
東京大学大学院医学系研究科循環器内科 ポスドク募集








〒113-8655 東京都文京区本郷7-3-1
真鍋 宛



Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, LA ポスドク募集

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center in Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

募集職種 人数; ポスドク 1-2名

雇用形態、賃金、社会保険: Cedars-Sinai Medical Centerの規定による。
就任時期、任期: 直ちに採用(早く来ていただける方を優先)。2−3年。
就業地: Los Angeles, CA, USA


Stephan R. Targan M.D.
Director, Division of Gastroenterology
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center and Immunobiology Institute
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
8700 Beverly Blvd. D4063
Los Angeles CA 90048, USA

Loren C. Karp

投稿者:竹田津 英稔(hidetoshi.takedatsu@cshs.org)


UC Davis Postdoc募集

Our laboratory is looking for a responsible, highly motivated post-doctor to work on projects related to Rett syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease. Ongoing projects include glial biology in neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases, evaluation of novel small molecule compounds using Alzheimer mouse models, and new approaches to image amyloid. We and our collaborators employ a multidisciplinary approach. The methods used include transgenic models, neural cell cultures, neurohistology, molecular biology, combinatorial chemistry, nanoparticles, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, among others.

Dr. Jin is the neuropathology director of the M.I.N.D. (Medical Investigation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders) Institute and the Alzheimer’s Disease Center at University of California Davis, which provide excellent environment for the study of neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders. If you are interested, please send your CV to Dr. Maezawa at imaezawa@ucdavis.edu. Successful candidate will be invited for interview and will be asked for three references.

Lee-Way Jin, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Director, Brain and Tissue Bank, M.I.N.D. Institute
Director, Neuropathology Core, Alzheimer’s Disease Center
Dept of Pathology
2805 50th Street
UC Davis Health System
Sacramento, CA 95817

Posted by Lee-Way Jin (lee-way.jin@ucdmc.ucdavis.ed


The Burnham Institute for Medical Research Postdoc募集

Postdoctoral/Research Associate positions are available in the areas of tumor biology and cardiovascular biology to study the role of R-Ras in angiogenesis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and other problems associated with vascular abnormalities. R-Ras is a unique Ras homolog that regulates endothelial cells, vascular smooth muscle cells, and pericytes during vascular remodeling. Previous findings from this laboratory on tumor angiogenesis and intimal smooth muscle hyperplasia are described in Nature Medicine 2005, Dec;11(12):1346-50. The prospective candidates will continue this study at the new facility of The Burnham Institute in Orlando, Florida.

Candidate must have a strong background in at least one of the following areas: tumor biology, vascular biology, cell biology, protein chemistry, molecular biology, and/or transcriptional/post-transcriptional gene regulation. Motivated candidates should send a description of research interest and experience as well as curriculum vitae. Please send PDF or Word files by e-mail to:

About The Burnham Institute
Burnham Institute for Medical Research at Lake Nona is an independent, not-for-profit biomedical research institution dedicated to advancing the frontiers of scientific knowledge in life sciences and medicine, and providing the foundation for tomorrow’s innovative therapies. With faculty and staff of over 750 in La Jolla, CA, the Institute ranks among the top 20 research organizations in the world for the impact of its scientists’ publications. Burnham is expanding to a new research campus at Lake Nona in Orlando, Florida, which will have 175,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art laboratory facilities for over 300 faculty and staff. For more information visit our website: www.burnham.org

Posted by Masanobu Komatsu (mkomatsu@uab.edu)


Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Biomedicine Postdoc募集

The Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Biomedicine has several openings for Postdoctoral Research Scientists in the Department Tissue Morphogenesis (Director Prof. Ralf H. Adams)

Blood vessels play essential roles in vertebrate organisms and are also directly involved in a range of disease conditions such as cancer. We are studying the signaling processes controlling the angiogenic growth of the vasculature, the interactions between the different cell types forming the vessel wall and the communication between blood vessels and the surrounding tissues. Technical approaches include genetic studies in mouse or zebrafish, confocal and time-lapse microscopy, immunohistochemistry, cell/tissue culture, biochemistry, molecular biology and bioinformatics.

The Max-Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine (http://www.mpi-muenster.mpg.de/indexe.shtm) offers an excellent research environment with strong local links to the Center for Molecular Biology of Inflammation (http://zmbe.uni-muenster.de/center/centerindex.htm) and the University of Muenster (http://www.uni-muenster.de/en/index.html). Service facilities for Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting, electron microscopy, research animal unit and the production of genetically modified mice provide core support.

