
ジョージア医科大学医学部 ポスドク募集


1. NUB1 (プロテアソーム関連タンパク) のヒト疾患との関連。とくに神経変性疾患や網膜色素変性をノックアウトマウスを使って調べています。
2. Ro52 (ユビキチンを結合させる酵素) の分子機能。Ro52がどのタンパクをユビキチン化して炎症、アポトーシス、エクソサイトーシスを引き起こすかを調べています。
3. TRIM5 (ユビキチンを結合させる酵素) と HIV周辺タンパクとの関連。TRIM5がどのタンパクをユビキチン化してHIV感染に関わっているかを調べています。






The Ohio State University ポスドク募集


Postdoctoral position funded by NIH immediately available to study molecular mechanisms of apoptosis during inflammation and cancer and the effect of novel chemotherapeutic agents in vitro and in vivo in primary human cells and mouse models. The position requires strong training in molecular biology, protein expression and purification, signaling, and biochemistry. Experience on signal transduction, cell biology and chromatin remodeling will be given special consideration. The trainee will benefit from a close interaction with clinical and basic science departments, and gain experience in state-of-the-art proteomics and genomics approaches. Candidates should have a PhD degree and experience in molecular biology, signaling, and biochemistry.
Please, send CV, copies of publications and names of three references to:

Andrea Doseff, Ph.D.
Department of Molecular Genetics
Department of Internal Medicine
The Heart and Lung Research Institute
The Ohio State University
473 W12th Avenue, Columbus OH, 43220
phone: 614-292-9507
fax: 614-292-7778
e-mail: doseff.1@osu.edu

投稿者:Kengo Morohashi(morohashi.1@osu.edu)



米国オハイオ州コロンバスのOhio State University Medical Center, Davis Heart and Lung Research Institute の私のラボでは現在意欲的な日本人のポスドク・テクニシャンを一人募集しています。研究内容は骨髄間葉系幹細胞の低酸素条件下における Hypoxia-inducing factor (HIF) シグナル伝達系の解析および創傷治癒への応用です。研究室での仕事内容は細胞生物学が主で、培養細胞を用いた各種細胞生物学的実験のほか、ウェスタンブロット、RT-PCR、更には小動物の実験などを一人でできる人を求めています。Dr. Chandan Sen (Professor of Surgery, Deputy Director of Davis Heart and Lung Research Institute, Executive Director of The Ohio State University Comprehensive Wound Center) の wound healing / redox signaling research group の一員として、彼らと密接な共同研究を進めています。Dr. Senのグループは wound healing について基礎研究から臨床研究まで手広く進めています。

研究内容: 骨髄間葉系幹細胞 (mesenchymal stem cells/multipotential mesenchymal stromal cells ) の低酸素条件下における Hypoxia-inducing factor (HIF) シグナル伝達系の解析および創傷治癒への応用




待遇:本学規定に準拠 福利厚生完備

提出書類:(1)日本語履歴書 (2) 英文履歴書。研究業績リスト (3)これまでの研究と今後の抱負(英文)(4) 応募者の照会が可能な方2−3名の氏名と連絡先
(1)-(4) を e-mail に添付してお送りください。

連絡先:Kenichi Tamama, M.D., Ph.D. (玉真健一)
Assistant Professor of Pathology and Surgery
The Ohio State University Medical Center
M364C Starling Loving Hall
320 W 10th Ave
Columbus, OH 43210
Tel: (+1)-614-366-8527
E-mail: Kenichi.Tamama@osumc.edu



University of Maryland, Baltimore ポスドク募集

University of Maryland, BaltimoreのMeredith Labでは現在ポスドクを募集しています。
応募はDr. Andrea Meredith宛にメール (ameredith@som.umaryland.edu)でお願いします。

Neuroscience Postdoctoral Position

A postdoctoral position is available for a recent Ph.D. graduate with experience in electrophysiology. We are seeking a highly motivated individual to contribute to our studies of the circadian regulation of intrinsic excitability in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus. The project will use recordings of spontaneous action potentials from acute brain slices to characterize the circadian regulation of excitability in the SCN. The lab uses a variety of techniques to understand how circadian time is encoded in the brain and conferred to behavioral outputs, including molecular biology, transgenics, electrophysiology, and behavioral assays.

