
Indiana University School of Medicine Postdoc募集


A postdoctoral position is available within the Stark Neuroscience Research Institute (WEBSITE: http://snri.iusm.iu.edu/) to study the role that calcium signaling plays in regulating ion channel function in neurons and myocytes. The postdoctoral candidate will explore how localization and protein-protein interactions influence ion channel regulation by the multifunctional calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII); (http://snri.iusm.iu.edu/body.cfm?id=67). Recent PhDs with a strong background in biochemistry/protein chemistry are encouraged to apply. Applicant will be expected to have some experience with standard molecular biology and biochemical techniques, including subcloning and mutagenesis, recombinant protein expression, and protein purification. Techniques the post-doc can expect to learn through this research include fluorescent imaging (confocal and epifluorescent) of living cells, high throughput peptide design and synthesis, inhibitor screens, as well as assays to measure excitotoxic cell death in neurons. Only highly motivated candidates with good communication skills will be considered. Dr. Hudmon’s laboratory is located at the Stark Neuroscience Research Institute at the University of Indiana Medical School. This university is located in Indianapolis (http://visitindy.com/indianapolis/web/jsp/index.jsp?p=1); a charming mid-western city that has a wonderful blend of restaurants, performing arts/museums and world-class spectator events (hosting Super Bowl XLVI in 2012, with over 10 world-class sports venues, including the Indianapolis 500, and the Colts NFL team and Pacers NBA team); all in a city that extremely affordable to live in, yet only a few hours drive to a number of other major cities, including Chicago, Louisville, and Cincinnati. Send cover letter and curriculum vitae to Dr. Andy Hudmon PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular biology, Stark Neuroscience Research Institute, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN 46202 via FAX-317-278-5849 or EMAIL:ahudmon@iupui.edu. Posted May 28, 2009

Posted by Andy Hudmon (ahudmon@iupui.edu)


University of Minnesota ポスドク募集

University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN, USA) にて、ポスドク研究員として一緒に研究をして下さる方を募集しております。昨年からスタートした私たちの研究室では、DNA組み換え、修復、などにかかわるタンパク質の構造と機能を、主としてX線結晶解析を用いて研究しています。生化学、生物物理学、分子生物学、などの分野での研究経験(と博士号)をもち、やる気のある方であれば、X線構造解析の経験、知識は、必ずしも問いません。研究内容の詳細、参考文献などについては、

ミネソタ州は、アメリカ合州国中西部の北端、カナダとの国境付近に位置します(簡単に言うと、真ん中の上のほうです)。一年を通じて比較的乾燥していて過ごしやすく、特に春から秋口にかけては、避暑地のような気候で、日も長く、とても快適です(“Land of 10,000 lakes”といわれるように、湖が非常に多く、アウトドア派の方には特にお勧めです)。冬にはかなり寒くなるのですが、日本に暮らしていては経験のできないような寒さなので、中途半端に寒いよりもむしろ、貴重な体験、会話の種、になるなどして良いのではないかと思います。ミネアポリス・セントポール地域は、アメリカ国内での暮らしやすい都市のランキングで、上位にランクされることも多いように、生活環境という面では大変良いところです。また、日本からノースウエスト航空の直行便があり、日本人にとっては便利です(最寄りの大都市は、シカゴです)。

Postdoctoral position(s) is available in Hideki Aihara’s laboratory at the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN, USA). Our laboratory, which started about a year ago, studies structure and function of various DNA-processing enzymes primarily using X-ray crystallography. We seek highly motivated individuals with research experience (and Ph.D.) in biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, or similar disciplines. Prior experience on x-ray crystallography or other structural biology techniques is preferred but not essential. For more about our research interests and references, please visit http://www.cbs.umn.edu/BMBB/faculty/Aihara.H.shtml.
Interested individuals are encouraged to contact Hideki Aihara by e-mail (aihar001@umn.edu) in either English or Japanese.



