
米系製薬会社 臨床開発医師(精神科領域、内分泌骨代謝領域)募集


1) 専門領域における疾病および自社製品の使用を含めた治療方法について優れた医学的専門知識を有する。
2) 販売促進用資料を含め、医学、科学に関する全ての資料、出版物に関して、製薬業界の慣例および薬事行政法規的見地から妥当性を検証しこれを承認する。
3) 専門領域に関する技能・知識について社員に教育、指導を与える。

1) 自社の国際的な臨床開発医師会議への出席などを通じてネットワークを構築し、治療域別の新薬開発世界戦略構築に対して日本の情報を提供する。
2) 日本の医師やオピニオンリーダーとネットワークを構築し、将来日本で上市される新薬開発に日本の情報を提供することにより世界開発計画に参画する。

1) 組織の優先課題に基づき、日本における臨床開発プログラムについての戦略策定の責任をもつ。
2) 臨床試験のタイムラインの設定、試験実施施設の選定、臨床試験実施計画書(プロトコール)および患者同意書(インフォームド・コンセント)・試験報告書・出版物等の検証等、臨床試験の各プロセスを実行する。
3) 厚生労働省および機構相談に関してサポートする。
4) 日本における新薬開発を成功させるために、日本の薬事行政、医療機関および市場のニーズについて的確な助言を与える。
5) 薬事行政法規に則り、専門治療域とその製品に関する資料・出版物の科学的妥当性を検証する。

1) 日本の各治療域における権威ある医師を含め、社外の顧客と良好な関係を構築し、保持する。
2) 専門領域における自社製品の科学性かつ安全性について、社外の顧客と意見を交換したり、発表したりする。
3) シンポジウム、会議、審議会ならびに講習会の企画運営に積極的に参加する。

勤務地: 神戸
給与:  1,600万円以上(ご本人の経験・資格により交渉可)
諸手当: 住宅手当、通勤交通費など
昇給: 定期的に年1回
賞与: 年3回(6月、12月、3月)
福利厚生: 住宅援助制度、介護休暇制度、自社グループ補償制度(医療費、歯科治療費補助

応募方法: ご関心のある方は、日本コーン・フェリー・インターナショナルの松井までお問い合わせ下さい。 (E-mail: kazumi.matsui@kornferry.com)

投稿者:Korn/Ferry International


Mayo Clinic – Rochester, Minnesota ポスドク募集

Division of Oncology Research
Mayo Clinic – Rochester, Minnesota


(2)ガン関連経路のプロファイリング−Genome-wide RNAiを用いた網羅的な解析により、細胞のガン化メカニズムの多様性や、抗ガン剤応答性の違いを研究しています。



[問い合わせ先]町田雄一 (machida.yuichi@mayo.edu) (日本語可)

Yuichi Machida, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Division of Oncology Research
Mayo Clinic
200 First Street SW
Rochester, MN 55905

投稿者:町田雄一 (machida.yuichi@mayo.edu)


State University of New York, Upstate Medical University Postdoc募集

Postdoctoral Position

A NIH funded postdoctoral position is available immediately to study the molecular mechanism of leukemia and myeloproliferative disorders. The successful candidate will perform in vivo studies using knock-out and knock-in mice in addition to cell culture studies to identify the critical signaling pathways required for transformation/ leukemogenesis. Additional studies will involve determination of phenotype in mice by flow cytometric and biochemical analyses. [Please see some of our recent publications- Curr Opin Genet Dev (2007) 17:23-30; Cancer Cell (2005) 7:179-191; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. (2004) 101:3130-3135; Nat. Med. (2004) 10:849-857; Cancer Cell (2002) 1:479-492]. For more information, please visit http://www.upstate.edu/pharm/faculty.php?ID=mohim

The successful candidate should have a Ph.D. within last 3 years in Molecular Biology, Cell Biology or Immunology with keen interest in science and strong research background. Most recent PhDs are preferred. Experience with flow cytometry and animal studies would be helpful although not essential. Interested individuals should send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and the names and addresses of three references to:

M. Golam Mohi, Ph.D.
Department of Pharmacology
State University of New York
Upstate Medical University
750 East Adams St. WHA #3319
Syracuse, NY 13210
E-mail: mohim@upstate.edu

Posted by M. Golam Mohi, Ph.D. (mohim@upstate.edu)


International Max Planck Research School – Molecular Biomedicine PhD fellowship募集

International Max Planck Research School – Molecular Biomedicine (IMPRS-MBM)
Graduate Program Cell Dynamics and Disease (CEDAD)

International PhD Program in Life Sciences
Muenster, Germany

16 PhD Fellowships

Muenster’s Graduate Program on Cell Dynamics and Disease (CEDAD) offers cutting edge science together with the newly founded International Max Planck Research School – Molecular Biomedicine (IMPRS-MBM).
CEDAD and IMPRS-MBM - jointly run by the University of Muenster and the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine - offer integrative approaches to biomedical research with a strong emphasis on imaging.

