apply online to Daniel J. Garry, MD, PhD, Director of Lillehei Heart Institute, University of Minnesota at employment.umn.edu (Requisition number: 186081) and include curriculum vitae, statement of interest and names of three references. Inquiries can be addressed to Naoko Koyano-Nakagawa, Ph!
D (koyano(at)umn.edu). Candidates must be able to demonstrate authorization to work in the United States at the University of Minnesota by the start date. The University Of Minnesota is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.



金沢大学医学系・脳細胞遺伝子学研究分野 准教授募集











e-mail: kawasaki-labo@umin.ac.jp

投稿者:河崎 洋志(kawasaki-labo@umin.ac.jp)


シンシナティ小児病院/シンシナティ大学医学部 ポスドク募集

シンシナティ小児病院/シンシナティ大学医学部 生殖科学部門行川研究室(PI:行川 賢: Satoshi Namekawa) では新規予算獲得に伴いポスドクを一名募集しています。行川研究室では、マウスを用いて生殖細胞分化と初期胚発生におけるエピジェネティック制御の解明を目指しています。これまで、特に性染色体の制御について着目してきました。この公募では生殖幹細胞のエピジェネティック制御機構についてのプロジェクトを担当できる人を募集しています。イノベーティブなプロジェクトに挑戦したい意欲的な研究員を募集しています。

NIHおよびシンシナティ小児病院の規定によります 。ビザもサポートします。
応募資格:上記の研究に興味のある PhD, MD, MD-PhD 取得者、あるいは着任までに取得見込みの方。特に2014年春に博士号取得見込みで、早めにポスドクポジションを探したい方の応募を歓迎します。その場合、これまでの研究分野を問いませんが、新たな分野に挑戦したい熱意のある人を募集しています。
応募書類: CV と 推薦者2名以上の連絡先をe-mailで送付して下さい。
宛先:satoshi.namekawa@cchmc.org (日本語可)

Recent publications (corresponding author: Satoshi H. Namekawa):
1. Sin HS, Namekawa SH. Epigenetics. 2013 Jul 17;8(9). [Epub ahead of print]
2. Sin HS, Barski A, Zhang F, Kartashov AV, Nussenzweig A, Chen J, Andreassen PR, Namekawa SH. Genes Dev. 2012 Dec 15;26(24):2737-48.
3. Ichijima Y, Sin HS, Namekawa SH. 2012 Cell. Mol. Life. Sci. 2012 Aug;69(15):2559-72.
4. Sin HS, Ichijima Y, Koh E, Namiki M, Namekawa SH. 2012. Genome Res. 2012 May;22(5):827-36.
5. Payer B, Lee JT, Namekawa SH. Hum Genet. 2011, Aug;130(2):265-80.
6. Ichijima Y, Ichijima M, Lou Z, Nussenzweig A, Camerini-Otero RD, Chen J, Andreassen PR, Namekawa SH. Genes Dev. 2011 May 1;25(9):959-71.
7. Namekawa SH, Lee JT. Nat Protoc. 2011 Mar;6(3):270-84.

Satoshi Namekawa
Assistant Professor
Division of Reproductive Sciences
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Department of Pediatrics
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Cincinnati OH
Tel: 513-803-1377
Fax: 513-803-1160

Posted by Satoshi Namekawa(satoshi.namekawa@cchmc.org)

« 2013年07月 | 最新の10件 | 2013年09月 »


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