We invite applications by enthusiastic, committed and talented prospective postdoctoral fellows who wish to join our new department. Postdoctoral fellowships are fix-term appointments for initially two or three years with the possibility of extension. The institute offers a very international environment so that knowledge in the German language is not essential.

Please send your application (quoting reference no. 05-2008), CV and the names of 2-3 referees via email to:


or by mail to:

Mrs Wenke Thielen, Administration,
Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine,
Roentgenstrasse 20,
D-48149 Muenster,

Posted by Ralf H. Adams (ralf.adams@cancer.org.uk)


INSERM, UniversitéParis 6 ポスドク募集

フランスのPatricia Gasparラボよりポスドク募集の掲載依頼がありましたので代理投稿いたします。体性感覚系神経回路の発生過程を分子生物学的に研究しており、特にセロトニンに注目した研究を活発に行っています。

Post-doctoral position in Paris/France

Starting date: as soon as possible
Application deadline: until post is filled
Duration: up to 3 years
Institution: INSERM, UniversitéParis 6
Medical center: Institut du Ferà Moulin.

Job Description :
A post-doctoral position is available with immediate effect funded by the European Commission to study the role of serotonin and GABA neurotransmission in the building of brain connexions. The project is part of a multidisciplinary consortium aimed at defining the developmental basis of anxiety disorders.

Studies in the laboratory of Patricia Gaspar will involve the analysis of the heterogeneity of the ascending serotonin systems, using several mouse strains. In vivo and in vitro studies (primary cultures and co-cultures) will be done in parallel. Techniques will involve anatomical tracing, transfections of genes, molecular characterization (immuno, in situ hybridization), and live-cell imaging.

Applicants should have a PHD degree in (developmental) neuroscience. Ideally, they should have prior experience in any of the fields related to the project.
Please send your applications or questions preferably by e-mail to gaspar[at]chups.jussieu.fr. Application should include a CV, a brief statement of research interest including your past experience and names of 2 references.

Contact Information :
Dr Patricia Gaspar, Institut du Fer à Moulin Paris FRANCE
Phone: +33-(0) 1 45 87 61 11 ; E-mail: gaspar[at]chups.jussieu.fr

Selected References
J Neurosci. 2005 Jan 19;25(3):706-10.
Nat Rev Neurosci. 2003 Dec;4(12):1002-12.
J Neurosci. 2002 Oct 1;22(19):8541-52.
J Neurosci. 1999 Aug 15;19(16):7007-24.
Neuron. 1996 Nov;17(5):823-35.
Neuron. 1996 Feb;16(2):297-307.



Ohio State University Postdoc募集

The scientific focus of the lab is to understand the underlying mechanisms controlling neuronal survival and death in mouse models of neurodegeneration. We have recently found novel nuclear targets and we are now looking for an individual who will characterize these targets using mouse models of neurodegeneration. An ideal applicant is someone with strong training in molecular biology, including cDNA library construction, yeast hybrid screening, and bac library manipulation. The applicant must be finishing his/her Ph.D. and/or M.D. degrees or has had a postdoctoral training for less than three years. First author publication in international journals is necessary. Salary range: $32,000-38,000 with full benefit.Please see J. Neurosci. (27: 8395-8404) and Neuron (36: 375-386) for the type of studies being performed in the lab.

Posted by Sung Ok Yoon (yoon.84@osu.edu)


University of California in Los Angeles ポスドク募集

University of California in Los Angeles, UCLA AIDS Institute, An研究室は、エイズ遺伝子治療研究に興味のあるポストドクトラルフェローを募集します。


研究課題は、1、抗エイズウイルス遺伝子の同定。2、血液幹細胞に遺伝子導入するベクターの開発。3、動物モデルを用いウイルス抑制効果と安全性を判定する。 4、HIV感染患者の遺伝子治療clinical trialを実施する。

