
University of Helsinki Postdoc募集

Postdoctoral fellowships : Two 2 year funded positions open at the University of Helsinki, Finland. Deadline Feb 15,2008

One University of Helsinki funded postdoctoral position and one Finnish pharmaceutical company sponsored postdoctoral position open in a project aiming to establish novel platform for low- and semi-high-throughput lentiviral genetic RNAi screens using 3D matrix-grown organoid cell cultures as primary assays. The scientific goal in these projects is to discover by using combination of several functional genomic technologies novel cancer related and therapeutically significant cellular signaling pathways, which control apoptosis and epithelial tissue organization.

Please, find job descriptions and instructions how to apply by following the link: http://research.med.helsinki.fi/gsb/klefstrom/positions.htm

For more information on our research and recent publications (PNAS, EMBO J..), visit http://research.med.helsinki.fi/gsb/klefstrom/

The successful candidate should hold a PhD or equivalent.

Qualified applicants should send an application, including informal cover letter, CV and the names of 2 referees to Juha Klefstrom (e-mail juha.klefstrom@helsinki.fi). Please use a reference (in subject line of your e-mail): C3L postdoc 0208

The closing date for applications is February 15, 2008, by 3:45 p.m.

Posted by Juha Klefstrom (juha.klefstrom@helsinki.fi)


NIAID/NIH Postdoc募集

Molecular Mechanisms of Innate Immune Responses

A postdoctoral fellow position is immediately available at the Structural Immunobiology Unit, NIAID/NIH for a highly motivated individual to determine the structures of macromolecular complexes involved in innate immune responses. Our research program aims to elucidate how the pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) sense pathogenic epitopes and in turn initiate downstream signaling cascades for appropriate immune defense. Elucidating the signaling mechanisms in innate immune responses has broad implications in vaccine design and drug development.

The Structural Immunobiology Unit is well funded with state-of-the-art equipment for molecular biology, protein chemistry and crystallography, including participation in dedicated synchrotron beam time at the Argonne National Laboratory. There are numerous opportunities for collaboration and acquiring new skills among the 27 Institutes and Centers at NIH with one of the most diverse groups of international researchers.

We are seeking future career scientists capable of independent thinking and interested in learning new techniques. The ideal candidate must have a M.D. or Ph.D. degree with less than five years of postdoctoral experience. Strong skills in protein expression, purification and molecular biology are essential. Knowledge in protein crystallization and X-ray crystallography is desirable but not required. The candidate must possess excellent written and oral communication skills, and will be expected to work in a diverse and collaborative environment.

Salary will be highly competitive and commensurate with experience, supplemented with excellent fringe benefits.

To apply, please send your curriculum vitae and names and addresses of three references to:

Tsan Xiao, Ph.D.
Chief, Structural Immunobiology Unit
Laboratory of Immunology
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
National Institutes of Health
Building 4, Room 138
4 Memorial Drive
Bethesda, MD 20892 USA
Phone: 301-402-9782
FAX: 301-480-1291
E-mail: xiaot@niaid.nih.gov

Posted by Tsan "Sam" Xiao (xiaot@niaid.nih.gov)


奈良県立医科大学先端医学研究機構生命システム医科学分野 助教募集

私はこれまでThe University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallasにおいて循環器系および骨格筋の分子生物学的研究を行なって参りましたが、2008年2月より公立大学法人奈良県立医科大学先端医学研究機構生命システム医科学分野の第2基礎研究グループ(新設)を担当することになりました。つきましては、ともに研究活動に従事して下さる医師・研究者の方を募集しています。


助教 2名
待遇は奈良県立医科大学の規定によります(原則として3年任期 再任可)

担当教授(中川)とともに新しい研究グループの立ち上げに参加していただき、その後、分子生物学的実験・研究成果発表・学生の指導などに従事していただきます。今後、循環器系および骨格筋における疾患メカニズムを解明するために、転写調節を中心とした細胞内情報伝達機構の研究を行いたいと考えています。当方の実験プロジェクトや私自身の経歴については、テキサス大学の研究室Website(URL http://www.utsouthwestern.edu/nakagawalab)とFaculty Information (URL http://www.utsouthwestern.edu/findfac/professional/0,2356,31658,00.html)を御覧下さい。

〒634-8521 奈良県橿原市四条町840番地 公立大学法人奈良県立医科大学



上記の応募書類をEmailでお送りください。「Subject」欄を「Nara Medical Univ Position」として下さい。Email本文は日本語で結構です。


