
Weill Medical College of Cornell University ポスドク募集

私の友人のラボでポスドクを募集しています。Cancer Stem Cell関連の研究のようですが、詳しくは下をご覧ください。

Research Postdoctoral Associate position available in the research laboratory of Chung Che (Jeff) Chang, M.D., Ph.D. at The Methodist Hospital Research Institute, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, Department of Pathology.

This position is needed to carry out basic/translational research duties, i.e. develop research methods independently, write up research results for publication, assist in maintaining the function and operation of laboratory, and perform other duties assigned by PI.

M.D. and/or Ph.D. with at least two years experience in biomedical research laboratory required to focus on cancer stem cell research. The Institution offers very competitive compensation with exceedingly supportive research environment for outstanding condidates.

Experience in some of following areas will be preferred: animal experiments, miRNA/cDAN microarray, next generation sequencing, epigenetic regulation, real-time PCR, flow cytometry analysis, primary cell culture, western blotting analysis, protein kinase assay, plasmid DNA construction, and cell transfection.

Send CV and three references to:
Chung-Che (Jeff) Chang, MD, PhD
Chief, Hematopathology Service, The Methodist Hospital
Professor, Department of Pathology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University



ロンドン大学癌研究所 ポスドク募集

ロンドン大学癌研究所(ICR: Institute of Cancer Research)、幹細胞クロマチンチームにてポスドクを募集しております。私達のチームはロンドンから30分南に位置するサットン(サリー州)キャンパスの新しいビルに配属されております。サットン近傍は住居環境もロンドン中心部よりも良く、車で10-20分ほどのところに大きなアジア系食料品店がいくつかあるなど、日本人には住みやすい場所です。




City of Hope Beckman Research Institute postdoc募集

The collegial atmosphere at City of Hope provides unique opportunities for translational and basic research, continuing education and professional achievement. We are a National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center and a leader in biomedicine. If you share our passion for discovery, consider the following opportunity within City of Hope's Beckman Research Institute, one of the nation's premier biomedical research centers. A postdoctoral fellowship is available in the Laboratory of Dr. Ya-Huei Kuo in the Department of Hematopoietic Stem Cell and Leukemia Research at the Beckman Research Institute. Research projects involve mouse models of acute myeloid leukemias, investigation of molecular mechanisms underlying leukemogenesis, and regulatory mechanisms of hematopoietic stem cells and leukemia stem cells. To qualify: the candidate must have a Ph.D. and a strong background in hematopoietic and leukemia stem cell research. Also, the prospective candidate shoul d be highly motivated and have skills in molecular biology, tissue culture, flow cytometry, mouse handling along with a solid background in molecular and cell biology. To Apply: Please send a cover letter stating research interests, curriculum vitae and names and contact information of three references to Ya-Huei Kuo, Ph.D. at: YKuo@coh.org At City of Hope, discovery and compassion work together - for life. To learn more about our organization and our opportunities, please visit www.cityofhope.org

Posted by Ya-Huei Kuo (YKuo@coh.org)








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【 U R L 】http://www.cppweb.jpn.org



University of Cincinnati ポスドク募集

ポスドク募集 University of Cincinnati

私の元同僚で、最近オハイオ州University of Cincinnatiにて独立したDr. Samuel Godar (Samo)がポスドクを募集しているので、代わりに広告を投稿させていただきます。Samoはホワイトヘッド研究所、Weinberg Labにてポスドクをしていた際に、細胞表面分子CD44(乳がんにおける幹細胞マーカー)が転写因子p53により転写制御を受けることを見出し (Godar et al., Cell, 2008)、最近ではp53/p63経路による(がん)幹細胞性の制御、といった内容に研究を進展させています。




Postdoctoral positions are currently available to work on breast cancer, epithelial integrity and process of metastasizing to distant organs. The project focuses on novel tumor suppressor functions of p53 that operate in the absence of external stress (Godar et al., Cell [2008]. 134 62-73).

