
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine ポスドク募集

The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine消化器科のDr.Florin M. Selaruが2010年4-5月より働けるポスドクを募集しています。研究対象は消化管炎症性疾患と癌のgenetics/epigeneticsで、microRNA異常に関する仕事も行っております。選考には、細胞培養、molecular biology、マウス等に関する実地経験を重視します。Dr. Selaruは過去の日本人ポスドク達との研究経験から日本人に対し大変良い印象を持っておりますので、現在日本在住の方でも適当な時期に渡米できる方であれば結構です。詳細はメール(英語)にて直接Dr. Selaruに問い合わせてください。

Position: Postdoctoral Fellow
Institution: The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Expected starting date: April or May, 2010

Principal Investigator: Florin M. Selaru, M.D. (Assistant Professor, Division of Gastroenterology)

Research focus: The focus of the laboratory is the study of inflammation leading to cancer in the gastrointestinal tract including microRNA abnormalities associated with gastrointestinal inflammation and cancer. Applicants must demonstrate a strong work ethic and meticulous laboratory technique. The applicants who have been well-trained in cell culture and molecular biological techniques are preferred.

投稿者:Florin M. Selaru(fselaru@jhmi.edu)


National Institutes of Health Postdoc募集

Postdoctoral Fellow Positions in Aging and Stem Cell Biology

Postdoctoral research fellow positions are available in Dr. Hongjun Liu’s lab in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics at The University of Pittsburgh, starting April 2010. We are interested in the molecular mechanisms of mammalian aging from the perspectives of adult stem cells and their regulated tissue regeneration and organ homeostasis (Liu et al. 2007. Science. 317: 803-806; Liu et al. 2009. Nature. 459: 387-392). Using mouse genetics, molecular biology, cell biology and genomics approaches, we are currently investigating the effects of energy metabolism on adult stem cell self-renewal and their regenerative potentials and how dysregulation of adult stem cell self-renewal and differentiation in tissues and organs contributes to animal aging and the pathogenesis of age related diseases.

Candidates must possess a Ph.D. or M.D. degree (or equivalent) and have considerable experience in molecular biology, cell biology and signaling techniques. Previous experience with mouse genetics, flow cytometry, and microscopy is a plus.

Interested candidates are invited to apply. To apply, please send by email a single PDF copy of their applications including curriculum vitae, contact information for at least three references, and a cover letter describing their past research experience and career goals to:

Hongjun Liu, Ph.D.
Translational Medicine Branch
NHLBI, National Institutes of Health
10 Center Drive, Building 10-CRC, Room 5-3288
Bethesda, MD 20892
Tel: 301-435-7632
Email: liuh4@nhlbi.nih.gov

Posted by Hongjun Liu (liuh4@nhlbi.nih.gov)


Washington University School of Medicine Postdoc募集

We are currently looking for a post-doctoral researcher who is interested in studying transcription factor networks and gene regulation in T lymphocyte cell fate decision. We will use genetically manipulated mouse models to understand how developing cells adopt a specific lineage and how lineage specific gene expression/silencing is established. The successful candidate will be expected to perform gene expression analysis, flow cytometric analysis and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays.

For further information, please refer to publication below.
1) Egawa and Littman, Nat. Immunol., 9, 1131-1139 (2008).
2) Egawa et al., Plos One, 3, e1512 (2008).
3) Egawa et al., J.Exp.Med. 204, 1945-1957 (2007).

Candidates should have an MD, PhD, MD/PhD, or equivalent degree(s) with research training in the field of immunology, developmental biology, molecular biology and/or biochemistry. We are particularly looking for candidates with experience in working with animal models. The starting date will be Apr-July 2010. The appointment term will initially be for one year, and will be renewed based on evaluation of achievement. The salary will follow the NIH guideline and be adjusted by achievement.

