
CPP2013 Tokyo 開催のお知らせ

 CPP2013 Tokyo 開催のお知らせ (http://cppweb.org)

【主催】CPP, LLC. (合同会社シーピーピー)
     ・就職のための面接実習 など

     23日(金) 会社ガイダンス、パネルディスカッション
     24日(土) 説明会、会社ブース、交流会


【 U R L 】http://cppweb.org





the European Institute of Chemistry and Biology (IECB), Bordeaux, France Postdoctoral Position

A post-doctoral position is available in the group of Dr. Raul V. Duran, at the European Institute of Chemistry and Biology (IECB), Bordeaux, France. The candidate will work on the mechanisms by which cell signaling, and in particular mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) pathway as a central regulator for cell growth, responds to nutrients and how these regulatory mechanisms are affected during malignant transformation.

The Metabolism & cell signaling lab at the IECB is an emerging group, leaded by Dr. Raul. V. Duran, aiming to understand the mechanism by which the de-regulation of growth factor signaling contributes to metabolic transformation in cancer cells. In particular, we focus on the regulation of glutamine addiction by the mTORC1 pathway in cancer cells. The IECB provides an excellent international environment with access to the technology platforms, including fully equipped L1 and L2 laboratories, a platform of analytical and preparative techniques and a platform of structural biology.

The position is funded by the Fondation pour la Recherche Medicale for a period of 18 month. Candidates holding a PhD degree in biochemistry/molecular biology, highly motivated to work in a competitive field and with interest in metabolism and cell signaling in cancer are especially encouraged to apply. Candidates should send a cover letter, CV and contact information for two reference letters to:

Dr. Raul V. Duran

For more information, please visit our web page:


Posted by Raul V. Duran(r.duran@iecb.u-bordeaux.fr)


RIKEN Kobe Positions for Technical Staff in Physical Biology Unit

Positions for Technical Staff in Physical Biology Unit
(Unit Leader :Dr. Tatsuo Shibata)

【Research Field】
In our laboratory, we use theoretical, computational, and experimental approaches to look at how interactions of many molecules, genes, and cells give rise to polarity formation and information processing in motile cells, and to collective behaviors in cell populations from the viewpoint of physical sciences.

Reseach Summary>>http://www.cdb.riken.jp/en/02_research/0207_strategic03.html

【Job title and Job description】
Technical staff or part-time staff
・Assist in the laboratory’s research activities by creating scripts and programs for image processing, data analysis, and computer simulations. Manage the laboratory’s computational environment, such as our Linux cluster computer, and Mac OS X and Windows systems.

・Experience with developing programs with C, Python, or other computer languages, or experience with processing biological and medical images.

・Proficient in Linux, Mac OS X or Windows systems.
・Capable of efficiently combining existing scripts and software, in different platforms such as Matlab, Mathematica, ImageJ, and R to reach set goals. It is not necessary to be proficient in all programs.
・Have an interest in biology and research, and is self-motivated.
・Good oral and written communication skills to work in collaboration with staff scientists.
For more particulars, please inquire by e-mail or phone.

Bachelor’s degree in information technology, computer science, computer engineering, image informatics, or other related areas. Have experience or knowledge in the job description listed above.

【Work location】
Address: 2-2-3 Minatojima-minamimachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo, 650-0047, Japan
The RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology (CDB), located in western Japan, is a leading research institute in the fields of developmental and regenerative biology equipped with state-of-the-art research facilities. The CDB provides a truly international, collegial, and supportive environment for its nearly thirty laboratories, and also the resources for those laboratories to pursue research to broaden their understanding of developmental biology. All necessary communications can be conducted in English. If you are interested in research and life in Japan and RIKEN, please consult the following websites:

【Salary and benefits】
Full-time position with an annually renewable contract based on evaluations until March 31st, 2018. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Commuting and housing allowances will be provided. Social insurance will be applied. Mandatory membership in the RIKEN Mutual Benefit Society (RIKEN Kyosaikai). Days off includes weekends, public holidays, New Year's holidays (Dec. 29 - Jan 3), and RIKEN Foundation Day.
These and other provisions are in accordance with RIKEN regulations.

