UCLA ポスドク募集
Postdoctoral Position in Neurosciences
Seeking for one postdoctoral fellow with minimum two years experience in the area of neurobiology. The applicant should have a fellowship from the government of Japan or another international institution as our current economy does not provide resources to support our postdoctoral fellows. The postdoctoral position is now available to study the mechanisms of neuroprotection of two molecules and their impact on nervous system development and brain function in a mouse model of premature birth. Studies are aimed towards evaluating the extent of the neuroprotective effects. We seek to identify a potential time window for intervention as well as, the potential mechanism(s) by which both molecules combined exert the neruoprotective effect. It is anticipated that these studies not only have significance in understanding basic issues in brain development after the excitotoxicity insult but, also to move forward towards translational research. The areas currently pursued are developmental studies examining the effects on nestin-expressing neural progenitors, oligodendrocytes and myelination. The impact of early intervention will be evaluated by behavioral, histological, immunocytochemical and RT-qPCR methods.
Please send letter of application, two letters of recommendation 2 references and a current CV to:aespinosa@mednet.ucla.edu
I'll reply to all applications that fulfill all the requirements.