
University of California, Irvine ポスドク募集

米国カルフォルニア大学アーバイン校,薬理学, 星lab。 当研究室では、タンパク複合体による電位依存性カリウムチャンネル(KCNQ2/3 channel)の制御機構を電気生理、生化学、live cell imagingを組み合わせて解析しています。新たに心房ペースメーカーチャンネルのタンパク複合体解析も立ち上げているところです。

ホームページ) http://www.faculty.uci.edu/profile.cfm?faculty_id=5556

参考文献)1. Hoshi, N., et al. (2003). AKAP150 signaling complex promotes suppression of the M-current by muscarinic agonists. Nat. Neurosci. 6, 564-571.
2. Hoshi, N., Langeberg, L. K., and Scott, J. D. (2005). Distinct enzyme combinations in AKAP signalling complexes permit functional diversity. Nat. Cell Biol. 7, 1066-1073.

当研究室では、やる気のあるポスドクを若干名募集しています。脳スライスのパッチクランプに精通している方で、基本的な分子生物学, 細胞生物学的実験手法をマスター、もしくはマスターしたい方を探しています。
待遇:University of California, Irvineの規定による。
3)本人について評価できる研究者・推薦者3名の氏名と連絡先(Tel. e-mail address)。

アーバインはロサンザルス南部郊外にあり、 全米の安全な町ランキングで常に上位に選ばれている街です。一年を通じて温暖で晴天日の多いカルフォルニアらしいところで、日系企業も多く所在し、日本食材、書籍も容易に入手でき住みやすい町です。


Naoto Hoshi M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor,
Department of Pharmacology,
University of California, Irvine
e-mail: naotohos@gmail.com (日本語可)

投稿者:星 直人(naotohos@gmail.com)


University of Minnesota Postdoc募集


The Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics at the University of Minnesota is inviting applications for a postdoctoral position to investigate mechanisms of genomic instability and cancer susceptibility.

Our laboratory is part of the Masonic Comprehensive Cancer Center and focuses on elucidating functions of the Fanconi Anemia (FA) and Breast Cancer Associated (BRCA) Proteins in the context of cellular caretaker protein networks. We utilize biochemical assays in Xenopus cell-free egg extracts and human cell systems to identify novel FA/BRCA pathway players and to functionally and structurally characterize these evolutionarily young proteins. We seek enthusiastic candidates that have a solid background in molecular biology/ biochemistry and enjoy being part of a highly motivated research team. A specific interest and expertise in DNA repair and replication would be ideal.
Our research team works in an open lab structure that nurtures interactions with neighboring laboratories studying fundamental questions in cancer research and the DNA damage response.

The start date is negotiable but ideal start will be Fall 2009.

Please send a short statement of your research interests, a complete curriculum vitae, and the names and contact information of at least two references by e-mail to
asobeck@umn.edu with "Postdoc Position Sobeck Lab" as subject line.

Posted by Alexandra Sobeck (asobeck@umn.edu)


Saint Louis University ポスドク募集

私が昨年まで留学してましたSaint Louis University, MO, USAのProf. Rayがポスドクを探しています。
Hepatitis C virus (HCV)のグラントがとれたとのことです。




発達加齢脳研究センター分子遺伝学部門 特任助教公募


1. Aoto K., Shikata Y., Imai H., Matsumaru D., Tokunaga T., Shioda S., Yamada G. and Motoyama J. Mouse Shh is required for prechordal plate maintenance during brain and craniofacial morphogenesis (2009) Dev. Biol. 327, 106-120.
2. Aoto K., Shikata Y., Higashiyama D., Shiota K. and Motoyama J. Fetal ethanol exposure activates protein kinase A and impairs Shh expression in prechordal mesendoderm cells in the pathogenesis of holoprosencephaly. (2008) Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. 82, 224-231.
3. Motoyama J., Milenkovic L., Iwama M., Shikata Y., Scott M.P., and Hui C.-c. Differential requirement for Gli2 and Gli3 in ventral neural cell fate specification.(2003). Dev. Biol. 259, 150-161.
4. Aoto K., Nishimura T., Eto K. and Motoyama J. Mouse Gli3 regulates FGF8 expression and apoptosis in the developing neural tube, face and limb bud. (2002). Dev. Biol. 251, 320-332.
5. Motoyama J., Takabatake T., Takeshima K. and Hui C.c. Ptch2, a second mouse Patched gene is co-expressed with Sonic hedgehog. (1998). Nat. Genet. 18, 104-106.
6. Motoyama J., Liu J., Mo R., Ding Q., Post M. and Hui C.c. Essential functions of Gli2and Gli3zinc finger genes in the formation of lung, trachea and esophagus. (1998). Nat. Genet. 20, 54-57.