Note: The above description is for full-time staff. Salary and benefits differ for part-time staff. Please inquire if interested in applying for the part-time position.

【Application and required documents】

1.CV with e-mail address and photograph. Include research achievements if any
2.One letter of recommendation from your current supervisor and his/her contact information. (If it is difficult to obtain a recommendation letter from your current supervisor, a third party recommendation is acceptable.)
3.Certificate of graduation or copy of degree certificate from most recently attended educational institution.
4.Personal statement that includes your motivations for applying and any skills you have acquired. (No specific format.)

Applications are now being accepted. Position will remain open until a suitable candidate is appointed.

[Handling Personal Data]
Handling of Personal Data: All private data sent to RIKEN in application for employment is handled in strict confidentiality, and such data is not utilized for any other purpose or disclosed to any third party. Application documents will not be returned.

【Selection process】
Selection will be made based on application screening and interviews.

【Start of Employment】
As early as possible (negotiable)

【Contact Information】
Inquiries regarding the details of the position and the process of application are encouraged.
Please send an e-mail to: tatsuoshibata@cdb.riken.jp

【Send application to】
Please send applications by email or mail to:
Email: kobe-jobs@riken.jp
Address: 2-2-3 Minatojima-minamimachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0047, Japan
RIKEN Kobe branch, Kobe Administrative Division
Kobe Human Resources Section


投稿者:星屋 拓郎(kobe-jobs@riken.jp)


Harvard School of Public Health ポスドク募集

私(長洲 一)の所属しておりますDr. Horng.よりポスドク募集のため掲示させていただきます。詳細は下記の内容ですが、当研究室ではinflammasomeを中心として自然免疫にfocusをあて研究を行うともに自然発症腸炎モデルマウスを用い慢性炎症の機序(炎症遷延化機序)解明を行っております。上記モデルマウスにおいて炎症性腸疾患の発症に関しては既報があるものの、未だ炎症遷延化の解明には至っておりません。今回、炎症性腸疾患モデルを用いたプロジェクトを中心に募集を行っており、これらの領域に興味がある方また、経験がある方を主に募集しております。また、その他inflammasomeのregulationに関するプロジェクトもあり、腸炎疾患に経験が無い方でもご興味があればご連絡いただければ幸いです。
大きなラボではありませんが昨年の論文(PNAS. 109(28):11282-7, 2012)に続き現在も投稿中であり、昨年の秋にはRO1を取得しております。
開始時期や条件などは相談可能との事ですので、ご質問ございましたらお気軽にお尋ね下さい。日本語でのご質問は私まで、英語で直接Dr. Horngへご連絡して頂いてもかまいません。
村上(日本語可: tmurakam@hsph.harvard.edu)

Dr. Tiffany Horng in the Department of Genetics and Complex Diseases in Harvard School of Public Health is looking for an outstanding postdoctoral fellow to pursue one of two projects. In one project, we have developed a unique mouse model of colitis in which the initiating trigger for induction of colitis can be genetically ablated. Using this model, we have found that removal of the trigger, after the onset of inflammation, does not affect disease development. This suggests that during the course of chronic inflammation, inflammatory responses can be stably reprogrammed. We are now using this model to elucidate the basis of such rewiring of the molecular and cellular circuitry of inflammation, and to identify new regulators of colitis pathogenesis. The second project is focused on inflammasome biology―activation, regulation, and the effector functions of this pathway―following up on our recent study (PNAS. 109(28):11282-7, 2012).
Candidates should have experience in studying innate immunity and/or mouse models of colitis and/or other closely related areas. Additionally, candidates should be skilled in cell biology, molecular biology, and basic mouse work, as demonstrated in their publication record. A Ph.D. or M.D. degree is required.
Please submit application, including a cover letter, CV, and names and contact information of at least 3 references to:

Tiffany Horng, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Genetics and Complex Diseases
Harvard School of Public Health
655 Huntington Ave, II-115
Boston, MA 02115

Posted by Tiffany Horng(thorng@hsph.harvard.edu)


Children's National Medical Center Postdoctoral Position

A postdoctoral position is available in the Hashimoto-Torii laboratory at the Center for Neuroscience Research, Children’s National Medical Center located in Washington, DC.

