
University of Utah School of Medicine Postdoc募集

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the laboratory of Dr. David Krizaj at the Department of Ophthalmology and John A. Moran Eye Center, University of Utah School of Medicine. The project will focus on calcium regulation in photoreceptors, combining TIRF and confocal techniques with molecular biological approaches. Ideally, the successful candidate will have a Ph.D. degree in neurobiology; electrophysiological and/or calcium imaging experience is a big plus. The candidate must have demonstrated the ability to work independently, present at national meetings and publish in good journals. Motivation, initiative and creativity are highly desirable.

The position is funded by the NIH and private foundations. Salary will be commensurate with the relevant experience. The candidate will have excellent opportunities to interact with researchers in the Neuroscience community at the University of Utah.

Interested applicants should send application materials to Dr. David Krizaj (david.krizaj@hsc.utah.edu). The application materials should include: a brief summary of research background, interests and a current CV with contact information of at least three references.

Posted by David Krizaj (david.krizaj@hsc.utah.edu)


国立遺伝学研究所 形質遺伝研究部門 助教公募

国立遺伝学研究所 形質遺伝研究部門 助教公募

所属: 形質遺伝研究部門(岩里琢治 研究室)


職名・募集人数: 助教・ 1名

任用の期限: 5年(業績評価に基づき1回に限り5年の再任可能)

採用予定時期: 決定後できるだけ早い時期

応募締切: 2009年4月20日(月)


[ 研究室のテーマに強い興味をもち意欲的,主体的に取り組める方を求めています。脳科学,マウス発生工学,分子生物学など関連分野の経験のあることが望ましいですが,必須ではありません。研究内容に関しては,研究室ホームページ参照(http://homepage3.nifty.com/iwasato/)。]

(3)現在までの研究の概要(英文A4 1枚程度)
(4)将来の方向・希望(英文A4 1-2枚):志望理由,着任後の研究計画(案),将来のキャリアパスの展望,希望など。

提出書類 (1) - (6) は,できるだけ電子メールでお願いします。
(a)メール題名 (Subject:) を「形質遺伝助教応募」とし,メール本文にもその旨明記ください。
(b) 提出書類 (1) - (4) の内容は改頁で区切り,一つのファイルにしてメール添付で送付ください。ファイル形式はMS-Wordまたはpdfでお願いします。
また,(6) の略歴書については、様式をホームページからダウンロードの上,記入ください。


郵送:〒411-8540 静岡県三島市谷田1111番地
 電話:055(981)6709(直通) Fax:055(981)6734



Tulane University Health Sciences Center, ポスドク/ラボテク募集

Tulane Hypertension and Renal COE, Dr. Koboriのラボでは、レニンーアンジオテンシン系、高血圧症、糖尿病性腎症、慢性腎炎、に興味のあるポスドクあるいはラボテクを募集しております。2004年1月、2005年1月、2006年1月、2007年1月、2008年5月、と、こちらに公募を掲載させていただいたところ、短期間にかなりの件数のご応募をいただき、こちらの広告の効果に感嘆いたしました。おかげさまで、好人材を採用することが出来、感謝しております。さて、当ラボのポスドクの一人が任期満了となりますので、代わりとなる人材として一人、ポスドクあるいはラボテクを採用したいと思います。6月上旬に日本に一時帰国する予定があるので、その際、東京近郊で、面接の予定が組めればと思います。
1) 大ボス、Dr. LG Navarは、当該領域では、かなりのBig Name、なおかつ、研究費はかなり潤沢。
2) 当ラボは、その大ボスから、2003年7月に独立し、今日現在、私、Assistant Professor 一人、ポスドク四人、ラボテク三人、大学院生一人、の計十人の所帯です。
3) 当ラボ自体も、複数のNIH Grantsやその他の複数のソースで研究費をいただいており、今日現在、少なくとも2012年6月までは研究費があります。
4) 図面引きから私が仕切った新しい実験センターには、vivoからvitroまで自前でほぼ一通りの設備/器具があり、非常に使い勝手が良く、居心地最高ですよ。
5) 当ラボ発の測定系が商品化され、これを用いた数多くのProtocolsが、細胞実験、動物実験、臨床研究、幅広く動いており、やりがいはあると思います。
各種疾患の発症と進展おける、intrarenal renin-angiotensin systemの役割を、vivo、vitro、両面から、研究しています。
Publication listは、こちらです。
1) ポスドク: MD and/or PhD (見込み可)。ラボテク: MS (望ましい) or BS (可)。
2) 英語の読み書きには不自由しないこと (hearingとspeakingは、まぁ、今後に期待と言うことで、大目に見ます)。
3) やることがたくさんあって、非常に忙しいと思いますので、モチベーションが高く、協調性のある方を希望します。
4) vivo、vitro、両方の実験の経験のある方を優遇します。
1) 研究業績リストを含む履歴書
2) 応募の動機
3) 推薦者3名の連絡先 (まずは、連絡先のみで結構です。後ほど、必要があれば、直接推薦状をお願いするかもしれません。)
Associate Professor of Departments of Medicine and Physiology
Director of the Molecular Core in Hypertension and Renal COE
Tulane University Health Sciences Center
1430 Tulane Avenue, #SL39/M720, New Orleans, LA 70112-2699
Tel: +1-504-988-2591, Fax: +1-504-988-0911, E-mail: hkobori@tulane.edu