Please send your CV and a list of three references to the e-mail address below:

Takeshi Egawa, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Pathology & Immunology
Washington University School of Medicine
660 S. Euclid Ave., BOX 8118
Saint Louis, MO 63110
Email: tegawa@pathology.wustl.edu

Posted by Takeshi Egawa (tegawa@pathology.wustl.edu)


米Cleveland Clinic, Lerner Research Institute ポスドク募集

米Cleveland Clinic, Lerner Research Institute, 酒井lab ではResearch Fellowを公募しています

米オハイオ州クリーブランド、Cleveland Clinic, Lerner Research Institute, 酒井lab では、意欲のあるポスドクを募集します。今回募集するプロジェクトのテーマは、in vitroで間葉系幹細胞の特異細胞への分化を規定する微小環境因子の同定、また既に樹立したトランスジェニックマウスを用いた腱損傷治癒モデルにより、腱•靭帯損傷治癒における分子機構の解明、更には臨床応用に向けた再建法の開発とバイオメデイカルエンジニアリングにおける新技術の創出、を目指しております。従って、マウスin vivoでの実験の為の繊細な手術手技のお持ちの方([整形]外科の経験等)、また分子生物学的検索法を修得されている方、を優先致します。また、当ラボでは新たなるノックアウトマウスの作製も積極的に推進しています。最近の業績は、(Carcinogenesis 28:2074-2081,2007; EMBO J 23:2166-2174,2004; Genes Dev 17:926-940,2003; Nature Med 7:324-330,2001; PNAS 98:3808-3813,2001)を参照して下さい。米Cleveland Clinic, Lerner Research Instituteに関しては、(http://www.lerner.ccf.org/)を参照して下さい。また、詳細については下記のメールアドレスにご連絡下さい。

[ 応募資格 ] 医学系、理学系、農学系博士号保持、または見込みの方。
[ 待遇 ] Cleveland Clinic, Lerner Research Instituteの規格による(社会保険完備)
[ 応募書類 ] 1) 履歴書と研究業績目録
       2) これまでの研究の概要並びに将来の研究の展望
       3) 推薦者3名の連絡先(TEL, Email address)
[ 就任時期 ] 御相談に応じます。

Takao SAKAI, M.D., Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Biomedical Engineering/ND2-22,
Lerner Research Institute,
Cleveland Clinic Foundation,
9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland OH 44195, U.S.A.
Email:sakait@ccf.org (Japanese available)



Cancer Science Institute of Singapore Postdoc募集

Call for Post-Doctoral Applicants
H. Phillip Koeffler, Professor of Medicine and Deputy Director of National Cancer Institution of Singapore has an opening for a postdoctoral research associate focusing on translational cellular and molecular biological cancer research. Laboratory is situated within the Cancer Science Institute and directly adjacent to National University Hospital, and near the Biopolis (contains large group of scientists focusing on a variety of biological questions). Postdoc should be experienced in both cellular and molecular biology, have a burning desire to be successful in academic science, able to think creatively and be facile in the English language.

For consideration, please send CV, a brief statement of scientific/research interests, and contact information for three references to:
Prof H. Phillip Koeffler at mdchpk@nus.edu.sg

posted by H. Phillip Koeffler (mdchpk@nus.edu.sg)


University of Wisconsin-Madisonポスドク募集

University of Wisconsin-Madisonポスドク募集

[研究内容] 当研究室では、さまざまな種類のヒト幹細胞を対象に、神経変性疾患または神経筋変性疾患、神経発生の基礎研究や治療応用についての研究を行っております。このたび、human embryonic stem (ES) cells and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cellsを用いたskeletal muscle progenitor/stem cellの分化誘導、単離法の確立についての研究プロジェクトを新たに始めることになりました。将来的には、筋ジストロフィーや筋萎縮性側索硬化症(ルーゲーリック病またはALS)のin vitroモデルの作成および疾患モデル動物を用いた治療応用などの研究に発展させていく予定です。これら研究分野に興味のあるポスドク研究者を募集いたします。

[応募資格] 神経科学、生物学分野での博士号取得または取得予定者。分子生物学、動物実験(マウスまたはラット)、細胞培養 (特にFACS) の手法に精通している人は優遇します。幹細胞や神経科学に精通している方だけでなく、他分野からの方でも基礎的な知識と意欲をお持ちであればかまいません。

