
東京薬科大学生命科学部・ゲノム情報学研究室 助教募集

[職名・人員] 助教 1名 (常勤・任期なし)

(1) 履歴書(写真貼付)  
(2) 研究業績リスト(原著論文・著書・学会発表等)及び主要論文別刷(コピー可)    
(3) 現在までの研究概要と今後の研究の抱負(2000字以内)  
(4) 推薦状または照会可能な方2名の氏名と連絡先
(5) そのほか選考の参考となる資料(科学研究費等の受給状況、学会活動、特許等)


[応募期限] 2010年7月26日(月)消印有効
[着任時期] 決定後なるべく早い時期を希望しますが、相談に応じます。

[問合せ先・書類送付先] 〒192-0392 東京都八王子市堀之内1432-1 
東京薬科大学 生命科学部 ゲノム情報学研究室 教授:深見希代子
TEL/Fax:042-676-7214 E-mail:kfukami@toyaku.ac.jp

投稿者:深見 希代子


University of Calgary Postdoc募集

Candidates are invited to apply for a Postdoctoral Research position for two to three years at the University of Calgary, Canada. My overall research areas are in cancer and its chemodrug resistance. In particular, we focus three key topics as followings;1) novel roles of mitochondria in cancers (tumor initiation and progression/ metastasis), 2) origin of cancer stem cells and 3) how these lead cancer cells or cancer stem cells to be resistant to chemodrugs (chemodrug resistance). These questions are closely linked each other. To answer these, we use cutting-edge functional genomics (and/or proteomics) including siRNA library screening and LC/MS spectrometry, live cell imaging and transgenic mouse systems.

Salary is dependent on level of training and is competitive. Generous University benefits package. Applicants should submit curriculum vitae, including list of publications, a description of their research activity and goal.

For more detail, please visit our website, www.ucalgary.ca/~swkim.

Posted by Dr. Sung-Woo Kim (swkim@ucalgary.ca)




3.身分:医薬基盤研究所 非常勤職員
4.待遇:手当月額 ¥266,000 (別途、国家公務員に準じた地域手当、
5.勤務場所:京都大学大学院医学研究科 腫瘍生物学講座
8.研究内容:非アルコール性脂肪肝炎(NASH)は肥満・過栄養に伴いわが国  でも激増しており、ウイルス性肝炎を抜いて近い将来、肝硬変、肝ガンの  最大の原疾患となると考えられています。NASHの特効薬は現在まで知られ  ていませんが、ウルソデオキシコール酸という胆汁酸の一種が有効である  とするヒト臨床研究の結果が報告されています。また、胆汁酸合成は、体  内のコレステロールの最大の排泄経路としても重要です。私達は、コレス  テロールからの胆汁酸合成を調節するFGF (fibroblast growth factor)19  -beta Klothoという新しい制御システムの研究を行ってきました。本プ  ロジェクトでは、beta Klothoノックアウトマウスやトランスジェニック  マウス等を用いた動物個体レベルの分子生物学的解析から、NASHの病態の  解明と治療戦略の提唱を目指します。代謝疾患の病態解明や治療に繋がる  研究を目指す、やる気に満ちた研究者を求めます。





オンタリオ癌研究所、キャンベルファミリー乳癌研究部門 ポスドク募集

主な設備及び実験系:1. in-house mass spectrometry, 2. in-house confocal microscopy for live cell imaging, 3. ChIP-sequence, 4. Gene targeting in mouse ES cells.
応募書類:1. 履歴書と発表業績リスト(英語)、2. 推薦者2-3名の連絡先、 3. これまでの研究内容、取得した実験手技と志望動機(日本語可)をe-mailでお送りください。
4. 興味のある方は気軽にご連絡ください。

参考:トロントはカナダの東部に位置しオンタリオ湖に面した自然豊かな環境で、Sick Kids Childrens Hospital、Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Toronto General Hospital、University of Toronto、Mount Sinai Hospital等の研究施設が集まっており、研究交流も盛んです。