投稿者:小堀浩幸 (hkobori@tulane.edu)


Temple University Postdoc募集

I have three postdoc openings under the general titles

Electrochemistry/Nanosensor Postdoctoral Opportunity!

Surface Chemistry/Sensor Postdoctoral Opportunity!

Ultrafast Nonlinear Interface Spectroscopy Postdoctoral Opportunity!

1) Electrochemistry/Nanosensor Post-doctoral Opportunity

Nanoscale Carbon Electrodes for Intracellular Electrochemistry as part of a collaboration with groups in Penn Engineering, Drexel Engineering and Temple University's medical school.

Candidate should have significant electrochemistry and/or Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) experience. Expertise in the following areas would be useful;
microelectrodes, voltammetry, surface modification, metal deposition, sensors, electrochemistry, carbon materials, microscopy [Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)].


2) Surface Modification for Hydrogen and Humidity Sensors

NASA funded research in collaboration with a sensor development company.

Candidate should preferably have surface chemistry/modification experience.
Expertise in the following areas would be useful; growth of self-assembled monolayers, metal deposition, sensors, electrochemistry, preparation of single crystal electrodes, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM).

A strong record of publication in peer-reviewed literature attesting to these capabilities is required. Additional responsibilities include training and supervision of students, and preparation of reports and manuscripts for publication. Ph.D. in Chemistry or related discipline, awarded in the last last five years, is necessary. A strong background in physical/surface chemistry is desirable.

3) Nonlinear Spectroscopy and Dynamics at Interfaces

A postdoctoral position is available in the vibrational spectroscopy and dynamics of molecular species at liquid interfaces, with opportunities to contribute to the development of novel infrared sources for nonlinear spectroscopy.

Familiarity with ultrafast lasers is strongly desired, and a knowledge of femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy is a plus. Candidate should preferably have experience with vibrational sum-frequency and/or second harmonic generation from interfaces. Expertise in the following areas would be useful:
surface chemistry, self-assembled monolayers, sensors, electrochemistry,...

A strong record of publications in peer-reviewed literature attesting to these capabilities is required. Additional responsibilities include training and supervision of students, and preparation of reports and manuscripts for publication. Ph.D. in Chemistry, Physics or related discipline, awarded in the last last five years, is necessary. A strong background in physical/surface chemistry is desirable.

Temple University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
Employer, and specifically invites and encourages applications from women and minorities (AA, EOE, m/f/d/v.).