〒351-0198 埼玉県和光市広沢2−1(独)理化学研究所脳科学総合研究センター疾患メカニズムコア元山研究ユニット
元山 純
E-mail: jmotoyam@mail.doshisha.ac.jp

〒619-0225 木津川市木津川台4丁目1-1同志社大学学研都市キャンパス
HP: http://biomedical.doshisha.ac.jp/ (学部及び大学院のホームページ)

投稿者:元山 純(jmotoyam@mail.doshisha.ac.jp)


UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School, New Jersey ポスドク募集

Postdoctoral Position
Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine
UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School, New Jersey

One position is open to study the link between DNA damage checkpoint response and telomere control using yeast and mammalian cells. Candidates must have excellent communication skills, ability to conduct research independently and as a team, and strong backgrounds in molecular biology and biochemistry.

References; Science (2001) 294:867-870; Genes & Dev (2003) 17: 1957-1962; Nature (2003) 424:1078-1083; MCB (2004) 24: 10016-10025; MBC (2005) 16:5227-5235; Current Biology (2006) 16:586-590; MBC (2007) 18:2026-2036; Molecular Cell (2009) 33:312-322.

Department web site (http://njms.umdnj.edu/departments/cell_biology_and_molecular_medicine/index.cfm).

Interested candidates should send a cover letter and curriculum vitae with contact information for three references (name, address, phone and e-mail) by email to: Dr. K. Sugimoto (sugimoka@umdnj.edu).

投稿者:K Sugimoto (sugimoka@umdnj.edu)


The Duke University Center for Human Genetics postdoc募集

Post-doctoral Research Fellowship position

The Duke University Center for Human Genetics (CHG) is establishing a research project to investigate the effects of a recently identified sequence variant on cytokine T-cell signaling in multiple sclerosis patients. The project also aims to discover proteins associated with alternative splicing of the cytokine receptor and to identify genetic association of these proteins in a 2400 patients MS case/control population.

Individuals who satisfy the selection criteria should be recent PhD graduates, have a strong background in molecular biology, genomics and immunology. Additional requirements include an ability to think independently and work well within a group setting. Candidates will be expected to help establish and supervise the research project, interact with research groups and clinical departments within Duke University Medical Center (DUMC), and prepare manuscripts. The position is supported by 5 years of NIH funding and the salary will be commensurate with experience.

The CHG (http://wwwchg.duhs.duke.edu/) offers a highly collaborative and interdisciplinary environment located in a 40,000 square-foot facility on the DUMC / Duke University campus. To apply send a CV, bibliography & names of 3 references to;

Simon G. Gregory, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
DUMC Box 3445
Phone: 919-684-0726
Fax: 919-684-0924
Email: simon.gregory@duke.edu

Posted by Simon G. Gregory (simon.gregory@duke.edu)


Dana-Farber Cancer Institute ポスドクと研究技師(ボランティア)の募集

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School



ボストンの Dana-Farber Cancer Institute にある私の病理学・腫瘍学・疫学の研究室でやる気のあるポスドクと研究技師(ボランティア)を募集しています。データが長年にわたってすでに蓄積されていますので、ポスドクの方にはやる気しだいで1年以内に論文を書いていただけますし、Contributionにより複数の論文の共著者になることも可能です。研究技師の方でも、Contributionにより複数の論文の共著者になることが可能です。