中 川  修(Osamu Nakagawa)
Email: osamu.nakagawa@utsouthwestern.edu
Assistant Professor
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine
Department of Molecular Biology
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
(奈良県立医科大学先端医学研究機構生命システム医科学分野教授 着任予定)













- Southern California Science Network(SCSN)(http://www.scsn.us/

- 大学や企業、さらには職業やポジションによる垣根を越えて気軽に交流することのできる、ボーダーレス・コミュニティを目指しています。

- 以下のオーガナイザーを中心に活動しています。
佐藤 誠(UCLA・ロサンゼルス)
三木理雅(Charles R. Drew Univ. of Medicine・ロサンゼルス)
大賀嘉信(Wako Chemical USA Inc.・アーバイン)
立川 潔(UCSD・サンディエゴ)
吉塚直人(The Scripps Research Institute・サンディエゴ)

---- 記 ----

1:00 PM - 4:30 PM (12:00 PM 受付開始)
場所: UCI - Palo Verde Housing
(University of California Irvineキャンパス内)
行き方・地図: 参加登録された方へ別途にご案内いたします。
参加費: $10

* SCSNの更なる発展の為、運営費として会費を徴収させて頂いております。頂いた運営費は各種メディアへの広告費、並びにウェブサイト管理等に運用させて頂きます。皆様の御協力宜しくお願い致します。

* 参加登録:参加ご希望の方は、以下のテンプレートをご利用の上、

* 受付開始よりスナックと飲み物を、講演会終了後にはピザを、Wako Chemicals USAより提供していただき参加者同士の交流を図っています。また、講演会開始前に、参加者の皆様による簡単な自己紹介を予定しております。SCSNでは講演会だけでなく参加者同士の交流も重要と考えております。講演後の懇親会にも是非ご参加ください(同じ会場で行います)。

* 名刺を是非ご持参下さい

* 定員(40名)に達した時点で、登録を締切らせていただきます。

第9回SCSNフォーラム  担当:三木理雅、佐藤 誠

※※※※※ 参加お申し込みテンプレート ※※※※※

3)講演会後の懇親会に参加する(Yes or No)
5) フォーラム内で取り上げてほしいトピックス、質問など



UT southwestern medical center at Dallas ポスドク募集

テキサス州ダラスにあるUniversity of Texas southwestern medical centerのpediatric cardiothoracic surgery (Dr.Forbess)が大動物を使った実験を行える日本人心臓外科医を探しています。成人心臓外科医、
小児心臓外科医は問いません。来月フロリダで行われる44th STS(Society of Thoracic surgeons)でこのラボで行っている研究の一部を発表します。興味のある方はメールでご連絡ください。


Hideki Sasaki, M.D.
Pediatric cardiothoracic surgery
UT southwestern medical center at Dallas



Dana-Farber Cancer Institute ポスドク・研究技師の募集


ボストンの Dana-Farber Cancer Institute にある私の病理学・腫瘍学・疫学の研究室でやる気のあるポスドクあるいは研究技師を募集しています。同じラボに日本人が4人働いていますので、英語の苦手な人でもコミュニケーションの問題がありません。英語にもすぐに慣れます。ポスドクのCandidateでしたら、病理学や腫瘍学あるいは消化器科学の研究(あるいは病理診断)の経験があると強みです。

プロジェクトは前向き大規模コーホートを使っての大腸癌と膵臓癌の分子病理疫学です。病理学・腫瘍学・疫学の手法をすべて使っています。主な仕事はパラフィン癌組織サンプルの管理とプロセシング、データーベースの管理、免疫組織染色, DNA解析です。論文を書くのに必要なデータが長年にわたってすでに蓄積されていますので、ポスドクの方にはやる気しだいで1年以内に必ず論文を書いていただけますし、複数の論文の共著者になるのも確実です。研究技師の方でも、複数の論文の共著者に確実になっていただけます。