Research areas:
Cell and Molecular Biology
Stem Cell Biology
Developmental Biology
Vascular Biology
and more

The application deadline for the 3-year PhD program is June 15, 2009.
Projects start in October 2009. Application forms, further information about the program and research projects can be found at

The program offers excellent scientific and transferable skills training. The program language is English. There are no tuition fees. Successful candidates will receive a competitive tax-free fellowship as well as support with administrative matters, accomodation, visas etc.

We invite applications from highly qualified and motivated students of any nationality.

We are looking forward to your application for a PhD fellowship in Muenster, "the world’s most liveable city" (LivCom Award 2004).

Contact: Dr. Martin K. Wild, CEDAD / IMPRS-MBM, Schlossplatz 5, 48149 Muenster, Germany, cedad@uni-muenster.de

Posted by Martin K. Wild (cedad@uni-muenster.de)


Washington State University Postdoc募集

A postdoctoral research position is available immediately to join an enthusiastic research team in the Neuroscience program (http://www.vetmed.wsu.edu/research_vcapp/Appelyard_S.asp). Our group studies how neural pathways regulate appetite. We use patch clamp techniques to determine how specifically identified neurons in the brainstem integrate and relay the effects of both neuronal and hormonal signals about energy homeostasis. A Ph.D. in a related field and peer-reviewed publications are a requirement for this position. A background in electrophysiology or cellular neuroscience is preferred. Salary is commensurate with experience. Please send your cover letter, CV and the names and email addresses of three references to Suzanne Appleyard, Dept. of VCAPP, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164, USA or by e mail to appleyas@vetmed.wsu.edu. WSU is EEO/AA

Posted by Suzanne Appleyard (appleyas@vetmed.wsu.edu)


University of Manchester, UK Postdoc募集

Positions for Postdoctoral Scientists in Tumour microenvironment

CR-UK, Stromal-tumour Interaction, Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, Manchester Cancer Research Centre, University of Manchester, UK (www.paterson.man.ac.uk.).

• Salary ranges from £25,500 – £38,000 dependent upon experience
• Immediate start available for this position

Research areas: tumour microenvironment, metastasis, stem cells, EMT(epithelial-mesencymal transition)

Co-ordination of involvement of stromal myofibroblasts in mammary tumour progression

Paterson/Manchester Cancer Research Centre is an actively growing cancer research institute and Manchester is getting the second biggest city in UK, attracting young people to live. A 3 year Postdoctoral Scientist position is available in the laboratory of Dr Akira Orimo to elucidate molecular mechanisms by which tumour microenvironment promotes carcinoma invasion and metastasis, especially, focusing on myofibroblasts, frequently recruited into invasive human epithelial carcinomas and involved in tumour progression.
We previously demonstrated that a large population of myofibroblasts, designated carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), present within invasive human breast carcinomas exhibited an ability to promote carcinoma growth and angiogenesis. Thus, myofibroblast-secreted stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1)/CXCL12 chemokine mediated, in part, the tumour-promoting ability of these myofibroblasts by recruiting endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) into tumour, boosting angiogenesis (Orimo A. et al, Cell, 121, 335-348, 2005; Orimo A. and Weinberg R.A., Cell Cycle, 5, 1597-1601, 2006).

Informal enquiries please contact via email on AOrimo@PICR.man.ac.uk

Akira Orimo. M.D., Ph.D.
Group Leader, CR-UK Stromal-Tumour Interaction
The Paterson Institute for Cancer Research,
The University of Manchester, UK
web: http://www.paterson.man.ac.uk/stromal/

Posted by Akira Orimo (AOrimo@PICR.man.ac.uk)


Yale University School of Medicine (New Haven, CT) ポスドク募集

Yale Cardiovascular Research InstituteはYale大学内科心臓病学主任Michael Simons 教授が率いる研究所です。今年夏に新しい研究施設に移り大幅に規模が拡大し、アメリカ国内でも有数の基礎から臨床に及ぶ包括的な心臓研究の拠点となる予定です。私のラボはSimons研究室と共同で研究を進めており、多様な研究ができる環境にあります。