プロジェクトは大腸癌、線腫、膵臓癌、消化器内分泌腫瘍の分子病理疫学です。私のラボでは大規模な前向き疫学コホートを使って大腸癌と膵臓癌の様々な分子異常の疫学的病因を研究しています。ハーバード大学公衆衛生大学院とBrigham and Women’s Hospitalではこれまで当初は健康な12万人の女性を30年(Nurses' Health Study、http://www.channing.harvard.edu/nhs/)、5万人の男性を20年(Health Professionals Follow-up Study、http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hpfs/)追跡して、病気の発生を疫学的に研究してきました。私のラボではこの2つの大規模コホートにおいて追跡中に発生した大腸癌と膵臓癌の癌細胞内の遺伝子の異常、Epigenetic changes (DNAメチル化)、酵素やその他のたんぱく質発現の変化を解析しています。追跡に先立ち、あるいは20年、30年という追跡中に、食べ物、ライフスタイル(運動・肥満度・たばこ・アルコールなど)、薬、家族歴、癌や他の病気の発生、生存状況を記録しています。こうした病因に関するデータは癌の発生に先立って集められているためにバイアスのリスクがより少ないのが、前向きコホート研究の長所です。こうして蓄積された貴重な病因データと癌組織の分子異常、あるいはさま ざまな遺伝子の多形(SNPs)とを合わせて分析するというのが私の研究の内容です。一例としてアスピリンがCOX-2高発現の大腸癌の発生の防ぐのに加えてCOX-2高発現の大腸癌による死亡率を下げる、という病理疫学データを発表しています(New Engl J Med 2007、JAMA-J Am Med Assoc 2009 in press)。これまでこれらのコホート研究はUS National Institute of Health(NIH)より研究費をとり続けています。その他、Multicenter Collaborative ProjectであるCancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB http://www.calgb.org/)のメンバーとして、大腸癌のBiomarkerを調べています。




Shuji Ogino, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School
Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Department of Medical Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Recent original publications (2009以降)

Ogino S, Nosho K, Kirkner GJ, Kawasaki T, Meyerhardt JA, Loda M, Giovannucci EL, Fuchs CS. CpG island methylator phenotype, microsatellite instability, BRAF mutation and clinical outcome in colon cancer. Gut 2009;58:90-96.

Nosho K, Shima K, Kure S, Irahara N, Baba Y, Chen L, Kirkner GJ, Fuchs CS, Ogino S. JC virus T-antigen in colorectal cancer Is associated with p53 expression and chromosomal instability, independent of CpG island methylator phenotype. Neoplasia 2009;11:87-95.

Ogino S, Nosho K, Kirkner GJ, Shima K, Irahara N, Kure S, Chan AT, Engelman JA, Kraft P, Cantley LC, Giovannucci EL, Fuchs CS. PIK3CA mutation is associated with poor prognosis among patients with curatively resected colon cancer. J Clin Oncol 2009;27:1477-1484.

Ogino S, Shima K, Baba Y, Nosho K, Irahara N, Kure S, Chen L, Toyoda S, Kirkner GJ, Wang YL, Giovannucci EL, Fuchs CS. Colorectal cancer expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor- (PPARG, PPARgamma) is associated with good prognosisis. Gastroenterology 2009;136:1242-1250.

Baba Y, Nosho K, Shima K, Irahara N, Kure S, Toyoda S, Kirkner GJ, Goel A, Fuchs CS, Ogino S. Aurora-A expression is independently associated with chromosomal instability in colorectal cancer. Neoplasia 2009;11:418-425.

Ogino S, Nosho K, Irahara N, Shima K, Baba Y, Kirkner GJ, Meyerhardt JA, Fuchs CS. A cohort study of p27 localization in colon cancer, body mass index and patient survival. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009;18:1849-1858.

