
iPS細胞研究センター CREST研究員公募

iPS細胞研究センター CREST研究員公募
職種 :CREST研究員(井上研究室)
募集人員  :1名
研究内容 :神経変性疾患特異的iPS細胞を用いた、病因メカニズム解析、診断法・創 薬・治療法開発などの医療応用研究。
勤務形態 :常勤(任期あり)
勤務場所 :京都大学iPS細胞研究センター
〒600-8813京都市下京区中堂寺南町134番地 京都リサーチパーク2号館3階
応募資格 :博士の学位を有するか着任時までに取得見込みの者
待遇 :月額40万円 採用期間1年更新(最長5年) 文部科学省共済組合に加入
提出書類 :(1) 履歴書:1部(連絡先にEメールアドレスも記載)
(2) これまでの研究概要(1500字程度)1部 
(3) 論文リスト等研究業績1部 
(4) 本人について意見を聴ける方2名の氏名と連絡先 
応募書類提出先:〒606-8507 京都市左京区聖護院川原町53
選考内容 :応募者の審査はiPS細胞研究センター内の委員会において行い、必要に応 じて面接を行います。
URL: http://www.icems.kyoto-u.ac.jp/cira/j/

投稿者:CiRA 井上研究室


Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School research assistant募集

The research assistant's job is an entry level position, working on the pathogenesis of Helicobacter pylori at the Beth Israel Medical Center in Boston. The work would involve cell culture, microbiology, protein analysis, molecular biology and possibly animal work. It would be preferable that the applicant have some previous experience working in a lab, be organised and detail oriented, and have a positive attitude. I am ready to hire someone immediately, and have funding until the end of July 2011. Anyone interested should contact Dr. Sarah Keates at email skeates@bidmc.harvard.edu.

Posted by Sarah Keates (skeates@bidmc.harvard.edu)


University of California Los Angeles Postdoc募集


Funded positions are available immediately in the laboratory of Sanaz Memarzadeh M.D., Ph.D., UCLA School of Medicine, and Assistant Professor in Gynecologic Oncology. This laboratory is located in Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Center for Health Sciences, at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.

The research programs in this laboratory focus on:

1. Identification of normal epithelial stem cells in gynecologic organs (ovarian surface epithelium and glandular endometrium)
2. Identification of cancer initiating/cancer stem cells in epithelial ovarian and endometrial cancer.
3. Role of epithelial and stromal interactions in cancer initiation and progression in gynecologic cancers (epithelial ovarian and endometrial cancer)

Highly motivated, hard working recent Ph.D. /M.D. graduates are welcome to apply for this Post-doctoral fellowship positions. Candidates with strong background and past achievements in molecular biology, microscopy/immuno-histochemistry, cellular biology, FACS analysis, experience working with epithelial cells (primary and cell lines), ability to perform small surgical procedures are particularly encouraged and desired for this position. Outstanding oral and written communication skills are needed in order to communicate with PI and other science and clinical collaborators.

This laboratory is located within the UCLA Medical Center, a block away from Westwood Village. Westwood is a beautiful area with multiple attractions including a variety of dining options, theaters, coffee shops and diverse shopping options. The weather is fantastic, generally in the 70’s and 80’s. Reasonable housing is also available in the Westwood area.

If you are interested in this position please send your personal statement and CV to smemarzadeh@mednet.ucla.edu, PI for this laboratory.

Posted by Sanaz Memarzadeh (smemarzadeh@mednet.ucla.edu)


Université Libre de Bruxelles Postdoc募集


We utilize cell biological, genomic, and systems biology approaches to identify and characterize the mechanisms leading to immune-mediated death of pancreatic beta cells in type 1 diabetes mellitus. We have unveiled a large part of beta cell responses (at mRNA and protein levels) to pro-inflammatory cytokines and have identified key transcription factors involved in beta cell apoptosis (Eizirik DL et al. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2009). We are now delineating the molecular pathways involved in beta cell dysfunction and death, focusing on endoplasmic reticulum stress and mitochondria death pathways (Cardozo et al. Diabetes 2005, Eizirik DL et al Endocr Rev 2008, Gurzov E et al. Cell Death Diff 2009).