連絡先:Hitoshi Okada, M.D., Ph.D.
The Campbell Family Institute for Breast Cancer Research,
Ontario Cancer Institute
Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto
E-mail: hokada@uhnres.utoronto.ca (日本語可)

投稿者:岡田 斉(hokada@uhnres.utoronto.ca)


Michigan State University ポスドク募集

Postdoctoral Fellow Positions

Two postdoctoral positions are immediately available in a new lab at the Department of surgery, Michigan State University, in Lansing, Michigan. The focuses of the lab are:

1) Identifying novel regulatory signals that promote cellular invasion and metastasis in gastrointestinal cancer;
2) Evaluate the novel target molecules as biomarker to predict patients treatment outcomes using banked specimen with clinical follow-up data;

The works involve molecular biology techniques, small hairpin RNA for gene silencing, orthotopic tumor model and in vivo imaging, and the applicant is expected to be well trained in such molecular biology techniques and to have an interest and understanding in GI cancer research.

If interested, please send a copy of your CV and arrange to have three recommendation letters to: hitoh.tky[at]gmail.com

Hiromichi Ito, MD
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Department of Surgery
Surgical Oncology and HPB surgery
Michigan State University
1200 E Michigan Avenue, Suite 655
Lansing, MI 48912

投稿者:Hiromichi Ito, MD(hitoh.tky[at]gmail.com)


Penn State University 大学院生募集

Penn State University のDairy and Animal Science Department の Dr. Troy Ottの依頼で博士課程(Ph.D)の大学院生を募集いたします。

投稿者である私も彼の元でPh.Dを終了しました。Dr. Ottは、大変誠実で、面倒見の良いすばらしい先生で、私も大変尊敬しております。

Dr. Ottのラボは、主に妊娠初期の子宮内膜で発現するMxというタンパクの機能解析を行っており、また免疫学と関連した研究もおこなっております。研究の95%が、分子生物学的手法を用いた実験となり、mRNA、タンパク質の解析が主な作業となります。彼の研究室では、羊をモデルとしておりますが、実際は、羊子宮内膜細胞由来の細胞株(Cell Line)を使用しております。

Penn State University は、ペンシルバニア州の中央にあるState Collegeという場所に位置しており、ピッツバーグ、フィラデルフィアともに、車で3時間の場所にあります。また、ニューヨーク市までも、車で4時間程度で、都会へのアクセスも可能です。

応募条件は、理科系学部の修士課程保持者が最低条件となります。(学部卒のみでも論文投稿経験があり、研究年数の長い方も含めます)。生物免疫学がメインの研究室です。この分野での経験があるに越したことはありませんが、この分野に興味のあるかたであれば研究バックグラウンドは問いません。語学能力は、大学規定のTOEFLおよびGREをクリアしていただくことが最低条件となります。会話能力も高いのに越したことはありませんが、その点は、長い目で見てくれるそうです。実際、私もすぐ隣のラボに所属しており、Dr. Ottのラボとは、共同ミーティングも行っておりますので、かなりサポート可能です。






Oregon Health & Science University Postdoc募集

Our laboratory has 2 openings for postdoctoral fellows beginning July 1, 2010. These mentored positions will empower the candidates to create and analyze complex conditional genetic mouse models of pediatric cancers for the purpose of developing novel molecular therapies. The primary goals for these projects are to understand the role of proteins in the metastatic progression of the childhood brain tumor, medulloblastoma, or the childhood muscle cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma. Employing molecular biology, biochemistry and small animal imaging, the candidate will have the opportunity to identify critical factors in tumor maintenance and tumor progression from which new therapies can be developed. Rapid translation to the clinic is the underlying goal.

