U1053 INSERM, Bordeaux Segalen University, Bordeaux, France Postdoc募集
INSERM U1053 is a French governmental laboratory located at Bordeaux Segalen University in Bordeaux, France. Its topics are Liver carcinogenesis, endoplasmic reticulum stress and angiogenesis.
Christophe Grosset is a governmental researcher working at Bordeaux Segalen University. He is principal investigator and manage a team of six persons.
Selected publications:
1. Laloo B, D Simon, V Veillat, D Lauzel, V Guyonnet-Duperat, F Moreau-Gaudry, F Sagliocco, C Grosset. FunREG: a functional, integrated and quantitative method to measure post-transcriptional mechanisms. Mol and Cel Prot, 2009, Aug;8(8):1777-88.
2. Simon, D., Laloo, B., Barillot, M., Barnetche, T., Blanchard, C., Rooryck, C., Marche, M., Burgelin, I., Coupry, I., Chassaing, N., Gilbert-Dussardier, B., Lacombe, D., Grosset, C., and Arveiler, B. A mutation in the 3'-UTR of the HDAC6 gene abolishing the post-transcriptional regulation mediated by hsa-miR-433 is linked to a new form of dominant X-linked chondrodysplasia, Hum Mol Genet, 2010, 19, 2015-2027.
3. Laloo, B., Maurel, M., Jalvy-Delvaille, S., Sagliocco, F., and Grosset, CF. Analysis of post-transcriptional regulation using the FunREG method, Biochem Soc Trans, 2010, 38, 1608-1614.
4. Jalvy-Delvaille S., Maurel M., Majo V., Pierre N., Chabas S., Combe C., Rosenbaum J., Sagliocco F. and Grosset CF. Molecular basis of differential target regulation by miR-96 and miR-182. Nucleic Acids Research, in revision.
Dr Christophe Grosset (INSERM U1053, Bordeaux, France) is currently looking for a post-doctoral candidate that would be interested in working in his research team.
Research is not funded yet but applications will be submitted with the candidate soon as post-doc application deadlines from French association (La Ligue Contre le Cancer", "ARC" and "FRM") occur on September and October 2011.
Dr Grosset's research project is focused on the role of microRNAs in the control of genes involved in liver carcinogenesis. The pathological models are the hepatocellular carcinoma, a primary liver cancer affecting adult subjects and the hepatoblastoma, a liver cancer affecting children.
If you are interested or if you know somebody who may be interested in applying to this position, please, directly contact Dr Grosset and send a complete CV by email (christophe.grosset@u-bordeaux2.fr).
Profile of candidates
Profile should be in accordance with information available on the French association websites below:
See ARC: http://www.arc-cancer.net/chercheurs/
See FRM: http://www.frm.org/images/pdf/aides_scientif/frm_peb2010.pdf
See Ligue contre le Cancer: http://www.ligue-cancer.net/article/1591_allocation-post-doctorale-pour-post-doctorant-confirme
The candidate should have either:
1- a French PhD and spend at least two years post-doc in a foreign country and in the same lab.
2- a foreign or French PhD and spend less than 2 years in France as a post-doc at the time of the application.
In both cases, candidate should have:
1- a strong background in molecular and cellular biology in human cells.
2- performed at least one research program in human pathology field (cancer, genetic diseases, neurophysiopathology, hepatology...).
3- published one or more manuscripts as a first author per research program.
Please do not apply if the above points are not fulfilled (criteria for a post-doctoral application from French associations).
Knowledge in animal experimentations, FACS analyses, microRNA biology and RNA regulation will be appreciated but it is not mandatory. However the candidate should be highly motivated.
If interested, please send a complete CV to christophe.grosset@u-bordeaux2.fr