参考文献 (2003-2007、研究室独立前、抜粋)
1. Qin X-F*, An DS*, Chen IS and Baltimore D. Inhibiting HIV-1 infection in human T-cells by lentiviral-mediated delivery of siRNA against CCR5. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2003 Jan 7;100(1):183-8.
2. An DS, Xie Y, Mao SH, Morizono K, Kung SK, Chen IS. Efficient lentiviral vectors for short hairpin RNA delivery into human cells. Hum Gene Ther. 2003 Aug 10;14(12):1207-12.
3. An DS, Qin X-F, Auyeung VC, Mao SH, Kung SP, Baltimore D, Chen IS. Optimization and functional effects of stable short hairpin RNA expression in primary human lymphocytes via lentiviral vectors. Mol Ther. 2006 Oct;14(4):494-504.
4. An DS, Poon B, Fang RH, Weijer K, Blom B, Spits H, Chen IS, Uittenbogaart CH. The Human immune system (HIS) RAG-/-{gamma}c-/- mouse, a novel chimeric mouse model for HIV-1 infection. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2007 Feb 21.
5. An DS, Donahue RE, Kamata M, Poon B, Metzger M, Mao SH, Bonifacino A, Krouse AE, Darlix JL, Baltimore D, Qin FX, Chen IS. Stable reduction of CCR5 by RNAi through hematopoietic stem cell transplant in non-human primates. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Aug 7;104(32):13110-5.

[ 募集人数 ] 1名

[ 応募資格 ] 医学系、理学系、農学系、または、薬学系博士号保持の方、

[ 待遇 ] University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) の規定による。
[ 応募書類 ]1)履歴書、論文リスト2)これまでの研究概要(1000字程度)3)An研究室に応募した理由(500字程度 )。4)推薦状3通と推薦者の連絡先
[ 就任時期 ] 採用決定後、速やかに就任してもらいます。

好奇心が強く、固い意志で実験を遂行できる研究者を募集します。当研究室はやる気のある研究者に最適の研究環境を提供します。分子生物学、 細胞培養、ウイルス感染実験マウス実験の経験のある方は優先して採用します。

以上の書類をemailにてDong Sung An (an@ucla.edu) まで送付してください。英語、日本語どちらでもかまいません。

Dong Sung An. M.D., Ph.D.
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Dong Sung An office 183-AN
Dong Sung An lab 188(06)
UCLA AIDS Institue
615 Charles E. Young Drive South
Los Angeles, California 90095
+1(310)206-2063 lab phone number
+1(310)983-1070 office phone number
+1(310)983-1067 fax

投稿者:Dong Sung An(an@ucla.edu)


The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center ポスドク募集

The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

Postdoctoral fellowship: Two year funded position is immediately open in the laboratory directed by Dr. Roberto Coppari at the Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Hypothalamic Research, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. Application deadline (February 1, 2008).

Job description: We are seeking a scientist holding a PhD and/or MD degree that is interested in the cellular mechanisms and neuronal pathways controlling glucose and energy homeostasis. Experience with hypothalamic organotypic slice cultures, electrophysiological assays, mouse genetic and physiology are preferred but not required.

Applicants should send an application, including informal cover letter, CV and the names of 2 referees to Dr. Roberto Coppari (e-mail Roberto.Coppari@UTsouthwestern.edu). Please use a reference (in subject line of your e-mail): postdoc 0208

For more information on our research and recent publications (Nature, Nature Neuroscience, Science, Cell Metabolism, etc.), visit (http://www.utsouthwestern.edu/findfac/research/0,2357,91961,00.html) and

Roberto Coppari Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Internal Medicine
Division of Hypothalamic Research
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
5323 Harry Hines Blvd - Room Y6-220C
Dallas, Texas 75390-9077
Phone Numbers:
Office: +1 214-648-6436
Laboratory: +1 214-648-0213
Fax Number: +1 214-648-5612

投稿者:Roberto Coppari(Roberto.Coppari@UTsouthwestern.edu)


Albert Einstein College of Medicine ポスドク募集

Postdoctoral Position
Employer: Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York
Description: A postdoctoral research position is available in the Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Neuroscience, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. We are looking for a Ph.D. or M.D. scientist with research experience in molecular biology. Expertise in cloning or viral vector is desirable. The successful candidate will participate in two NIH funded projects on the genetic mechanisms of nicotine dependence and schizophrenia/autism in mouse models.

Please send a CV and three names of reference to Dr. Noboru Hiroi (hiroi@aecom.yu.edu).

Recent Publications:
Zhu H, Lee M, Agatsuma S, Hiroi N. (2007) Pleiotropic impact of constitutive fosB inactivation on nicotine-induced behavioral alterations and stress-related traits in mice. Hum Mol Genet. 16(7):820-36.

