
University of California Davis ポスドク募集

 University of California DavisのDr.Isseroff (Department of Dermatology)が損傷の治癒機構における分子学的解析ならびに,新規の損傷治療法の開発に携わって頂けるPostdocを募集しております。
 Dr.Roslyn Rivkah Isseroff,M.D.は私の上司の同僚で,教室内での信頼が厚く,人柄,仕事の内容など色々な点において安心して仕事が出来る研究者です。
 DavisはCaliforniaの州都Sacramentoの隣に位置し UC Davis(UCD; www.ucdavis.edu/index.html)を中心とする学園都市です。比較的治安も良く,大きな支障が無く日常生活を送られるかと思います。UCDには多くの日本人のPostdocならびに教職員の先生方が在籍されており,様々な基礎研究ならびに臨床研究が行われております。また他教室,他大学との共同研究も積極的に実施されております。

Postdoc Position - University of California, Davis
TB 192, One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA, 95616

Candidates are invited to apply for a Postdoctoral Research position for two to three years at the University of California, Davis, to work on molecular mechanisms and novel therapeutic approaches to combined radiation and burn wound injury.

In vitro culture based, ex vivo and in vivo models of healing are used and tools used to probe these models include DNA microarays and microbead array assays for kinase reactants. The role of the adrenergic signaling system in modifying the healing response will be examined. The candidate would join a multidisciplinary group of investigators in a stimulating academic environment with strong potential for translational research. Collaborative laboratories in this project share an interest in wound repair, microarray analysis of gene expression, and stem cell contribution to tissue regeneration. The candidate should have proficiency in basic cell biological techniques, and familiarity
with microscopic image analysis and immunohistochemistry. Background in keratinocyte biology, wound healing and/or adrenergic receptor signaling areas would be an asset. Strong verbal and written English skills required.

The position is funded by a five-year grant from the NIH. Salary is dependent on
level of training, and is competitive. Generous University benefits package.
Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, including list of publications, a
description of their present research activity and contact information for three
referees, to:

Rivkah Isseroff
University of California, Davis
TB 192, One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA, 95616
fax: 530-752-9766, phone: 530-752-9767

投稿者:Yoko Ono(yknono@ucdavis.edu)




 ポスドクでの採用に際しては、英文のpeer-reviewed paperが少なくとも1編、アクセプトになっていることが必要です(アクセプトになりそうになっている、でも可)。また、海外学振(http://www.jsps.go.jp/j-ab/ab_boshu_f.htm)に応募したいという方は、申請期限が迫っておりますので早めにご連絡ください。

1. Sawada Y. et al. Force sensing by mechanical extension of the Src family kinase substrate p130Cas. Cell. 2006
2. Tamada M., M. P. Sheetz, and Y. Sawada. Activation of a signaling cascade by cytoskeleton stretch. Dev Cell. 2004.
3. Sawada Y. and M. P. Sheetz. Force transduction by Triton cytoskeletons. J Cell Biol. 2002.
4. Sawada Y. et al. Rap1 is involved in cell stretching modulation of p38 but not ERK or JNK MAP kinase. J Cell Sci. 2001.
5. 澤田泰宏ほか. Srcファミリーキナーゼの基質p130Casの伸展を介するメカノセンシング. 実験医学. 2007年4月号
6. 澤田泰宏. 細胞骨格に存在する新しいタイプのメカノセンサーの発見. 蛋白質核酸酵素. 2007年9月号

Lab: http://www.dbs.nus.edu.sg/staff/sawada.html
Research Centre for Excellence in Mechanobiology: http://www.dbs.nus.edu.sg/mechano/index.html

Yasuhiro Sawada, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Research Centre for Excellence in Mechanobiology
Department of Biological Sciences and Division of Bioengineering
National University of Singapore



奈良県立医科大学 先端医学研究機構 助教の募集


採用者は、中川修教授が主宰する循環器システム医科学研究室において分子生物学的研究、研究成果の学会・論文発表などに従事していただきます。当該グループでは、循環器系の発生機構と疾患メカニズムを解明するために、転写調節を中心とした細胞内情報伝達機構の研究を行っています。現在のところ講義や実習の業務はありませんので、研究に専念していただけます。詳しくは研究室のHome Pageをご覧下さい(URL http://www.naramed-u.ac.jp/~amrc-lab2/)。

採用者は2009年6月1日もしくは以後のできるだけ早い時期に着任とし、待遇は奈良県立医科大学の規定によります(3年任期 再任可)。医学系もしくは生命科学系の博士号取得者もしくは同等の能力を有する方で、分子生物学・細胞生物学などの経験が必要です。循環器(心臓および血管)分野の研究歴、転写調節機構の研究歴もしくは遺伝子改変マウスを用いた研究歴のある方を優先します。採用者が決まり次第、締め切らせていただきます。

興味を持っていただいた方は、下記の応募書類をEmailにてお送りください。「Subject」欄を「奈良医大応募」もしくは「NMU Position」として下さい。



奈良県立医科大学 先端医学研究機構 循環器システム医科学研究室
中 川  修
Email: amrclab2@naramed-u.ac.jp

投稿者:中 川  修


Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) Department of Biosciences and Nutrition ポスドク募集

本求人は候補者が決定したため募集を打ち切りました。This advertisement was withdrawn because the position has been filled.