Interested candidates should send a CV to:

Department of Chemistry
130 Beury Hall
Temple University
1901 N. 13th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122




富山大学大学院医学薬学研究部(医学)免疫バイオ・創薬探索研究講座 博士研究員(ポスドク)募集

富山大学 免疫バイオ・創薬探索研究講座(高津聖志客員教授)では、共に精力的に研究に取り組んでくれる、やる気に満ちたポスドクを1名募集します!!

1. 自然免疫、アレルギーを制御する天然薬物の探索と創薬への応用
2. IL-5の発現制御とアレルギー制御における機能解析
3. Bリンパ球の活性化機構におけるIL-5とTLRの機能解析
参考文献:Blood 2002;99(5):1699, Nat. Immunol. 2002;3(7):667,
J. Immunol. 2005;174(11):7043, Immunity 2006;6:801, Curr Opin
Immunol. 2008;20(3):288
1. 履歴書(市販のもので可:顔写真貼付必要)
2. これまでの研究の概要、研究業績リスト(論文・学会発表)
3. 発表論文概要(1つの論文のみで可)
4. 志望動機と将来への抱負
5. 意見を伺える照会者の方の氏名、連絡先(2名)
【連絡先】富山大学大学院医学薬学研究部 免疫バイオ・創薬探索研究講座
     客員准教授 長井 良憲
     〒930-0194 富山市杉谷2630
     TEL: 076-434-7673  FAX: 076-434-5009
     E-mail: ynagai@med.u-toyama.ac.jp

投稿者:長井 良憲(ynagai@med.u-toyama.ac.jp)


Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Biomedicine in Muenster, Germany Postdoc募集

A postdoctoral position is immediately available at the department of vascular cell biology (http://www.mpi-muenster.mpg.de/nvz/puble.shtml) at the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Biomedicine in Muenster. We study the molecular and cellular mechanisms of leukocyte trafficking and extravasation in inflammation and lymphocyte homing. In this context we focus on the regulation of endothelial cell contacts during transmigration of lymphocytes. This topic is addressed by all modern cell biological and immunological techniques as well as by generating and analyzing transgenic knock-in and knock-out mice. A second topic in the lab deals with the role of endothelial cell contact plasticity in angiogenesis.

We seek highly qualified and motivated coworkers with training in biology, cell biology, biochemistry or immunology. Experience in vascular biology would be welcome but is not a requirement.

Further questions and applications (preferentially in electronic form) with curriculum vitae, a short description of research interest and names/addresses of referees should be sent to:
Prof. Dr. Dietmar Vestweber
Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Biomedicine
Roentgen Str. 20, 48149 Muenster, Germany

Selected recent publications:

Nottebaum AF, Cagna G, Winderlich M, Gamp AC, Linnepe R, Polaschegg C, Filippova K, Lyck R, Engelhardt B, Kamenyeva O, Bixel MG, Butz S, Vestweber D. VE-PTP maintains the endothelial barrier via plakoglobin and becomes dissociated from VE-cadherin by leukocytes and by VEGF. J. Exp. Med. 205: 2929-2945 (2008)
Saharinen P, Eklund L, Miettinen J, Wirkkala R, Anisimov A, Winderlich M, Nottebaum A, Vestweber D, Deutsch U, Koh GY, Olsen BR, Alitalo K. Angiopoietins assemble distinct Tie2 signalling complexes in endothelial cell-cell and cell-matrix contacts. Nat. Cell Biol. 10:527-537 (2008)
Bixel MG, Petri B, Khandoga AG, Khandoga A, Wolburg-Buchholz K, Wolburg H, Marz S, Krombach F, Vestweber D. A CD99-related antigen on endothelial cells mediates neutrophil, but not lymphocyte extravasation. Blood 109: 5327-5336 (2007
Wegmann F, Petri J, Khandoga AG, Moser C, Khandoga A, Volkery S, Li H, Nasdala I, Brandau O, Fässler R, Butz S, Krombach F, Vestweber D. ESAM supports neutrophil extravasation, activation of Rho and VEGF-induced vascular permeability. J. Exp. Med. 203:1671-1677 (2006)

Posted by Prof. Dr. Dietmar Vestweber (vestweb@mpi-muenster.mpg.de)