私は大規模な前向き疫学コホートを使って大腸癌と膵臓癌の様々な分子異常の疫学的病因を研究しています。ハーバード大学公衆衛生大学院とBrigham and Women’s Hospitalではこれまで当初は健康な12万人の女性を30年(Nurses' Health Study)、5万人の男性を20年(Health Professionals Follow-up Study)追跡して、病気の発生を疫学的に研究してきました。私はこの2つの大規模コホートにおいて追跡中に発生した大腸癌と膵臓癌の癌細胞内の遺伝子の異常とEpigenetic changes (DNAメチル化)を解析し、たんぱく質の発現を解析しています。追跡に先立ち、あるいは20年、30年という追跡中に、食べ物、ライフスタイル(運動・肥満度・たばこ・アルコールなど)、薬(とくにアスピリンと経口ピル)、癌や他の病気の発生、家族歴を記録しています。こうした病因に関するデータは癌やそのほかの疾患の発生に先立って集められているためにバイアスのリスクがより少ないのが、前向きコホート研究の長所です。こうして蓄積された貴重な病因データと癌組織の分子異常、あるいはさまざまな遺伝子の多形(SNPs)とを合わせて分析するというのが私の研究の内容です。さらにこれらのコーホートにおいては癌の発生後も追跡して生存データも集積しています。当然、癌の分子異常、ライフスタイル、遺伝子多形、と生存率の分析もこれから進めてまいります。これまでこの巨大プロジェクトは米国国立衛生研究所(National Institute of Health)より研究費をとり続けています。




Shuji Ogino, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School
Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Department of Medical Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute



理化学研究所 横浜研究所 遺伝子多型研究センター バイオマーカー探索・開発チーム 研究員募集 

理化学研究所 横浜研究所 遺伝子多型研究センター(http://www.src.riken.jp/)遺伝子多型タイピング研究・支援グループ「バイオマーカー探索・開発チーム」(チームリーダー:中村 祐輔)では研究員を下記の要領で募集いたします。


バイオマーカー探索・開発チーム (2008年より、新たなラボ、プロジェクトを開始します)


・ 血清診断マーカーの候補となる血清蛋白質、ペプチドの同定
・ 診断マーカー分子の臨床的意義およびその機能解析


東京都港区白金台4-6-1 東京大学医科学研究所内
独立行政法人理化学研究所 遺伝子多型研究センター                                 
* 契約期間終了後は、評価により、当研究所が必要と認め、双方合意に至った場合に、雇用契約を締結することがあります。必要性の有無は、能力、契約満了時の業務量等に基づき判断します。但し、プロジェクト終了時を上限とします。(プロジェクトは平成25年3月31日まで)

*研究員については、日本学生支援機構 奨学金免除の対象          

(5) 最終学校卒業(修了)証明書

[締切日] 平成20年1月16日


中川 英刀
東京大学医科学研究所 ヒトゲノム解析センター
108-8639 東京都港区白金台4丁目6-1
email: hidewaki@ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp

投稿者:中川 英刀(hidewaki@ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp)


東京大学医科学研究所 ヒトゲノム解析センター ゲノムシークエンス解析分野 (中村祐輔研究室)ポスドク、研究員募集 

URL: http://www.ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp/nakamura/main/top.html

研究内容:当研究室では、これまでヒトのゲノム解析によって様々な疾患関連遺伝子、特に癌関連遺伝子の同定およびその機能解析を行って、世界的な成果を上げてきました。今回、ゲノムワイドでの遺伝子多型 (SNP)解析を通じて、様々な癌腫の関連遺伝子の同定、およびそれらの機能解析を行う情熱あふれるポスドク、研究者を募集します。
書類送付先、問合先:東京大学医科学研究所 ヒトゲノム解析センター ゲノムシークエンス解析分野  中川英刀、片桐豊雅、醍醐弥太郎、中村祐輔 〒108-8639 東京都港区白金台4丁目6-1 TEL:03-5449-5375、FAX:03-5449-5124 Email: hidewaki@ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp

投稿者:中川 英刀(hidewaki@ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp)


カリフォルニア大学デービス校 ポスドク募集

友人のDr. Emanual Maverakis が以下の内容で日本人ポスドクを募集しているので紹介させていただきます。

Dr. Maverakisはハーバード大学医学部を首席で卒業した秀才で、現在30代です。研究室はカリフォルニア大学デービス校(UC Davis)の提携施設であるMather Veterans Administration Hospital (Sacramento, CA) 内にあります。免疫、特に自己免疫の研究が中心です。


The laboratory of Dr. Emanual Maverakis is recruiting one Postdoctoral Fellow to study autoimmune mediated skin diseases and mouse models of autoimmunity. Future lab directions will include the development of novel immunotherapies for the treatment of melanoma and cutaneous T cell lymphoma.