Motivated and enthusiastic fellows are invited to apply for a postoctoral position within the general area of Cancer Molecular Biology.

Our research interests focus on the implications of the Hegdehog signaling pathway in cancerogenesis with an emphasis on the role of small RNA molecules (miRNAs) and transcript variants of signaling components in modulating the output of this transduction cascade (Oncogene 26 4889-4896 2007; J. Biol. Chem. 283 14345-14354 2008).
The successfull candidate is anticipated to center her/his efforts on the role of Hegdehog signaling in the formation of medulloblastoma tumors. A panel of mouse models developing this disease is available (Mol. Carcinogenesis Sep 9. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 18781608) with the general aims focusing at dissecting key regulatory events that may involve small RNA molecules.

The position is initially for one year but with the possibility of extention with an anticipated starting date by the fall 2009 at the latest. Good communication skills and willingness to work within a group are essential.

Please send CV and letters of recommendations to either Peter Zaphiropoulos (pezaph@ki.se) or Takashi Shimokawa (takshi@ki.se) at the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition Karolinska Institutet 141 57 Huddinge Sweden.


研究グループ紹介 http://ki.se/ki/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=28002&a=74186&l=en








McGill University Health Center (MUHC)
その他、McGill University関連施設---世界の大学ランキング12位にランクされ、カナダ国内では最もハイレベルで、国際的な研究学術施設と評価されています。

EPS International Medical Partners
McGill University Health Center (MUHC)

訓練及び経験豊富なMcGill University内科的腫瘍学、癌研究関連教員



ヤオ・ルゥ MD, PhD
マギル大学ヘルスセンター コンサルタント

アシスタント 高橋

EPS International Medical Partners
Suite 302,1650 De Maisonneuve
Montreal,Quebec H3H 2P3,Canada
(TEL) 001-514-933-4119 (FAX) 001-514-766-8647
(E-mail) contact@epsworldlink.com

投稿者:EPSアシスタント 高橋(contact@epsworldlink.com)




本プログラムは、EPS International Medical Partners、McGill Medical Health Centre、The University of Ottawa Heart Instituteにより進められる、心臓病学に関する継続教育のトレーニングとなっており、全てのレベルの心臓専門医、研究者、研修医の皆様に向け、日常的及び複雑な病状の診断やマネジメントについて、急速に変化する最新の知識を維持するためにデザインされております。優秀な教員陣が臨床、研究の教育プログラムを通じて心臓血管に関する知識を教授いたします。総合的かつ相互的にデザインされた本プログラムは、心臓血管病に関する診断法、治療法、予防法について、一般的なものから最新のトピックまで、あらゆる範囲をカバーする予定となっております。また、本プログラムには、実地研修を含むクリニカル ローテーション、リサーチプロジェクト、インテンシブ ティーチングコース、インタラクティブ ディスカッション及びセミナーが含まれております。


本プログラムは、カナダ モントリオールにあるMcGill University Health Center (MUHC)の心臓病学部門により計画、実施されます。
(McGill University----世界の大学ランキング12位にランクされ、カナダ国内では最もハイレベル、且つ国際的な研究学術施設と評価されています。)
ご参加いただく皆様にはthe Montreal General Hospital、Royal Victoria Hospital、Montreal Children's Hospital、the Sir M.B. Davis - Jewish General Hospitalを含むMUHC関連病院を巡回いただく機会がございます。また、カナダで最大且つ最も重要な心臓病の理解、治療、予防のための施設であるThe University of Ottawa Heart Instituteでのトレーニングの機会もございます。

EPS International Medical Partners
McGill University Health Center
McGill University及びThe University of Ottawa Heart Instituteの優秀且つ経験豊富な心臓専門医



ヤオ・ルゥ MD, PhD
マギル大学ヘルスセンター コンサルタント

アシスタント 高橋

EPS International Medical Partners
Suite 302,1650 De Maisonneuve
Montreal,Quebec H3H 2P3,Canada
(TEL) 001-514-933-4119 (FAX) 001-514-766-8647
(E-mail) contact@epsworldlink.com

投稿者:EPSアシスタント 高橋(contact@epsworldlink.com)




本プログラムは、EPS International Medical Partners、McGill Medical Health Centreにより進められる、神経学に関する継続教育のトレーニングとなっており、全てのレベルの神経専門医、研究者、研修医の皆様に向け、最先端の技術や常に変化し続ける神経学の最新の知識を維持するためにデザインされております。優秀な教員陣がご参加いただく皆様へ、専門教育の機会として高レベルの教授をいたします。総合的かつ相互的にデザインされた本プログラムは、実地研修を含むクリニカルローテーション、リサーチプロジェクト、インテンシブコース、インタラクティブディスカッションを含み、神経疾患に関する一般的なものから最新のトピックまで、あらゆる範囲をカバーする予定となっております。神経科医師や研修医の方々だけでなく、通常の研究ではなかなかカバーできない範囲のレビューをしたい神経学者の方々にも大変有益なトレーニングプログラムとなっております。