Temple University Postdoc募集

ポスドクおよびResearch Scientist (MD, MD/PhD, PhD) 募集
テンプル大学医学部心臓血管研究センター (Philadelphia, PA)

当研究室は細胞生物学、分子生物学、タンパク工学(プロテオミックス)および遺伝子改変動物を主体とした手法を用いて心血管系の情報伝達と機能解析を中心に現在、以下のテーマで研究を行っています(Current Grants funded include NIH-RO1 and AHA Established Investigator Award)。
1. アンジオテンシン受容体の新しい情報伝達とその機能解析
2. NOと活性酸素を介した血管系細胞内情報伝達
3. Gタンパクの新しい機能解析



ポスドク$38000/year、 J1 Visa 博士課程修了見込みもしくは最終博士学位取得後3年未満の方

Res Scientist $41000/year、H1B Visa 最終学位取得後3年以上の研究経験を有する方 (Green Card 申請可能、グラントも申請可能 、ただし既に業績のある方を優先)



Satoru Eguchi, MD. PhD. FAHA
Associate Professor
Department of Physiology and Cardiovascular Research Center
Temple University School of Medicine
e-mail: seguchi@temple.edu(日本語可)
Tel/FAX 215-707-8378

最近の当研究室の文献 (Selected from 102 English Publications)
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 29:217, 2009, Hypertension 53:182, 2009, Hypertension 51:232, 2008, Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 26:e133. 2006, J Biol Chem 280:26592. 2005, Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 25:1831. 2005, Mol Cell Biol 23: 1581. 2003, Hypertension 41:775. 2003, J Biol Chem 277:44695. 2002, Mol Endocrinol 16: 367. 2002, Circulation 106:909-912, 2002, J. Biol. Chem., 276: 7957. 2001.

投稿者:江口 暁(seguchi@temple.edu)


University Of Minnesota Postdoc募集

I am interested in a postdoc who has proficiency in routine cell and molecular biology, mouse breeding, and rodent surgical techniques. Position will be for minimum of two years following an initial evaluation period of 3-6 months.

Posted by Sandeep Gupta (gupta024@umn.edu)


Miller School of Medicine University of Miami Postdoc募集

A full-time postdoctoral research position in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the Miller School of Medicine of the University of Miami, to study immune regulation, autoimmunity and antitumor immunity, using transgenic and knockout mouse models, with cellular and molecular approaches. http://chroma.med.miami.edu/micro/faculty_chen.html;
Minimum qualifications include a new PhD graduate in immunology and/or molecular biology, solid research experience with mouse models and excellent written/oral communication skills. Expertise and skills in immunofluorescence imaging and microsurgery are highly desired.
Cool city. Hot science. Miami is one of the most dynamic and fascinating metropolitans on this planet. If interested, please send CV to Dr. Zhibin Chen, zchen@med.miami.edu.

Posted by Zhibin Chen (zchen@med.miami.edu)


Weill Medical College of Cornell University ポスドク募集

私の研究室では、一緒に研究をしてくれるポスドクを1名募集しています。場所は、New Yorkのマンハッタンの中で、Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Weill Medical College of Cornell Universityです。Rockefeller UniversityやSloan-Kettering Instituteに隣接しており、scientificな環境に優れています。

研究テーマ:コレプレッサーによるcis-regulatory moduleの調節と癌抑制。

生命体の根本的構成要素である多量な遺伝情報の出力は、主に転写調節領域であるcis-regulatory module(CRM)が入力装置となり調節されます。通常、1つの遺伝子に複数のCRMが近傍にあります(Berman, 2002)。典型的なCRMは、長さが500bp程度のDNAで、DNA結合性転写抑制因子とDNA結合性転写活性化因子の結合配列がそれぞれ複数存在します。出力を上げる機構(転写の活性化)の理解は、多数の研究者の長年の成果により、飛躍的に進展しました。一方、出力を下げる機構(転写の抑制)は、多細胞生物の形づくりに関わる遺伝子ネットワークの時間的空間的制御に必須ですが、未だ謎が多いです。DNA結合性転写抑制因子とそのコレプレッサー複合体が抑制可能な距離という点から、100bp以内に限定される「Short-range repression」と1 kb以上でも抑制できる「Long-range repression」があります(Mannervik, 1999)。Short-range repressionは、その抑制因子が結合したCRMだけを阻害しますが近傍のCRMを阻害しないので、柔軟な出力調節を可能にします。一方、Long-range repressionは、その遺伝子を制御する複数のCRMかプロモーターを阻害するので、オンかオフだけの単純な出力調節をします。これらの転写抑制は、進化的に保存されているコレプレッサーたち(CtBP, Drap1, Ebi/SMRTER/HDAC3, Mi2/NuRD, Groucho/HDAC1, Atrophin/HDAC1/2)が行います。これらの中には、クロマチンの構造変化を引き起こすコレプレッサー複合体も含まれています。しかし、そのコレプレッサーたちがどのように抑制できる距離を決めているのかは、全く分かっていません。我々は、CRM依存的な転写調節の解析に適したショウジョウバエをモデルにして、分子機構を解明します。