[募集人員] ポスドク1名



1. Murakami M, Nguyen LT, Zhuang ZW, Moodie KL, Carmeliet P, Stan RV, Simons M. The FGF system has a key role in regulating vascular integrity. J Clin Invest 2008; 118: 3355-3366
2. Murakami M, Simons M. Fibroblast growth factor regulation of neovascularization. Curr Opin Hematol 2008, 15: 215-220
3. Murakami M, Elfenbein A, Simons M. Non-canonical fibroblast growth factor signalling in angiogenesis. Cardiovasc Res. 2008, 78: 223-231

Masahiro.Murakami@Yale.edu に以下を送ってください(日本語可)。
CV, cover letter, list of publication, three possible references

Masahiro Murakami, MD, PhD
Instructor of Internal Medicine/Cardiology
Yale University School of Medicine

投稿者:村上 昌弘(Masahiro.Murakami@Yale.edu)


Wistar 研究所 ポスドク募集

研究テ−マ: “RNA 編集 と RNAi 機構 の相互作用解析”

背景: ADARは部位特異的にアデノシンからイノシンに塩基修飾する RNA 編集酵素である。重要な遺伝子 (例えば GluR や 5-HT2CR) の翻訳領域で起きる RNA 編集により、生理機能の多様化に寄与する他、 多数のヒト遺伝子 pre-mRNA 非翻訳領域の repeat elements でも高頻度でRNA 編集が起きている。 ADAR1 遺伝子改変マウスは、全身に広がった細胞死により胎生致死表現型となる。さらに最近我々は microRNA の前駆体でも RNA 編集が起き、 microRNA 発現の調節、またターゲット遺伝子選択に重要な機能を果たしている事、また RNA 編集 と RNAiメカニズムが 相互干渉している事を明らかにした。細胞死機構に関与しているターゲット二重鎖 RNAの同定、またRNA 編集 と RNAi 機構の相互作用の意義の解明等が研究目標です。

Ph.D. 取得後間もない方で (1−2 年以内希望)、少なくとも3−4年は滞在できる方。分子生物学的手法を習得し、 バイオインフォマティツクス、protein-RNA interaction, 或は遺伝子改変マウスの表現形質解析経験のある方で、miRNA や non-coding RNA 研究に興味のある方を望みます。履歴書、研究業績リスト、推薦状3通を郵送。連絡先:Dr. Kazuko Nishikura (西倉和子)、 The Wistar Institute, 3601 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-4268 USA. Tel 1-215-898-3828; Fax 1-215-898-3911; E-mail kazuko@wistar.org (日本語可)。

1) Chendrimada et al. 2005. TRBP links the RNase III Dicer to Argonaute 2, the catalytic engine of RNA-induced silencing complex. Nature 436: 740
2) Yang et al. 2006. Modulation of microRNA processing and expression through RNA editing by ADAR deaminases. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.13: 13.
3) Nishikura 2006. Editor meets silencer: crosstalk between RNA editing and RNA intereference. Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell. Biol. 7: 919.
4) Kawahara et al. 2007. Redirection of silencing targets by adenosine-to-inosine editing of miRNAs. Science 315: 1137.
5) Kawahara et al. 2007. RNA editing of microRNA-151 blocks cleavage by the Dicer-TRBP complex. EMBO Reports 8: 763.
6) Kawahara et al. 2008. Frequency and fate of microRNA editing in human brain. Nucleic Acids Res. 36: 5270.
7) Kawahara et al. 2008. Dysregulated editing of serotonin 2C receptor mRNAs results in energy dissipation and loss of fat mass. J. Neurosci. 28: 12834.
8) Iizasa and Nishikura. 2009. A new function for the RNA-editing enzyme ADAR1. Nat. Immunol. 10: 16.

投稿者:Dr. Kazuko Nishikura(kazuko@wistar.org)


University of Dundee, Colledge of Medicine Postdoc募集

University of Dundee, Colledge of MedicineでPost-Docを1名募集しております。

The Biomedical Research Institute at the University of Dundee, United Kingdom (www.dundee.ac.uk/biomedres) invites postdoctoral applications in the area of cellular responses to stress and chemoprotective agents. The postdoctoral position is for a new Cancer Research UK-funded project that aims the design of mechanism-based chemoprotective agents for reducing the high risk of skin cancer associated with immunosuppressive therapies and exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The candidates are expected to hold a PhD in Biology or Biochemistry with a strong background in cell signaling, immunology, and skin biology. Experience with animal models and quantitative analytical skills are highly desirable. The salary is ~29,000 GBP per annual.