The laboratory is located in Sacramento, California in a beautiful space on the top floor of the Mather Veterans Administration hospital, an official affiliate of the University of California Davis, where Dr. Maverakis is faculty. Below the laboratory is a clinical trials core center with inpatient patient beds funded by the NIH. (Of note, Sacramento California is one of the most affordable cities to live in the United States. It is located very close to San Francisco and Tahoe).

Dr. Maverakis’ research group is currently preparing several studies for publication. Recent manuscripts have appeared in the J Exp Med. J Clin Invest, PNAS, and Nat Rev Immunol.

Dr. Maverakis is a dermatologist with research awards from the Burroughs Welcome Fund and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. His laboratory is funded through 10/2012.

Salary support is offered at 30,000/year including an excellent benefit package: Health Insurance, Dental, Vision, and Life Insurance. The position also includes assistance from a laboratory technician. Applicants who wish to remain in the laboratory for at least two years will qualify to apply for internal individualized funding, including increased salary support. The postdoctoral scientist may have considerable freedom to develop related research projects according to his/her interests.

The successful applicant will hold a Ph.D., M.D. or equivalent. They will have significant bench research experience, preferably in immunology, biochemistry, cellular biology, or pathology. Applicants with a physics background will also be considered if they are motivated to develop small animal imaging protocols and be trained in cellular immunology. Importantly, all applicants should be comfortable conducting experiments on small animals.

Please send a detailed CV, a statement of research or other accomplishments, and the names of three references electronically to: Dr. Emanual Maverakis via email: emaverakis@yahoo.com

投稿者:三枝 淳(jsaegusa@ucdavis.edu)


University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey ポスドク募集




Postdoctoral Position
Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
New Jersey Medical School, New Jersey, USA

One position is open to study the link between DNA damage checkpoint response and telomere control using yeast and mammalian cells. Candidates must have excellent communication skills, ability to conduct research independently and as a team, and strong backgrounds in molecular biology and biochemistry. Previous experience with yeast or mammalian cells is not required.

See recent our papers; Science (2001) 294:867-870; JBC (2002) 277:40362-40367; Genes & Dev (2003) 17: 1957-1962; Nature (2003) 424:1078-1083; MCB (2004) 24: 10016-10025; MBC (2005) 16:5227-5235; Current Biology (2006) 16:586-590. MBC (2007) 18:2026-2036

Visit our department web site (http://njms.umdnj.edu/departments/cell_biology_and_molecular_medicine/index.cfm).
Our department is extremely well funded (see the link below), providing outstanding environments.

Interested candidates should send a cover letter and curriculum vitae with contact information for three references (name, address, phone and e-mail) by email to: Dr. K. Sugimoto (sugimoka@umdnj.edu).

投稿者:Katsunori Sugimoto(sugimoka@umdnj.edu)


University of Missouri-Columbia ポスドク募集

現在、私が所属している研究室のボスGary Staceyが以下のような内容でポスドクを募集しております。
興味のある方は、Gary Stacey宛に直接メールでお問い合わせ下さい。

Post Doctoral positions in Soybean Proteomics and Metabolomics

University of Missouri-Columbia



Two postdoctoral research associate positions are available immediately at University of Missouri-Columbia (MU) to investigate the soybean proteome and metabolome. This is a collaborative project with Prof. Dong Xu who is an expert in bioinformatics and computational biology. The successful candidates will employ GC-MS and LC-MS systems to profile proteins and metabolites in soybean seed and root tissues. Applicants should have a PhD in chemistry, biochemistry, or a related discipline reflecting a strong background in GC-MS or LC-MS analysis applied to proteomics or metabolomics. Expertise in plant biochemistry is highly desirable. Applications will be considered until suitable candidates are identified. Salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications. Applicants should provide a letter of interest, a complete CV, and contact information for three references, to be sent to:
Dr. Henry T. Nguyen (nguyenhe@missouri.edu) and/or Dr. Gary Stacey (staceyg@missouri.edu), National Center for Soybean Biotechnology, 271 Christopher S. Bond Life Sciences Center, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211. University of Missouri is an equal opportunity/ADA institution.