Interested candidates should email a cv to at keller@ohsu.edu

Contact Information after July 1:
Charles Keller, M.D.
Leader, Pediatric Cancer Biology Program
Pape' Family Pediatric Research Institute, Department of Pediatrics
Oregon Health & Science University, 3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Road, Mail Code: L321, Portland, OR 97239-3098
Tel 503.494.1210 Fax 503.418.5044 keller@ohsu.edu

our blog: www.KellerLabBlog.blogspot.com

Posted by Charles Keller, MD (keller@ohsu.edu)


Children's National Medical Center ポスドク募集

Our group works on the molecular analysis of pediatric brain tumors. we are located at the Children's National Medical Center in Washington DC. The prospective postdoctoral candidate should be an expert in cell culture and have experience in animal (murine) handling and related experiments.

Candidates with a terminal degree of PhD, or DVM or MD or MD PhD may apply for this position.

Duties will include:

1. Prepares and maintains primary human cells and permanent eukaryotic cell lines. Transfects cells with nucleic acids and viral vectors
2. Generates and titrates viral stocks using standard in vitro assays
3. Constructs, grows and maintains recombinant DNA plasmids. Purifies DNA and RNA from bacterial and eukaryotic cells. Prepares and cleaves purified plasmid and viral DNAs with restriction enzymes
4. Adheres to safety and ethical standards in the care of animals
5. Performs animal surgery
6. Performs immunocytochemistry and confocal microscopy
7. Maintains laboratory area, reagents, supplies, and equipment
8. Orders supplies as needed

To apply: Please contact DR. Javad Nazarian at:

投稿者:Javad Nazarian(JNazarian@CNMCResearch.org)


Duke University Medical Center ポスドク募集

Dr. Coerは最近Duke大学に着任した新進気鋭のPIです(投稿者)。

Postdoctoral Positions in microbial pathogenesis and innate immunity
at Duke University

Our laboratory has postodoctoral positions available to study the interaction of intracellular bacterial pathogens with their hosts' innate immune systems. Our lab is particularly interested in understanding IFN-gamma-activated cell-autonomous host defenses and the corresponding microbial counter-immune strategies. In order to unravel the complexities of host-pathogen interactions, we are using RNAi screening approaches to identify novel host genes required for innate immune responses, as well as bacterial genetics to identify key bacterial genes involved in triggering or evading host immunity.

We are seeking highly motivated PhDs with expertise in molecular biology, cell biology, immunology and/or microbiology.

The Coers lab is part of the vibrant research environment within the Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology (http://mgm.duke.edu) and the Center of Microbial Pathogenesis (http://mgm.duke.edu/microbial/) at Duke University.

The university is located in the Research Triangle, a thriving scientific community in North Carolina. Interested candidates should contact Jörn Coers, Ph.D. by email (jorn.coers@duke.edu). Please submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references.



ミシガン大学医学部病理学教室  ポスドク募集

Dr. Grace Chen からポスドク募集掲載の依頼がありました。
Dr. Grace ChenはUniversity of MichiganのDr. Gabriel Nunezのラボから独立されて、新しくラボを立ち上げました(Division of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan)。炎症と発癌、特に自然免疫受容体と腸内細菌との相互作用についての研究をしております。興味のある方は直接Dr. Grace Chen宛に御連絡下さい。

ミシガン大学医学部病理学教室 (Gabriel Nunez Lab) ・ 金 倫基

A postdoctoral position is available immediately for highly-motivated individuals interested in studying the relationship between inflammation and colon cancer. In particular, our work is focused on understanding how the interaction between innate immune receptors and the gut microbiota regulates the development of colitis and subsequent tumorigenesis using mouse models.

(Chen, G., Shaw, M.S., Redondo, G., and G. Nunez. The innate immune receptor Nod1 protects the intestine from inflammation-induced tumorigenesis, 2008. Cancer Research 68: 10060-10067. )

An M.D. or Ph.D. in a biological science discipline is required. The successful candidate should be fluent in written and spoken English. Experience with mice, proficiency in cellular/molecular biology techniques, and a solid background in tumor biology, immunology and/or molecular biology/biochemistry are preferred. Candidates are expected to conduct research independently under the supervision of the PI.