The position is available to commence at a mutually convenient date after 01.05.2009 and will last for three years with the option of extension depending on performance.

The University of Dundee is internationally recognized as a centre of excellence for life sciences research and, for the past 10 years, has been the most cited University in the UK and Europe in the field of Pharmacology and Toxicology.

Applicants should send a CV with a detailed academic qualifications, a complete list of publications, contact details of at least three professional referees, and a cover letter to Ms. Lisa Thompson (Email: l.m.thompson@dundee.ac.uk).

PIはBiochemical Reserch Instituteに所属するInstructor, Albena Dinkova-Kostovaさんになります。業績はDinkova-Kostova ATを参考にしてください。

投稿者:Tadayuki Tsujita(ttsujita@dundee.ac.uk)


University of Massachusetts Medical School Postdoc募集

Post-doctoral positions are available immediately in Usha Acharya’s laboratory (Molecular Genetics of Lipid Metabolism and Signaling) in the Program in Gene Function and Expression, University of Massachusetts Medical School, MA, USA. The research involves a combined genetic, molecular, cell biological and biochemical approach to understand the in vivo functions of sphingolipids using Drosophila as a model organism. For details please refer to: Science 299; 1740(2003); PNAS 101; 1922 (2004); Neuron 57; 69 (2008). Candidates interested in applying must have a Ph.D degree and salary will be based on candidates’ experience. Interested candidates could send their CV by email to usha.acharya@umassmed.edu

Posted by Usha Acharya (usha.acharya@umassmed.edu)


国立シンガポール大学がん科学研究所ゲノム腫瘍医学プログラム ポスドク(または大学院生)募集





シンガポールは英語の環境ですし、当研究所に限らずシンガポールには欧米の超大物研究者(当研究所の場合はDan Tenen (Harvard Univ), Joe Nevins (Duke Univ), Lorenz Poellinger (Karolinska Inst))がたくさんいらっしゃいますから、欧米への留学を考えている人のトランジションには非常に向いていると思います。2007年に一人当たりのGDPが、日本を抜いてアジアで1位となったシンガポールでは、現在、国を挙げて医学生物学研究に投資を行なっています。当研究所は年間予算20億円の大型プロジェクトです。日本人有力PIとしては伊藤嘉明先生、田矢洋一先生がいらっしゃいます。シンガポール全体の研究のレベルは、多数の優秀な外国人研究者の誘致により、すでに非常に高い位置にあります。また、シンガポールは、治安も良く、物価も安く、日本人を含む外国人が多いことから、外国人として住むのに困る事は、全くと言ってよいほどありません。

1. 履歴書
2. 推薦者2名の氏名および連絡先
3. これまでの研究概要(A4用紙1頁程度)
4. 研究業績リスト

森 誠一
Seiichi Mori, M.D., PhD
Junior Principal Investigator
Cancer Science Institute Singapore, Genomic Oncology Programme National University of Singapore

Centre for Life Sciences #02-07
28 Medical Drive
Singapore 117456
Tel: (65) 6516 1148
Fax: (65) 6873 9664
Website: http://www.csi.nus.edu.sg/09/PI-Mori.html
email: seiichi.mori@nus.edu.sg

投稿者:森 誠一(seiichi.mori@nus.edu.sg)


Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium ポスドク募集

Postdoctoral researcher – Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

The University of Leuven is a modern university, located within the vibrant city of Leuven in the centre of Belgium and close to Brussels, the centre of Europe. K.U.Leuven offers an ideal research and learning environment, rooted in a solid and venerable tradition but with its sights set squarely on the future.
K.U.Leuven is a richly varied community of people, with diverse interests, missions, nationalities, and expertise. That is why we invest in collaboration and human relations. We actively encourage the integration of all staff and students. Equal opportunities for all are a cornerstone of our policies. Young talent is given the necessary space to grow, in a stimulating environment. Outstanding student services are central to our vision of a university. The network of Leuven alumni reinforces the ties between the university and its former students. More information is available on:

Job description
The laboratory of Translational Cardiomiology at the University of Leuven, a part of the Stamcelinstituut, Faculty of Medicine, has a postdoctoral position available for research in stem cell biology and muscle differentiation under the direction of Prof. Maurilio Sampaolesi.

