
Signal Transduction Laboratory, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School ポスドク、テクニシャン募集


[研究内容] 私たちの研究室では、Nitric Oxide (NO)の多様な作用の中で、とくに、誘導型 NO合成酵素(iNOS)の作用や、糖尿病の成因におけるNOの働きにおいて、S-nitrosylation(S−ニトロシル化、 NOがシステイン残基のSH基に共有結合する反応)が重要な役割を果していることを見い出しました。そこで、現在、 S−ニトロシル化したグルタチオン(GSNO)からNOを取り除く還元酵素であるS-nitrosoglutathione reductase (GSNOR)を主たる分子標的として、様々なヒトの病気の分子機序を理解し、新たな治療法を開発しようと研究を進めています。また、酵母の長寿遺伝子Sir2の哺乳類ホモログSirt1の制御メカニズム、スタチンによるファルネシル化の抑制の意義なども細胞内情報伝達の観点から研究を進めています。糖尿病、敗血症、熱傷など、急性ならびに慢性炎症による多様なヒトの病気を、NOを介したストレスシグナルの観点からできるだけ一元的に理解しようと、 GSNORの欠損マウス、トランスジェニックマウス、細胞培養系等を用いて、分子生物学的、生化学的、プロテオミックアプローチからの解析を行っています。現在の主な研究分野は(1) 糖尿病(1型および2型)の成因、 (2) インスリン分泌におけるNOとS−ニトロシル化の生理的役割、(4) ラ氏島移植、(3) 敗血症におけるスタチンの効果 、(5)ストレス(熱傷)によるイン スリン抵抗性-等です。


Masao Kaneki M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Harvard Medical School
Director, Signal Transduction Laboratory
Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care
Massachusetts General Hospital
149 Thirteenth Street, Rm. 6604
Charlestown, MA 02129, USA
Tel: 617-726-8122 & 4179
Fax: 617-726-8134
E-mail: mkaneki@helix.mgh.harvard.edu



University of California, Davis Postdoc募集

Laboratory of Prof. Alexander Revzin in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of California, Davis is looking to recruit a Postdoctoral Fellow to work on a large project funded by the National Science Foundation (USA) to develop electrochemical biosensors for single cell analysis. This position will offer an opportunity to conduct research on an interdisciplinary project aimed at interfacing single living cells with immuno- or enzyme-based biosensors for real-time detection of cell function. A postdoctoral fellow will interact with other team members including immunologists and biomedical engineers, and will have an excellent opportunity to apply biosensors to the interrogation of living cells. A strong candidate will have expertise in multiple aspects of bioanalytical chemistry including surface modification, surface analysis, biosensors and aspects of electrochemical techniqeus (e.g. amperometry, impedance spectroscopy). Familiarity with microfabri!
cation techniques such as photolithography, soft lithography and microfluidics is a plus but not essential.

To apply for this research opportunity, please send your CV to Prof. Alexander Revzin via e-mail: arevzin@ucdavis.edu

Posted by Alexander Revzin (arevzin@ucdavis.edu)


Childrens Hospital Los Angeles Postdoc募集

Postdoctoral Position for in Vivo studies of Lung Inflammation

We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow with a doctorate degree in Cellular/Molecular Biology, Immunology or Pathology to join a project on inflammation in the lung. Experience in working with mice is essential and with primary cells such as alveolar macrophages in tissue culture an advantage. Studies focus on mechanisms of inflammation that are mediated through the innate immune system using in vitro and in vivo techniques.

Inflammation of the lung is common and can lead to life-threatening complications. Our project focuses on cellular mechanisms in neutrophils, macrophages and endothelial cells that are responsible for the negative regulation of pro-inflammatory functions of these cells. Through gene targeting, we have generated mice that lack functional bcr and abr genes, which are negative regulators of the small GTPase Rac. These mice have a hyper-responsive innate immune system. We hope that ultimately this research will lead to the development of novel therapies to treat acute lung inflammation, chronic lung disease and sepsis.

Salary range for this position is from $40,000 depending upon experience, including fringe benefits. To apply, please send a resume including cover letter and two letters of reference to jgroffen@chla.usc.edu. We will only contact the most competitive candidates who provide all the necessary information.

