Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center ポスドク募集
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC)、Division of Reproductive Sciencesにおいて、博士研究員(ポスドク)を募集いたします。当研究室は、 主にマウスES細胞を用いて哺乳類遺伝子量補正機構であるX染色体不活性化の詳細な分子機構の解明を目指しています。
任期:2 年
応募資格:上記の研究に興味のあるPhD取得者、あるいは着任までに取得見込みの方。 特にエピジェネティクス、細胞生物学、マウス遺伝学や生化学の研究経験を持つ方を希望します。
応募書類: 1) CV(履歴書)、2)これまでの研究の概要と本研究への興味・意欲、3) 推薦者3名以上の連絡先
We are seeking a highly motivated and enthusiastic individual with excellent interpersonal skills to join our research team in the Division of Reproductive Sciences at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Our research focuses on elucidating the molecular mechanism of X-chromosome inactivation using mouse embryonic stem cells (
(1) How is chromosome-wide silencing induced by long, noncoding RNAs?
(2) How is long-range silencing maintained and organized?
Applicants must have a Ph.D. in biological science, and should be experienced with standard methods of molecular biology. Candidates with a strong background in any of the following areas are encouraged to apply: epigenetics, mammalian cell biology, mouse genetics, or biochemistry. Interested individuals should send a brief statement of research interests, a CV, and the names and contact information of three references by e-mail to Yuya Ogawa (
Yuya Ogawa, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Division of Reproductive Sciences
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
3333 Burnet Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45229 USA.