Requirements: Applicants must possess a Ph.D. degree in a relevant field and significant experience with electrophysiological recordings. Experience with acute brain slice recordings is preferred. Please send a CV, names and contact information of three references, and a letter describing your scientific interests by email to Dr. Andrea Meredith (ameredith@som.umaryland.edu).

Meredith Lab
Department of Physiology
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD

投稿者:御園生 香(kmisono@umaryland.edu)



Recruitment of Researcher / Policy Researcher for the IGES Forest Conservation Project

Number of staff to be employed:
One Researcher or Policy Researcher

Contents of work:
Under the overall guidance of the Project Manager, the selected candidate will;
(1)Conduct high quality strategic policy research on selected sustainable forest management issues affecting the Asia-Pacific region within established timeframes;
(2)Formulate and conduct high quality research on the concept of REDD;
(3)Initiate and foster partnerships to design, seek funding for, and implement collaborative research activities;
(4)Deliver research results effectively to domestic and international audiences;
(5)Produce publications including policy reports, academic papers and policy briefs;
(6)Coordinate planning and logistics for dialogues, workshops, briefings, and other events in close consultation with stakeholders;
(7)Assist with other administrative tasks as needed.

Term of employment:
From the time of joining to 31 March 2010 with a six-month probationary period.

More details can be found at URL below:

Posted by Sae Yamaguchi (s-yamaguchi@iges.or.jp)


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Postdoc募集

Post-doctoral position

Applicants are invited for a post-doctoral position in the Department of Cell and Developmental biology at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA to study the role mammalian Origin recognition complex proteins in heterochromatin organization (Prasanth et al., 2002 Science, 297:1026-31; Prasanth et al., 2004 EMBO. J. 23: 2651-63). The successful applicants should be highly motivated and have a PhD in molecular/cell biology or biochemistry with an appropriate publication record. Competitive salaries are available and women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Interested candidates should send the cover letter, CV and names and addresses of three referees to

Supriya Gangadharan, PhD
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
601S Goodwin Avenue, CLSL
Urbana, IL-61801, USA

Email: supriyap@life.uiuc.edu

Posted by Supriya Gangadharan, PhD (supriyap@life.uiuc.edu)


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Postdoc募集

Post-doctoral position

Applicants are invited for a post-doctoral position in the Department of Cell and Developmental biology at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA to study the role of non-coding RNAs in gene regulation in mammalian system (Prasanth at al., 2005 Cell 123: 249-263; Prasanth and Spector, 2007 Genes & Dev. 21: 11-42). The successful applicants should be highly motivated and have a PhD in biochemistry or molecular/cell biology with an appropriate publication record. Experience with various protein purification techniques is desirable. Interested candidates should send the cover letter, CV and names and addresses of three referees to

Prasanth Kannanganattu, PhD
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
601S Goodwin Avenue, CLSL
Urbana, IL-61801, USA

Email: kumarp@life.uiuc.edu

Posted by Prasanth Kannanganattu (kumarp@life.uiuc.edu)



Recruitment of Visiting Researcher Position in Waste and Resources Project at IGES

1. Number of staff to be employed
One Visiting Researcher

2. Outline of Project Research
Based on following the four themes, the Waste and Resources Project conducts strategic policy research on both upstream (production, consumption and distribution) and downstream (waste and recycling) issues of resource use.