Nosho K, Shima K, Irahara N, Kure S, Baba Y, Kirkner GJ, Chen L, Gokhale S, Hazra A, Spiegelman D, Giovannucci EL, Jaenisch R, Fuchs CS, Ogino S. DNMT3B expression might contribute to CpG island methylator phenotype in colorectal cancer. Clin Cancer Res 2009;15:3663-3671.

Ogino S, Nosho K, Irahara N, Kure S, Shima K, Baba Y, Toyoda S, Chen L, Giovannucci EL, Meyerhardt JA, Fuchs CS. A cohort study of cyclin D1 expression and prognosis in 602 colon cancer cases. Clin Cancer Res 2009;15:4431-4438.

Nosho K, Shima K, Irahara N, Kure S, Firestein R, Baba Y, Toyoda S, Chen L, Hazra A, Giovannucci EL, Fuchs CS, Ogino S. SIRT1 histone deacetylase expression is associated with microsatellite instability and CpG island methylator phenotype in colorectal cancer. Mod Pathol 2009;22:922-932.

Ogino S, Nosho K, Baba Y, Kure S, Shima K, Irahara N, Toyoda S, Chen L, Kirkner GJ, Wolpin BM, Chan AT, Giovannucci EL, Fuchs CS. A cohort study of STMN1 expression in colorectal cancer: body mass index and prognosis. Am J Gastroenterol 2009: in press.

Ogino S, Nosho K, Irahara N, Shima K, Baba Y, Kirkner GJ, Meyerhardt JA, Fuchs CS. Prognostic significance and molecular associations of 18q loss of heterozygosity: a cohort study of microsatellite stable colorectal cancers. J Clin Oncol 2009: in press.

Baba Y, Nosho K, Shima K, Freed E, Irahara N, Philips J, Meyerhardt JA, Hornick JL, Shivdasani RA, Fuchs CS, Ogino S. Relationship of CDX2 loss with molecular features and prognosis in colorectal cancer. Clin Cancer Res 2009;15:4665-4673.

Souglakos J, Philips J, Wang R, Marwah S, Silver M, Tzardi M, Silver J, Ogino S, Hooshmand S, Kwak E, Freed E, Meyerhardt JA, Saridaki Z, Georgoulias V, Finkelstein D, Fuchs CS, Kulke MH, Shivdasani RA. Prognostic and predictive value of common mutations for treatment response and survival in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. Brit J Cancer 2009: in press.

Chan AT, Ogino S, Fuchs CS. Aspirin use and survival after diagnosis of colorectal cancer. JAMA 2009: in press.

Meyerhardt JA, Ogino S, Kirkner GJ, Chan AT, Wolpin B, Ng K, Nosho K, Shima K, Giovannucci EL, Loda M, Fuchs CS. Interaction of molecular markers and physical activity on mortality in patients with colon cancer. Clin Cancer Res 2009: in press.

Worthley DL, Le Leu RK, Whitehall V, Conlon M, Christophersen C, Belobrajdic D, Mallitt K, Hu Y, Irahara N, Ogino S, Leggett BA, Young GP. A human, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial of prebiotic, probiotic and synbiotic supplementation: effects on luminal, inflammatory, epigenetic and epithelial biomarkers of colorectal cancer. Am J Clin Nutr 2009: In press.

Ogino S, Nosho K, Irahara N, Meyerhardt JA, Baba Y, Shima K, Glickman JN, Ferrone CR, Mino-Kenudson M, Tanaka N, Dranoff G, Giovannucci EL, Fuchs CS. Lymphocytic reaction to colorectal cancer is associated with longer survival, independent of lymph node count, MSI and CpG island methylator phenotype. Clin Cancer Res 2009: in press.

Ogino S, Nosho K, Shima K, Baba Y, Irahara N, Kirkner GJ, Hazra A, De Vivo I, Giovannucci EL, Meyerhardt JA, Fuchs CS. p21 expression in colon cancer and modifying effects of patient age and body mass index on prognosis. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009: in press.