The project aims to improve the knowledge on the molecular mechanisms of cardiac and skeletal muscle differentiation and on stem cell biology, genomics and proteomics applied to both normal and pathological muscle generation. Currently we are interested in stem cell therapy for muscular dystrophies and cardiomyopathy related to some of those. Primary cultures and mesoangioblast stem cell lines established from muscle biopsies and dorsal aorta and at different post-natal ages of the animal disease models, including mice, rat and dog are available. Established cell bank of several human mesoangioblast clones are also available. Moreover, we generated recently transgenic mice developing muscle hypertrophy, which could be used for further investigations.

The laboratory of Translational Cardiomiology offers a stimulating international environment as well as state-of-the-art research facilities.

Highly motivated individuals with a strong background in biology, biochemistry and good level of spoken and written English are encouraged to apply.
The applicant will be assisting in the supervision of PhD students.

-Cassano M, Biressi S, Finan A, Benedetti L, Omes C, Boratto R, Martin F, Allegretti M, Broccoli V, Cusella De Angelis G, Comoglio P, Michieli P, Cossu G and Sampaolesi M. Magic-F1, a dimerized c-met binding domain, induces muscle hypertrophy by protecting myogenic progenitors from apoptosis. PLOS ONE 2008 16; 3(9): e3223

-Sampaolesi M, Blot S, Bottinelli R, and Cossu G. Brief Communication Arising in Replying to Bretag AH, Nature 2007 Dec; 450: E23-25

-Tonlorenzi R, Dellavalle A, Schnapp E, Cossu G, and Sampaolesi M. Isolation and Characterization of Mesoangioblasts from Mouse, Dog, and Human Tissues. Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology 2007, 2B.1.1-2B.1.29 Published on line September 2007 in Wiley Interscience DOI:10.1002/9780470151808.sc02b01s2

-Dellavalle A #, Sampaolesi M # , Tonlorenzi R, et al. Pericytes of human post-natal skeletal muscle are committed myogenic progenitors, distinct from satellite cells, and efficiently repair dystrophic muscle. Nat Cell Biol., 2007 9(3): 255-267
# = equal contributors

-Sampaolesi M, Blot S, D'Antona G, Granger N, Tonlorenzi R, Innocenzi A, Mognol P, Thibaud JL, Galvez BG, Barthélémy I, Perani L, Mantero S, Guttinger M, Pansarasa O, Rinaldi C, Cusella De Angelis MG, Torrente Y, Bordignon C, Bottinelli R, Cossu G. Mesoangioblast stem cells ameliorate muscle function in dystrophic dogs. Nature, 2006, 444(7119): 574-9

-Sampaolesi M, Torrente Y, Innocenzi A, Tonlorenzi R, D'Antona G, Pellegrino MA, Barresi R, Bresolin N, De Angelis MG, Campbell KP, Bottinelli R, Cossu G. Cell therapy of alpha sarcoglycan null dystrophic mice through intra-arterial delivery of mesoangioblasts. Science, 2003, 301(5632): 487-92.

Submit application with CV, motivation letter, list of publications and three possible references to:
Christina Vochten – christina.vochten@med.kuleuven.be

Posted by Christina Vochten (christina.vochten@med.kuleuven.be)


宮崎大学医学部 統合生理学(神経生理学)教室 助教募集

宮崎大学医学部 統合生理学(神経生理学)教室で助教を一名捜しています。

機能制御学講座 統合生理学分野
〒889-1692 宮崎郡清武町大字木原5200番地
TEL: 0985-85-0870
FAX: 0985-85-5805
e-mail: takamiya@med.miyazaki-u.ac.jp



