Southern Illinois University School of Medicine ポスドク募集
Postdoctoral Position in Neurophysiology
A postdoctoral position (research associate) is available to study the role of a neuropeptide and its receptor in synaptic transmission and plasticity in slices from the hippocampus and the amygdala. You will use whole cell patch clamp recording under IR microscopy to study how this recently discovered receptor modulates excitatory postsynaptic responses and long-term potentiation (LTP) and what the cellular mechanisms are underlying this modulation. Renewal of this position is available up to 2 years. Minimum qualifications include a doctoral degree. Experience with electrophysiology in brain slices is desirable, but those who have experience with in vivo physiology and want to expand their research expertise to in vitro electrophysiology are highly welcome. The laboratory is equipped with four state-of-the-art electrophysiology setups, including one for multi-electrode array recording from slices, as well as for conducting molecular biological studies, cell culture, micros!
copy, and receptor binding assays. For more information about the laboratory, visit the Arai lab website
( Applications for this position will be received through May 29, 2009, or until filled, for an anticipated start date of July 1.
Send CV and the name, phone number and e-mail address of three references to:, or to Amy C. Arai, Ph.D., Department of Pharmacology, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, P.O. Box 19629, Springfield IL 62794-9629. AA/EOE.