The successful candidate will get full attention and support from his supervisor and will have the opportunity to work and professionally grow in a cross-disciplinary environment at the Department of Cancer and Cell Biology, College of Medicine at the University of Cincinnati (http://cancerbiology.uc.edu/index.php). Starting date: Immediate. Strong motivation to do science and experience with techniques in the areas of either molecular biology, proteomics or animal biology will be important criteria in considering the suitable candidates.

Cincinnati offers critical mass of science concentrated at the University of Cincinnati and neighboring hospitals, collaborative spirit, low costs of living and relatively high living standard. It offers excellent health care and cultural activities, e.g. Children’s Hospital and College/Conservatory of Music rank among the best nationally.

Applicants should send a letter describing his/her research interests, CV, PDF files of one or two representative publications and the names and contact information (email addresses) of 3 references to godarsl@uc.edu.

投稿者:渋江 司(shibue@wi.mit.edu)


奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 助教募集

奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 助教募集

奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 バイオサイエンス研究科 動物分子遺伝学講座では助教を1名募集します。必ずしも当該分野の実績を必要としませんが、意欲的に新しい分野に取り組むことのできる人材を求めます。現在は、細胞周期、発がん、シグナロソームなどをテーマに、細胞・動物レベルでの研究を行っています。研究内容の詳細などはホームページ(http://bsw3.naist.jp/kato/index.htm)を参考にして下さい。メールでの問い合わせにも応じます。なお、応募は英語でも受け付けています。
着任時期:2010年春頃 応相談

奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 バイオサイエンス研究科 動物分子遺伝学講座 
E-mail: jkata@bs.naist.jp
Jun-ya Kato, Ph.D.
Animal Molecular Genetics
Graduate School of Biological Sciences
Nara Institute of Science and Technology
E-mail: jkata@bs.naist.jp



Washington University in St. Louis ポスドク募集

Washington University in St. Louis

応募される方は、Emily Cheng(echeng@dom.wustl.edu)までCVと推薦者2-3名の連絡先を送ってください。
日本語での質問などありましたら、私(武田修学 stakeda@artsci.wustl.edu)までお願いします。

Postdoctoral positions are available for highly motivated individuals interested in apoptosis and BCL-2 family. Our laboratory focuses on uncovering the critical steps in survival/death decisions and defining the molecular processes that regulate death molecules (see Nat Cell Biol. 8:1348-1358; Science Signaling 2: ra48; Science 301:513-517; Molecular Cell 8: 705-711). The successful candidates will apply biochemical, proteomics, and genetic approaches to study the fundamental mechanisms of programmed cell death.

A Ph.D. with a strong background in molecular/cellular biology, biochemistry, or mouse genetics, and a good publication record is required.

Applicants should send CV and contact information of 2-3 references to:

Emily Cheng, M.D., Ph.D.
Molecular Oncology/Department of Medicine
Washington University School of Medicine
660 South Euclid Avenue, Campus Box 8069
St. Louis, MO 63110
Email: echeng@dom.wustl.edu
Website: http://cheng-hsiehlab.im.wustl.edu/



Mayo Clinic – Rochester, MN ポスドク募集

Division of Oncology Research
Mayo Clinic – Rochester, MN


(2)ガン関連経路のプロファイリング-Genome-wide RNAiを用いた網羅的な解析により、細胞のガン化メカニズムの多様性や、抗ガン剤応答性の違いを研究しています。

Mol Cell 2006 Aug; 23(4):589-96.
Mol Biol Cell 2006 Nov; 17(11):4837-45.
Genes Dev 2007 Jan 15; 21(2):184-94.
J Biol Chem 2009 Oct 08. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:19815555

Mayo Clinicは全米の病院で2位にランクされ(http://health.usnews.com/health/best-hospitals)、基礎から臨床応用まで多様な研究が行われています。Fortune誌では働きたい会社Best100にも選ばれました(http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/bestcompanies/2009/snapshots/63.html)。Rochesterは、暮らしやすく安全な町です。自然に囲まれアウトドアが楽しめる一方、MinneapolisやSt. Paulといった都市にも簡単に行くことができます。興味のある方は町田雄一 (machida.yuichi@mayo.edu)までご連絡ください(日本語可)。

Yuichi Machida, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Division of Oncology Research
Mayo Clinic
200 First Street SW
Rochester, MN 55905



ダンディー大学 生命科学部 ウェルカムトラストセンター ポスドク募集

本求人は候補者が決定したため募集を打ち切りました。This advertisement was withdrawn because the position has been filled.

