Duke University Medical Center Postdoc募集
My research interest is to delineate regulatory mechanisms that define signal transduction and trafficking of 7 transmembrane receptors. Currently we are dissecting the roles of ubiquitination to see whether it could serve as a molecular mechanism to initiate beta adrenergic receptor signalling both in in vitro and in vivo (mouse) model systems. The project is multidisciplinary and will involve collaborations with top-notch research labs at Duke University.
I am seeking a bright and highly motivated recent graduate (PhD) to join my lab for post doctoral training. Candidates should have a background in disciplines related to signalling/biochemistry/pharmacology. Experience in techniques such as protein biochemistry, basic molecular biology is required; Some basic training with in-vivo murine models is also required.
The candidate should have a good presentation and writing skills. Excellent interpersonal skills is also desired, since this candidate will be involved in collaborative projects and will have to train/assist other members in the group.
Submit CV and names/contact information of three references to Sudha K. Shenoy via email:sudha@receptor-biol.duke.edu