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University of Nebraska Medical Center Postdoc募集

Post-doctoral Fellow Positions Available (8/2007):

Postdoctoral fellow positions are available immediately for studying signal transduction pathways involved in prostate carcinogenesis. We study the molecular mechanism underlying prostate cancer (PCa) progression and metastasis regulated by androgens via non-genomic signaling pathways. Our lab research currently focuses on investigating the pathophysiology of the advanced hormone-refractory PCa because novel modalities for treating a disease at that stage are urgently needed.

The projects require molecular and cellular biology techniques and the experiments will also be involved in small animals. It is expected that the person is willing and be able to be participating to animal experiments. Thus, although it is not required, it is preferable the person having some experience in animal experiments. The positions are available immediately and the starting date is negotiable. The starting salary, which is based on the experience and is adjusted according to the cost of living at Omaha in Nebraska, is negotiable.

Some of our research interests are described briefly here and the details can be found at http://www.unmc.edu/dept/biochemistry/index.cfm?conref=12

1) To investigate the molecular mechanism by which human PCa cells can grow in the androgen-reduced environment. Based on studies examining the functional role of the cellular form of prostatic acid phosphatase (cPAcP), our lab has discovered how cPAcP is involved in regulating androgen-stimulated cell proliferation. We can restore androgen-sensitivity in androgen-independent PCa cells by the expression of cPAcP. We also found that this enzyme directly suppresses prostate tumor growth in xenografted animals, indicating its potential as a tumor suppressor. These findings could lead to the development of new strategies to control prostate carcinogenesis and new treatments for PCa.
Recent results from our lab further reveal that redox signaling plays a critical role in mediating androgen action on cell proliferation. This discovery may provide with a mechanistic explanation to clinical observations in the elevated expression of redox enzymes in prostate tumors. The cross-talk between androgens and redox signaling is currently under investigations.

2) To improve the treatment for advanced PCa patients. Dr. Lin’s lab is investigating novel strategies, including new applications of drugs, pro-drug development and nanomedicine approach. For example, we previously discovered that mifepristone, i.e., RU486, can suppress hormone-refractory PCa growth in xenograft animals. Anecdotal clinical results were observed and clinical trials are going on now.
Currently, we hypothesizes that a combinational treatment of androgen-independent PCa cells with chemotherapeutic reagents plus inhibitors to tyrosine phosphorylation pathway has an enhanced effect on inducing apoptosis of those cells. Other avenues including testing new compounds are also in progress. Our lab has also developed novel reagents for expressing genes specifically in PCa cells for gene therapy. These reagents can be used potentially to formulate a specific, effective gene therapy protocol.

3) To identify new markers/targets for developing novel therapies. In advanced prostate carcinomas, neuroendocrine (NE) cells, the third cell population in normal prostate, rise. It is proposed that NE cells secret stimulating factors, which in turn promote the growth of PCa cells under androgen-reduced environment. We have established NE cell lines derived from PCa cells in culture. These US patent-awarded NE cells will be useful for developing novel strategies of treating advanced hormone-refractory PCa patients.
To identify new markers for diagnosis and novel targets for therapy, our lab utilizes the DNA microarray technology and proteomic approaches. Currently, we are characterizing those newly identified molecules serving as key biomarkers in cancer diagnosis as well as prognosis and/or as novel targets for treatments.

We have very collaborative team members and are very productive in prostate cancer research. We are sincerely looking for team players to join our research efforts of conquering prostate cancer. Interested candidates please, including up-dated CV, contact
Ming-Fong Lin, Ph.D.
Professor and Vice-Chair, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Professor, Eppley Institute for Cancer Research
Contact address:
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Nebraska Medical Center
985870 Nebraska Medical center
Omaha, NE 68198-5870
E-mail: mlin@unmc.edu
Web: http://www.unmc.edu/dept/biochemistry/index.cfm?conref=12

Posted by Ming-Fong Lin, Ph.D. (mlin@unmc.edu)

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