Duke University Medical Center ポスドク募集
Dr. Coerは最近Duke大学に着任した新進気鋭のPIです(投稿者)。
Postdoctoral Positions in microbial pathogenesis and innate immunity
at Duke University
Our laboratory has postodoctoral positions available to study the interaction of intracellular bacterial pathogens with their hosts' innate immune systems. Our lab is particularly interested in understanding IFN-gamma-activated cell-autonomous host defenses and the corresponding microbial counter-immune strategies. In order to unravel the complexities of host-pathogen interactions, we are using RNAi screening approaches to identify novel host genes required for innate immune responses, as well as bacterial genetics to identify key bacterial genes involved in triggering or evading host immunity.
We are seeking highly motivated PhDs with expertise in molecular biology, cell biology, immunology and/or microbiology.
The Coers lab is part of the vibrant research environment within the Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology (http://mgm.duke.edu) and the Center of Microbial Pathogenesis (http://mgm.duke.edu/microbial/) at Duke University.
The university is located in the Research Triangle, a thriving scientific community in North Carolina. Interested candidates should contact Jörn Coers, Ph.D. by email (jorn.coers@duke.edu). Please submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references.