Developed by the EPS International Medical Partners and McGill Medical Health Centre, the Continue Education Program of Neurology is designed for neurologists of all levels and in all subspecialties or neurology fellows in order to keep up-to-date in the technologically advanced and ever-changing field of neurology. The outstanding faculty is committed to bringing its trainees the highest quality continuing medical education and professional education opportunities. This comprehensive and interactive program covers the spectrum of neurological disorders, from the most prevalent to newly emerging issues in various formats including clinical rotations with hands-on practice, research project, intensive courses and interactive discussions. Developed principally for neurology fellows and residents, they are also a valuable education opportunity for any neurologist looking to review areas they might not see regularly in their practice.

3ヶ月  Three Months

本プログラムは、カナダ モントリオールにあるMcGill University Health Center (MUHC)の神経学、脳神経学部門を基盤としております。ご参加いただく皆様にはMontreal Neurological Institute、Montreal General Hospital、Montreal Children's Hospital、the Sir M.B. Davis - Jewish General Hospitalを含むMUHC関連病院を巡回いただく機会がございます。
McGill University----世界の大学ランキング12位にランクされ、カナダ国内では最もハイレベル、且つ国際的な研究学術施設と評価されています。
Montreal Neurological Institute----神経科学の発展に貢献するために1934年に設立されたアカデミックメディカルセンターです。McGill University Health Center のティーチングホスピタルの1つで、McGill Universityダウンタウンキャンパス内に位置し、2007年にはカナダ政府より革新的及び優秀な研究を認められ、最も優れた7つの研究施設の中の1つに選ばれました。

The programs are university-based and include the neurological and neurosurgical departments at the McGill University Health Center (MUHC) in Montreal of Canada.
Trainees have opportunity to rotate to MUHC affiliated hospitals including the Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal General Hospital, Montreal Children's Hospital, and the Sir M.B. Davis - Jewish General Hospital.
McGill University----Ranked number 12 among the top 20 universities in the world and the number one Canadian university as well as Canada’s most premiere international research academic institution.
Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) ---- The Montreal Neurological Hospital is one of five teaching hospitals of the McGill University Health Centre, founded in 1934. It is an academic medical centre dedicated to neuroscience. The institute is located in the McGill downtown campus. In 2007, the Canadian government named the MNI as one of seven Centers of Excellence in Commercialization and Research in recognition of innovative and outstanding work.

EPS International Medical Partners
McGill University Health Center
McGill Universityの優秀且つ経験豊富な神経学者
Outstanding and experienced faculty of Neurology from McGill University

Clinical Fellow, residents and Junior Faculty Clinical Researchers in general and subspecialty neurology are welcomed. The program is also beneficial for fellows in training and practitioners who wish to review both the established standards of care and recent basic and clinical advances in Neurology.


For more information, please contact us by e-mail (contact@epsworldlink.com), in both Japanese and English.

Yao Lu (ヤオ・ルゥ) MD, PhD
マギル大学ヘルスセンター コンサルタント

アシスタント 高橋

EPS International Medical Partners
Suite 302,1650 De Maisonneuve
Montreal,Quebec H3H 2P3,Canada
(TEL) 001-514-933-4119 (FAX) 001-514-766-8647
(E-mail) contact@epsworldlink.com

投稿者:EPSアシスタント 高橋(contact@epsworldlink.com)


University of Wisconsin-Madison ポスドク募集

A postdoctoral position is available immediately at the Department of Medical Genetics, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Our laboratory works on a number of mouse mutants as models to study neurodegeneration, synaptic abnormalities in neurological diseases, aging of the synaptic structure, abnormal cell proliferation and neovascularization. We are trying to identify genes responsible for these phenotypes and their interacting factors, which will allow us to understand genetic disorders as well as normal biological mechanisms at the molecular level.
Potential projects are described below:
(1) Identification of modifier gene(s) that rescues retinal abnormalities
We identified a major modifier locus, which rescues retinoschisis (splitting of the retinal layer) in Rs1 mutant mice. We are currently testing the candidate genes. Upon identification of the modifier gene, functional analysis of the gene will be performed.
(2) Identification of gene(s) involved in vesicle trafficking and neurodegeneration
We recently positionally cloned a novel gene that is responsible for Purkinje cell degeneration. The gene is involved in the vesicle trafficking pathway. Characterization of the gene product for vesicle trafficking, identification of physically and genetically interacting factors will be the potential project.
(3) Positional cloning of the gene associated with aging of the retinal synapse
We have ENU-induced mutant mice in which some aspects of age-associated retinal abnormalities are mimicked and accelerated. We have mapped the responsible gene and are currently in the process of positionally cloning the gene.
(4) Role of actin regulatory molecules in the control of cell proliferation.
We work on mutant mice showing abnormal cell proliferation and neovascularization in the cornea. We identified a key transcription factor that may mediate the status of actin filaments and change the gene expression profile in these mutant mice. We are analyzing the role of this transcription factor in the development of mutant phenotypes using a combination of the Tet-on and Cre-lox systems and in vitro molecular biological approaches.