(1) Capacity development for a community-based approach to waste management
(2) National capacity development through eco-industrial park policy
(3) Regional recycling framework development
(4) Upstream policy development for resource efficiency

Details of these four themes can be found at: http://www.iges.or.jp/en/wmr/

3. Content of Work
Under the overall guidance of Project Manager, the selected candidate will:
(1)Liaise and coordinate with the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, government officials in foreign countries and international organisations. This includes business trips abroad;
(2)Prepare survey and research reports, summarise various surveys of chemicals management and international financing mechanisms, translate some short texts into English and Japanese;
(3)Support for organisation of meetings including an open seminar to be held in March 2009 in Japan.

More details can be found at the URL below;

Posted by Sae Yamaguchi (recruit-wastemanagement@iges.or.jp)


Signal Transduction Laboratory, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School ポスドク・テクニカルスタッフ募集

Signal Transduction Laboratory, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School

[研究内容] 私たちの研究室では、Nitric Oxide (NO)の多様な作用の中で、とくに、誘導型 NO合成酵素(iNOS)の作用や糖尿病の成因における NOの働きにおいて、S-nitrosylation(S-ニトロシル化、 NOがシステイン残基のSH基に共有結合する反応)が重要な役割を果していることを見い出しました。そこで、現在、 S-ニトロシル化したグルタチオン(GSNO)からNOを取り除く還元酵素であるS-nitrosoglutathione reductase (GSNOR)を主たる分子標的として、様々なヒトの病気の分子機序を理解し、新たな治療法を開発しようと研究を進めています。糖尿病、動脈硬化、心筋梗塞、敗血症、熱傷など、急性ならびに慢性炎症による多様なヒトの病気を、NOを介したストレスシグナルの観点からできるだけ一元的に理解しようと、 GSNORの欠損マウス、トランスジェニックマウス、細胞培養系等を用いて、分子生物学的、生化学的、プロテオミックアプローチからの解析を行っています。現在、募集している主な研究分野は(1)糖尿病(1型および2型)の成因、 (2)ラ氏島移植 

[募集人数] 若干名 
[応募資格] ポスドク:Ph.D.あるいはM.D.取得者、または、取得見込みの方。テクニカルスタッフ:大学卒業後研究経験のある方。
[待遇] Massachusetts General Hospital の規定に準拠
[赴任時期] 随時(できるだけ早い時期が望ましいが、相談して下さい)
[提出書類] E-mailあるいは郵送で、(1) CV(履歴書)、(2)照会可能な2名の氏名と連絡先を送ってください。(日本語で構いません)

Masao Kaneki (金木正夫), M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Harvard Medical School
Director, Signal Transduction Laboratory
Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care
Massachusetts General Hospital
149 Thirteenth Street, Rm. 6604
Charlestown, MA 02129, USA
Tel: 617-726-8122 & 4179
Fax: 617-726-8134
E-mail: mkaneki@helix.mgh.harvard.edu



富山大学 ポスドク募集

本求人は候補者が決定したため募集を打ち切りました。This advertisement was withdrawn because the position has been filled.

国立大学法人 富山大学


1. 職名:富山大学 知的クラスター事業広域化プログラム ポスドク
2. 募集人数: 1名
3. 着任時期および任用期間:着任時期は平成20年10月1日。最初の任用期間は、採用の日から平成21年(2009年)3月31日。以後年度ごとの契約で、最長平成25年3月31日まで延長の可能性有り。

4. 給与: 年俸 約420万円(税金及び福利厚生費は差し引かれます。退職手当の支給はありません。)

5. 勤務形態: フルタイムの常勤職(裁量労働制)

6. 研究内容:

これまでの研究のバックグラウンドは特に問いませんが、in vitroからin vivoの実験経験があり、神経科学、薬理学、天然薬物に興味の深い方を希望します。

7. 応募資格:博士号取得者

8. 提出書類:
d.研究業績リスト (国際会議での発表を含む)

9. 選考方法:書面審査の上面接の場合もあり。

10. 応募書類提出期限: 平成20年9月1日(月)

11. 提出先:
〒930-0194 富山市杉谷2630
国立大学法人富山大学和漢医薬学総合研究所 民族薬物研究センター 薬効解析部 東田千尋
件名に「広域化プログラム ポスドク」と明記してください。




Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School Potdoc募集

本求人は候補者が決定したため募集を打ち切りました。This advertisement was withdrawn because the position has been filled.