[勤務地] University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. 大学のあるWisconsin州Madison市は、アメリカ中西部に位置し、アメリカ国内の住みやすい都市ランキングでも1位になったこともあるくらい、非常に治安や住居環境もよいところです。

[待遇] University of Wisconsin-Madisonの規定による

1. 履歴書と研究業績目録(できれば推薦者2-3名の氏名, 連絡先を含む)
2. これまでの研究の概要並びに将来の研究の展望

[就任時期] 採用決定後、出来るだけ早い時期, 開始時期は相談に応じます

[ 連絡先 ] 鈴木 正寿 (Masatoshi Suzuki, Ph.D., D.V.M.)
Assistant Professor, Department of Comparative Biosciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 4124 Veterinary Medicine Building, 2015 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706, USA.
Tel: +1-608-262-4264, Fax: +1-608-263-3926
E-mail: msuzuki@svm.vetmed.wisc.edu (日本語可)
URL: http://www.stemcells.wisc.edu/faculty/suzuki.html
または http://www.vetmed.wisc.edu/people/msuzuki

投稿者:鈴木 正寿(msuzuki@svm.vetmed.wisc.edu)


State University of New York, Upstate Medical University Postdoc募集

Postdoctoral Position

A NIH funded postdoctoral position is available immediately to study the molecular mechanism of leukemia and myeloproliferative neoplasms. The successful candidate will perform in vivo studies using knock-out and knock-in mice in addition to cell culture, flow cytometric and biochemical studies. The lab is also currently interested in identification and characterization of cancer stem cells in certain hematologic malignancy. The lab has recently generated a novel knock-in mouse model of myeloproliferative neoplasm. Several projects involving this novel mouse model are currently available.

The successful candidate should have a Ph.D. within last 3 years in Immunology, Molecular Biology or Cell Biology with keen interest in science and strong research background. Most recent PhDs are preferred. Experience with flow cytometry and animal studies would be very helpful. Interested individuals should send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and the names and addresses of three references to:

M. Golam Mohi, Ph.D.
Department of Pharmacology
State University of New York
Upstate Medical University
750 East Adams St. WHA #3319
Syracuse, NY 13210
E-mail: mohim@upstate.edu

posted by M. Golam Mohi, Ph.D. (mohim@upstate.edu)



[研究内容] 当研究室では, 真核生物の転写調節機構において重要な役割を果たしている超分子複合体, Mediator の研究を
行っております。 このたび, 癌細胞における Mediatorの役割を調べるため ChIP-Seq 法を用いた Genome-wide の解
析を行います。本プロジェクトを遂行するにあたり, 意欲あるポスドク研究者を募集いたします。 本プロジェクトはIU Cancer Center and Center for Medical Genomicsとの共同研究で行われます。

[応募資格] 博士号取得または取得予定者で分子生物学, ヒト動物細胞の手法に精通している人。
[勤務地] Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
[待遇] インディアナ大学医学部の規定による (社会保険完備)
[応募書類] 1 履歴書と研究業績目録, 2 これまでの研究の概要並びに将来の研究の展望, 3 推薦者2−3名の氏名, 連絡先.
[就任時期] 採用決定後、出来るだけ早い時期, 開始時期は相談に応じます.
[選考方法] 書類審査と面接審査
[ 連絡先 ] 高木 雄一郎 (Yuichiro Takagi, Ph.D. Assistant Professor), Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Indiana University School of Medicine 635 Barnhill Drive, Medical Science Building 4003, Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA TEL : (317) 274-2719, FAX: (317) 274-4686, E-mail : ytakagi@iupui.edu (日本語可)
URL : http://www.biochemistry.iu.edu/body.cfm?id=2993&oTopID=3097