1、Long-range repressionを仲介するコレプレッサーの分子機構の解明。
2、Short-range repressionを仲介するコレプレッサーの分子機構の解明。
3、新しいShort-range repressorの同定、機能解析。

ChIP-qPCRや ChIP-on-chip (or ChIP-seq)といった技術を取り入れています。ショウジョウバエの経験は問いませんが、転写の研究や分子生物学的手法(プラスミド構築やPCR)に精通している人を歓迎します。着任時期は、できるだけ早く。給料と健康保険などの待遇は、大学で決められた規定によります。我々の大学は、ポスドク用のアパートを用意しています。

問い合わせは、電子メールでお願いし ます。また、応募に際しては、履歴書(業績リストとこれまでの簡単な研究内容も含 めます)と推薦者3名の氏名・所属・連絡先を電子メールで送って下さい。

Yutaka Nibu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor,
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology,
Weill Medical College of Cornell University,
1300 York Avenue - Box 60, A308,
New York, NY 10065, USA
Tel: +1-212-746-6202
Lab Tel: +1-212-746-6184
Fax(Department): +1-212-746-8175
E-mail: yun2001@med.cornell.edu
lab's home page: http://cornellcelldevbiology.org/nibu/

投稿者:Yutaka Nibu(yun2001@med.cornell.edu)


University of California in Los Angeles, UCLA AIDS Institute ポスドク募集

University of California in Los Angeles, UCLA AIDS Institute, An研究室は、さらにNIHグラントを獲得できる予定があるため、エイズ遺伝子治療研究に興味のあるポストドクトラルフェローを追加募集します。


研究課題は、1、抗エイズウイルス遺伝子の同定 (特にRNAi)。2、血液幹細胞に遺伝子導入するベクターの開発。3、動物モデルを用いウイルス抑制効果と安全性を判定する。 4、HIV感染患者の遺伝子治療clinical trialを実施する。

論文 (2003-2009, 抜粋)
1. Qin X-F*, An DS*, Chen IS and Baltimore D. Inhibiting HIV-1 infection in human T-cells by lentiviral-mediated delivery of siRNA against CCR5. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2003 Jan 7;100(1):183-8.
2. An DS, Qin X-F, Auyeung VC, Mao SH, Kung SP, Baltimore D, Chen IS. Optimization and functional effects of stable short hairpin RNA expression in primary human lymphocytes via lentiviral vectors. Mol Ther. 2006 Oct;14(4):494-504.
3. An DS, Poon B, Fang RH, Weijer K, Blom B, Spits H, Chen IS, Uittenbogaart CH. The Human immune system (HIS) RAG-/-{gamma}c-/- mouse, a novel chimeric mouse model for HIV-1 infection. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2007 Feb 21.
4. An DS, Donahue RE, Kamata M, Poon B, Metzger M, Mao SH, Bonifacino A, Krouse AE, Darlix JL, Baltimore D, Qin FX, Chen IS. Stable reduction of CCR5 by RNAi through hematopoietic stem cell transplant in non-human primates. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Aug 7;104(32):13110-5.
5. Shimizu S, Kamata M, Kittipongdaja P, Chen KN, Kim S, Pang S, Boyer J, F. Qin XF, An DS, Chen IS. Characterization of a potent non-cytotoxic shRNA directed to the HIV-1 co-receptor CCR5. Manuscript accepted in The Genetic Vaccines and Therapy.
6. Shimizu S, Hong P, Pokomo L, Boyer J, Koizumi N, Kittipongdaja P, Chen A, Bristol G, Galic Z, Zack JA, Chen IS, Lee B, An DS. RNA interference induces CCR5 down-regulation in systemic lymphoid organs including in the gut of the NOD/SCID-hu BLT mouse model. Manuscript submitted.

