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University of Newcastle and John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle, Australia research associate/PhD candidate募集

The Department of Traumatology at the University of Newcastle and John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle, Australia seeks a research associate/PhD candidate. The position is available from 2011 to investigate trauma related research.

The candidate will utilize an established animal model to investigate the complexity of a haemorrhagic shock/damage control scenario. The candidate will independently perform in vivo experiments on ischemia and reperfusion, femur fracture and subsequent fixation etc. It includes the capability to recover and manage the animals for long-term survival up to 10 weeks. If necessary, required techniques may be learned from current researchers and other members from the same institution. Furthermore, an ideal candidate can demonstrate the ability and experiences for the immunological and histological analyses (Histological technicians are available).
The candidate will implement new technologies and organize the laboratory equipment, proper funding and staff resources to achieve research objectives.

Applicants must have genuine motivation, communications skills, knowledge of scientific approach and methodologies, and ability to design and coordinate scientific research projects.
Familiarity with an animal model strongly preferred and knowledge of current technological trends is also required. Previous laboratory experience with surgical skills, molecular immunology and histology methods are also desirable.

Contact Information:

Prof. Zsolt J. Balogh, MD, PhD, FRACS
Trauma/Orthopaedic Surgeon, John Hunter Hospital
Director of Trauma Services, Hunter New England Area Health Service
Discipline Head of Traumatology, University of Newcastle, Australia
Telephone +61 (02) 4921-4259
Facsimile +61 (02) 4921-4274
Email Zsolt.Balogh@hnehealth.nsw.gov.au

投稿者:吉野 理(osamu1979@mac.com)

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  • 2011年03月
  • 2011年02月
  • 2011年01月
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