Qualified individuals should send CV with references and a brief description of research interests and career goals to Dr. Grace Chen (gchenry@umich.edu), Division of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan.

投稿者:金 倫基(yungikim@umich.edu)


University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Genetics POSTDOC募集

A postdoctoral position is available immediately at the Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin-Madison to study mammalian development and disease mechanisms.

-Research Directions-
Our laboratory uses mouse as a model organism to study the genetic basis of organogenesis. The two organs that we focus on in the lab are the limb-an external organ, and the lung-an internal organ.

Limb Development: The developing limb is a classical paradigm for studying tissue growth and patterning. We have generated sophisticated genetic tools that have allowed us to conduct decisive tests of the many existing models of limb development. Our studies have dissected processes spanning from limb bud initiation to limb bud size control (Verheyden et al., Nature 454:p638, 2008; Zheng et al., Developmental Cell 16: p607, 2009).
Lung Development: Lung development is a relatively open field of study in developmental biology. We have initiated a genome scale dissection of the genetic circuitry underlying key processes of lung development and maturation (Harris et al., PNAS 103:p2208, 2006; Harris-Johnson et al., PNAS 106:p16287, 2009). We also have funded collaborations with clinicians to study the molecular basis of lung diseases such as asthma and respiratory infections.

Our laboratory was started in 2002. It is established and composes of young people who are dedicated, productive, collaborative and fun. We are well funded by NIH and other funding agencies. University of Wisconsin offers an outstanding training credential. Madison is safe, active and has an international student population. It is repeatedly rated as one of the most desirable cities to live in the US.

-Position Requirements-
We seek candidates with a clear commitment to research, and a strong background in molecular biology. Prior experience with microarray data analysis, BAC cloning and protein biochemistry is desired, but not required. Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree in biological sciences.

Please send a CV (including research experience, research interests, career goals, a publication list and the names and contact information of three referees) via e-mail to:
Xin Sun, Ph.D.
Laboratory of Genetics
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI 53706
email: xsun@wisc.edu

Posted by Xin Sun (xsun@wisc.edu)


the Mucosal Immunology Unit, NIDCR, NIH ポスドク募集

本求人は候補者が決定したため募集を打ち切りました。This advertisement was withdrawn because the position has been filled.

Dr. WanJun Chen ラボでは、ポスドクを1名募集しております。



A postdoctoral fellow position is available at the Mucosal Immunology Unit, NIDCR, NIH, to study the molecular mechanisms of TGF-beta regulation of T cell differentiation. Our unit is located in Building 30 of the main intramural campus of the NIH in Bethesda, Maryland. Applicants should possess a Ph.D., M.D. Ph.D/M.D and /or D.D.S. A self-motivated individual with strong background in immunology and biochemistry or molecular biology experience is preferred. Experience in TGF-beta signal transduction is a plus.




Beth Israel Medical Center, Harvard Medical School Postdoc募集

A post-doctoral position is available immediately in the Wei lab at Dept. of Pathology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School. The lab’s focus is on understanding how Ubiquitin E3 ligase APC (Wei et al., Nature 428: 194, 2004; Gao et at Nature Cell Biology 11: 397, 2009) and SCF (Wei et al., Cancer Cell 8: 25, 2005) activities contribute to cell cycle regulation and subsequent tumor formation. Future projects in the lab engage the use of biochemistry, molecular biology and genetic approaches, cell culture techniques and potentially mouse modeling. Therefore, energetic applicants with strong experimental background in biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology and/or genetics are encouraged to apply.