[ 募集人数 ] 1名

[ 応募資格 ] 医学系、理学系、農学系、または、薬学系博士号保持の方、

[ 待遇 ] University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) の規定による。
[ 応募書類 ]1)履歴書、論文リスト2)これまでの研究概要(1000字程度)3)An研究室に応募した理由(500字程度 )。4)推薦状3通と推薦者の連絡先
[ 就任時期 ] 採用決定後、速やかに就任してもらいます。

好奇心が強く、固い意志で実験を遂行できる研究者を募集します。当研究室はやる気のある研究者に最適の研究環境を提供します。分子生物学、 細胞培養、ウイルス感染実験マウス実験の経験のある方は優先して採用します。

以上の書類をemailにてDong Sung An (an@ucla.edu) まで送付してください。英語、日本語どちらでもかまいません。

Dong Sung An. M.D., Ph.D.
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Dong Sung An office 183-AN
Dong Sung An lab 188(06)
UCLA AIDS Institue
615 Charles E. Young Drive South
Los Angeles, California 90095
+1(310)206-2063 lab phone number
+1(310)983-1070 office phone number
+1(310)983-1067 fax

投稿者:Dong Sung An(an@ucla.edu)


ペンシルヴァニア大学病理学部 ポスドク募集

Tone Lab (ペンシルヴァニア大学病理学部) にてポスドクを募集しています。

高等生物の免疫系は、T細胞、B細胞、樹状細胞(dendritic cells, DC)等の免疫細胞により、抗原の提示、細胞表層リセプターを介した細胞間のコミュニケーション等により巧妙に制御されています。
 PIのTone_M (刀禰)は、長年 英国オックスフォード大学にて制御性T細胞(Treg)、 DCの活性を制御するサイトカイン、TNF並びにTNF Receptor superfamily(GITR, GITR ligand, CD40等)の研究をおこなっておりました。現在、 ペン大の研究室では、Treg細胞の分化、T細胞内での遺伝子発現機構の解明、更にはT細胞並びに抗原提示細胞(DC)を介した免疫系の活性化機構への解明、癌治療への応用を主眼に据え研究を行っております。
 今回こちらの研究者の移動/帰国ならびに当研究室の移動に伴い、新たにポスドクを募集する事となりました。当研究には マウスを使用する事もございますので、マウスを用いた研究の経験者は歓迎いたしますが、やる気の有る方であればこちらで技術を取得する事も可能です。PhD またはMD取得者で、出来れば、 免疫、分子生物学等の基礎知識の有る方を希望いたします。奨学金や大学などからの留学資金のサポートのある希望者は、経験の有無に関わらず採用を検討いたします。 研究室の移動に伴い職務先はフィラデルフィアとは限りませんのでご了承ください。

1.Smad3 and NFAT cooperate to induce Foxp3 expression through its enhancer. Tone Y., et.al. Nat Immunol. 2008 Feb;9(2):194-202.
2.Structural basis for ligand-mediated mouse GITR activation. Zhou Z., et.al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Jan 15;105(2):641-5.
3.OX40 gene expression is up-regulated by chromatin remodeling in its promoter region containing Sp1/Sp3, YY1, and NF-kappa B binding sites. Tone Y., et.al. J Immunol. 2007 Aug 1;179(3):1760-7.
4.Mouse glucocorticoid-induced tumor necrosis factor receptor ligand is costimulatory for T cells. Tone M., et.al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Dec 9;100(25):15059-64.

投稿者:Yukiko TONE (刀禰 有紀子)(ytone@mail.med.upenn.edu)


National University of Singapore ポスドク募集

Postdoctoral position available in protein degradation, stem cell, and cancer

Cancer Science Institute (CSI)-Singapore
National University of Singapore (NUS)

Regulated protein degradation plays crucial roles in many biological processes. De-regulation of protein degradation is frequently observed in human diseases including cancer.

The APC (anaphase promoting complex), an E3 ubiquitin ligase essential in regulating cell cycle, was first identified as a factor mediating mitotic Cyclin degradation. Recent studies have shown that the APC also mediates the degradation of proteins not related in function to mitosis in higher eukaryotes.