Mayo Clinic ポスドク募集

Mayo Clinic(Rochester, MN)でポスドクを募集しています。

【3】勤務場所:Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN(Phone: 507 284 4516)
【4】PI:Dr. Viji Shridhar
【5】研究分野:Ovarian/breast cancer
【10】問い合わせ先:Shailendra Giri, PhD, Assistant Professor (Email: giri.shailendra@mayo.edu)
1. J Chien, J Staub, S-I Hu, MR Erickson-Johnson, FJ Couch, DI Smith, RM Crowl, SH Kaufmann, and V Shridhar*. A candidate tumor suppressor HtrA1 is downregulated in ovarian cancer. Oncogene 2004; 23:1636-44.
2. J. Chien, J. Staub, R. Avula, H. Zhang, W. Liu, L.C. Hartmann, S.H. Kaufmann, D.I. Smith, and V. Shridhar*. Epigenetic silencing of TCEAL7 (Bex4) in ovarian cancer. Oncogene 2005, 24:5089-5100.
3. K Narita, J Staub, J Chien, K Meyer, M Bauer, A Friedl, S Ramakrishnan and V Shridhar*. HSulf-1 inhibits Angiogenesis and Tumorigenesis in vivo. Cancer Res 2006; 66: 6025-32.
4. J Chien, G Aletti, A Baldi, V Catalano, P Muretto, GL Keeney, KR Kalli, J Staub, M Ehrmann, WA Cliby, YK Lee, KC Bible, LC Hartmann, SH Kaufmann, and V Shridhar*. Serine protease HtrA1 modulates chemotherapy-induced cytotoxicity. Journal of Clinical Investigations 2006: 116:1994-2004.
5. Z Yang, NJ Camp, H Sun, Z Tong, D Gibbs, DJ Cameron, H Chen, Y Zhao, E Pearson, X Li, J Chien, A DeWan, J Harmon, PS Bernstein, V Shridhar, NA Zabriskie, J Hoh, K Howes, K Zhang. A Variant of the HTRA1 Gene Increases Susceptibility to Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Science 2006; 314: 992-993.
6. Staub J *, Chien J *, Pan Y, Qian X, Narita K, Aletti G, Scheerer M, Roberts LR, Molina J, Shridhar V. Epigenetic silencing of HSulf-1 in ovarian cancer- Implications in chemoresistance. Oncogene 2007, 26(34):4969-78.
7. Narita K, Chien J, Mullany SA, Staub J, Qian X, Lingle WL, Shridhar V. Loss of HSulf-1 expression enhances autocrine signaling mediated by amphiregulin in breast cancer. J Biol Chem 2007; 282(19):14413-14420.
8. Chien, J., Rattan, R., Narita, K., Giri, S., Shridhar, R., Staub, J., Beleford, D., Lai, J., Molina, J., Kaufmann, SH., Prendergast, GC and Shridhar V. (2008) Candidate tumor suppressor gene TCEAL7 negatively regulates c-Myc. Oncogene, 27, 7223–7234.

問い合わせ先のDr. Giriは私の留学時代の友人で面倒見がよく、渡米後の生活セットアップ等の協力をしてくれます。急募ですので興味のある方は、出来るだけ早く問い合わせてください。

投稿者:宇都 拓洋


Harvard School of Public Health Posdoc募集

Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Inflammatory Gene Expression : Boston, MA

Position available immediately for an outstanding postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Genetics and Complex Diseases in Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts. The candidate will study the molecular mechanisms regulating inflammatory gene expression in macrophages. Areas include the role of chromatin in control of inflammatory gene expression and its modulation by anti-inflammatory signals and other signals; transcriptional regulation of macrophage function; and analysis of chromatin perturbations in chronic inflammatory diseases.
Candidates should have a solid background in molecular biology. Previous training and experience in studying molecular immunology and/or gene regulation, as demonstrated in the publication record, is strongly preferred. Candidates must have a Ph.D. or M.D. degree. Candidates must have some fluency in spoken and written English.
Interested candidates should send a cover letter, CV, and names of 3 references electronically to thorng@hsph.harvard.edu.

Posted by Tiffany Horng (thorng@hsph.harvard.edu)


筑波大学大学院人間総合科学研究科 ポスドク募集

筑波大学大学院 人間総合科学研究科で研究員(ポスドク)を募集しています。








筑波大学 人間総合科学研究科 長谷川潤

投稿者:長谷川 潤(h.hasegawa@md.tsukuba.ac.jp)


Duke University Medical Center Postdoc募集

My research interest is to delineate regulatory mechanisms that define signal transduction and trafficking of 7 transmembrane receptors. Currently we are dissecting the roles of ubiquitination to see whether it could serve as a molecular mechanism to initiate beta adrenergic receptor signalling both in in vitro and in vivo (mouse) model systems. The project is multidisciplinary and will involve collaborations with top-notch research labs at Duke University.
I am seeking a bright and highly motivated recent graduate (PhD) to join my lab for post doctoral training. Candidates should have a background in disciplines related to signalling/biochemistry/pharmacology. Experience in techniques such as protein biochemistry, basic molecular biology is required; Some basic training with in-vivo murine models is also required.
The candidate should have a good presentation and writing skills. Excellent interpersonal skills is also desired, since this candidate will be involved in collaborative projects and will have to train/assist other members in the group.
Submit CV and names/contact information of three references to Sudha K. Shenoy via email:sudha@receptor-biol.duke.edu

Posted by Sudha K. Shenoy (sudha@receptor-biol.duke.edu)

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