放射線医学総合研究所 システム分子研究チーム ポスドク募集


分子イメージング研究センター 分子神経イメージング研究グループ システム分子研究チーム 博士研究員 1名

[待遇] 月額 361,900円 (他に、超過勤務手当、通勤手当を支給)

1. 博士号の学位を有するか、採用時において取得予定であること。
2. 神経生理的研究に精通していること。
3. 神経薬理的研究に精通していることが望ましい。

1. 履歴書:1通
2. 推薦書:1通
3. 業績リスト (原著、総説、学会発表別。最新のものから順に記入):1通
4. 主要業績概要 (A4版2枚以内):1通
5. 今後の抱負 (A4版2枚以内):1通
6. 主要論文別刷5編以内 (コピー可)

[応募締切] 採用が決まり次第

[採用予定日] 平成21年4月1日以降のなるべく早い時期

〒263-8555 千葉市稲毛区穴川4-9-1
独立行政法人 放射線医学総合研究所
分子イメージング研究センター 分子神経イメージング研究グループ 大林茂・南本敬史
TEL: 043-206-3194 FAX : 043-253-0396

[公募案内Web] http://www.nirs.go.jp/db/news/invitation.php?630






1) 研究会資料(日本語)準備補助
2) 議事録の作成補助
3) 研究会開催のための連絡調整補助

地球環境戦略研究機関(IGES)本部 気候政策プロジェクト





Recruitment of Visiting Researcher Business and the Environment project, IGES

1. Number of staff to be employed
One Visiting Researcher

2. Outline of Business and the Environment Project
The increase in energy consumption and environmental problems in the industrial sector is not only a challenge to the sustainable development of Asia, but also threatens global economic growth. Corporations are expected to play important roles for environmental preservation as well as for industrial development in the fast-growing economy of the Asia region
The Business and the Environment Project aims to propose pro-active policies and business strategies that facilitate the private sector to meet sustainable development needs. This project promotes good Corporate Environmental Management (CEM) practices through policy dialogues and information exchange.

3. Duties and Responsibilities
The specific responsibilities are to:
(1) Assessment and analysis of industrial policies and good examples of corporate management practices in Asia, especially in India.
(2) Evaluation of the measures for strengthening corporate environmental management practices through the partnership of local communities and governments in Asia, with a special focus on India
(3) Examination of ways to promote selected corporate environment management practices such as environmental information disclosure system and supply chain management practices in Asia, especially in India
(4) Analysis of “Opportunities and constraints for Environmental Business in India” and “Drivers and barriers for Technology transfer between India and Japan”, and coordination, design and management of meetings, seminars, delegations and pilot projects, etc on these items, as well as preparation of quality reports
(5) Substantial contribution to the strengthening of related domestic/international project/programmes being implemented by KRC/IGES
(6) Implementation of other necessary research tasks and participation in outreach activities.

4. Terms of employment
In principle, from 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2010. Earlier starting date is also possible.

5. Place of work
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
Kansai Research Centre (KRC)
IHD Center 3F, 1-5-1, Wakihama Kaigan Dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo, 651-0073, JAPAN

6. Deadline:
25th January 2009

* For details, please refer to the following URL;

Posted by Sae Yamaguchi (recruit-businessenvironment@iges.or.jp)