For more information about CHLA go to the employer website. Also visit http://www.usc.edu/programs/pibbs/site/faculty/groffen_j.htm and http://www.usc.edu/programs/pibbs/site/faculty/heisterkamp_n.htm

Key words: Postdoctoral, knockout mice, innate immunity, lung, inflammation, macrophages, rac GTPases

Employer: Childrens Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA)

Company URL: http://www.childrenshospitalla.org

Location: 4650 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles CA 90027, USA

Posted by Nora Heisterkamp (jgroffen@chla.usc.edu)


Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock ポスドク急募

NIH-funded postdoctoral position is available immediately in a membrane protein transport and structural biology laboratory in the Department of Cell Physiology and Molecular Biophysics at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock.

The laboratory is well equipped with the state-of–the-art equipment for robotic high throughput membrane protein crystallization. Our current focus is on structure and mechanism of bacterial and human sugar transporters. Highly motivated candidates with a strong background in protein biochemistry or biophysics are encouraged to apply. Experiences in molecular biology and/or protein X-ray crystallography are desirable. Competitive applicants should have demonstrated scientific productivity and innovation.

More information is available at http://www.ttuhsc.edu/SOM/physiology/faculty/Guan/guan.aspx or http://www.webpages.ttu.edu/myousef/Guan.htm.
Salary is competitive based on experience. Please submit your CV through TTUHSC’s website (http://jobs.texastech.edu), requisition #79710, and the contact information for three references to Dr. Lan Guan (lan.guan@ttuhsc.edu).

投稿者:Lan Guan (代理:永森收志)



宮崎大学特任助教10名募集 Assistant Professor Positions at the University of Miyazaki


I.ゲノム解析を基盤とした病原性及び有用微生物研究 (人獣共通感染症を含む)

任期: 平成21年12月(予定)〜平成26年3月 任期終了時の審査により准教授(任期制・再任可)に採用。

応募資格: 上記分野または関連分野の研究の経験があり、自立して研究を行う能力を有する強い意欲を持つ者。原則として関連研究分野の博士号取得後3〜10年の研究歴を有する者とし、応募時40歳未満が望ましい。国籍は問わない。

1. 応募申請書(所定の用紙をhttp://www.miyazaki-u.ac.jp/ir/よりダウンロード。)
2. 業績リスト
3. 外部研究費、受賞、特許等のリスト
4. これまでの研究概要
5. 本学での研究計画及び5年後の到達目標
6. 主要論文別刷(5編以内)
7. 推薦状(2名)

PDF 化した応募書類1〜6の電子メールによる提出(上記ウェブサイト参照):平成21年9月30日(水)午後5時(日本標準時間) 【必着】
推薦状7の郵送による提出:平成21年10月7日(水) 【必着】

問合せ・書類送付先 〒889-2192 宮崎県宮崎市学園木花台西1-1 IR 推進オフィス
TEL/FAX: 0985-58-7859/0985-58-7860

The University of Miyazaki seeks outstanding young researchers who are able to work independently in the four interdisciplinary research areas described below and offer 10 assistant professor positions in Fiscal Year 2009. As a part of the application process, female applicants and/or applicants currently residing outside Japan (both Japanese and foreign nationals) will be preferentially appointed if their research accomplishments are at the same level as those of the other applicants. For more information, visit our official web site at http://www.miyazaki-u.ac.jp/ir/english/

Research areas:
I. Research into pathogenic and industrially important microorganisms based on genome analysis.
II. Searches, basic research, and clinical applications for novel bioactive peptides.
III. Fundamental research and practical applications for biomass/energy resource conversion.
IV. Production of high-quality agricultural, marine, and livestock products and development of functional foods.

Term of employment: December, 2009 (scheduled) - March, 2014 (Reappointment as an associate professor is possible)

(1)Applicants should have a Ph.D. in a related research field (awarded within the past 3 to 10 years) and be younger than 40 years old at the time of application. Applicants of any nationalities are encouraged to apply.
(2) Applicants are expected to be able to communicate in English.