[ 参考文献 ]
1. Cai, G., Imasaki, T., Cardelli, F., Yamada, K., Takagi, Y. Asturias, J.F., (2010). Mediator Head module Structure and Functional Interactions. Nature Structure and Molecular Biology, in press
2. Cai, G., Imasaki, T., Takagi, Y., and Asturias, J.F. (2009). Mediator Structural Conservation and Implication for the Regulation Mechanism. Structure 17, 559-567
3. Toth-Petroczy, A., Oldfield, C., Cheng, Y., Simon, I., Takagi, Y., Dunker, K., Uversky, V;, and Fuxreiter, M., Malleable machines: The roles of intrinsic disorder in the Mediator complex of transcription regulation. PLoS computational Biology 4, e1000243.
4. Takagi,Y, Calero, G., Komori, H., Brown, J. D., Ehrenberger, A.H., Hudmon, A., Asturias, F.J., and Kornberg, R.D., (2006) Head Module Control of Mediator Interactions. Mol. Cell. 23, 355-364



Baylor College of Medicine Postdoc募集

A postdoctoral position is available at a NIH funded, newly established laboratory in the Baylor College of Medicine.

MicroRNAs have been implicated in modulating the tumorigenic properties of cancer cells. Preliminary results in our laboratory demonstrated that two MicroRNAs transcribed in a cluster were overexpressed in human cancer stem cells. Forced expression of one MicroRNA in this cluster in a cancer cell line led to an enhancement of its tumorigenic property in vivo. The predicted targets for these MicroRNAs are two tumor suppressors, when inactivated, will lead to the activation of an oncoprotein that is also implicated in the self-renewal of stem cells.

The primary goal of this postdoctoral project is to elucidate the functional role of this MicroRNA cluster, to identify their targets and to examine their abilities in modulating self-renewal and tumorigenicity. Ideal candidate will be a self-motivated individual, with prior experiences in molecular biology and MicroRNA biology. Please send your cover letter stating your research goal, CV and contacts of three references (must include Ph.D. advisor and/or current advisor) to Dr Keith Syson Chan at kc1@bcm.edu.

Posted by Keith Syson Chan (kc1@bcm.edu)


Mayo Clinic College of Medicine ポスドク募集

ポスドク募集: Mayo Clinic College of Medicine




Postdoctoral Position

Cell Biology of Sphingolipids, Pagano Lab, Mayo Clinic

An NIH-funded position is available immediately in the Departments of Medicine and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, Minnesota to study the role of sphingolipids in regulating cellular microdomains. Studies will involve the use of molecular and biochemical approaches to manipulate cellular sphingolipid levels and to determine the effects of these changes on such processes as endocytosis, signaling, adhesion and migration. The candidate should have a M.D. or a PhD. and less than five years of postdoctoral experience. Previous research experience in fluorescence microscopy, protein/protein interactions and/or molecular biology is preferred. Some recent publications include:

Singh et al. Caveolar endocytosis and microdomain association of a glycosphingolipid analog is dependent on its sphingosine stereochemistry. J. Biol. Chem. 281 (2006) 30660-30668.

Singh et al., Inhibition of caveolar uptake, SV40 infection, and 1-integrin signaling by a nonnatural glycosphingolipid stereoisomer. J. Cell Biol. 176 (2007) 895-901

Mayor, S. and Pagano, R.E. Pathways of clathrin-independent endocytosis. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 8 (2007) 603-612.

Marks et al. Use of Bodipy-labeled sphingolipid and cholesterol analogs to examine membrane microdomains in cells. Histochem. Cell Biol. 130 (2008) 819-832

Kim et al. Proteomic Identification of proteins translocated to membrane microdomains upon treatment of fibroblasts with the glycosphingolipid, C8--D-lactosylceramide, Proteomics 9 (2009) 4321-4328.

Singh et al. Gangliosides and 1-integrin are required for caveolae and membrane domains. Traffic, in press.