Louisiana State University School of Medicine ポスドク募集

Neuroscience Center, LSU School of Medicine, Dr. Minghao Jin の研究室では下記の要領でポスドク1名募を集しています。
研究内容:分子生物学と生化学の方法を用いて次の三つのことを解析する。(1) molecular mechanisms underlying photoreceptor degeneration in rpe65-/- (a model for Leber’s congenital amaurosis) and irbp-/- (a model for retinitis pigmentosa) mice; (2) molecular mechanism that regulates retinoid visual cycle in the cone-dominated (chicken) and rod-dominated (mouse and bovine) eyes; (3) molecular function of interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP). これらの研究の背景、重要性および具体的な方法は下記の参考文献より知ることができる。
Jin, M. et al (2005) RPE65 is the retinoid isomerase in bovine retinal pigment epithelium. Cell 122:449-459.
Jin, M. et al (2006) Reduced pain sensitivity in mice lacking latexin, an inhibitor for metallocarboxypeptidases. Brain Res. 1075:117-121.
Jin, M. et al (2007) Role of LRAT on the retinoid isomerase activity and association of Rpe65 with membrane. J. Biological Chem. 282:20915-24. 
Jin, M. et al (in press) The role of interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein on the translocation of visual retinoids and function of cone photoreceptors. J. Neurosci.
給与待遇:初任給$37000/year + 福利厚生 + alpha
応募書類:CV, 研究概要(英語が好ましいが日本語でも可)及び2名以上の照会先。
Minghao Jin, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Ophthalmology and Neuroscience
LSU School of Medicine
Phone: 310-903-2919
Email: mjin@lsuhsc.edu

投稿者:Minghao Jin(mjin@lsuhsc.edu)


The University of Chicago ポスドク募集

One of my best collaborators, colleagues as well as friends, Prof. Cathy Nagler will start her new lab in the University of Chicago from this spring and she is now recruiting new postdocs in her lab. If you have any questions in Japanese, you can free to contact me as well.

Pathology/Committee on Immunology Post Doctoral Positions

The University of Chicago, Department of Pathology/Committee on Immunology is seeking 2-3 full-time Post Doctoral Scholar positions beginning June/July 2009. Successful candidates will join the research lab of Dr. Cathryn Nagler and use recently developed novel murine models to examine the mechanisms governing tolerance to both dietary antigen and the commensal microbiota, and its abrogation in food allergy and intestinal inflammation. The murine disease models will provide the pre-clinical basis for future translational studies in both food allergy and inflammatory bowel disease, aimed ultimately at the development of novel immunotherapeutic modalities. Regulation of both the peripheral and mucosal immune system by signals derived from the commensal microbiota is a major focus of this work.

The successful applicant will have a Ph.D. with at least 3 years of experience in cellular and molecular immunology, mucosal immunology and/or animal models of disease. The applicant must be able to design and conduct experiments independently, prepare and present work at national meetings, write scientific manuscripts and apply for external funding. Applicants with first-author papers in major journals are preferred.

Qualified applicants must provide current CV and bibliography, a statement of research interests and goals and complete contact information for three academic references to:

Dr. Cathryn Nagler
c/o Marsha Blunt, PHR
The University of Chicago, Department of Pathology
5841 S. Maryland Ave., MC 3083
Chicago, IL 60637.

No telephone calls, please

The University of Chicago is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Employer.

投稿者:Emiko Mizoguchi(emizoguchi@gmail.com)


千葉大学腫瘍内科学 (研究)技術補佐員募集

千葉大学腫瘍内科学 神田研究室では(研究)技術補佐員1名を募集中です。
[研究室] 消化器:肝癌、膵臓癌に関する研究、肝炎ウイルスに関する研究をしております。
[業務内容] 細胞培養、マウス飼育、ウエスタンブロット、PCRなど出来る方歓迎します。
[勤務地] 千葉市中央区亥鼻1-8-1千葉大学大学院医学研究院腫瘍内科学
[期間] 平成21年2月または3月から、1年ごとに見直し更新(採用後3年を限度)。非常勤、Full-time (1日8時間)勤務。
[待遇] 千葉大学大学院医学研究院の規定による。
神田達郎M.D., Ph.D.



Columbia University Medical Center ポスドク募集

コロンビア大学医学部Abeliovich Labでは、優秀かつ高い研究意欲を持ったポスドク研究員を2名募集しています。


(1) Kim J, et al., Science. 317, 1220-4, 2007.
(2) MacLeod D, et al., Neuron. 52, 587-93, 2006.
(3) Martinat C, et al., PNAS. 103, 2874-9, 2006.
(4) Shendelman S, et al., PLoS Biol. 2, e362, 2004.
(5) Martinat C, et al., PLoS Biol. 2, e327, 2004.
(6) Staropoli JF, et al., Neuron. 37, 735-49, 2003.