We look for a researcher who is highly motivated to work on Gene and Environment Interaction during fetal brain development using systems biology and bioinformatics tools. If interested, please send CV and at least 2 references along with a cover letter in which your career and research goals should be described to khtorii@cnmc.org (English only) or kazue.hashimoto-torii@yale.edu (Japanese is available).

The goal of Hashimoto-Torii laboratory is to understand how adverse prenatal environment interacts with genetic predisposition, thereby increasing the psychiatric disease susceptibility after birth. With a focus on the cerebral cortex, we tackle this question by a combination of wet (w. mouse model) and dry (w. human specimens) analyses.
Kazue Hashimoto-Torii, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator, Center for Neuroscience Research
Children's Research Institute, Children's National Medical Center.
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Pharmacology and Physiology, The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences.
111 Michigan Avenue, N.W., M7633
Washington DC, 20010-2970
Office: 202-476-4449
Lab: 202-476-5920
Fax: 202-476-4988
Lab HP: http://www.hashimoto-torii.net/index.html

Posted by Kazue Hashimoto-Torii(khtorii@cnmc.org)



シンシナティ小児病院/シンシナティ大学医学部、内分泌学・発生生物学部門の中村研究室では、RNA biologyに精通している博士研究員(ポスドク)を募集いたします。

当研究室では、肥満によって発症リスクが増加する疾患、特に2型糖尿病に注目し、その発症機構を1)代謝性ストレス、2)内在性二重鎖RNA、に注目して研究を行います。この研究では、最近の知見 [Nakamura et al. Cell (2010); Ben et al. Nature (2012)]に基づき、新規マウスモデルを用いて、 RNA-RNA結合タンパク質ネットワークの動態・機能変化の解析を通し、疾患発症機構の解明を目指します。RNA研究の経験を病態モデルに応用したいと考えている方を歓迎いたします。




応募資格:上記の研究に興味のある PhD, MD, MD-PhD 取得者、あるいは着任までに取得見込みの方。
応募書類: 1) 履歴書、 2)これまでの研究の概要 、 3) 推薦者3名以上の連絡先 

送付先:中村能久(Nakamura, Takahisa, Ph.D.) .
Takahisa Nakamura, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Divisions of Endocrinology/Developmental Biology,
Cincinnati Children's Hospital
Department of Pediatrics,

University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

Cincinnati OH, USA
Office phone: 513-803-9230
Office Fax: 513-636-7486



Thomas Jefferson University のKirino Labポスドク募集

米国ペンシルバニア州のフィラデルフィアにあるThomas Jefferson University のKirino Lab(PI Yohei Kirino-桐野陽平)では、新規のNIHグラント獲得に伴い、新たに1-2人の博士研究員(ポスドク)を募集致します。当研究室は現在ロサンゼルスのCedars-Sinai Medical Center(Kirino lab website: http://cedars-sinai.edu/Research-and-Education/Research-Labs/Kirino-Lab/)にありますが、7月中旬にThomas Jefferson University のDepartment of Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyおよびComputational Medicine Centerに移動する予定です。

当研究室では、micro RNAに代表される小分子RNAの生合成機構と機能に関する研究を行っています。特に、近年生殖細胞系列で見いだされた小分子RNAの一つであるPIWI-interacting RNA (piRNA)において、マウスおよびショウジョウバエを用いて、その生合成機構と分子機能を解明することを目指しています。更に種々のがん細胞および患者組織において、新規小分子RNA種の網羅的同定および機能解析の系を立ち上げており、Computational Medicine Centerに代表されるようなRNA Biology研究にとって非常に恵まれたTJUの研究環境において、新規研究分野を共に切り開いてくれる研究意欲、熱意の高い方のご応募をお待ちしています。

勤務地:Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
フィラデルフィアは米国で五番目に大きい都市で、TJUはその中心部のCenter Cityに位置し、交通の便がよく生活にも便利な場所です。TJUは最新の研究設備が整備され、頻繁に様々な研究講演が行われる等、研究者にとって非常に恵まれた環境が整えられており、近傍に位置するUniversity of Pennsylvania等の大学に所属する研究者との共同研究も活発に行われています。





