Yale University School of Medicine ポスドク募集
Postdoctoral Associate-Cardiovascular/Vascular Biology
Employer: Yale University School of Medicine
Location: New Haven, CT, USA
Job description:
Postdoctoral position is available in the Yale Cardiovascular Research Center in the Yale University School of Medicine. The project is in the area of vascular biology, in studying signaling mechanisms that regulate endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells. Our lab is involved in the study of disease processes involving both the systemic and the pulmonary vasculature.
Candidates must hold a recent MD or PhD. A strong background in cardiovascular/vascular biology is preferred. Preference will be given for prior experience with genetically engineered mice, cDNA subcloning, isolation and culture of primary endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells, confocal microscopy, invasive and noninvasive assessments of mouse cardiovascular function. Competitive salary and excellent work environment are offered. Please send CV and names of three references to:
Hyung Chun, M.D.
Yale University School of Medicine
Section of Cardiovascular Medicine
300 George St., Room 759F
New Haven, CT 06511
or email to: hyung.chun@yale.edu