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スウェーデン・カロリンスカ研究所 PhDスチューデント募集

グラント付Ph.D Studentの募集


Doctoral student with doctoral grant in Cell and Molecular Biology
Karolinska Institutet, Institutionen för cell- och molekylärbiologi (CMB)

Department of Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB) is a department strongly focused on basic science conducting research in several areas of cell, molecular and developmental biology. The research groups of CMB are organized in three thematic programs: Cell Biology, Infection and Cancer and Developmental Biology.
Description of research group and project
Our newly established group at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology is studying the origin and functional properties of supercoiled DNA. These topological structures are frequently arising when the two complementary strands of the DNA double helix are unwound by helicases, which is crucial for cellular processes like DNA replication and transcription. However unresolved topological tension may trigger aberrant chromosome functions that are the underlying cause of many developmental abnormalities and human diseases. Thus to understand the biological role of supercoiled DNA with regard to development and disease formation we will explore the molecular mechanisms resolving chromosomal entanglements. Specifically, we will use fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as model organisms to clarify the importance of DNA topology and topological changes in DNA packaging, replication, transcription, and recombination.

Duties and responsibilities
The project requires the handling of fly stocks and yeast cultures. The experiments will mostly be based on cell biological and molecular biological techniques. In particular we will apply genetic tools and techniques to generate and investigate fly stocks and yeast strains with specific mutations. In addition cytological studies on chromosomes including fluorescence microscopy analysis and other cellular imaging techniques will be employed, as well as biochemical techniques for protein extraction and protein analysis by immunoblotting and protein-protein interaction assays.

We are looking for a highly motivated and enthusiastic person with general interest in cell and molecular biology. The person should have experience with basic techniques in molecular biology and biochemistry, which she/he gained from previous work in research laboratories. In particular a good knowledge of chromosome biology and basic DNA processes like replication and recombination are a competitive advantage. The project addresses questions that requires the work with animals and cell cultures, therefore applicants with experience and basic knowledge of either yeast or Drosophila are greatly encouraged to apply and will be given priority. Furthermore the applicant should be fluent in English with good communication and writing skills.

Entry requirements
To meet the general entry requirements for third-cycle studies, an applicant must have

1. taken a second-cycle qualification
2. completed course requirements for at least 240 higher education credits, including at least 60 second-cycle higher education credits, or
3. otherwise acquired essentially the same knowledge in or outside Sweden.

An applicant who met the general entry requirements for third-cycle studies before 1 July 2007 is regarded as having met the current requirements, though no longer than until the end of June 2015.

A selection will be made among qualified applicants on the basis of the ability to benefit from third-cycle studies. Karolinska Institutet uses the following bases of assessment:

- Documented subject knowledge of relevance to the area of research
- Analytical skill corroborated by an academic paper or the like
- Other documented knowledge or experience that may be relevant to third-cycle studies in the subject

The qualifications of the applicants will be evaluated on an overall basis.

A decision concerning the doctoral student position will be made after admission to third-cycle studies. For additional information about third-cycle studies at Karolinska Institutet, see http://www.ki.se/doctoral.

Application process
An application must contain the following documents in Swedish or English:

A personal letter and curriculum vitae
A copy of a degree certificate and associated certificates
A copy of a degree project and any previous publications
The application is to be submitted on the NetRecruiter system.

Karolinska Institutet is one of the world´s leading medical
universities. Its mission is to contribute to the improvement of human health through research and education. Karolinska Institutet accounts for over 40 per cent of the medical academic research conducted in Sweden and offers the country´s broadest range of education in medicine and health sciences. Since 1901 the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has selected the Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine.

Pursuant to the regulations of the Swedish National Archives, applications are kept on file for two years after the appointment has gained legal force. The regulations do not apply to attachments that have been printed or otherwise published.

Karolinska Institutet strives to provide a workplace that has approximately the same number of women and men, is free of discrimination and offers equal opportunity to everyone.

For temp agencies and recruiters, and to salespersons: We politely, yet firmly, decline direct contact with temp agencies and recruiters, as well as those selling additional job announcements.
Type of employment: PhD placement
Working hours: Full time
Reference: Dnr 4048/2012-225
Dr. Andreas Kegel, andreas.kegel@ki.se
Union representative:
Patriq Fagerstedt, SACO, patriq.fagerstedt@ki.se , 08-524 862 87
Caroline Lindqvist, OFR-S, caroline.lindqvist@ki.se , 08-524 867 93
Gunnar Stenberg, SEKO, gunnar.stenberg@ki.se , 070-316 43 41
Published: 2012-06-26
Last application date: 2012-09-07



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