Our laboratory is still young and relatively small (total 6 researchers and students combined are currently working in the lab). However, we have been quite productive and a number of exciting projects are growing in the lab. We are sure that we can offer a great research environment. The lab is well funded by NIH and other agencies, and is located in Madison, Wisconsin, which is a very nice place to live.

The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. degree in any of the biological areas. Prior experience in our area of study or mouse genetics is not necessary. However, passion for learning hard-core mouse genetics and motivation to be successful are required.

-Terms of employment-
The position is for a period of 2 years initially.

Please send a CV (including a research interest, a publication list and the names of 3 potential referees) by mail or e-mail to:

Akihiro Ikeda, D.V.M., Ph.D.
Sakae Ikeda, D.V.M.

Department of Medical Genetics
University of Wisconsin-Madison
425-G Henry Mall
Madison, WI 53706
Office Tel: +1-(608)262-5477
Lab Tel: +1-(608)262-5991
Fax: +1-(608)262-2976
email: ai777@charter.net (English or Japanese)


投稿者:Akihiro Ikeda


Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Postdoc募集

A post-doctoral position is available immediately in the Wei lab at Dept. of Pathology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School. The lab’s focus is on understanding how Ubiquitin E3 ligase APC (Wei et al., Nature 428: 194, 2004; Gao et at Nature Cell Biology 11: 397, 2009) and SCF (Wei et al., Cancer Cell 8: 25, 2005) activities contribute to cell cycle regulation and subsequent tumor formation. Future projects in the lab engage the use of biochemistry, molecular biology and genetic approaches, cell culture techniques and potentially mouse modeling. Therefore, energetic applicants with strong experimental background in biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology and/or genetics are encouraged to apply.

Dr. Wei is looking for self-motivated individuals to become involved in the challenging and rewarding environment of the laboratory. If interested, please send your CV/resume and three references to

Wenyi Wei, Ph.D
Dept. of Pathology, Harvard Medical School
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
CLS-534, 330 Brookline Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
Phone: (617) 735-2495
Email: wwei2@bidmc.harvard.edu

Posted by Wenyi Wei (wwei2@bidmc.harvard.edu)


University of Texas Medical Branch ポスドク募集

リフトバレーウイルス(ブニヤウイルス)の病原性因子(NSs蛋白) の機能を解析するプロジェクトに興味のある方を募集しています。NSsは感染細胞の転写を抑制し、PKRを分解することによってtype-I IFNによる初期免疫を抑制しウイルスの増殖を助けます(PLos Pathog. 2009, PMID19197350)。当研究室ではReverse geneticsによって作製した変異ウイルスを用いて各機能の意義やメカニズムを解析しています。研究室は2009年の4月に立ち上げたところで、Ph.D (できればウイルス学かその他関連する分野)取得後1年未満の候補者を約3年契約で募集します。実験、アメリカのウイルス学会などでの発表、論文作製などが仕事内容です。大学内もしくは学外の奨学金取得による期間延長も可能です。興味のある方はCVを下記アドレスまでe-mailで送って下さい。採用はVISA手続(2-3ヵ月)後、9月頃を予定しています。良い候補者が見つかり次第、募集を終了します。

Tetsuro Ikegami, D.V.M., Ph.D (e-mail: teikegam@utmb.edu)
Department of Pathology
University of Texas Medical Branch
301 University Blvd. Galveston TX77555

投稿者:Tetsuro Ikegami(teikegam@utmb.edu)




【日  時】2009年5月29日(金)〜5月31日(日)
【場  所】クラウンプラザ・ホテル・パロアルト(サンフランシスコ近郊)
【主  催】CPP LLC. (キャリアプランニングプログラム)
【協  力】Bio-Info-design, Inc、(財)木原記念横浜生命科学振興財団
【内  容】29日(金)キャリアセミナー(自己分析、コミュニケーション論、他)
【 U R L 】http://www.cppweb.jpn.org



Ontario Cancer Institute, University of Toronto ポスドク募集

応募資格:博士過程を終了、あるいは終了見込みで、分子生物学的手法を十分習得し, 細胞生物学、或は遺伝子改変マウスの表現形質解析経験のある方。優れたコミュニケーション能力を有し,自由な雰囲気の中で独立して研究テーマを推進できる、意欲あふれる方を期待しています。採用時期は相談に応じます。興味のある方は気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。

応募書類:1. 履歴書と発表業績リスト, 2. 推薦者3名の連絡先, 3. これまでの研究内容、取得した実験手技と、志望動機(日本語可)をE-mailでお送りください。
参考文献:J. Cell Biol. 182 (3):449-458 (2008), Genes Dev 21: 848-61 (2007)
参考:トロントはカナダの東部に位置しオンタリオ湖に面した自然豊かな環境で、Sick Kids Childrens Hospital、Toronto Gneral Hospital、University of Toronto、Mount Sinai Hospital等の研究施設が集まっており、研究交流も盛んです。