Wellcome Trust Centre for Gene Regulation and Expression
College of Life Sciences, University of Dundee
Dundee, UK
英国 ダンディー大学、生命科学部、ウェルカムトラストセンター



Tanaka TU & Desai A. Kinetochore-microtubule interactions: the means to the end. Curr Opin Cell Biol, 20, 53-63. (2008)
Maure J-F et al. Mps1 kinase promotes sister kinetochore bi-orientation by a tension-dependent mechanism. Curr Biol, 17, 2175-82. (2007).
Kitamura E et al. Kinetochore-microtubule interaction during S phase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genes Dev, 21, 3319-30. (2007).
Tanaka K et al. Molecular mechanisms of microtubule-dependent kinetochore transport towards spindle poles. J Cell Biol, 178, 269-81. (2007).
Kitamura E et al. Live-cell imaging reveals replication of individual replicons in eukaryotic replication factories. Cell, 125, 1297-308. (2006)
Tanaka K et al. Molecular mechanisms of kinetochore capture by spindle microtubules. Nature 434, 987-94. (2005).

応募資格:PhD(もしくはMD)取得者および取得見込みで、Molecular cloning (plasmidの構築など)ができる研究者


Professor Tomoyuki Tanaka
College of Life Sciences
University of Dundee
Wellcome Trust Biocentre, Dow Street
Dundee DD1 5EH, UK
E-mail: t.tanaka@lifesci.dundee.ac.uk(日本語可)



University of Illinois at Chicago ポスドク募集

ポスドク (PhD, MD, MD/PhD)

University of Illinois at Chicago
Department of Pharmacology, Center for Lung and Vascular Biology and Center for Cadiovascular Research


[研究テーマ] 遺伝子タ─ゲティングマウスを用いた、活性酸素による心血管病態(高血圧、糖尿病)および血管新生制御機構に関する研究、活性酸素関連遺伝子発現調節に関する研究、酸化ストレスを介した細胞内シグナル伝達機構の解明

[資格] 分子生物学技術、あるいは動物実験、あるいは細胞生物学の経験を有する博士号取得 (見込)者で、研究に興味を持っている意欲的な方を募集します。
[給与] $38,000-43,000/year、家族を含む医療保険完備、休祭日は大学の規定に準じる。

[提出書類] 履歴書、研究業績リストおよび主要論文の別刷(発表論文のない場合は、これまでの研究の概略)、推薦者の連絡先(e-mail address)

Masuko Ushio-Fukai, PhD, FAHA (深井真寿子)
Tohru Fukai, MD, PhD, FAHA (深井透)

University of Illinois at Chicago
Department of Pharmacology
835 S. Wolcott. M/C868
E403 MSB
Chicago IL 60612
E-mail:mfukai@uic.edu; masuko.fukai@gmail.com

投稿者:Masuko Ushio-Fukai(masuko.fukai@gmail.com)


テンプル大学医学部心臓血管研究センター (Philadelphia, PA) ポスドク募集

ポスドク (PhD, MD, MD/PhD)

テンプル大学医学部心臓血管研究センター (Philadelphia, PA)

私の同僚で共同研究者の Dr. Rosario Scaliaが以下の英文のように日本人のポスドクを募集しています。 Dr. Rosario Scaliaは優しく勝つ丁寧に研究を指導してもらえ、ボスとしても信頼できる先生であると認識しています。


給与 $40000/year、家族を含む医療保険完備、休祭日は大学の規定に準じる。


Postdoctoral positions available immediately to study roles of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and adhesion molecules in diabetic vascular complications. A PhD in Biomedical Sciences or MD is required. Previous training in cardiovascular physiology preferred. Skills in general microscopy also preferred. Experiences in mouse/rat models of diabetes desired. Please send CV and contact information of three references to Dr. Rosario Scalia at rscalia@temple.edu