We are seeking a talented, innovative and enthusiastic researcher with a PhD awarded within the last 3 years. Broad knowledge and adequate laboratory experience in cellular, molecular biology and animal studies, good command of spoken and written English and excellent communication and team skills are required. Knowledge on methods of intracellular Ca2+ measurements is a plus.

Our laboratory (Laboratory of Experimental Medicine) is located at the Faculty of Medicine at the Université Libre de Bruxelles – Brussels – Belgium. It has a highly dynamic research environment with teams dealing with the pathogenesis of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. We are one of the few laboratories in the world able to FACS purify and keep in culture rat beta cells which allow us to perform detailed mechanistic studies on pure beta cell preparations.

Applications, including CV, list of publications, names of two references and statement of future interests should be sent to akupperc@ulb.ac.be.
Funding is available for an initial period of 18 months, starting middle 2010.

Posted by Alessandra Kupper Cardozo (akupperc@ulb.ac.be)


Washington State University Postdoc募集

Plant Hormone Signaling Postdoctoral Position
Steber Laboratory
Washington State University
Pullman Washington USA

Research Environment: The Steber Laboratory conducts research on the hormonal control of seed germination in Arabidopsis and in wheat, and has an opening for the position of postdoctoral research associate. The Steber Laboratory is housed in the recently constructed Orville A. Vogel Plant Biosciences Building. Besides the usual equipment required for molecular biology, the laboratory has extensive and well-maintained greenhouse and growth chamber facilities. There are more than 70 independent laboratories at Washington State University investigating various aspects of plant science. In plant science, Washington State University consistently ranks in the top three universities in the United States.

Position Description. As part of an NSF-funded project, the successful candidate will conduct research on the control of seed dormancy and germination by gibberellin (GA) signaling in Arabidopsis. Research will examine the pattern of GID1 and DELLA protein expression and interactions in dormant and after-ripened seeds, as well as examine the global pattern of gene expression in sly1 mutant seeds. For background see:

Proteolysis-independent down-regulation of DELLA repression by the gibberellin receptor GID1. Ariizumi, T., Murase, K., Sun, T.P., Steber, C.M. (2008) Plant Cell 20: 2447-59.

Seed germination of GA-insensitive sleepy1 mutants does not require RGL2 protein disappearance in Arabidopsis. Ariizumi, T., Steber, C.M. (2007) Plant Cell 19: 791-804.

Molecular aspects of seed dormancy. Finkelstein, R., Reeves, W., Ariizumi, T., Steber, C.M. (2008) Annual Reviews Plant Biology 59: 387-415.

Qualifications. A PhD degree in Molecular Genetics, Biochemistry, or a related field is required. The candidate must have experience in molecular biology research. Experience in studying protein-protein interactions, protein expression, or microarray analysis are desired. The successful candidate will be able to conduct research independently, guide graduate students, keep accurate and detailed lab notebooks, and communicate research results in both oral and written formats.

To Apply. The position will remain open until filled. Position is full-time for two years. To apply for the position, send a cover letter, curriculum vitae detailing previous research experience, and telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of three (3) references by email to csteber@wsu.edu or by mail to:

Dr. Camille M. Steber
USDA-ARS, Washington State University
209 Johnson Hall
Pullman WA 99164-6420
Tel: 509-335-2887


Posted by Camille M. Steber (csteber@wsu.edu)


オンタリオ癌研究所 ポスドク募集

応募書類:1. 履歴書と発表業績リスト(英語), 2. 推薦者2-3名の連絡先, 3. これまでの研究内容、取得した実験手技と、志望動機(日本語可)をE-mailでお送りください。
参考文献:J Cell Biol. 182(3):449-58 (2008); Genes Dev 21: 848-61 (2007); J. Cell Biol.170 (4):559-570(2005); Nat. Ca. Rev. 4(8):592-603. (2004).
参考:トロントはカナダの東部に位置しオンタリオ湖に面した自然豊かな環境で、Sick Kids Childrens Hospital、Toronto General Hospital、University of Toronto、Mount Sinai Hospital等の研究施設が集まっており、研究交流も盛んです。

連絡先:Hitoshi Okada

The Campbell Family Cancer Research Institute,
Division of Signaling Biology, Ontario Cancer Institute

Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto

E-mail: hokada@uhnres.utoronto.ca (日本語可)