Dr. Wei is looking for self-motivated individuals to become involved in the challenging and rewarding environment of the laboratory. If interested, please send your CV/resume and three references to

Wenyi Wei, Ph.D
Dept. of Pathology, Harvard Medical School
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
CLS-637, 330 Brookline Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
Phone: (617) 735-2495
Email: wwei2@bidmc.harvard.edu

Posted by Wenyi Wei (wwei2@bidmc.harvard.edu)


Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School ポスドク、リサーチフェロー、研究技師、あるいはボランティア

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School

ポスドク、リサーチフェロー、研究技師、あるいはボランティア(full-time or part-time)の募集

ボストンの Dana-Farber Cancer Institute にある私の病理学・腫瘍学・疫学の研究室でやる気のある研究室員を募集しています。




プロジェクトは大腸癌、線腫、膵臓癌、消化器内分泌腫瘍の分子病理疫学です。私のラボでは大規模な前向き疫学コホートを使って大腸癌と膵臓癌の様々な分子異常の疫学的病因を研究しています。ハーバード大学公衆衛生大学院とBrigham and Women’s Hospitalではこれまで当初は健康な12万人の女性を34年(Nurses' Health Study、http://www.channing.harvard.edu/nhs/)、5万人の男性を24年(Health Professionals Follow-up Study、http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hpfs/)追跡して、病気の発生を疫学的に研究してきました。私のラボではこの2つの大規模コホートにおいて追跡中に発生した大腸癌と膵臓癌の癌細胞内の遺伝子の異常、Epigenetic changes (DNAメチル化)、酵素やその他のたんぱく質発現の変化を解析しています。追跡に先立ち、あるいは24年、34年という追跡中に、食べ物、ライフスタイル(運動・肥満度・たばこ・アルコールなど)、薬、家族歴、癌や他の病気の発生、生存状況を記録しています。追跡に先立ち、あるいは20年、30年という追跡中に、食べ物、ライフスタイル(運動・肥満度・たばこ・アルコールなど)、薬、家族歴、癌や他の病気の発生、生存状況を記録しています。こうした病因に関するデータは癌の発生に先立って集められているためにバイアスのリスクがより少ないのが、前向きコホート研究の長所です。こうして蓄積された貴重な病因データ、さまざまな遺伝子の多形(SNPs)、癌細胞の分子異常、患者の生存状況とを詳細かつ総合的に分析するというのが私のラボの研究内容です。一例としてアスピリンがPTGS2 (COX-2)高発現の大腸癌の発生の防ぐのに加えてPTGS2(COX-2)高発現の大腸癌による死亡率を下げる、という病理疫学データを発表しています(New Engl J Med 2007、JAMA-J Am Med Assoc 2009)。これまでこれらのコホート研究はUS National Institute of Health(NIH)より研究費をとり続けています。その他、Multicenter Collaborative TrialであるCancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB http://www.calgb.org/)のメンバーとして、大腸癌のBiomarkersを調べています。




Shuji Ogino, MD, PhD, MS(Epidemiology)
Associate Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School
Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Department of Medical Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute



Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Postdoc募集

Postdoctoral Position Open in the Dasgupta Lab: The long term research goal of my lab is to understand the metabolic and novel non metabolic functions of the energy sensor AMP Kinase in cell (stem cell) cycle, brain cancer signaling mechanism, brain development and in adult neural stem cell function. I am looking for a dedicated, energetic and ambitious person with experience and aptitude in mouse genetics. First hand experience in making knockout and knockin mouse models will be highly advantageous. Knowledge of basic molecular biology and biochemistry is necessary. Some knowledge in cell culture, microscopy and biochemical assays and cell signaling is desirable. Persons with their own fellowships may also apply.


Posted by Biplab Dasgupta


京都大学医学部附属病院 探索医療臨床部 動脈硬化・代謝疾患研究室 ポスドク募集

本求人は候補者が決定したため募集を打ち切りました。This advertisement was withdrawn because the position has been filled.