Application documents:
(1)Application Form
(Download and fill out the form at http://www.miyazaki-u.ac.jp/ir/english/
(2)List of publications including original articles in peer-reviewed journals, reviews, books, presentations at scientific meetings, etc
(3)List of research fund(s) received, awards, patents, etc
(4)Summary of research accomplishments
(5)Five-year research plan and goal(s)
(6)Reprints of representative publications (5 articles or less)
(7)Recommendation letters from 2 references
Note: With regard to (4) and (5), up to 2 pages per each document are appropriate. Use a 10.5 point font size.

Deadline for application:
Closing date for submission of application documents (1)-(6) by e-mail (see the web site above): 5:00 pm, September 30, 2009 (Japan Standard Time)
Closing date for submission of recommendation letters (7) by mail: October 7, 2009

For application submissions and inquiries:
Interdisciplinary Research Organization Office, University of Miyazaki
Address: 1-1 Gakuenkibanadai-nishi, Miyazaki-shi, Miyazaki 889-2192, Japan
TEL/ FAX: +81-985-58-7859/+81-985-58-7860

投稿者:宮崎大学 IR推進オフィス


Columbia University Postdoc募集

A NIH supported postdoctoral fellow position is available at the Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University to study the mechanism of epigenetic regulation. Our lab is focused on studying chromatin organization by histone lysine methylation that includes histone methyltransferase, histone demethylases and methyl-lysine binding proteins. We employ diverse biochemical and genetic approaches to study higher order chromatin organization and the DNA damage response. Detailed information can be found at our website: http://www.columbia.edu/cu/biology/faculty-data/songtao-jia/faculty.html and our publications:
Molecular Cell (2009) 33: 428-437;
Nature Cell Biology (2005) 7:1007-1013;
Cell (2004) 119:469-480;
Science (2004) 304:1971-1976;
Science (2004) 303: 672-676.

Successful candidates will be eligible for Columbia University housing, which are priced significantly below market rate. Experience in molecular biology, biochemistry or yeast genetics is desired. Interested candidates please email CV, brief description of research experience and interest, names and contact information of 3 references to Dr. Songtao Jia by email to jia@biology.columbia.edu.
or by mail to:
Dr. Songtao Jia
Department of Biological Sciences, MC2458
Columbia Unviersity
New York, NY 10027

Posted by Songtao Jia (jia@biology.columbia.edu)


University of Pittsburgh Postdoc募集

Postdoctoral positions at University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine are open immediately to study the role of cell death in adult stem cells, cancer biology and therapy (PNAS 104: 4054, 2007; Cell Stem Cell 2:576, 2008; Cancer Research 69: 4999; and Oncogene 28:2348, 2009). The laboratory is co-directed by Dr. Lin Zhang (http://myprofile.cos.com/zhangli) and Dr. Jian Yu (http://path.upmc.edu/personnel/Faculty/YuJ.htm). Highly motivated recent graduates with strong background in molecular biology are encouraged to apply. Experience working with mice is a plus but not required. Please direct inquires, CVs and contacts of three references via email to:

Dr. Lin Zhang
Hillman Cancer Center Research Pavilion, Office 2.42D
5117 Centre Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Phone: (412) 623-1009
Email: zhanglx@upmc.edu

Posted by Lin Zhang (zhanglx@upmc.edu)


州立ニュージャージー医科歯科大学 ポスドク募集


州立ニュージャージー医科歯科大学(New Jersey Medical School)のDepartment of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine の研究室で, DNA損傷に対する応答機構(checkpoint)、テロメア制御の関係を研究するポスドクを募集します。主に酵母を使っていますが、過去の経験は問いません。生化学と分子生物学的実験に精通していることが重要です。

Department の研究活動は、非常に活発です。(http://njms.umdnj.edu/departments/cell_biology_and_molecular_medicine/index.cfm)。たとえば、NIHからの研究費の獲得額は、2005年度、医学部学科別 (Cell Biology/Anatomy)、全米で、16位にランクされています。(http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/award/trends/medschc.htm; ちなみにハーバード 3位、エール 14位、スタンフォード 22位) 

ニュージャージー州は、ニューヨーク州のとなり、大西洋に面しています。米国の誇る文化施設、アウトドアスポーツへのアクセス、また日本食材の入手は、非常に簡単です。New Jersey Medical Schoolは、公共交通機関を利用して、ニューヨークマンハッタンから、30分です。

2)参考文献 (最近のおもな発表論文)
Science (2001) 294:867-870; Genes & Dev (2003) 17: 1957-1962; Nature (2003) 424:1078-1083; MCB (2004) 24: 10016-10025; MBC (2005) 16:5227-5235; Current Biology (2006) 16:586-590; MBC (2007) 18:2026-2036; Molecular Cell (2009) 33:312-322.