投稿者:岡田 斉(hokada@uhnres.utoronto.ca)


University of Texas Southwestern ポスドク募集


Genetic and Epigenetic Regulation of Adult Neural Stem Cells and Their Role in Regeneration, Aging, and Cancer

A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Chun-Li Zhang at UT Southwestern. The major interest of this laboratory is to elucidate the molecular and cellular mechanism regulating brain function with a focus on adult neural stem cells and epigenetics. Combinations of techniques in molecular and cell biology, biochemistry, mouse genetics and behavior will be employed. Detailed research interests and related publications can be found at:


Self-motivated individuals with a Ph.D. and/or a M.D. degree are encouraged to apply. Candidates with demonstrated records in molecular or developmental biology, biochemistry or neuroscience are preferred. The candidate is expected to work in a collaborative environment. Salary will be competitive and commensurate with experience.

Please send curriculum vitae, description of research background and interests and contact information of three references to:

Chun-Li Zhang, Ph.D.
Department of Molecular Biology
UT Southwestern Medical Center
6000 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75390-9148.
Email: Chun-Li.Zhang@utsouthwestern.edu

UT Southwestern is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

投稿者:杉井 重紀


Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical Schoolポスドク募集

Renal Division, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School ポスドク募集

私どもと一緒に研究を進めていくポスドクを募集しております。動物実験、細胞培養、ウェスタンブロッティング、免疫染色、FACS、RT-PCR等の技術を使用しています。分子生物学、動物実験の経験がある方を優遇しますが、研究に意欲的な方で、新しい技術を意欲的に習得される方なら、経験は問いません。日本から、給料あるいはフェローシップを得られる方を希望しております。採用された方は、複数のPI (Principle Investigator) と一緒に働くことになり、複数のプロジェクトを進めることになります。興味のある方は英文で書かれた履歴書を添付ファイルとして電子メールで送信して下さい。

Ayumi Takakura, PhD, FASN
Instructor in Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Renal Division, Department of Medicine
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Harvard Institutes of Medicine, Room 520
4 Blackfan Circle
Boston, MA 02115
Work phone: 616-525-5867
E-mail: atakakura@rics.bwh.harvard.edu



Boston College Postdoc募集

Postdoctoral Fellow: Epigenetics/Genomics
Employer: Boston College
Location: Boston Massachusetts, USA

Job description: A postdoctoral position is available starting in October 2009 at Boston College in the laboratory of Dr. Hugh P. Cam of the Biology Department. The lab employs a broad range of approaches, from genetics and biochemistry to genomics and bioinformatics to uncover novel epigenetic pathways in the fission yeast S. pombe and mammals that might have relevance to cancer and nuclear reprogramming. Boston College is a small thriving private university located a few miles west of downtown Boston and just across the Charles river from MIT and Harvard University. We are looking for highly motivated individuals with a recent Ph.D. or M.D. degree. Interested candidates are welcome to email or mail CV that includes contact information of three reference sources to the address below.

Selected publications:
Cam et al., Cell 136: 610–614 (2009).
Cam et al., Nature 451: 431–436 (2008).
Cam et al., Nature Genetics 37: 809–819 (2005).
Cam et al., Molecular Cell 16: 399–411 (2004).

Hugh P. Cam Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Biology
Higgins Hall Room 501A
140 Commonwealth Ave
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

Posted by Hugh P. Cam (camh@bc.edu)


Brown University Postdoc募集

I have just been awarded an administrative supplement to my R01 grant that will fund a research associate/post-doc/tech for 2 years, effective immediately. The work will examine how H. pylori modulates expression of the tumor suppressor protein p27 in gastric epithelial cells, helping our effort to improved understanding of H. pylori-related gastric carcinogenesis. Experience in cell culture, transfection and other basic molecular biology methods is essential. An interest in cancer biology is helpful.