連絡先:Hitoshi Okada, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor
Signaling Biology Division, Ontario Cancer Institute
Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto
E-mail: hokada@uhnres.utoronto.ca (日本語可)

投稿者:岡田 斉(hokada@uhnres.utoronto.ca)



わたしの同僚でもあり共同研究者でもある、ミシガン大学歯学部のベサ カーティネン博士の研究室では下記の要領でポスドクを募集しています。カーティネン研究室ではマウスモデルを用いてTGF-bやBMPシグナルの顔面形成や心臓発生での役割を精力的に調べています。昨年秋にこのサイトで顔面形成の解析をするポスドク募集の案内をさせていただきましたが、幸いなことに非常に優秀な人材を得ることができ、ベサ本人も大変喜んでいます。


ミシガン大学歯学部生命材料科学科 三品裕司 mishina@umich.edu


A post-doctoral research specialist position is immediately available at the Department of Biologic and Materials Sciences, University of Michigan, School of Dentistry to work in the area of growth factor signaling in cardiac development and its translational applications. Our investigation and characterization of heart development involves generation of new mouse models, analysis of existing mouse models, mammalian tissue and organ culture, and models of tissue regeneration in normal and diseased animal models For additional information see: http://www.dent.umich.edu/depts/bms/personnel/faculty.php?uname=vesak.
A strong background in cellular biology, biochemistry or developmental biology is essential. We are seeking an outstanding individual who will have the opportunity to investigate both basic biology of cardiac development and its translational applications. Qualified applicants should send their curriculum vitae and the names and email addresses of two references to:

Vesa Kaartinen, PhD
Associate Professor

投稿者:三 品 裕 司


オハイオ州立大学脳神経外科腫瘍幹細胞研究室 ポスドク募集

オハイオ州立大学脳神経外科腫瘍幹細胞研究室(PI: Ichiro Nakano)では、ポスドクを募集します。当研究室はUCLA脳神経外科において2006年に立ち上がり、2009年9月からOSUに移ります。仕事内容は、神経幹細胞及び脳腫瘍の遺伝子解析、脳腫瘍における腫瘍幹細胞(cancer stem cell)の解析、動物モデルを用いた腫瘍増殖のメカニズムの解析(preclinical trial)です。参加されるフェローには、当研究室独自のbrain tumor stem cellに対する新たな治療法を解析するプロジェクトと共に、学内での共同研究に積極的に関わっていただきます。

オハイオ州コロンブスは五大湖周辺都市としては珍しく人口増加を続ける、都市圏人口150万人の州都です。自動車会社ホンダの北米生産拠点を有し、日本の食料品や日用品も多くは手に入ります。この地は知的財産を扱う業種が多く、街は清潔感あり安全面も整っており生活しやすい中堅都市です。気候は日本の札幌に近く冬は寒いですがそれ以外はすごしやすいところです。近い都市としては、Washington DCまで車で6時間程度、New Yorkまで車で8時間程度です。物価は私自身が以前住んでいたLAの60%程度で、留学生活を快適に過ごしていただけると感じております。

生化学と分子生物学の実験手技を有する方(PCR, cloning, Western blot, IHC, ICC, cell culture, cDNA microarray, RNA/DNA handling 等)で、特にin vivoの実験(transplantation, ventricular injection, in utero injection, gene targeting等)が出来る方。ただ、技術より情熱と協調性を重要視します。

2009年夏以降 2-3年間。1年ごとに契約更新。


NIH grantを有しておりそこからの給与を保障します。各候補者の経験年数、NIH指導要綱をもとに決定します。

OSU脳神経外科では、ACGME認定の脳腫瘍外科のクリニカルフェローシップが2009年に立ち上がりました。プログラムディレクターは、北米脳腫瘍外科をリードする一人Chiocca脳外科部長です。このプログラムは北米脳外科レジデンシープログラムの最終学年2年間(PGY6 and 7)のトレーニングと同等の内容を行うもので各年1人のポストで、現在のところFY2010まで埋まっています。主に脳腫瘍の手術(年間300件)と外来診療、オンコール対応と緊急手術対応を学びます。

Department of Neurological Surgery, Ohio State University

cover letter, CV(English), 3 recommendation letters

Ichiro Nakano, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor,
Director, Brain Cancer Stem Cell Program,
The Khan Foundation Clinical Investigator,
Departments of Neurological Surgery,
Ohio State University
e-mail: inakano@mednet.ucla.edu

A) Maternal Embryonic Leucine Zipper Kinase (MELK) Regulates Multipotent Neural Progenitor Proliferation. Nakano, I., Paucar, A.A., Bajpai, R., Dougherty, J,.D., Zewail, A., Kelly, T.K., Kim, K.J., Ou, J., Groszer, M., Imura, T., Freije W.A., Nelson, S.F., Sofroniew, M.V., Wu, H., Liu, X., Terskikh, A.V., Geschwind, D.H., and Kornblum, H.I. J Cell Biol. 2005 Aug 1;170(3):413-27

B) Cancerous stem cells can arise from pediatric brain tumors. Hemmati HD, Nakano I, Lazareff JA, Masterman-Smith M, Geschwind DH, Bronner-Fraser M, Kornblum HI. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Dec 9;100(25):15178-83.