My group focuses on studying the molecular mechanism and physiological relevance of "non-canonical" APC-dependent protein degradation in multicellular organisms using both in vitro and in vivo systems (Wu Q, et al. Curr Biol. 17: 213-224, Araki M, et al. Genes Dev. 19: 2458-2465). In addition, we study the protein degradation pathways involved in tumorigenesis and development.

Experience in molecular and cell biology techniques as well as having strong communicative skills is advantageous. Candidates should submit a full CV with the names and contact information of three referees and a brief description of intent of research to Dr. Marito Araki, Cancer Stem Cell Program, Cancer Science Institute (CSI)-Singapore, National University of Singapore, Email: csima@nus.edu.sg

投稿者:荒木 真理人(csima@nus.edu.sg)


La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology Postdoc募集

One postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Nunzio Bottini at the La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology, La Jolla, California. The laboratory specializes in tyrosine phosphatases and in their role in T cell signaling and in autoimmunity. The research project will focus on the regulation of the tyrosine phosphatase PTPN22, encoded by a major autoimmunity gene (Nat Genet 37:1317, 2005 and Hum Mol Genet 18:569, 2009), using a combination of signal transduction/cell biochemistry and in vivo immunology approaches. The position is available immediately and funded by a new NIH R01 grant. Postdoctoral candidates must have a Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D. in Cellular or Molecular Biology, Immunology, or a related field, and must have an outstanding record of publications in peer-reviewed journals. Candidates must be hard-working, highly motivated, and able to work independently. Excellent team-working abilities are also required. Interested individuals should send a co!
ver letter and CV with names of at least three references. Please do not include reference letters in the application. Please no phone inquiries. Please email all material to:
Nunzio Bottini, MD, PhD, Associate Member
Division of Cell Biology
La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology
9420 Athena Circle
La Jolla, CA 92037
Phone: (858) 752-6815
Fax: (858) 752-6985
Email: nunzio@liai.org

posted by Nunzio Bottini, MD, PhD (nunzio@liai.org)


University of Nebraska Medical Center Postdoc募集

Position is available immediately on NIH-funded project at the level of Postdoctoral fellow. Successful candidate will use gene-targeting technology, microarray and Chip assay analysis to address important questions in regulation of cell survival facing various environmental stresses. Projects include analysis of gene regulation and identification of factors that regulate cell survival. Candidate must have Ph.D. or equivalent degree and have a background in molecular and cellular biology. Additional experience in one or more of the following areas is preferred: protein chemistry/ protein-protein interaction(s), cell culture and gene transcription. Interested candidates should send curriculum vitae and name of three references to Dhirendra P. Singh, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Rm# 4051, 4056 and 4058, University of Nebraska Medical Centre, 985840 Nebraska Medical Centre, Omaha, NE 68198-5840. Tele: 402-559-8805, Fax: 402-559-8808,!
EMAIL; dpsingh@unmc.edu
Affirmative Action / Equal Employment Opportunity

Kubo E, Singh DP, Akagi Y. Gene expression profiling of early Diabetic and galactosemic cataractous rat lens by microarray analysis. Diabetologia, 2005;48:790-798
Fatma N, Kubo E, Sharma P, Beier DR, Singh DP. Impaired homeostasis and phenotypic abnormalities in Prdx6-/- mice lens epithelial cells by reactive oxygen species: increased expression and activation of TGFbeta. Cell Death and Differentiation. 2005; 12: 734-750
Takamura Y, Fatma N, Kubo E, Singh DP. Regulation of heavy subunit chain of &gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase by tumor necrosis factor-alpha; in lens epithelial cells: role of LEDGF/75. Am J Physiol.-Cell Physiol. 2006; 290: C554-566
Singh D.P, Kubo E, Takamura Y, Shinohara T, Chylack LT,Jr., Fatma N. DNA-binding domains of LEDGF; Contribution of two helix-turn-helix (HTH)-like domains and a stretch of 58 amino acids of N-terminal to the transactivation potential of LEDGF. J. Mol. Biol. 2006;355:379- 394

Posted by Dhirendra P. Singh, Ph.D. (dpsingh@unmc.edu)


International Max Planck Research School - Molecular Biomedicine PhD Fellowship

The International Max Planck Research School – Molecular Biomedicine (IMPRS-MBM) and the Graduate Program Cell Dynamics and Disease (CEDAD) offer 16 PhD Fellowships in Life Sciences. CEDAD and IMPRS-MBM - jointly run by the University of Münster and the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine - offer integrative approaches to biomedical research with a strong emphasis on imaging.