Agatsuma S, Lee M, Zhu H, Chen K, Shih JC, Seif I, Hiroi N.(2006)
Monoamine oxidase A knockout mice exhibit impaired nicotine preference but normalresponses to novel stimuli. Hum Mol Genet. 15(18):2721-31.

Hiroi N, Zhu H, Lee M, Funke B, Arai M, Itokawa M, Kucherlapati R, Morrow B,Sawamura T, Agatsuma S. (2005) A 200-kb region of human chromosome 22q11.2 confers antipsychotic-responsive behavioral abnormalities in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 102(52):19132-7.

Hiroi N, Agatsuma S.(2005) Genetic susceptibility to substance dependence. Mol Psychiatry. 10(4):336-44.



University of Massachusetts Medical School Postdoc募集

A postdoctoral position is available to study the transcriptional control of energy metabolism and metabolic diseases in our laboratory at University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester. Our research particularly focuses on the physiological roles of the PPAR subfamily of nuclear receptors, their mechanism of action, their regulation by transcriptional co-regulators, and their interaction with other signaling pathways. Please visit http://www.umassmed.edu/pgfe/faculty/wang.cfm for additional information. Candidates should have a Ph.D. and/or M.D and possess research experience in molecular and cellular biology or animal physiology.

Please forward your CV to:
Dr. Yong-Xu Wang
Program in Gene Function and Expression
Program in Molecular Medicine
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Worcester, MA 01605
Email: yongxu.wang@umassmed.edu

Posted by Yongxu Wang (YongXu.Wang@umassmed.edu)


東京理科大学生命科学研究所 助教募集

東京理科大学 生命科学研究所 発生及び老化研究部門 後飯塚研究室







〒278-0022 千葉県野田市山崎2669

TEL: 04-7121-4102 FAX: 04-7121-4103 
e-mail: ryogoi@rs.noda.tus.ac.jp



University of Alabama at Birmingham ポスドク、大学院生募集

当研究室(Wang’s Lab)では、一緒に研究してくれる意欲あふれるポスドクまたは、大学院生を募集します。

我々は平面内の軸に従った極性(平面内細胞極性:planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway )と呼ばれる新しいシグナル伝達経路について、このシグナル伝達経路がどのように哺乳動物の形態形成に関与しているかを解析しています。PCPシグナル経路に関与する分子(Dishevelled (Dsh, Dvl)やWnt等)のノックアウトマウスやトランスジェニックマウスを作成し、PCPシグナル経路が細胞での極性形成、ひいては器官形成や形態形成にどのように関与しているのかを個体レベルだけでなく細胞レベル及び分子レベルで解析しています。

参考文献 (2004-2006)
1. Wang, Jianbo and Wynshaw-Boris, A. (2004) The canonical Wnt pathway in early mammalian embryogenesis and stem cell maintenance/differentiation. Current Opinions in Genetics and Development 14(5): 533-539.
2. Wang, Jianbo, Mark, S., Zhang, X., Qian, D., Yoo, S.J., Radde-Gallwitz, K., Zhang, Y., Lin, X., Collazo, A., Wynshaw-Boris, A. and Chen P. (2005). Regulation of Polarized Extension and Planar Cell Polarity in the Cochlea by the Vertebrate PCP Pathway. Nature Genetics 37: 980-985.
3. Wang, Jianbo, Hamblet, N.S., Mark, S., Dickinson, M.E., Segil, N., Fraser, S., Chen, P., Wallingford, J.B. and Wynshaw-Boris, A. (2006) Dishevelled genes mediate a conserved mammalian PCP pathway to regulate convergent extension during neurulation. Development, 133: 1767-1778.
4. Wang, Jianbo, Etheridge L. and Wynshaw-Boris, A. (2006) The Wnt signaling pathways in mammalian development and morphogenesis. Advances in Developmental Biology, in press.