C) Phosphoserine phosphatase is expressed in the neural stem cell niche and regulates neural stem and progenitor cell proliferation. Nakano I, Dougherty JD, Kim K, Klement I, Geschwind DH, Kornblum HI. Stem Cells 2007 Aug;25(8):1975-84.

D) Maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase (MELK) is a key regulator of the proliferation of malignant brain tumors, including brain tumor stem cells. Nakano I, Saigusa K, Masterman-Smith M, Horvath S, Watanabe M, Negro A, Paucar AA, Lelievre V, Waschek JA, Lazareff JA, Freije WA, Liau LM, Gilbertson RJ, Cloughesy T, Geschwind DH, Nelson SF, Mischel PS, Tesrskikh A, Kornblum HI. J Neurosci Res 2007 Aug 24;86(1):48-60

E) 脳腫瘍幹細胞同定がもたらす新たな脳神経外科治療法の可能性(1) (2) 三枝邦康、中野伊知郎 脳神経外科速報 vol.18 no.3 32-332, 2008, vol.18 no.4 402-413, 2008

F) UCLAの脳科学研究とその臨床応用 中野伊知郎 脳神経外科速報 vol.17 no.3 2007.3. 371

G) Neural Stem Cell Research Center at UCLA—神経幹細胞から腫瘍幹細胞まで細胞機能解明に向けた大型プロジェクト— 中野伊知郎 実験医学 (Vol.24No.12) 2006年8月号

H) Special Review 癌幹細胞:現在の知見と医療応用
阿部剛典,稲垣亮仁,中野伊知郎 細胞工学 (Vol. 27 No.10)2008年10月号



St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Postdoc募集

Postdoctoral Fellowships in Immunology/Cellular Signaling
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Department of Immunology
Memphis, TN, USA

Postdoctoral Fellowships are available at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital to investigate cellular signaling in the immune system. The experimental models include genetically-modified mice and primary immune cells derived from these mice. We are particularly interested in dissecting the role of signaling pathways mediated by MAP kinases and sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) receptors in regulating basic immunological and cell biological processes. These include the development, activation, trafficking, cell cycle progression, and death of T cells and dendritic cells. We also aim to define molecular mechanisms of inflammatory, infectious and autoimmune diseases. Please see the following articles (Nature Immunology 8:1236, 2007; PNAS 103: 2274, 2006; Nature Immunology 7: 851, 2006; Journal of Immunology 174:2485, 2005; and EMBO J 23: 1576, 2004) and the website (www.stjude.org/chi) for additional information.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, a private, non-profit research institute, located in Memphis, Tennessee, USA, offers a stimulating, highly collaborative research environment with state-of-the-art research resources, along with competitive salary and excellent benefits to postdoctoral fellows.

Highly motivated individuals with a recent Ph.D. in immunology, biochemistry, or cellular and molecular biology, with evidence of scientific accomplishment, are encouraged to apply. Please send curriculum vitae including a list of three references to: Dr. Hongbo Chi (hongbo.chi@stjude.org).

Hongbo Chi, PhD
Department of Immunology
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
332 N. Lauderdale
Memphis, TN 38105

St. Jude is an Equal Opportunity Employer and a Drug Free Workplace.

Posted by Hongbo Chi (hongbo.chi@stjude.org)


University of Illinois at Chicago ポスドク募集

University of Illinois at Chicago
Department of Pharmacology
Center for Lung and Vascular Biology
Center for Cardiovascular Research


[研究テーマ] 1) 酸化ストレスと心血管病態 (高血圧、動脈硬化、糖尿病) に関する研究、2) 活性酸素関連遺伝子発現調節に関する研究、3) 活性酸素を介した細胞内シグナル伝達機構の解明、4) 活性酸素の細胞増殖、血管新生、再生に関する研究



Masuko Ushio-Fukai, PhD, FAHA
Tohru Fukai MD,PhD, FAHA

University of Illinois at Chicago,
Department of Pharmacology
Center for Lung and Vascular Biology
Center for Cardiovascular Research,
835 S. Wolcott. M/C868
E403 MSB
Chicago, IL 60612
Tel: 312-996-7631 (TF office) 312-996-7665 (MUF office)
312-996-7622 (lab)
Fax: 312-996-1225

E-mail: masuko.fukai@gmail.com (日本語可)
tohrufukai@gmail.com (日本語可)

Lab URL: http://www.uic.edu/depts/mcph/ushio.htm, and http://www.uic.edu/depts/mcph/fukai.htm

投稿者:Masuko Ushio−Fukai (masuko.fukai@gmail.com)


Columbia University Postdoc募集

A postdoctoral fellow position is available at the Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University to study the mechanism of epigenetic regulation. Our lab is focused on studying chromatin organization by histone lysine methylation that includes histone methyltransferase, histone demethylases and methyl-lysine binding proteins. We employ diverse biochemical and genetic approaches to study higher order chromatin organization and the DNA damage response. Detailed information can be found at our website: http://www.columbia.edu/cu/biology/faculty-data/songtao-jia/faculty.html and our publications: Molecular Cell (2009) 33: 428-437; Nature Cell Biology (2005) 7:1007-1013; Cell (2004) 119:469-480; Science (2004) 304:1971-1976; Science (2004) 303: 672-676.