A postdoctoral research fellow position is available immediately in the Mempel lab in the Center for Immunology and Inflammatory Diseases at the Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School in the areas of T cell immunology, tumor biology, and in vivo imaging.

The Mempel Lab is studying the factors that control the effector function of CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in peripheral tissues. A special focus is placed on the question how the interplay between CTL, T regulatory cells, and tumor-associated macrophages determines the outcome of anti-tumor immune responses. Our mainstay methodological approach is direct dynamic in vivo-visualization of immune cell behavior using intravital multiphoton microscopy in mice.

The successful candidate should have a background in basic immunology and substantial skills in standard methods of cellular immunology (e.g. flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, primary cell culture) as well as molecular biology (e.g. molecular cloning, quantitative RT PCR). He should be ready to acquire skills and knowledge in advanced light microscopy and in microsurgery in mice.

For more information, please contact Thorsten Mempel (tmempel@mgh.harvard.edu).

A cover letter detailing research motivations and a curriculum vitae should be sent by email to the above address together with the names of three referees with contact information.

Thorsten R. Mempel, MD, PhD

Center for Immunology and Inflammatory Diseases
Massachusetts General Hospital

Harvard Medical School
Building 149 13th Street, Rm 8301
Boston, MA 02446

For details of our work, please refer to:

Von Andrian UH and Mempel TR. Homing and cellular traffic in lymph nodes. Nat. Rev. Immunol. 2003; 3: 867-978.

Mempel TR, Henrickson SE, von Andrian UH. T cell priming by dendritic cells in lymph nodes occurs in three distinct phases. Nature 2004; 427: 154-159.

Mempel TR, Scimone ML, Mora JR, von Andrian UH. In vivo imaging of leukocyte trafficking in blood vessels and tissues. Curr. Opin. Immunol. 2004; 16: 406-417.

Sumen C, Mempel TR, Mazo IB, von Andrian UH. Intravital microscopy. Visualizing immunity in context. Immunity 2004; 21: 315-329.

Mempel TR, Pittet MJ*, Khazaie K, Weninger W, Weissleder R, Boehmer H, von Andrian UH. Regulatory T cells reversibly suppress CD8 killer cell function independent of effector differentiation. Immunity 2006; 25(1): 129-141.

Junt T, Moseman EA, Iannacone M, Massberg S, Lang PA, Boes M, Fink K, Henrickson ES, Shayakhmetov DM, Mempel TR, Whelan S, von Andrian UH: Subcapsular sinus macrophages in lymph nodes clear lymph-borne viruses and present them to antiviral B cells. Nature 2007; 450:110-114

Henrickson SE, Mempel TR, Mazo IB, Liu B, Zheng H, Flynn M, Artyomov MN, Junt T, Wong, HC, Chakraborty AK, von Andrian UH: T cell sensing of antigen dose governs interactive behavior with APC – an integrative mechanism that sets a threshold for T cell activation. Nat. Immunol. 2008; Mar; 9(3):282-93

Pittet MJ, Mempel TR: Regulation of T Cell Migration and Effector Functions - Insights from in vivo imaging studies. Immunol. Rev. 2008; Feb; 221:107-29

Posted by Thorsten Mempel, MD PhD (tmempel@mgh.harvard.edu)


The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Postdoc募集

Motivated individuals are invited to apply for a postdoctoral position available in a highly collaborative laboratory to study the molecular mechanisms of RNA interference or circadian clock. We use a combination of molecular, biochemical, and physiological approaches to address fundamental questions concerning RNA interference pathway/daily biological clocks in eukaryotic organisms (Genes & Dev 2007 21, 3283; Genes & Dev 2007 21, 590, etc). Our detailed research interests and related publications can be found at http://www.utsouthwestern.edu/findfac/research/0,2357,42920,00.html. The candidate will choose the research direction based on his/her interest.