Steven Moss, MD
Prof Medicine, Brown University

Rhode Island Hospital
593 Eddy St, APC 414
Providence, RI 02903
E-mail: steven_moss@brown.edu

Posted by Steven Moss (steven_moss@brown.edu)


Yale University School of Medicine ポスドク募集

Postdoctoral Associate-Cardiovascular/Vascular Biology

Employer: Yale University School of Medicine
Location: New Haven, CT, USA

Job description:
Postdoctoral position is available in the Yale Cardiovascular Research Center in the Yale University School of Medicine. The project is in the area of vascular biology, in studying signaling mechanisms that regulate endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells. Our lab is involved in the study of disease processes involving both the systemic and the pulmonary vasculature.
Candidates must hold a recent MD or PhD. A strong background in cardiovascular/vascular biology is preferred. Preference will be given for prior experience with genetically engineered mice, cDNA subcloning, isolation and culture of primary endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells, confocal microscopy, invasive and noninvasive assessments of mouse cardiovascular function. Competitive salary and excellent work environment are offered. Please send CV and names of three references to:

Hyung Chun, M.D.
Yale University School of Medicine
Section of Cardiovascular Medicine
300 George St., Room 759F
New Haven, CT 06511
or email to: hyung.chun@yale.edu

投稿者:村上 昌弘(Masahiro.Murakami@Yale.edu)


Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia Postdoc募集

One postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. K. Hayakawa at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia. The laboratory specializes in natural autoreactive B cell development, growth regulation, and transformation (leukemia). Applicants must have Ph.D./M.D. with substantial research experience, preferably in immunology and molecular biology. The role of self-antigen in generation of chronic B cell leukemia, potential cancer stem cells, and mechanism(s) of growth dysregulation will be explored. Candidate must be hard-working and highly motivated. Send curriculum vitae, summary of research experience, and names of at least three references to: K_Hayakawa@fccc.edu

Posted by Kyoko Hayakawa, MD. PhD. (K_hayakawa@fccc.edu)


Unviersity of Maryland School of Medicine Postdoc募集

Two NIH-funded postdoctoral positions are available immediately to study signaling pathways that regulate the translational machinery. Current lab focus is on the abnormal regulation of protein synthesis in lymphoma cells and how this can be exploited for cancer therapy. Interested candidates must possess a recent Ph.D. with relevant experience in molecular biology. Priority will be given to candidates with experience/interest in RNA technology. The laboratory is located in the Bressler Research Building with state-of-the-art facilities including core facilities for confocal microscopy, mass spectrometry, flow cytometry, bioinformatics, animal husbandry, etc. The University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center is an NCI-Designated Cancer Center. Interested candidates should email curriculum vitae, statement of research interests and contact information for three references to: Ronald B. Gartenhaus, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine, The University of Maryland School of Medicine, Email: rgartenhaus@som.umaryland.edu

Posted by Koji Tamada (ktamada@som.umaryland.edu)


国立長寿医療センター研究所 老化機構研究部 流動研究員募集

国立長寿医療センター研究所 老化機構研究部 流動研究員募集



勤務形態 非常勤 (任期あり)

募集人員 若干名 



2009年 9月 1日から 2010年 3月 1日まで (ただし、採用者が決まればその時点で終了)

2009年 10月 1日から  これ以前の早期採用も可能、とにかく相談下さい。

1) 履歴書(顔写真付き、形式自由)
2) これまでの研究概要(A4で1〜2頁程度)
3) これまでの研究業績リスト(論文、総説など 2)の研究歴と対応していただけるとうれしいです。)


国立長寿医療センター研究所 老化機構研究部 
部長 丸山光生
電話:0562-46-2311 (ext 5101) FAX: 0562-46-8719
E-mail: michan@nils.go.jp

投稿者:丸山 光生(michan@nils.go.jp)


東京理科大学生命科学研究所 専任教員(教授または准教授)の公募

東京理科大学生命科学研究所 専任教員(教授または准教授)の公募


1.募集人員  教授または准教授 1名

2.研究部門  生命情報科学


4.採用時期  平成22年4月1日

5.応募締切  平成21年11月20日(金) 必着

2)研究業績リスト [(1)〜(7)に分けて記載のこと)

7.勤務形態  専任教員


〒278-0022 千葉県野田市山崎2669
東京理科大学 研究事務課(生命科学研究所担当)

〒278-0022 千葉県野田市山崎2669
安部 良
Tel.: 04−7121−4052
E-mail: rabe@rs.noda.tus.ac.jp
URL: http://www.rs.noda.tus.ac.jp/~ribsjm/indexj.html



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