京都大学医学部附属病院 探索医療臨床部 動脈硬化・代謝疾患研究室 ポスドク募集(若干名)






以上を添付ファイル(PDFまたはMS Wordファイル)にして下記連絡先まで電子メールで送ってください。

〒606-8507 京都市左京区聖護院川原町54

京都大学医学部附属病院 第一臨床研究棟4階406/430号室
探索医療臨床部 動脈硬化・代謝疾患研究室
南 学(助教)
E-mail: mminami@kuhp.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Phone: 075-751-3463
Fax: 075-751-4214

投稿者:南 学(mminami@kuhp.kyoto-u.ac.jp)


The Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute ポスドク募集

An NIH funded Postdoctoral Fellow position to study the endothelial signaling during liver organogenesis in zebrafish is available in the Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute.

We are seeking a highly motivated, independent, creative and enthusiastic individual who has less than three years of postdoctoral experience. Candidate should have a Ph.D. or M.D. degree in cell biology, molecular biology, developmental biology or closely related field. Students who are finishing their Ph.D. degree and recent graduates are encouraged to apply. The ideal candidate will have expertise in developmental genetics but applicants with strong training in molecular biology or cell biology will be seriously considered.

The Lerner Research Institute provides an excellent environment for biomedical science with competitive salary and benefits. Our postdoctoral training program (http://www.lerner.ccf.org/education/postdoc/) provides excellent support for career development in science.

Qualified individuals should send their CV, a brief description of research interests and career goals, and the names and contact information for three references to Dr. Takuya Sakaguchi (sakagut2@ccf.org).

Takuya Sakaguchi, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Lerner Research Institute
9500 Euclid Ave. NE30
Cleveland, OH 44195

投稿者:Takuya Sakaguchi(sakagut2@ccf.org)


Columbia University Postdoc募集

Dr. Sathya Puthanveettilからポスドク募集の案内がありました。

Dr. Sathya PuthanveettilはColumbia UniversityのDr Eric Kandelのラボから独立されて、新しくラボを立ち上げます。興味のある方は直接Dr. Sathya Puthanveettil宛に御連絡下さい。



Two post-doctoral positions are available in the laboratory of Dr. Sathya Puthanveettil for electrophysiologists who are interested in studying molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying long-term memory storage using Aplysia and mouse models.

Dr. Puthanveettil’s research focuses on (1) molecular motor complexes and transport of proteins and RNAs to synapses and (2) transcriptome dynamics and regulation of translation in neural circuits. For publications see Cell. 135:960-73; Neuron. 59:1024-36. PNAS. 104:5632-7; Cell.127:1453-67. Puthanveettil laboratory integrate several disciplines such as genomics, proteomics, biochemistry, electrophysiology and behavior.
There will be ample opportunities available for developing new skills, interacting with other Departments at Scripps and elsewhere. Department of Neuroscience has state of the art facilities for imaging, behavior, genomics and biochemistry. The infrastructure at Scripps Florida includes unique chemical, genomic, proteomic, informatics, and high-throughput screening tools for the discovery of novel biomolecules.
An ideal candidate will have a PhD and/or MD degree with experience in extracellular and intracellular recording from slices, preparation of organotypic and neuronal cultures, micro injection and be interested in high throughput biology.

Scripps offers an exceptional environment for post-doctoral fellows who are interested in advancing their career into Academics or Industry. My laboratory is in the Jupiter Campus which is in the beautiful Palm Beach, Florida.

Interested candidates should send their CV, a brief statement of interests and contact details of three referees to my e-mail address (sp2068@columbia.edu). These positions are available from August 2010.

Sathyanarayanan V Puthanveettil, PhD
Current e-mail: sp2068@columbia.edu
Assistant Professor
Department of Neuroscience
The Scripps research Institute
Scripps Florida.
130 Scripps Way #3C2
Jupiter, Florida 33458


« 2010年04月 | 最新の10件 | 2010年06月 »


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