応募書類および方法: 1.CV、 2.今までの研究概要およびこれからの研究への興味、 3.推薦者2名以上の連絡先、これらをE-mail(Yohei.Kirino@csmc.edu, ただし7/10以降はkirino1005@hotmail.com)でお送りください。お送りいただいた個人情報は本募集の為のみに使用し、選考終了後、応募書類は責任をもって破棄致します。



Yohei Kirino, Ph.D.
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
8700 Beverly Blvd., 5017 Davis, Los Angeles, CA 90048
Tel: 310-423-1092
Email: Yohei.Kirino@csmc.edu; kitino1005@hotmail.com
Lab website: http://cedars-sinai.edu/Research-and-Education/Research-Labs/Kirino-Lab/



金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系 脳細胞遺伝子学研究分野(河崎洋志研究室)助教募集

金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系 脳細胞遺伝子学研究分野(河崎洋志研究室)では、助教1名を募集しています。皆様のご応募をお待ちしております。





e-mail: kawasaki-labo@umin.ac.jp
URL: http://square.umin.ac.jp/top/kawasaki

投稿者:河崎 洋志(kawasaki-labo@umin.ac.jp)


University of Southern California Postdoctoral Position

Postdoctoral position available to study signaling regulation of tissue differentiation and regeneration in the Center for Craniofacial Molecular Biology at the University of Southern California. Our research focuses on understanding protein methylation as novel signaling mechanisms in craniofacial and cardiac formation and regeneration. The projects will utilize multidisciplinary approaches including mouse genetics (transgenesis, mutants), confocal imaging, signaling analysis and biochemical methods.

Qualifications: The successful candidate must have a recent Ph.D. or M.D. degree, and is expected to be highly motivated.

The Center for Craniofacial Molecular Biology is part of the Ostrow School of Dentistry, which ranks 8th in the nation, with ample collaborations with the Norris Cancer Center, Eli and Edythe Broad Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research, and the Brain Center at Keck School of Medicine. The campus locates in the heart of Los Angeles, a city rich in diversity, culture and history.
Interested applicants should send a CV and references to Jian Xu, Ph.D. (jian.xu@ucsf.edu). Salary will be commensurate with relevant experience.

Posted by Jian Xu(jian.xu@ucsf.edu)


University of Miyazaki, tenure track associate professor

Organization for Promotion of Tenure Track (OPTT) of University of Miyazaki is calling application for one tenure track associate professor.We hope you will apply to this call.

Research and education areas/ Faculty: Livestock Science/ Agriculture
Position: tenure track (TT) associate professor (one position)
We are seeking a scientist who has an excellent ability to teach and carry out research in fields such as feeding, physiology and nutrition, genetic improvement and breeding, environmental management and so on of livestock animals.

(1) Applicants should have research experience in the above-mentioned research area or related fields. In addition, applicants should be able to work independently and be highly motivated in their pursuit of original and innovative research in their own area of interest. Furthermore, applicants are expected to contribute actively to the education of undergraduate and graduate students. Applicants must have a Ph.D. awarded within the past 10 years. Since the OPTT is applying for the Program to Disseminate Tenure Tracking System by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the program requires that a tenure track staff should be less than 40 years old to get a fund from the program, the age of an applicant should be less than 40 years old (if an applicant graduated from a medical school or a veterinary school, he or she should be less than 43 years old) at the point of application deadline.
(2) International applicants must be able to communicate in English. The international TT associate professor will be expected to develop the ability to communicate in Japanese while he or she works at our university because he or she will have to teach students after promotion to associate professor.
(3) A person who is hired by the University of Miyazaki cannot apply for this call.

For additional information and application form, please visit our website at http://www.miyazaki-u.ac.jp/ttkikou/en/app-info/recruit2013-eng/

*Contact information for application submissions and inquiries

Organization for Promotion of Tenure Track Office
Research Management and International Affairs Department
University of Miyazaki
Miyazaki 889-2192, Japan
TEL: +81-985-58-7675
FAX: +81-985-58-7675
E-mail: ttoffice@of.miyazaki-u.ac.jp
URL: http://www.miyazaki-u.ac.jp/ttkikou/
Communication by email is preferred.

Posted by University of Miyazaki(ttoffice@of.miyazaki-u.ac.jp)

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