(a) 履歴書 (英文)、論文発表リスト(英文)、簡単な志望動機または研究計画
(b) 応募者について照会できる方(本人の能力を責任もって紹介できる人)の氏名と連絡先 、または、推薦状

Katsunori Sugimoto
E-mail: sugimoka@umdnj.edu

投稿者:Katsunori Sugimoto(sugimoka@umdnj.edu)


キャリアプランニングプログラム2009 横浜 開催のお知らせ

キャリアプランニングプログラム2009 横浜 開催のお知らせ
CPP2009 Yokohama(http://cppweb.jpn.org/







【日  時】2009年10月7日(水)〜10月9日(金)
【場  所】神奈川県横浜市、パシフィコ横浜
【主  催】CPP LLC. (キャリアプランニングプログラム)
【協  力】Bio-Info-design, Inc.
【内  容】参加企業約20社以上によるジョブフェア、一部キャリアセミナーを開催の予定あり
【 U R L 】http://www.cppweb.jpn.org



カリフォルニア大学デービス校 ポスドク募集

UC Davis, Department of DermatologyのIsseroff研究室で若干名のポスドク(MD and/or PhD) を募集しております。
NIH R01を含む研究費を継続して獲得することにより研究室の運営も安定しておりますので充実した研究生活を送る事が可能かと思います。Davisの他学部や,学外との共同研究も積極的に行われており,やる気次第で多くの事を吸収出来る環境にあると言えます。


Postdoc Position - University of California, Davis
TB 192, One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA, 95616

Candidates are invited to apply for a Postdoctoral Research position for two to three years at the University of California, Davis, to work on molecular mechanisms and novel therapeutic approaches to combined radiation and burn wound injury. In vitro culture based, ex vivo and in vivo models of healing are used and tools used to probe these models include DNA microarays and microbead array assays for kinase reactants. The role of the adrenergic signaling system in modifying the healing response will be examined. The candidate would join a multidisciplinary group of investigators in a stimulating academic environment with strong potential for translational research. Collaborative laboratories in this project share an interest in wound repair, microarray analysis of gene expression, and stem cell contribution to tissue regeneration. The candidate should have proficiency in basic cell biological techniques, and familiarity with microscopic image analysis and immunohistochemistry. Background in keratinocyte biology, wound healing and/or adrenergic receptor signaling areas would be an asset. Strong verbal and written English skills required.

The position is funded by a five-year grant from the NIH. Salary is dependent on level of training, and is competitive. Generous University benefits package. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, including list of publications, a description of their present research activity and contact information for three referees, to:

Rivkah Isseroff, M.D.
University of California, Davis
TB 192, One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA, 95616
fax: 530-752-9766, phone: 530-752-9767

投稿者:小野 葉子(yknono@ucdavis.edu)



書類送付先:〒980-8575 仙台市青葉区星陵町4−1東北大学加齢医学研究所長 宛
問い合わせ先:東北大学加齢医学研究所庶務係 (担当:小野寺)
電話:022-717-8442 E-mail:kb12-ono@bureau.tohoku.ac.jp
詳細:応募要件、提出書類などの詳細は本研究所ホームページを御覧下さい。 http://www.idac.tohoku.ac.jp/



京都大学医学部分子遺伝学 助教、研究員募集




参考文献:Cell Stem Cell 5:76-86 (2009); Cell Stem Cell 3:533-542 (2009); PNAS 104:
2596-2601 (2007); PNAS 103:8018-8023 (2006); Cell 119: 1001-1012 (2004); Biol.
Reprod. 69:612-616 (2003)




1)履歴書(写真貼付)、2)研究業績目録、3)代表的論文1〜2編のコピー、4)今までの研究の概要紹介と習得している技術、志望動機、今後の抱負、5)問い合わせ可能な方2名の連絡先 を郵便で連絡先まで送付してください。電子メールによる応募は考慮しません。


京都府 左京区吉田近衛町
篠原 隆司




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