「募集人数」 2名
「応募資格」 自然科学系の博士号取得者、または取得見込みの方
「勤 務 地」 New York Presbyterian Medical Center,
Columbia University (New York州New York市)
「待 遇」 コロンビア大学の規定に準じます
「着任時期」 なるべく早い時期(要相談)
以上の書類をemailにて、Asa Abeliovich(aa900@columbia.edu)まで、お送りください。

日本語での事前のお問い合わせは、井上(keiichiinoue@rcn.com)までお気軽にどうぞ。当研究室の主宰者Asa Abeliovichは、昨年コロンビア大学の終身雇用権(Tenure)を取得し、また今後数年間の潤沢な研究資金も保証されています。腰を据えて質の高い仕事をやりたい方には、良い研究環境であると思います。高い志を持った方のご応募をお待ちしております。

Asa Abeliovich, MD-Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Taub Institute for the Aging Brain
Department of Pathology and Cell Biology and Neurology
College of Physicians and Surgeons
Columbia University
P&S 15-403
630 West 168th St.
New York, NY 10032
Tel: (212) 305-1150
Fax: (212) 305-5498
Email: aa900@columbia.edu



University of California, Davis ポスドク募集

Postdoctoral positions are immediately available to study the role of morphogenetic signaling molecules in developmental disorders and regeneration processes using genetically modified animal models combined with developmental, cell, and molecular biological approaches. Closely related research experience and background are required. Recent PhD (obtained within last 3 years) with strong publications is preferred. Qualified candidates are welcome to send your cv and references to

Chengji Zhou PhD (cjzhou@ucdavis.edu)
Assistant Professor
Department of Cell Biology and Human Anatomy
School of Medicine
University of California, Davis
Principal Investigator
Institute for Pediatric Regenerative Medicine
Shriners Hospitals for Children-Northern California

投稿者:Chengji Zhou(cjzhou@ucdavis.edu)


University of Florida, College of Dentistry Postdoc募集

A full-time post-doctoral position is immediately available for a motivated team-oriented individual with excellent communication skills within the University of Florida, College of Dentistry at the departments of Periodontology and Oral Biology studying oral bacteria-gingival epithelial cell interaction in the polymicrobial inflammatory disease periodontitis. This position is funded by grants from NIH/NIDCR. The successful candidate will work under the mentorship of an established principal investigator formulating hypotheses and designing experiments for further investigation. The candidate will be also responsible for supervising student trainees and laboratory facilities. The successful candidate will devote 100% effort. Minimum requirements: PhD or equivalent degree in Biomedical sciences including microbiology / cell biology, immunology, biochemistry or related disciplines. Expertise in characterization of infectious disease is preferred. Experience in a majority of following techniques are strongly desired: Cell culture, flow-cytometry, real time PCR, RNA interference, gene and protein array analyses, fluorescence microscopy, cloning in bacteria, western-blot and other molecular assays for studying of cell biology of bacterial infections. The candidate is expected to prepare abstracts, scientific papers, annual reports and presentations. Qualified applicants with an interest in molecular mechanisms underlying persistent oral bacterial colonization and dissemination within epithelium and desire to pursue a career in biomedical research are encouraged to apply. Salary commensurate with education and experience. Health insurance will be provided. To receive fullest consideration, applications must be received by Jan 30, 2009. Position opened until filled. Interested candidates should submit 1) cover letter, 2) CV and; 3) contact information of three professional references to: Dr. Ozlem Yilmaz by e-mail at: oyilmaz@ufl.edu

Posted by Ozlem Yilmaz (oyilmaz@ufl.edu)


University of Cincinnati Medical Center ポスドク募集



研究分野:Stem/progenitor Cell Research (テーマは心血管関係に限ります。)
研究費:NIH grant 5つと、裕福なラボです。
ラボ環境:12 full time scientists (PhDが多い)がいて、研究設備は最新のものがたいてい整っている。現在、5人の日本人が留学中。
採用条件:MD/PhD, MD or PhD (大学院生:応相談) 