Research areas:
Cell and Molecular Biology
Stem Cell Biology
Developmental Biology
Vascular Biology
and more

The application deadline for the 3-year PhD program is June 15, 2009. Projects start in October 2009.


The program offers excellent scientific and transferable skills training. The program language is English. There are no tuition fees. Successful candidates will receive a competitive tax-free fellowship as well as support with administrative matters, accomodation, visas etc. We invite applications from highly qualified and motivated students of any nationality. We are looking forward to your application for a PhD fellowship in Münster, "the world’s most liveable city" (LivCom Award 2004).

Posted by Martin Wild (cedad@uni-muenster.de)


ルイジアナ州立大学医学部微生物学・免疫学講座 ポスドク募集

ルイジアナ州立大学医学部Louisiana State University Health Science Center (LSUHSC)微生物学・免疫学講座Department of Microbiology and Immunologyでは自己免疫・ウイルス感染病態・神経病(特に神経内科)に興味がおありのポスドクを募集いたします。




資格:PhDまたはMDが好ましい。分子生物学・細胞生物学の実験手技を有する方(RT-PCR, Microarray, siRNAなど)でマウスを用いた動物実験に携われる人(マウスの扱いの経験がなくても可)。ただし、奨学金や大学などからの留学資金のサポートのある希望者は、経験の有無に関わらず採用を検討いたします(研究歴のない臨床医の先生など)。



応募書類:1)履歴書 (日本の一般的な履歴書で結構です) 2)業績リスト 3)推薦者の連絡先(できれば3名ですが1名でも可。現時点では推薦状は不要)。4)これまでの研究内容、取得した実験手技と志望動機 


itsunoda@hotmail.com またはikuo.tsunoda@hsc.utah.edu

角田 郁生
ユタ大学医学部病理学講座Assistant Professor
ユタ大学医学部神経内科学講座Adjunct Assistant Professor

Ikuo Tsunoda, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Pathology, Division of Cell Biology and Immunology
University of Utah School of Medicine
Salt Lake City, Utah 84103, USA

Ikuo Tsunoda, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Louisiana State University Health Science Center
Shreveport, Louisiana

投稿者:Ikuo Tsunoda(itsunoda@hotmail.com)


Southern Illinois University School of Medicine ポスドク募集

Postdoctoral Position in Neurophysiology

A postdoctoral position (research associate) is available to study the role of a neuropeptide and its receptor in synaptic transmission and plasticity in slices from the hippocampus and the amygdala. You will use whole cell patch clamp recording under IR microscopy to study how this recently discovered receptor modulates excitatory postsynaptic responses and long-term potentiation (LTP) and what the cellular mechanisms are underlying this modulation. Renewal of this position is available up to 2 years. Minimum qualifications include a doctoral degree. Experience with electrophysiology in brain slices is desirable, but those who have experience with in vivo physiology and want to expand their research expertise to in vitro electrophysiology are highly welcome. The laboratory is equipped with four state-of-the-art electrophysiology setups, including one for multi-electrode array recording from slices, as well as for conducting molecular biological studies, cell culture, micros!
copy, and receptor binding assays. For more information about the laboratory, visit the Arai lab website
(http://www.siumed.edu/pharm/faculty/Arai/AraiLab.htm). Applications for this position will be received through May 29, 2009, or until filled, for an anticipated start date of July 1.

Send CV and the name, phone number and e-mail address of three references to: aarai@siumed.edu, or to Amy C. Arai, Ph.D., Department of Pharmacology, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, P.O. Box 19629, Springfield IL 62794-9629. AA/EOE.

投稿者:Amy C. Arai, Ph.D.(aarai@siumed.edu)

« 2009年04月 | 最新の10件 | 2009年06月 »


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