University of Illinois at Chicago ポスドク募集

University of Illinois at Chicago
Department of Pharmacology
Center for Lung and Vascular Biology
Center for Cardiovascular Research


[研究テーマ] 1) 酸化ストレスと心血管病態 (高血圧、動脈硬化、糖尿病) に関する研究、2) 活性酸素関連遺伝子発現調節と蛋白質結合相互作用に関する研究、3) 活性酸素を介した細胞内増殖シグナル伝達機構の解明、4) 活性酸素を介した血管新生と再生に関する研究




Masuko Ushio-Fukai, PhD (深井真寿子)
University of Illinois at Chicago,
Department of Pharmacology
Center for Lung and Vascular Biology
Center for Cardiovascular Research,
835 S. Wolcott. M/C868
E403 MSB
Chicago, IL 60612
Tel: 312-996-7631 (TF office) 312-996-7665 (MUF office)
312-996-7622 (lab)
Fax: 312-996-1225

E-mail: masuko.fukai@gmail.com (日本語可); mfukai@uic.edu
Lab URL: http://www.uic.edu/depts/mcph/ushio.htm



理化学研究所脳科学総合研究センター(理研BSI) 研究員募集

着任時期:2009年秋以降 応相談
書類送付先、問合せ先:山中 宏二(kyamanaka@brain.riken.jp)



New England Primate Research Center of Harvard Medical School Postdc募集

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Postdoctoral positions are available in a newly established lab at the New England Primate Research Center of Harvard Medical School, to study how botulinum neurotoxins target and affect neuronal cells at the molecular and cellular levels. We are seeking to elucidate the molecular basis for the action of botulinum neurotoxins and also use these toxins as probes to study fundamental cellular functions in neurons. Specific topics include: 1) identification of toxin receptors; 2) mechanisms of substrate recognition and toxin degradation; 3) neuronal degeneration triggered by botulinum neurotoxins. Please visit: http://donglab.hms.harvard.edu for a description of research directions. Experience in protein biochemistry and/or neuronal cell culture, and a background in biochemistry, biophysics, cell biology, microbiology or neuroscience is beneficial, but not required. Relevant papers include: Mol. Bio. Cell, 19:5226, Nature, 444:1096, Science, 312:592, PNAS, 101: 14701. Interested candidates please forward your curriculum vitae and names of three referees to Dr. Min Dong, New England Primate Research Center, Harvard Medical School, 1 Pine Hill Drive, Southborough, MA, 01772, or by email: (donglab@hms.harvard.edu).

New England Primate Research Center is located at the Southborough campus of Harvard Medical School. It is about 25 miles west of the Harvard Medical School main campus in Boston and about 14 miles east of UMass Medical School in Worcester. The location offers reasonable living expenses and an easy commute (free parking, driving to work is necessary). The lab is newly established in 2009. Successful applicants will enjoy close working relationship with the Principal Investigator and will play significant roles in formulating the research projects as well as the lab culture.

Harvard Medical School and the New England Primate Research Center are equal opportunity employers, committed to diversity in the workplace.

Posted by Min Dong (donglab@hms.harvard.edu)


City of Hope National Medical Center Postdoc募集

Postdoctoral research fellow position is available in the Department of Cancer Biology for working on a NIH funded project in the field of early cancer detection using serologic tumor biomarkers. Candidate should have a Ph.D. degree in Molecular Biology and a strong background in Tumor Biology and Immunology. Experience with ELISA, microarray techniques, cDNA library construction and statistical data analysis is helpful. Good English communication and writing skills are needed. Please send a cover letter, CV and the contacts of three references (including name, address, telephone and email) to Dr. Li Zhong: lzhong@coh.org Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope, Flower Bldg Rm132, 1500 E. Duarte Road, Duarte, California 91010-3000, USA

Posted by Li Zhong (lzhong@coh.org)


EMBL in Biochemistry and Structural Biology Postdoc募集

Post-Doc Position at EMBL
in Biochemistry and Structural Biology

The position is available from January 2010 in the team of Christiane Schaffitzel, EMBL Grenoble (www.embl.fr).