Satoru Eguchi, MD. PhD. FAHA
Associate Professor of Physiology and Cardiovascular Research Center
Temple University School of Medicine
e-mail: seguchi@temple.edu(日本語可)
Tel/FAX 215-707-8378

最近の Scalia Lab の文献
Hyperglycemia is a major determinant of albumin permeability in diabetic microcirculation: the role of mu-calpain. Diabetes. 56(7):1842-9, 2007

Adiponectin deficiency increases leukocyte-endothelium interactions via upregulation of endothelial cell adhesion molecules in vivo. J Clin Invest 117(6):1718-26, 2007

The calcium-dependent protease calpain causes endothelial dysfunction in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes. 54(4):1132-40, 2005

投稿者:江口 暁(seguchi@temple.edu)


the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for the Biology of Memory, Trondheim, Norway ポスドク募集

A postdoc position in the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for the Biology of Memory, Trondheim, Norway

We invite applications for a postdoctoral position in the Tashiro group in the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and the Centre for the Biology of Memory (www.ntnu.no/cbm) at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, located in Trondheim, Norway.

A major goal of research in the Tashiro group is to understand the cognitive functions of the dentate gyrus and its adult neurogenesis. Candidates are expected to have strong background in Neuroscience, particularly in Molecular/Cellular neuroscience or electrophysiology, and be capable of independently performing research activities. A successful candidate will be involved in either of the following two broadly-defined projects:
1) Experience-dependent functional integration of new neurons (Ref. Tashiro et al. Nature 442:929-33, 2006.; Tashiro et al., J Neurosci, 27:3252-9, 2007).
2) Recording neural activity in the dentate gyrus during memory-related behavior (Ref. Leutgeb et al. Science, 315:961-6, 2007)

To apply, please send C.V. and a description of your research interest by email to ayumu.tashiro@ntnu.no



University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston ポスドク募集

Full-time postdoctoral positions are immediately available in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Our research currently focuses on the regulation and function of biological clocks. Biological clocks orchestrate a wide variety of essential cellular and physiological processes to ensure the well-being of the host organisms. Of particular interest in the lab is a group of highly-validated, drug-like small chemicals that were identified in a high throughput screen (HTS) to potently reset the mammalian circadian clock (unpublished). We will integrate biochemical, genetic and genomic approaches to interrogate the cellular targets and modes of action for select compounds. Success in the studies of these compounds may reveal novel regulatory functions of the clock, provide drug leads for clock-associated diseases, and establish the technological know-how for future chemical genetic studies. For more information, please go to: http://www.uth.tmc.edu/bmb/faculty/zheng-chen.html .

Highly motivated candidates with a Ph.D. or an equivalent degree are encouraged to apply. The candidate should have a demonstrated publication record and strong background in one or more of the following areas: molecular biology and biochemistry, drosophila genetics, and chemical biology. The successful applicant will be working in an active research department within the renowned Texas Medical Center (TMC) and gaining exposure to cutting-edge technologies. The city of Houston also offers comfortable lifestyle and ample career opportunities. To apply, please email a cover letter, CV, and names and contact information for three referees to Dr. Jake Chen at zheng.chen.1@uth.tmc.edu .

テキサス大学ヒューストンにおいてDr. Jakeがポスドクを募集しています。最近、Scienceに論文がアクセプトされたのを機に、私の隣の研究室に引越して来まして、ラボを立ち上げるに際してポスドクを募集したいとのことで、代理で投稿させていただいています。Dr. Jakeは人当たりが良く、日本人とも働いた経験があります。興味のある方はDr. Jakeまで直接カバーレターとCVをお送り下さい。



Massachusetts General Hospital, Gastrointestinal Unit ポスドク募集

Massachusetts General Hospital, Gastrointestinal Unit

We are currently searching for a research fellow who is interested in studying the area of cellular and molecular mechanisms during the development of inflammatory bowel disease. The successful candidate will be involved in studies on physiological functions of key molecules in colonic epithelial cells/microbial interactions. Candidates are required to have an MD, PhD, MD/PhD, or equivalent degree with research training in the field of immunology and/or cellular/molecular biology. Actual starting date will be March or April 2010. Interested candidates are encouraged to send their CV to the address below:

Terry D. Lott
Administrative Assistant, GI Unit
Massachusetts General Hospital
55 Fruit Street, Boston, MA 02114

投稿者:Terry Lott


University of Wisconsin - Madison ポスドク募集

Wisconsin大学のVemuganti先生で、テーマはtraumatic brain injuryです。


【Detailed Job Description】
Job Title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Neuronal death and protection
Department: Neurological Surgery
Institution or Company: University of Wisconsin - Madison
Application Deadline: Till filled
Position Start Date: October 2009
Job Categories: Post-doctoral Research Associate
Academic Field(s): Neuroscience, TBI, Stroke, Molecular mechanisms
Job Description: A postdoctoral position is available to study the role of transcription factors and microRNAs in modulating inflammation and brain damage following TBI. Experience with TBI/Stroke rodent models, immunohistochemistry, behavioral testing, Western blotting, real-time PCR, cloning and neural cell culture are desirable. Writing and communication skills are expected.
Salary: NIH Post-doc Salary Scale
Requirements: A Ph.D. in Neuroscience or related field is required.
EEO/AA Policy: The University of Wisconsin-Madison is an equal opportunity employer, and specifically encourages applications from women and minorities.

Contact Information
Contact person: Raghu Vemuganti, Ph.D.
Address: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dept of Neurological Surgery
600 Highland Ave
City, State & Zip Code Madison, WI 53792
Country USA
Phone: (608) 263-4055
Email: vemugant@neurosurg.wisc.edu
Lab home page: http://www.neurosurg.wisc.edu/labs/vemuganti



Cornell University Postdoc募集

Two post-doctoral associate positions are immediately available for an NIH Pioneer Award-funded project to study hybrid organic-inorganic devices designed to produce energy by means of scaffolded metabolic pathways. Based on a biomimetic strategy, studies will incorporate cell and molecular biology, biochemistry, nanofabrication, and bioengineering to produce energy-generating platforms for implantable medical devices. Effective written and verbal communication skills are essential for participating in our multi-disciplinary team.

Qualifications: Ph.D. in a related field. Experience with molecular biology, recombinant protein generation, enzyme biochemistry, surface attachment chemistry, and/or protein patterning are desired. Salary will be commensurate with experience. Strong work ethic, creativity, and enthusiasm required.

Please provide curriculum vitae, letter of application, and contact information for 3 references to Dr. Alexander Travis (ajt32@cornell.edu).

Cornell University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer and Educator.

Posted by Alex Travis (ajt32@cornell.edu)


The Scripps Research Institute ポスドク募集

スクリプス研究所(The Scripps Research Institute)、代謝加齢研究部門(Department of Metabolism and Aging)の貴志研究室(Kishi Lab)ではポスドク研究員、技官、学生の募集をしています。

我々の研究室ではゼブラフィシュを用いて発生過程と老化の関連制御機構に関する研究を進めています。もともとカリフォルニアのラホヤにあるスクリプス研究所はフロリダに新しい研究施設をスクリプスフロリダとして今年完成し、我々の研究部門はパームビーチのリゾート地ジュピター(Jupiter)にあります。 私の研究室は今夏にボストンのハーバードからこちらへ移動しました。ドイツのマックスプランク研究所も米国初の研究施設を隣接して建設中で、スクリプスとマックスプランクの共同による米国の新しい研究拠点と成りつつあります。ゼブラフィシュを用いた研究に経験もしくは強い関心があり、新しい環境での研究展開に挑戦する意欲のある方は気軽にご連絡下さい。

Shuji Kishi
Department of Metabolism and Aging,
The Scripps Research Institute,
Scripps Florida,
130 Scripps Way #3B3, Jupiter, FL 33458
Tel: 561-228-2959
Fax: 561-228-3059
E-mail: kishi@scripps.edu



Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angels ポスドク募集

米国ロサンジェルスのCedars-Sinai Medical Centerでポスドクを募集しています。私どもの研究室では、制御性T細胞の分化を研究する目的で、転写因子Foxp3の発現調節機構、TNFR SuperfamilyのOX40ならびにGITRシグナルの研究をイギリスのオックスフォード大学、ならびに米国のペンシルバニア大学にて行ってきました。今回、ペンシルバニア大学から、 Cedars-Sinai Medical Centerへの移動に伴い、さらに 研究領域を癌の免疫治療法の開発にまで拡張いたします。それに伴い、やる気のあるポスドクを募集しています。当研究室は、分子免疫の研究室ですので、分子生物、免疫、マウスの実験の経験者は歓迎されますが、これらの技術をこちらで学んで一流の研究をしたいという意気込みのある方は、これらの経験が無くとも歓迎いたします。
参考文献: Y. Tone et al. Nature Immunol. (2008) 9, 194, Y Tone et al., J. Immunol. (2007) 179, 1760, M. Tone et al., (2003) PNAS 100, 15059
興味のある方は、履歴書(英文)を添付ファイルとしてtoney@cshs.org までe-mailでお送りください。

投稿者:刀禰 有紀子(toney@cshs.org)


アラバマ大学バーミンハム校・医学部・神経学科 ポスドク募集

アラバマ大学バーミンハム校・医学部・神経学科 アメリカ合衆国

[ 募集人数 ] 1名
[ 応募資格 ] 医学、薬学、理学、工学、あるいは農学系博士号保持の方、または取得見込みの方
[ 待遇 ] NIHの規格による(社会保険完備)
[ 応募書類 ] 1) 履歴書と研究業績目録
       2) 推薦者3名(指導教官を含む)の連絡先(TEL, Email address)
[ 就任時期 ] できるだけ早い時期

以上の書類をemailにてYuqing Li (yli@uab.edu) まで送付してください。


Postdoctoral Positions in Molecular and Translational Neuroscience

A postdoctoral position in molecular and translational neuroscience is available immediately to study pathophysiology of dystonia or restless legs syndrome using gene targeted mouse models. The candidates will join a dynamic lab focusing on the function and dysfunction of basal ganglia and mouse models of movement disorders. Depending on the funding, the candidates are also expect to develop siRNA-based therapeutic treatment for DYT1 dystonia using genetically modified mouse models (Dang et al., Experimental Neurology, 196:452-463, 2005; Dang et al., Neuroscience Research, 56:470-4, 2006; Dang et al., PNAS USA, 103:15254-9, 2006; Hewett et al., PNAS USA, 104:7271-7276, 2007; Yokoi et al., J. Biochem. 143:39-47, 2008). Dystonia is defined clinically as involuntary, often sustained co-contraction of agonist and antagonist muscles causing abnormal and often painful postures or movements. It is generally believed to be mediated by the central nervous system and represents the th!
ird most common movement disorder after Parkinson's disease and tremor (Breakefield et al., Nature Review Neuroscience, 9, 222-234, 2008). Highly motivated candidates with solid publication record in international journals in the area of neuroscience, molecular biology, biochemistry, or cell biology are encouraged to apply. Experience in molecular or cell biology is desirable and knowledge in neuroscience or neurology is a plus.

To apply, please email a CV, and names and contact addresses of references to:

Dr. Yuqing Li,
Department of Neurology, School of Medicine,
University of Alabama at Birmingham,
Birmingham, AL 35294-0021.
Email: yli@uab.edu,
Tel. +1-205-996-6299, Fax. +1-205-996-7200.

The Department of Neurology and the University of Alabama at Birmingham have established a Center for Neurodegeneration and Experimental Therapeutics, a state-of-art facility to accelerate discovery and to bring treatment to patients. Furthermore, a new Comprehensive Neuroscience Center was established last year and funded by NIH Blueprint Neuroscience Core Grant. It provides advanced research core services and extensive inter-disciplinary interactions. Further information about Dr. Li, the UAB Department of Neurology, the Center for Neurodegeneration and Experimental Therapeutics, the Comprehensive Neuroscience Center, postdoctoral training environment at UAB, and Birmingham area information may be found at the following Web sites:


University of Alabama at Birmingham is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer

投稿者:Yuqing Li(yli@uab.edu)

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