Gary Stacey
Email: staceyg@missouri.edu
TEL: 573-884-4752
FAX: 573-884-9676



The Cleveland Clinic ポスドク募集

米オハイオ州クリーブランド、Cleveland Clinic, Lerner Research Institute, 酒井lab では、意欲のあるポスドクを募集します。プロジェクトのテーマとしては、細胞外マトリックスとそのレセプターであるインテグリンの機能連関及びその下流で機能するシグナル分子の機能解析、また間葉系幹細胞の分化を規定する因子の解析等で、ノックアウトマウス並びにトランスジェニックマウスの胎生期、創傷治癒、誘発臓器疾患及び発癌過程をモデルとしてin vivoでの実験を進めています。また、新たなるノックアウトマウスの作製も積極的に推進しています。研究内容の詳細並びに最近の業績は、(Carcinogenesis 28:2074-2081,2007; EMBO J 23:2166-2174,2004; Genes Dev 17:926-940,2003; Nature Med 7:324-330,2001; PNAS 98:3808-3813,2001)を参照して下さい。細胞•分子生物学、実験病理学、またmolecular geneticsの経験のある方が望ましいですが、未だ2004年にスタートしたばかりの新しいラボなので気概のある人を期待しております。
米Cleveland Clinic, Lerner Research Instituteに関しては、(http://www.lerner.ccf.org/)を参照して下さい。また、詳細については下記のメールアドレスに御連絡ください。

[ 募集人数 ] 2名
[ 応募資格 ] 医学系、理学系、農学系博士号保持、または見込みの方。
[ 待遇 ] Cleveland Clinic, Lerner Research Instituteの規格による(社会保険完備)
[ 応募書類 ] 1) 履歴書と研究業績目録
       2) これまでの研究の概要並びに将来の研究の展望
       3) 推薦者3名の連絡先(TEL, Email address)
[ 就任時期 ] 直ちに採用可能ですが、開始時期は相談に応じます。

Takao SAKAI, M.D., Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Biomedical Engineering/ND2-22,
Lerner Research Institute,
Cleveland Clinic Foundation,
9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland OH 44195, U.S.A.
Email:sakait@ccf.org (Japanese available)



National Cancer Institute (NCI)-Frederick ポスドク募集

National Cancer Institute (NCI)-Frederick, Laboratory of Experimental ImmunologyのDennis M. Klinmanラボではポスドクを募集しています。
ワシントンDC近郊のメリーランド州フレデリックにあるNCI/NIHの施設で現在NCIが最も力を入れているCancer Inflammation Programで、研究環境に関しては非常に整備されておりとても実験がしやすいところだと思います。
ここのラボの特徴は1995年にNatureに発表したCpG DNAの発見に始まり、マウス、ヒト型CpG DNA配列、2つのタイプCpG DNA配列、抑制性のDNA配列の発見、それらのメカニズムの解析、さらにこれらのDNAを使ったワクチン、感染免疫、アレルギー、自己免疫疾患のマウスモデルへの応用といった免疫系を制御するDNAにフォーカスを当てております。
城田英和 Hidekazu Shirota
E-mail: hideshirota@yahoo.co.jp



大阪大学大学院生命機能研究科、平野俊夫研究室 ポスドク募集


(年俸420-580万円程度 経験にて変わります(税込み))。
大阪大学大学院生命機能研究科、医学系研究科、免疫発生学研究室 村上正晃 電子メール:murakami@molonc.med.osaka-u.ac.jp 



Ohio State University Postdoc募集

The project focuses on the role of the MAP kinase pathways in APP trafficking. Recent evidence suggests that perturbation of APP trafficking contributes to aberrant processing of APP, generating aggregates of A-beta peptides. We have discovered that the MAP kinases play critical roles in regulating APP trafficking in the axons. The goal of the available postdoctoral projects are determining the role of the MAP kinases in APP trafficking and uncover the mechanisms. Techniques employed in the laboratory include surgical manipulations of the mice, and performing biochemical analyses including immunoprecipitation/kinase assays, organelle fractionation, and Western blots with the tissue samples. Please see J. Neurosci. (27: 8395-8404) and Neuron (36: 375-386) for the type of studies being performed in the lab. In addition, various GFP-tagged proteins will be introduced into primary cultures from the mice and their transport behaviors will be analyzed using confocal-based live imaging. Applicants must be finishing his/her Ph.D. and/or M.D. degrees or have had postdoctoral training for less than three years. A first author publications in international journals is necessary. The degrees can be in molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology or neuroscience. Salary range: $30,000-38,000 with full benefit.