Successful candidates will be eligible for Columbia University housing, which are priced significantly below market rate. Experience in molecular biology, biochemistry or yeast genetics is desired. Interested candidates please email CV, brief description of research experience and interest, names and contact information of 3 references to jia@biology.columbia.edu.

Posted by Songtao Jia (jia@biology.edu)


City of Hope's Beckman Research Institute Postdoc募集

The collegial atmosphere at City of Hope provides unique opportunities for translational and basic research, continuing education and professional achievement. We are a National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center and a leader in biomedicine. If you share our passion for discovery, consider the following opportunity within City of Hope's Beckman Research Institute, one of the nation's premier biomedical research centers.

A postdoctoral fellowship is available in the Laboratory of Dr. Ya-Huei Kuo in the Department of Hematopoietic Stem Cell and Leukemia Research at the Beckman Research Institute. Research projects involve mouse models of acute myeloid leukemias, investigation of molecular mechanisms underlying leukemogenesis, and regulatory mechanisms of hematopoietic stem cells and leukemia stem cells.

To qualify: the candidate must have a Ph.D. and a strong background in hematopoietic and leukemia stem cell research. Also, the prospective candidate should be highly motivated and have skills in molecular biology, tissue culture, flow cytometry, mouse handling along with a solid background in molecular and cell biology.

To Apply: Please send a cover letter, curriculum vitae and names and contact information of three references to Ya-Huei Kuo, Ph.D. at: YKuo@coh.org

For more information regarding Dr. Kuo's Laboratory visit: http://www.cityofhope.org/directory/people/kuo-ya-huei/Pages/default.aspx

At City of Hope, discovery and compassion work together - for life. To learn more about our organization and our opportunities, please visit http://www.cityofhope.org

Posted by Ya-Huei Kuo (YKuo@coh.org)


University of Illinois College of Medicine ポスドク募集

Postdoctoral Position Available

Department of Pharmacology
University of Illinois College of Medicine
909 South Wolcott Avenue
Chicago, IL 60612-3725

Project will involve studies directed at the role of the cytoskeleton in cell signaling pathways important for cell metabolism and diabetes. Experiments will investigate the function of dematin, an actin binding protein, in the regulation of glucose transporters using genetically altered mouse models (see Khanna et al. PNAS 2002; Chen et al., J. Biol. Chem. 2007; Khan et al., J. Biol. Chem. 2008; Mohseni and Chishti, Mol. Cell Biol. 2008). Responsibilities will include phenotype analysis of the gene knockout mice, protein-protein interactions, and fluorescence microscopy to visualize cytoskeletal dynamics in the transfected cell lines.

The University of Illinois College of Medicine, the largest medical school in the United States, is located about a mile west of downtown Chicago, within proximity to many academic institutions. Chicago is a cosmopolitan world class city located on the coast of Lake Michigan. Excellent benefits including health and dental insurance will be offered consistent with the policies of the University.

For further inquiries, please send a cover letter and resume to:

Dr. A.H. Chishti
Professor, Department of Pharmacology
MC-704, COMRB, Room 5100
University of Illinois College of Medicine
909 South Wolcott Avenue
Chicago, IL 60612-3725

Email: chishti@uic.edu
Office: 312-355-1293
Lab: 312-355-1294 or 1296
Fax: 312-355-1297

投稿者:Dr. Athar H. Chishti(chishti@uic.edu)


Yale University School of Medicine ポスドク募集

Position in the laboratory of Dr. Yibing Qyang

A postdoctoral position is available in the area of cardiovascular (CV) stem cell biology. We are striving to ameliorate heart disease utilizing a novel population of CV stem cells, coupled with embryonic stem (ES) cells, high-throughput chemical screening and tissue engineering. Current ongoing projects cover the following areas:

1. Characterize novel signaling pathways implicated in the regulation of this novel population of CV stem cells during heart development with murine models (Laugwitz et al., Nature 433, 647-53; Qyang et al., Cell Stem Cell 1, 165-79, 2007).

2. Derive CV stem cells from human embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) and patient specific stem cells, utilize bio-degradable scaffold to establish engineered heart tissues (EHT) with these cells, and examine their contribution to heart repair and regeneration in animal models.

3. Establish assays for high-throughput small molecule screens to directly reprogram heart fibroblast (scar-forming cells) and quiescent adult epicardial cells into CV stem cells, respectively.

Essential Qualifications: The successful candidate must have a doctoral degree in related areas. Experience in studying embryonic development or heart physiology with animal models is required. Expertise in studying heart development with murine models is highly preferred, but not required.

