カロリンスカ研究所Yihai Cao研究室では血管新生に興味のあるポスドクを募集しています。癌と血管新生、脂肪組織と血管新生および各種病態と血管新生との関連・治療応に興味がある方、マウス・ゼブラフィッシュを用いたモデルをスタンダードとしており、in vivo およびin vitroの双方からのアプローチを得意としています。興味のある方は、Dr. Yihai Cao (Yihai.Cao@ki.se) まで、英語にてメールを送ってください。(詳細は下記を参考にして下さい。)
Karolinska Institutet
invites applications for a Postdoc in Vascular Biology
Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology
Area of responsibilities/description of the work
Applications are invited for 2-3 postdoctoral positions at the Laboratory of Angiogenesis Research, MTC, Karolinska Institutet. The angiogenesis research group is one of the leading research team at the international front to do cutting-edge angiogenesis research work in the area of cancer, obesity/diabetes, ocular disease and cardiovascular disease. The team is focused on translational research work with emphasis of clinical relevance. MTC is one of the biggest departments at the Karolinska Institutet and it provides the state-of-the-art core facility for biological research at various levels ranging from molecular to in vivo disease models.
2-3 postdoc positions are now open for highly motivated scientists with background in molecular biology, cell biology, animal disease models and metabolic disorders. Candidates with backgrounds in vascular biology, immunohistochemical analysis and mouse genetics have advantages. The projects will be focused in studying molecular mechanisms of angiogenesis in cancer and obesity. Successful candidates will apply animal genetic and disease models to study pathological angiogenesis in these tissues. These studies will most likely lead to identification of novel therapeutic targets for drug development and define new biomarkers for clinical selection of responsive patients and monitoring therapeutic efficacy of existing drugs. Our laboratory has broad international collaborations.
To qualify, the applicant must hold a doctor’s degree. Ph.D. degree is required and M.D. Ph.D. are preferred. Applicants who have completed their degree no more than three years before the last date for applications should be given priority. Candidates who have completed their degree earlier than this should receive equal priority if special grounds exist.
Candidates who have yet to graduate may apply for this position. In this case, exceptional accomplishments at the early career development and promising young scientists should be considered. Additionally, their public defence is scheduled to take place within three months after the application deadline, in which case verification from the Dissertation Committee must be submitted with the application.
Fluent English is required.
The positions available for 2 years (1 year contract at the time) and has the possibility to be extended. Positions should be fulfilled as soon as possible although there are no formal deadlines.
Form of employment:
Fixed term employment with possibility to extension
Contact persons
Professor Yihai Cao
+46-8-524 87596 +46-8-524 87596