Posted by Sung Ok Yoon (yoon.84@osu.edu)


University of Pennsylvania ポスドク募集

私の友人で共同研究をしているDr. Lin Zhangが現在ポスドクを募集しておりますのでご紹介させていただきます。

ペンシルバニア州フィラデルフィアにあるUniversity of Pennsylvania に2007年3月に新しくできた卵巣がんセンター内のDr. Lin Zhang のラボでは現在ポスドク1名を募集しています。

主な研究テーマは卵巣がんにおけるmicroRNA, cancer stem cell、マウス卵巣がんモデルの作成などです。


興味ある方は直接Dr. Zhangまで、あるいは日本語で質問のあるかたは長谷川まで連絡いただいても結構です。

One POSTDOCTORAL position is available immediately in the new founded Ovarian Cancer Research Center at University of Pennsylvania. My laboratory has a major focus on the cancer genome (microRNA alterations, PNAS 2006, Nature Cell Biol 2008 in press and PNAS 2008 in press), cancer stem cells as well as tumor immune biology and therapy (New Eng. J. Med. 2003, Nature Med. 2004) of human ovarian cancer. The projects will focus on: 1) miRNA deregulation in human ovarian cancer; 2) somatic and cancer stem cells; and 3) development genetic model for epithelial ovarian cancer. We are seeking candidates who are self-motivated and career-oriented to join an exciting highly interactive research team.
These studies will be carried out in close collaboration with the laboratory of Dr. George Coukos. Interested candidates must have a Ph.D and/or MD. or an equivalent doctoral degree and have less than 3 years postdoctoral experience in a related field. Applicants with a strong background in molecular biology, cancer biology and stem cell biology are encouraged to apply.Please forward a cover letter, an updated c.v. including a list of your publications, and the names/addresses of 3 references to:

Lin Zhang, M.D.
Assistant professor
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Office: 1209 BRB II/III; Lab: 1331 BRB II/III
421 Curie Blvd. Philadelphia, PA 19104
Tel: 215-573-4780 (office)
215-746-5137 (Lab)
Fax: 215-573-7627
Email: linzhang@mail.med.upenn.edu



Florida State University ポスドク募集

現在、私が所属している研究室のボス、Dr. Dengが以下のような内容でポスドクを募集しております。
興味のある方はDr. Dengの方に直接メールでお問い合わせ下さい。

Postdoctoral Position
Department of Biological Science, Florida State University

Qualifications: A high degree of interest and motivation toward applying genetic, biochemical and molecular methods to investigate molecular mechanisms underlying cell cycle regulation, cell proliferation/differentiation/development, and chromosome dynamics. Candidates should have a Ph.D. or M.D. degree. Prior experience in Drosophila is helpful but not necessary.
This person will participate in genetic, molecular and biochemical studies of genes involved in development of Drosophila. Our research program focuses on: (1) the role of cell-cell communication and signal transduction pathways (including the newly identified Hippo pathway) in oocyte polarity formation and axis specification. (2) Notch signaling and regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation. We also have an ongoing mosaic screen to identify novel components in regulating key biological processes during oogenesis.

Sun J, Deng WM. Hindsight mediates the role of notch in suppressing hedgehog signaling and cell proliferation. Dev Cell. 2007 Mar;12(3):431-42.
Poulton JS., Deng W.M. 2006. Dystroglycan down-regulation links EGF receptor signaling and anterior-posterior polarity formation in the Drosophila oocyte. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Aug 22;103(34): Epub 2006 Aug 14 12775-80.

If you are interested in the position, please send resume and names of references to:

Wu-Min Deng, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Science
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4370
Tel: 850-645-1501
Fax: 850-644-0481
email: wumin@bio.fsu.edu

The Department of Biological Science at FSU is a large, interdisciplinary department with programs in Neuroscience, Molecular Biophysics, Computational Science and Information Technology and supports DNA, Imaging, and Hybridoma core facilities. FSU is an EEAO/AA.