細胞・分子生物学、また分子遺伝学の経験のある方が望ましいですが、実験に対して意欲あふれる方であれば歓迎です。詳しい研究内容に関しては我々のホームページを参照してください。(http://main.uab.edu/show.asp?durki=115497) 当大学は、アメリカ中南部アラバマ州バーミングハム市にあり、全米Top25に入る優秀な医学部です。バーミングハム市周辺は物価も安く、家族がおられる方にも安心してお勧めできます。

[ 募集人数 ] 2名
[ 応募資格 ] 医学系、理学系、あるいは農学系博士号保持の方、
[ 待遇 ] University of Alabama at Birminghamの規格による
[ 応募書類 ]1)履歴書と研究業績目録
          (様式は不問, 各500-1000字程度)
        3) 推薦者3名の連絡先(TEL, Email address)
[ 就任時期 ] 相談の上決定。

以上の書類をemailにてJianbo Wang (J18wang@uab.edu) まで送付してください。候補者が決定次第締め切りとさせていただきます。


Jianbo Wang, Ph.D. (PI)
Assistant Professor in Cell Biology
Dept. of Cell Biology, School of Medicine
Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham
MCLM 310
1530 3rd Ave. South
Birmingham, AL 35294
Phone: +1-205-996-9594

投稿者:仁野 美紀(mikijinno@hotmail.com)


University of Illinois at Chicago ポスドク募集

University of Illinois at Chicago
Depts of Medicine (Section of Cardiology) and Pharmacology


[研究テーマ] 1)遺伝子操作マウスを用いた活性酸素による心血管病態(高血圧、動脈硬化、糖尿病) および血管新生、再生における制御機構に関する研究、2)活性酸素関連遺伝子発現調節に関する研究、3) 酸化ストレスを介した細胞内シグナル伝達機構の解明、4) Cuの細胞増殖、血管新生、再生に関する研究




Tohru Fukai MD,PhD, FAHA
Masuko Ushio-Fukai, PhD, FAHA

University of Illinois at Chicago,
Depts. of Medicine (Section of Cardiology) and Pharmacology
Center for Cardiovascular Research,
835 S. Wolcott. M/C868
E403 MSB
Chicago, IL 60612
Tel: 312-996-7631 (TF office) 312-996-7665 (MUF office)
312-996-7622 (lab)
Fax: 312-996-1225

E-mail:tohrufukai@gmail.com (日本語可)
masuko.fukai@gmail.com (日本語可)
Lab URL: http://www.uic.edu/depts/mcph/fukai.htm and http://www.uic.edu/depts/mcph/ushio.htm

投稿者:深井 透(tohrufukai@gmail.com)


University of Rochester Medical Center Postdoc募集

Signal Transduction in Molecular Medicine

Postdoctoral Positions in University of Rochester are available to study signaling mechanisms of cardiovascular and lung diseases. Specific areas include investigating the role of cyclic nucleotide and other signaling pathways in heart failure, inflammation and immunity in cardiovascular diseases, and lung diseases (COPD, asthma and infectious diseases). For our recent publications, see Cir Res 100, 489, 2007; 98, 777, 2006; Immunity 27, 349, 2007; EMBO J 26, 1150, 2007. Qualified applicants should have the expertise in one or more of the following areas: cell culture, molecular and cellular biology, signal transduction, pharmacology, histology and in vivo mouse skills. Prior experience in cardiovascular and/or lung biology & diseases are preferred. These positions offer competitive salary and great potential for career advancement. Send CV to Dr. Chen Yan at Chen_Yan@urmc.rochester.edu (http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/cvri/faculty/yan.cfm) for cardiovascular positions and Dr. Jian-Dong Li at Jian-Dong_Li@urmc.rochester.edu (http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/smd/mbi/faculty/li.htm) for lung positions.

Posted by Jian-Dong Li (Jian-Dong_Li@urmc.rochester.edu)


University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry Postdoc募集

POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW POSITIONS on Cardiac and Vascular Signal Transduction and Pathophysiology

NIH-funded postdoctoral fellowships are available in Dr. Jun-ichi Abe laboratory at the Aab Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry (http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/cvri/) to investigate molecular signaling underlying vascular inflammation and cardiac dysfunction using mouse transgenic and knock out models. Projects in the laboratory focus on the role of kinases and subsequent transcriptional regulation, and kinases in diabetes, atherosclerosis, ischemia/reperfusion and pressure overload-mediated cardiac dysfunction. All candidates should possess MD, PhD or MD/PhD degrees, be fluent in verbal and written English, and have a strong background and publication record in vascular and/or cardiac molecular research. Our laboratories offer a wealth of technical capabilities including cardiovascular pathophysiology, confocal microscopy, proteomics, and analysis of signal trasductions pathways including kinase and transcriptional activity.