Additional information can be found at: : http://mayoresearch.mayo.edu/mayo/research/pagano_lab/

Send curriculum vitae and names of three references to Richard E. Pagano, Ph.D.,
E-mail: pagano.richard@mayo.edu



山梨大学医学部 生化学講座第一教室 助教募集

山梨大学医学部 生化学講座第一教室 助教の公募:

ラボから見える富士山、南アルプス、八ヶ岳の雄大な眺めが、実験で疲れた心と体を癒してくれます。ビックラボのようにすべてがそろっているわけではありませんが、start small, stay focused で、一緒に世界に挑戦する人材を求めています。問い合わせは気軽にtohtsuka@yamanashi.ac.jpまで。


[公募期限] 平成22年1月29日必着


1.履歴書 (写真貼付、学歴および研究歴、着任希望時期を明記:書式自由)
3.主要論文 5編以内の別刷 (コピー可)
4.これまでの研究の経緯、自ら遂行可能な研究手技 (A4、2枚程度)
5.当教室で進める研究の抱負 (A4、1枚程度)

山梨大学医学部 生化学講座第一教室
〒409-3898 山梨県中央市下河東1110
教室HP: http://www.med.yamanashi.ac.jp/basic/bioche01/

また、封筒には「助教 応募書類在中」と必ず朱書きすること。

投稿者:大塚 稔久(tohtsuka@yamanashi.ac.jp)


Indiana University School of Medicine Postdoc募集

Postdoctoral position available:

A postdoctoral position is available to study the mechanisms of Parkinson disease.

Genetic studies in the past decade have identified a number of genes as causal factors of Parkinson disease. Our research focuses on understanding the biochemical functions of the disease associated proteins and the biological pathways in which they function. Our core research technique is structural biology (protein X-ray crystallography) and structure-based drug design, but we use a wide range of techniques including, computational chemistry, biophysical techniques, enzymology, molecular biology and cell biology.

Our laboratory is affiliated with the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology as well as the Stark Neurosciences Research Institute at IUPUI (http://www.iupui.edu/) in Indianapolis Indiana (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indianapolis).

We are looking for an enthusiastic person who holds a PhD in biochemistry or related field, has a strong background in molecular biology and protein biochemistry. Experience in computational and biophysical techniques are pluses. An ideal candidate should have genuine interest in science and desire to learn new techniques to tackle challenging and important questions.

Please email a cover letter, CV, and three reference letters to:

Posted by Quyen Hoang (qqhoang@iupui.edu)


Indiana University School of Medicine Postdoc募集

Postdoctoral position

A postdoctoral position is available in a multidisciplinary team focused on “chemical biology and drug discovery”.
We aim to develop novel molecular entities that modulate cellular signaling pathways with an emphasis on protein-protein interactions (PPIs). PPIs play essential roles in virtually every biological process and thus are emerging as promising therapeutic targets for various diseases including cancer. However, it is very challenging to disrupt PPIs with small organic molecules because protein interaction interfaces are relatively large and shallow. To overcome this, we focus on the design and construction of various “peptidomimetic” (peptide-like molecules) libraries including peptoids. They are expected to be ideally suited molecules to target PPIs due to their relatively large size and biological stability against protease degradation. With these libraries in hand, we will perform high-throughput screens (either affinity based on-bead screens or multi-well plate based screens) to identify novel inhibitors of PPIs involved in cancer (Please see the papers below f!
or more details).
The position will work in a highly interactive and collaborative research environment to identify synthetic molecules through high-throughput screening and to study their biological and therapeutic potentials. We are seeking for a highly motivated candidate who has recent Ph.D. in biochemistry, molecular biology or a related discipline. An individual with experience in protein biochemistry, molecular biology and cell biology is preferred.
Please send your cover letter and CV with names of three references to Dr. Hyun-Suk Lim at limhyun@iupui.edu.

Web: http://www.medicine.iu.edu/body.cfm?id=8341&oTopID
Lim et al. “Identification of a Peptoid Inhibitor of the Proteasome 19S Regulatory Particle” (2007) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 7750 (http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ja072027p).
Lim et al. “Periodate-Triggered Cross-Linking Reveals Sug2/Rpt4 as the Molecular Target of a Peptoid Inhibitor of the 19S Proteasome Regulatory Particle” (2007) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 12936 (http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ja075469%2B).

Posted by Hynn-Suk Lim (limhyun@iupui.edu)

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