The project is part of the interdisciplinary effort of the teams of Christiane Schaffitzel and Stephen Cusack (Structural Biology Unit Grenoble) and Andreas Kulozik and Matthias Hentze (Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit, EMBL Heidelberg). We want to address the exciting question how nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) is triggered by a ribosome that encounters a premature stop codon on the mRNA.

The activities will include: Recombinant expression with baculovirus in insect cells, protein isolation, cell-free translation, ribosome purification, in vitro and in vivo biochemical characterization, cryo-electron microscopy and X-ray crystallography.

We seek a highly-motivated biochemist and/or structural biologist who is keen to apply state-of-the-art technologies for producing and characterizing human multiprotein-ribosomal complexes involved in NMD. By this interdisciplinary approach, involving structural and biochemical methods, we expect new revealing insights into the molecular mechanism of NMD and shed light on important medical implications.

Please send your application, including a CV and a list of referees to:
Christiane Schaffitzel, Email: schaffitzel@embl.fr

Our Publications:
Mitra, K., Schaffitzel, C., et al., Structure of the E. coli protein-conducting channel bound to a translating ribosome. Nature 2005: 318-324.

Schaffitzel, C. et al., Structure of the E. coli signal recognition particle bound to a translating ribosome. Nature 2006: 503-506.

Bingel-Erlenmeyer, R. et al. A peptide-deformylase complex reveals mechanism of nascent chain processing. Nature 2008: 108-111

Kohler et al., YidC and Oxa1 form dimeric insertion pores on the translating ribosome. Mol. Cell 2009: 344-353.

Posted by Christiane Schaffitzel (Schaffitzel@embl.fr)


Duke University Medical Center Postdoctoral Fellow募集

The laboratory of Motonari Kondo, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Immunology
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710, USA
研究内容: サイトカインなどの液性因子のリンパ球分化における機能解析を主として研究を行っています。解析はシグナル伝達などの分子レベルからマウスモデルまでをカバーします。 研究内容の詳細はhttp://immunology.mc.duke.eduを参照してください。
応募資格: 博士号取得者あるいは取得見込みの方。かつ、分子生物学, 細胞生物学の経験があり、 研究に熱意を持っている方を望みます。免疫学研究経験の有無は問いません。
着任時期:2009年秋から2010年春を期待しています。もちろん相談に応じます。このポジションはオバマ大統領による経済刺激策、ARRA fundによるものです。
書類送付先、問合せ先:近藤元就 (motonari.kondo@duke.edu) 日本語で構いません。ただし、提出書類は英語でお願いします。

A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Motonari Kondo in the Department of Immunology at Duke University Medical Center. This position will be a part of a team investigating either the regulation of the lymphoid and myeloid lineage commitment from hematopoietic stem cells, or the role of cytokine receptor signaling in lymphocyte development. We are looking for someone who can work independently and is highly motivated. Applicants should have M.D., Ph.D., M.D./Ph.D. or equivalent degrees and experience in the cellular and molecular biology.

Appointments are for one year, with renewal based upon satisfactory performance and funding availability. Applications, which include a cover letter, curriculum vitae (including a list of publications), and contact information for three (at least two) references, should be sent to Motonari Kondo, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor in Immunology at motonari.kondo@duke.edu.

Duke University Medical Center is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

投稿者:近藤 元就(motonari.kondo@duke.edu)


Yale University School of Medicine ポスドク募集

私の同僚のYale大学Dr. Daniela TirziuよりPostdoc募集の依頼がありましたので代わりに投稿します。彼女は内科心臓病学のyoung facultyです。



Postdoctoral position available in the Department of Internal Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine. The project is in the area of cardiovascular biology, angiogenesis and cardiac hypertrophy.
Candidates must hold a recent MD or PhD, must have a strong background in cardiovascular biology. Preference will be given for prior experience with genetically engineered mice, cDNA subcloning, isolation and culture of primary endothelial cells and cardiac myocytes, confocal microscopy, invasive and noninvasive assessment of mouse cardiovascular function.

To apply please contact Daniela Tirziu at



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