時 期:いつでも可。
給 与:$34000/year 以上、経歴により初年度$38000までup可。

上記のように、Stem Cell Researchに興味のある方にとってはなかなか好条件のラボだと思います。

Muhammad Ashraf, Ph.D
Director, Division of Regenerative Medicine
Department of Pathology
University of Cincinnati Med Ctr
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, OH 45267

実は、私自身もStem/Progenitor Cell 関係の研究をしておりまして、ある学会でこのDr. Ashrafと知り合いになり、彼が日本人留学生を探していることを知りました。これまでにもDr. Ashrafの代わりにこのサイトで募集させていただき、現在の5人の留学生の方々を紹介させていただきましたが、まだ採用枠があるとのことで再募集に至りました。
興味のある方は、お気軽に私の方まで連絡をお願いいたします。Dr. Ashrafと連絡を取りながら、詳細な情報などを追ってお知らせいたします。(現在留学中の日本人の方も紹介させていただきますので、生の声をお聞きになれます。)

伊井正明(Masaaki Ii, MD, PhD)@神戸先端医療センター/理研神戸研究所
email: masa0331@mac.com



NIH/NIAAA ポスドク募集


投稿者:fumihito ono(fumihito ono)


国立長寿医療センター研究所 ポスドク募集

ポスドク募集 【国立長寿医療センター】

新任研究室長 (Chief Researcher) の着任に際し、研究室の立ち上げ・運営などに携わるスタッフを募集しています。仕事の内容は、実験・研究の推進、大学院生の指導、研究費の取得などです。




愛知県 大府市森岡町源吾36-3
国立長寿医療センター 口腔疾患研究部 室長
江口 傑徳
TEL: 0562-44-5651 内線 5403)
FAX: 0562-46-8684
E-MAIL: t-eguchi@nils.go.jp
Takanori EGUCHI, DDS, PhD
Dept of Oral Disease Research (ODR),
National Institute of Longevity Sciences (NILS),
National Center for Geriatrics & Gerontology (NCGG),
36-3 Gengo, Morioka-cho, Obu-shi, Aichi 474-8522, Japan
TEL: +81-562-44-5651 ext 5403
FAX: +81-562-46-8684

投稿者:江口 傑徳(t-eguchi@nils.go.jp)


PhD student and/or postdoc position in the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, Trondheim, Norway

PhD student and/or postdoc position in the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, Trondheim, Norway

We invite applications for a PhD student and/or a postdoctoral fellow in the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and the Centre for the Biology of Memory (www.ntnu.no/cbm) at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, located in Trondheim, Norway, to study the function of hippocampus circuitry in learning and memory, using a multi-disciplinary approach combining virus-mediated genetic manipulation, optical stimulation and multi-unit recording techniques in behaving rodents. Our interest focuses particularly on understanding the function of the dentate gyrus and adult neurogenesis (Ref. Tashiro et al. Nature 442:929-33, 2006. J Neurosci, 27:3252-9, 2007. Leutgeb et al. Science, 315:961-6, 2007).

Candidates are expected to perform construction and characterization of new viral vectors and unit recording from specific neuronal populations in the dentate gyrus (granule cells, mossy cells and newborn granule cells) in behaving rodents. Candidates should have a strong background in Neuroscience, with experience/knowledge in Molecular Biology and/or Electrophysiology.