Interested candidates should submit their CV including names and contact information for three references and a short description of their doctoral training and future research goals.

Dr. Yibing Qyang
Yale Cardiovascular Research Institute and
Section of Cardiology, Dept. of Internal Medicine
Yale Stem Cell Center
TAC S-310, Yale University School of Medicine
300 Cedar Street
New Haven, CT 06519


Please feel free to visit our laboratory website:

投稿者:Yibing Qyang(yibing.qyang@yale.edu)


University of California Davis, School of Medicine Postdoc募集

Postdoc Positions Available:
Directional cell migration and the molecular genetics
at University of California Davis, School of Medicine

Highly motivated postdoctoral researchers are sought to join projects on directional cell migration (supported by Cell Migration Consortium and UC Davis fund). The postholders will undertake research projects that aim to determine the molecular mechanisms of directional cell migration. He/she can work on one or more of the following projects:
1. Cell migration in 3D cultures and the PI3 K signaling;
2. Electric field-directed cell polarization, organelle polarization and the mechanisms;
3. Genetic analysis of molecular mechanisms of electric field directed cell migration;
4. Electrical signaling in wound healing and regeneration.
Those projects are exciting development following our laboratory moved to UC Davis from University of Aberdeen. Following publications reflect some of our research direction: Nature. 2008;453:475-80. Dev Cell. 2006;11:279-87.Nature 2006; 442: 475-60. J Cell Biol 2002; 157: 921-7. Physiol Rev 2005; 85: 943-78.

Qualifications: You should have a PhD degree or equivalent, be highly motivated and have a strong commitment and interest in laboratory work. The ability to work independently and collaboratively as a member of group is essential. Experience in time-lapse video recording of DIC, Hoffman microscopy and fluorescence imaging with advanced imaging systems is what we are looking for. Experience in the following techniques would be useful: immunohistochemistry, confocal microscopy, mammalian cell transfection, tissue cultures and molecular biological techniques. We are looking for individuals who are able to design and conduct experiments independently, have interest in novel hypotheses testing. The successful candidate is expected to prepare and submit manuscripts to peer-reviewed journals, and participate in seminars and bi-weekly lab meetings.
Term: The posts are for a period of two years initially starting as soon as possible or on August 1st 2009. The successful candidate can expect a competitive salary and benefits that commensurate with the person's qualifications and experience.
To Apply: Enquiries and application should be sent to Dr. Min Zhao (email: minzhao@ucdavis.edu; http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/dermatology/faculty2/zhao.html) or Dr. Alex Mogilner (mogilner@math.ucdavis.edu; http://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~mogilner/)
(1) a brief cover letter explaining your experience, background, and career interests; (2) CV (including publications), (3) names and contact information for three references. We will evaluate applications as they arrive, until the positions are filled.

Posted by Min Zhao (minzhao@ucdavis.edu)


University of California, San Diego ポスドク募集

We have an opening for a postdoctoral fellow to elucidate the molecular basis of wound healing and inflammatory skin diseases. Research projects include the investigation of the mobilization and proliferation of resident stem cells in the skin, recruitment and activation of circulating immune cells, and tissue remodeling at the wound site. These studies will take advantage of a mouse model with the conditional deletion of epidermal caspase-8 which we recently demonstrated is capable of recapitulating a complete wound healing response (Nature 2009). Interestingly, elevated expression of this protein may be the cause of impaired wound healing in diabetics and constitutively low levels of caspase-8 elicits a phenotype common to many inflammatory diseases. Thus there is an emphasis on translating our findings in this mouse model to determine how they impact human diseases.
This research program is part of a larger interest in the lab using the skin and hair as a model system to study organogenesis and tissue regeneration/repair. Our work is supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health, the American Cancer Society, the Dermatology Foundation and others. The laboratory is located on the campus of the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) in La Jolla, California and we have fruitful collaborations with colleagues in various departments at UCSD and at neighboring biomedical research institutes such as the Scripps Research Institute. A CV and letter of interest from individuals with a Ph.D. can be sent to Professor Colin Jamora at cjamora@biomail.ucsd.edu. Prior experience working with mice is preferable, but the main criteria for selecting the candidate are outstanding technical and analytical skills, enthusiasm for learning and the dedication to carry a project through to completion resulting in an important publication.

投稿者:Colin Jamora



[研究課題] 神経遺伝子制御による中枢機能・疾患(摂食・痙攣・記憶)を研究する。[応募資格] (1)分子神経薬理学あるいはバイオ生理実験に実績のある人、(2)協調性があり、分子生物学・神経化学のできる人
[応募方法] (1)履歴書 (2)業績 (3)主要論文別刷(4)研究への抱負 (5)推薦人リストあるいは推薦書を下記までお送り下さい。[締切]随時
[送付先]〒951-8510 新潟市中央区旭町通1-757
教授 樋口 宗史 hhiguchi@med.niigata-u.ac.jp
TEL: 025-227-2087 FAX: 025-227-0759

投稿者:樋口 宗史(hhiguchi@med.niigata-u.ac.jp)

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