Job requirements: Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Science with training in molecular biology or biochemistry. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae and names and addresses of three references to:

Yi Liu
Department of Physiology
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, TX 75390-9040

UT Southwestern Medical Center is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Women, minorities and disabled persons are encouraged to apply.

Posted by Yi Liu (yi.liu@UTSouthwestern.edu)


Mayo Clinic- Rochester, Minnesota ポスドク募集

Division of Oncology Research
Mayo Clinic – Rochester, Minnesota


[研究内容](1)細胞増殖に関わるユビキチン関連因子の分子機構(Genes & Dev. 21, 184-194; Mol. Cell 23, 589-596)(2)genome-wide RNAiを用いた細胞周期関連遺伝子の探索やガン関連経路のプロファイリング(Mol. Biol. Cell 17, 4837-4845)。



[問い合わせ先]町田雄一 (machida.yuichi@mayo.edu) (日本語可)

Yuichi Machida, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Division of Oncology Research
Gonda 19-377
Mayo Clinic
200 First Street SW
Rochester, MN 55905
E-mail: machida.yuichi@mayo.edu



University of Bern, Switzerland ポスドク募集

A postdoctoral position at the University of Bern, Switzerland

The current research interest in our lab is to repair articular cartilage using adult mesenchymal stem cells derived from synovium.
We are looking for a motivated postodoctoral fellow to join our research team.
The candidate should have:
1. PhD (recently obtained) with background of science, pharmaceutical science or engineering
2. research experiences in the related fields to cartilage biology or connective tissue biology
3 good communication skills in English

If you are interested in our research, please send your CV (including recommendation letters) to Prof. Ernst B. Hunziker.

Prof. Ernst B.Hunziker, MD, PhD
University of Bern
Center for Regenerative Medicine for Skeletal Tissues
Department of Clinical Research
Murtenstrasse 35
3010 Bern, Switzerland
Phone:+41 31 632 86 85
Fax: +41 31 632 49 55
E-mail: ernst.hunziker@dkf.unibe.ch

University of Bern, Center for Regenerative Medicine for Skeletal Tissues, Prof. Hunzikerのラボでは滑膜由来のadult mesenchymal stem cell を用いた軟骨の再生をテーマとして研究を行っています。当ラボではこの分野に興味のある、やる気のあるポスドクを募集しています。条件は以下のとおりです。

1 理学、薬学、工学系のPhD取得者(最近取得していることが望ましい)
2 研究テーマに関連したバックグランドがあること(研究的バックグラウンドが全くかけはなれていると、ビザの取得が困難となるため)
3 英語でのコミュニケーションが可能であること

ご興味のある方は、履歴書と推薦状を Prof. Ernst B. Hunziker あてにお送りください。



Methodist Hospital Research Institute, Weill Medical College of Cornell University ポスドク募集

Research Postdoctoral Associate position available in the research laboratory of Chung Che (Jeff) Chang, M.D., Ph.D. at The Methodist Hospital Research Institute, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, Department of Pathology.

This position is needed to carry out basic/translational research duties, i.e. develop research methods independently, write up research results for publication, assist in maintaining the function and operation of laboratory, and perform other duties assigned by PI.

M.D. and/or Ph.D. with at least two years experience in biomedical research laboratory required to focus on cancer stem cell research.

Experience in some of following areas will be preferred: animal experiments, miRNA/cDAN microarray, epigenetic regulation, real-time PCR, flow cytometry analysis, primary cell culture, western blotting analysis, protein kinase assay, plasmid DNA construction, and cell transfection.

Send CV and three references to:
Chung-Che (Jeff) Chang, MD, PhD
Chief, Hematopathology Service, The Methodist Hospital
Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University

Posted by Chung-Che (Jeff) Chang (jeffchang@tmhs.org)

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