Washington University in St. Louis ポスドク募集
Washington University in St. Louis
応募される方は、Emily Cheng(echeng@dom.wustl.edu)までCVと推薦者2-3名の連絡先を送ってください。
日本語での質問などありましたら、私(武田修学 stakeda@artsci.wustl.edu)までお願いします。
Postdoctoral positions are available for highly motivated individuals interested in apoptosis and BCL-2 family. Our laboratory focuses on uncovering the critical steps in survival/death decisions and defining the molecular processes that regulate death molecules (see Nat Cell Biol. 8:1348-1358; Science Signaling 2: ra48; Science 301:513-517; Molecular Cell 8: 705-711). The successful candidates will apply biochemical, proteomics, and genetic approaches to study the fundamental mechanisms of programmed cell death.
A Ph.D. with a strong background in molecular/cellular biology, biochemistry, or mouse genetics, and a good publication record is required.
Applicants should send CV and contact information of 2-3 references to:
Emily Cheng, M.D., Ph.D.
Molecular Oncology/Department of Medicine
Washington University School of Medicine
660 South Euclid Avenue, Campus Box 8069
St. Louis, MO 63110
Email: echeng@dom.wustl.edu
Website: http://cheng-hsiehlab.im.wustl.edu/