Aab Cardiovascular Research Institute enjoys an interactive and collaborative environment ideal for scientific discovery. We believe and always emphasize that effective teams are an intermediary goal towards performing good science and sustainable results. Based on this concept, we offer multi-disciplinary training opportunities including a weekly seminar series, journal clubs, and other career-development activities such as grant writing and funding in cutting-edge cardiovascular research in our center.

Rochester is a safe and mid-sized city with attractive cultural and outdoor activities in the renowned Eastman School of Music (within top 3 in the US) and beautiful Finger Lakes areas. Rochester was ranked #6 among 379 U.S. Metro areas in the 25th edition of the “Places Rated Almanac” for Most Livable Cities. In 2007, Rochester was ranked the #1 city in the country by “Expansion Management Magazine” for best quality of life (Wikipedia).

Please send a statement of research interests, curriculum vitae, and three letters of references to:

Jun-ichi Abe, MD, PhD, FAHA
Associate Professor of Medicine
University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry
Aab Cardiovascular Research Institute
211 Bailey Road
West Henrietta, NY 14586
585-276-9794 (TEL)
585-276-9830 (FAX)

投稿者:Jun-ichi Abe, MD, PhD, FAHA(jun-ichi_abe@urmc.rochester.edu)


Texas A&M University ポスドク募集

Texas A&M UniversityのDr. Liのラボでは現在ポスドクを募集しております。興味のある方はDr. Jianrong Li宛に直接メールにてお問い合わせ下さい。

Postdoctoral Position available
A postdoctoral position is available immediately to study intercellular communications in the mammalian central nervous system, focusing on signaling mechanisms of oligodendrocyte cell death and cerebral white matter injury. This National Institutes of Health funded research project integrates a variety of cellular, molecular and microscopic techniques to investigate cell-cell interactions in tissue cultures, transgenic animals and postmortem tissues. Other research topics in the laboratory include neuron-glia interaction, myelination and regenerative medicine. Highly motivated individuals with a PhD degree in neuroscience, biochemistry, cell biology or molecular biology and a sound publication record are encouraged to apply. Skills in tissue cultures, fluorescence microscopy, animal models are preferred. Excellent training environment and state-of-the-art equipment and core-facilities will be provided. Salary will be competitive and commensurate with experience. The candidate needs to possess excellent written and oral communication skills and is expected to work in a collaborative environment. To apply, please send curriculum vitae, description of research background and interests, and contact information of three references to the E-mail address below:

Jianrong Li, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Veterinary Integrative Biosciences
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas 77843-4458
E-mail: jrli@cvm.tamu.edu

投稿者:Hisami Koito


Stanford Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology (SCN) Laboratory ポスドク募集

Post-doc/Research Associate 募集

Stanford Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology (SCN) Laboratory (医学部精神科、 http://med.stanford.edu/school/Psychiatry/scn/)では Post-docあるいはJunior Research Associateを募集しています。

SCN labでは睡眠の生理・薬理機構と睡眠障害の病態生理の解明をめざしており、 研究室でのdaily operationの中心になる研究者を募集しています。 Rodentを用いてのIn vivoの実験が中心になりますが、 Neuroscience領域の神経化学、分子生物学のbackgroundのある人を求めています。 動物を扱うことができれば睡眠記録等の経験の有無は問いませんが、 膨大なphysiologicalなデータ解析が必要です。 簡単なプログラミングを含むコンピュータ解析のスキルが必要です。 研究室のPIは日本人(医学部、精神科教授)で、 研究室のdaily operation以外に、Grant申請等を含む業務に 積極的に関わりを持ちたい意欲的な研究者を求めています。 Promotionなどのassistも行います。



University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio ポスドク募集

University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA)、
Hematology and Medical Oncology, and Cancer Therapy and Research Center (CTRC) では、ポスドクを1名募集しております。
現在私を含め、4人のPI、2人の准PI 他、20余名がグループとして働いています。
   San Antonio, Texas, USA
(1)Cover Letter
(3)Publication List
(4)Reference List

Tahiro Shin, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA)
Department of Medicine, Division of Medical Oncology
Cancer Therapy and Research Center (CTRC)

2040 Babcock Rd, SACI, Suite 201,
San Antonio, TX 78229

Email: shint@uthscsa.edu
Phone: 210-562-5295
Fax: 210-562-5292

投稿者:Tahiro Shin(shint@uthscsa.edu)

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