To apply, please send C.V. and a description of your research interest by email to ayumu.tashiro@ntnu.no



University of Alabama, Birmingham ポスドク募集

当研究室(Wang’s Lab)では、一緒に研究してくれる意欲あふれるポスドクまたは、大学院生を募集します。

我々は平面内の軸に従った極性(平面内細胞極性:planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway )と呼ばれる新しいシグナル伝達経路について、このシグナル伝達経路がどのように哺乳動物の形態形成に関与しているかを解析しています。PCPシグナル経路に関与する分子(Dishevelled (Dsh, Dvl)やWnt等)のノックアウトマウスやトランスジェニックマウスを作成し、PCPシグナル経路が細胞での極性形成、ひいては器官形成や形態形成にどのように関与しているのかを個体レベルだけでなく細胞レベル及び分子レベルで解析しています。

参考文献 (2004-2006)
1. Wang, Jianbo and Wynshaw-Boris, A. (2004) The canonical Wnt pathway in early mammalian embryogenesis and stem cell maintenance/differentiation. Current Opinions in Genetics and Development 14(5): 533-539.
2. Wang, Jianbo, Mark, S., Zhang, X., Qian, D., Yoo, S.J., Radde-Gallwitz, K., Zhang, Y., Lin, X., Collazo, A., Wynshaw-Boris, A. and Chen P. (2005). Regulation of Polarized Extension and Planar Cell Polarity in the Cochlea by the Vertebrate PCP Pathway. Nature Genetics 37: 980-985.
3. Wang, Jianbo, Hamblet, N.S., Mark, S., Dickinson, M.E., Segil, N., Fraser, S., Chen, P., Wallingford, J.B. and Wynshaw-Boris, A. (2006) Dishevelled genes mediate a conserved mammalian PCP pathway to regulate convergent extension during neurulation. Development, 133: 1767-1778.
4. Wang, Jianbo, Etheridge L. and Wynshaw-Boris, A. (2006) The Wnt signaling pathways in mammalian development and morphogenesis. Advances in Developmental Biology, in press.

[ 募集人数 ] 2名
[ 応募資格 ] 医学系、理学系、あるいは農学系博士号保持の方、または取得見込みの方
[ 待遇 ] University of Alabama at Birminghamの規格による(社会保険完備)
[ 応募書類 ] 1) 履歴書と研究業績目録
       2) これまでの研究概要と将来の研究の展望(様式は不問、各500-1000字程度)
       3) 推薦者3名の連絡先(TEL, Email address)
[ 就任時期 ] 相談の上決定。
以上の書類をemailにてJianbo Wang (J18wang@uab.edu) まで送付してください。


Jianbo Wang, Ph.D. (PI)
Assistant Professor in Cell Biology
Dept. of Cell Biology, School of Medicine
Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham
MCLM 310
1530 3rd Ave. South
Birmingham, AL 35294
Phone: +1-205-996-9594

投稿者:仁野 美紀(mikijinno@hotmail.com)


Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, Gastrointestinal Unit,

Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, Gastrointestinal Unit,
One Pre- or Post-doctoral Position Available

We are now looking for a pre- or post-doctoral fellow who wants to study in the area of cellular and molecular mechanisms during the development of inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease). The successful candidate will be involved in studies on physiological functions of key molecules (including Toll-like receptors and tumor necrosis factor receptors) in colonic epithelial cells/microbial interactions.

Candidates need to have MD, PhD, MD/PhD, or equivalent degree(s) with research training in the field of immunology, pathology, microbiology, biochemistry, and/or molecular biology. Actual starting date will be July 2009. An initial appointment will be for 2 years, but the term can be extended depending on the research accomplishment. Salary will be competitive and commensurate with experience. A candidate who has own fellowship award will be evaluated favorably.

Massachusetts General Hospital is the third oldest general hospital in the United States and the oldest and largest hospital in New England. The hospital is consistently ranked among the top five hospitals in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. Mass General has long been a leader in successfully bridging innovative science with state-of-the-art clinical medicine. To spend your precious time as a research fellow at the hospital will significantly enhance your career in basic research as well as clinical fields in the future.
Interested candidates are encouraged to send their CV and a list of three references to the e-mail address below:

Emiko Mizoguchi, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
GRJ 702, Gastrointestinal Unit
Massachusetts General Hospital
55 Fruit Street, Boston, MA 02114
Tel: (617) 726-7892
E-mail: emizoguchi@gmail.com

Posted by Emiko Mizoguchi (emizoguchi@gmail.com)

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