The University of Oklahoma Postdoc募集

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, The University of Oklahoma, USA

Postdoctoral Positions available:

Applications are being sought for several postdoctoral positions at the laboratory of Dr. Chuanbin Mao at the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Oklahoma (OU), USA. The positions will remain open until filled. Our research is multi-disciplinary, bringing together materials science, chemistry, biochemistry, biology and medicine, and focuses on the interface between physical science, life science and nanotechnology. Ongoing research projects include peptide display, cell & tissue culture, biomaterials, nanomaterials, biomimetics, gene transfer, tissue engineering, biomolecular motors and nanomachines. The candidate should have a Ph.D. (or expect to graduate soon) in chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, materials science, or related disciplines. The successful candidate will have an opportunity to work in a multi-disciplinary environment and build a strong publication record. Applicants are en!
couraged to e-mail their CVs to Dr. Mao at cbmao@ou.edu. Our newly established lab is equipped with modern facilities such as chemical synthesis, protein expression and purification, cell & tissue culture, molecular cloning, and microscopy imaging. The salary will be commensurate with the experience. Please visit our research group website for some examples of our research: http://chem.ou.edu/Details/Personel/Faculty/Chuanbin-Mao.html

Posted by Chuanbin Mao (cbmao@ou.edu)


The Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Biomedicine Postdoc募集

The Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Biomedicine has several openings for Postdoctoral Research Scientists in the Department Tissue Morphogenesis (Director Prof. Ralf H. Adams)

Blood vessels play essential roles in vertebrate organisms and are also directly involved in a range of disease conditions such as cancer. We are studying the signaling processes controlling the angiogenic growth of the vasculature, the interactions between the different cell types forming the vessel wall and the communication between blood vessels and the surrounding tissues. Technical approaches include genetic studies in mouse or zebrafish, confocal and time-lapse microscopy, immunohistochemistry, cell/tissue culture, biochemistry, molecular biology and bioinformatics.

The Max-Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine (http://www.mpi-muenster.mpg.de/indexe.shtm) offers an excellent research environment with strong local links to the Center for Molecular Biology of Inflammation (http://zmbe.uni-muenster.de/center/centerindex.htm) and the University of Muenster (http://www.uni-muenster.de/en/index.html). Service facilities for Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting, electron microscopy, research animal unit and the production of genetically modified mice provide core support.

We invite applications by enthusiastic, committed and talented prospective postdoctoral fellows who wish to join our new department. Postdoctoral fellowships are fix-term appointments for initially two or three years with the possibility of extension. The institute offers a very international environment so that knowledge in the German language is not essential.

The Max-Planck-Society is committed to employing more handicapped individuals and especially encourages them to apply.
Please send your application and CV preferentially in English and the names of 2-3 referees via email to:


or to:

Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine
Roentgenstrasse 20
48149 Muenster

Posted by Ralf Adams (ralf.adams@cancer.org.uk)


University of Nebraska Medical Centre Postdoc募集

Position is available immediately on NIH-funded project at the level of Postdoctoral fellow. Successful candidate will use gene-targeting technology, microarray and Chip assay analysis to address important questions in regulation of cell survival facing various environmental stresses. Projects include analysis of gene regulation and identification of factors that regulate cell survival. Candidate must have Ph.D. or equivalent degree and have a background in molecular and cellular biology. Additional experience in one or more of the following areas is preferred: protein chemistry/ protein-protein interaction(s), cell culture and gene transcription. Interested candidates should send curriculum vitae and name of three references to Dhirendra P. Singh, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Rm# 4051, 4056 and 4058, University of Nebraska Medical Centre, 985840 Nebraska Medical Centre, Omaha, NE 68198-5840. Tele: 402-559-8805, Fax: 402-559-8808, EMAIL; dpsingh@unmc.edu
Affirmative Action / Equal Employment Opportunity

Kubo E, Singh DP, Akagi Y. Gene expression profiling of early Diabetic and galactosemic cataractous rat lens by microarray analysis. Diabetologia, 2005;48:790-798
Fatma N, Kubo E, Sharma P, Beier DR, Singh DP. Impaired homeostasis and phenotypic abnormalities in Prdx6-/- mice lens epithelial cells by reactive oxygen species: increased expression and activation of TGFbeta. Cell Death and Differentiation. 2005; 12: 734-750
Takamura Y, Fatma N, Kubo E, Singh DP. Regulation of heavy subunit chain of &gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase by tumor necrosis factor-alpha; in lens epithelial cells: role of LEDGF/75. Am J Physiol.-Cell Physiol. 2006; 290: C554-566
Singh D.P, Kubo E, Takamura Y, Shinohara T, Chylack LT,Jr., Fatma N. DNA-binding domains of LEDGF; Contribution of two helix-turn-helix (HTH)-like domains and a stretch of 58 amino acids of N-terminal to the transactivation potential of LEDGF. J. Mol. Biol. 2006;355:379- 394

Posted by Dhirendra P. Singh, Ph.D (dpsingh@unmc.edu)

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